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Iron Age (Vedic era) Pakistanis were nothing like modern Indians

This is very relevant to modern regional geopolitics.

India believes they are the origin of “native” Vedic culture and Islam is foreign and invasive. This kind of thinking is the primary motivator for violence against Muslims in subcontinent, and their occupation in Kashmir.

But hard science and genetics is proving the Vedic people of Pakistan were very genetically distant to modern Indians and that the foreign Vedic culture was brought to the Ganges by force, through killing, raping and enslavement (caste system) of local natives. It was as foreign as Islam, but extremely brutal and consequently left a bigger cultural imprint than any later invasion by other foreign culture.

Depends. People in Karachi are very similar to Northern Indians.
As a karachiite, I am offended by the last sentence. 😂
Not only Iron Age Pakistanis, but the modern day Pakistanis too are very much different from Indians.
I always though we Assamese had s lot of east Asian heritage and genetically differ from the FAR FAR SUPERIOR Pakistani & North Indian genes. Surprised to see close to 50% AASI and ~40% Iranic & Steppe influences. I will have to go for the DNA ancestry test after all. Can someone suggest which is best suitable for us South Asians??

I always though we Assamese had s lot of east Asian heritage and genetically differ from the FAR FAR SUPERIOR Pakistani & North Indian genes. Surprised to see close to 50% AASI and ~40% Iranic & Steppe influences. I will have to go for the DNA ancestry test after all. Can someone suggest which is best suitable for us South Asians??

Assamese are a varied lot. I have seen some resemble Bangladeshis, some like typical Bengali Bhadralok, some like NE Indians and some like North Indians.

And ditch the idea of DNA test. It is the most absurd thing.
He is from naronwal dude and from a subclan of kokhars, most kokhars and the subclan of katal Rajputs are Muslim but minority are Hindus who went to India during partition

So calm down friend with the name calling

although I agree he shouldn't say "Indian" or Indian heritage, that's a nation state
he or someone from that background can identify with the wider Muslim clansmen if they want, no issues with that
Muslim kokhars have a beautiful history considering the kinda crap our region went through, killed Ghori after the clansmen were enslaved, 5 Muslim kokhar rulers have ruled Punjab and Delhi, so there's no issue if someone wants to be proud of the clansmen or larger cultural heritage, beautiful to see but yeah putting it all under Indian category is off-putting, that's not something I am cool with

I disagree with whole numbers BS, I hate it in fact but I also am not cool with calling everyone in ancient times Indian- that's a nation-state

He or people from that background have shared roots with ours forefathers which we all love, care and respect, but India is a nation-state and to use that root connection to somehow put us under the historical/ cultural hegemony of a modern nation-state is BS, especially a country with ill intentions towards our people, double whammy
this part is not acceptable
the double standards get me every time - if you think you are the same, that's what most Indian nationalists at least claim
why tf would you celebrate our plane crashes, dehumanize us, and casually talk of hurting our people in a brutal manner

this thinking I can't get, - on one hand you say you are blood or one people but on the other hand, we are dehumanized in conversations amongst themselves

wtf kinda logic is it? :lol: makes no sense pick a side or a POV and stick with it instead of this shady hypocrisy-

that's why I see right through this façade as a grandiose nationalist agenda and nothing more, and because Pakistani people see right through the hypocrisy they rightfully react the way they do
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the double standards get me every time - if you think you are the same, that's what most Indian nationalists at least claim
why tf would you celebrate our plane crashes, dehumanize us, and casually talk of hurting our people in a brutal manner

this thinking I can't get, - on one hand you say you are blood or one people but on the other hand, we are dehumanized in conversations amongst themselves

wtf kinda logic is it? :lol:

Baaji, aap to serious ho gaye.
I always though we Assamese had s lot of east Asian heritage and genetically differ from the FAR FAR SUPERIOR Pakistani & North Indian genes. Surprised to see close to 50% AASI and ~40% Iranic & Steppe influences. I will have to go for the DNA ancestry test after all. Can someone suggest which is best suitable for us South Asians??

I would recommend 23andme.

Think of it this way. We've provided genetic evidence that we are different from you. YOU and several other SEETHING poopeshes have rejected that and argued that we are all still the same based on physical appearance. The onus is on YOU to post a picture of your poop-colored face to back up your claim. No one else needs to do anything.
Lol, a Punjabi musalman claiming to be genetically different 🤣
If you're pashtun then I would have still given you some attention but you're just making a fool out of yourself.
I'm also a Punjabi Rajput, and your people had the same ancestors as mine. There are many people in pakistan with the same surname as mine. But they're just too ashamed to admit that they're descendants of hindus. They live in their fantasy la la land where according to them their forefathers came from turkey.
And ditch the idea of DNA test. It is the most absurd thing.

No it isn't absurd.

Apart from interesting information about your ancestry, they also provide traits and health reports. Traits is fun but useless, health report can be useful to know.
No it isn't absurd.

It is absurd in the sense that it does not leave you any wiser in a useful sort of way. He will probably learn that he has sprinkling of Papua New Guinean, Icelandic or Sumerian DNA, but what will he do with that information? Almost everyone who gets DNA testing done is faced with some surprising results, but mostly it is confirmation of what you already know. Moreover, it is not the results themselves, but the need to know it.

Apart from interesting information about your ancestry, they also provide traits and health reports. Traits is fun but useless, health report can be useful to know.

I am not against genetic studies per se. They are obviously useful in forensics and predicting health risk factors. Even for fun, I get it. As long as it only for fun, and not an attempt to resolve some deep rooted identity crisis
It is absurd in the sense that it does not leave you any wiser in a useful sort of way. He will probably learn that he has sprinkling of Papua New Guinean, Icelandic or Sumerian DNA, but what will he do with that information? Almost everyone who gets DNA testing done is faced with some surprising results, but mostly it is confirmation of what you already know. Moreover, it is not the results themselves, but the need to know it.

In general it (knowing one's ancestry) is not useful in the sense that you don't get anything tangible out of it. But then you don't get anything tangible out of watching a documentary on the origin of the Universe or pre-historic Earth. It's just fun information for the curious mind.

In our region it's very informative for misguided people. Like people who think Bangladeshis, Indians and Pakistanis are genetically same. Wrong info can be used to justify wrong things, like occupying other people's lands.
Assamese are a varied lot. I have seen some resemble Bangladeshis, some like typical Bengali Bhadralok, some like NE Indians and some like North Indians.
The typical Bangaldeshi looking assamese are either illegal immigrants from BD or they're bengalis living in assam from generations. Most of them are in the lower assam region to the west of tezpur, immigrants have encroached on a lot of land in areas which have a border with BD. My maid was also from assam but her father had come from BD in the 90s
Most Pakistanis when speaking English sound gay and put on. Very cringe to my old school homophobic self. I've met a load of them. It's like they don't have English medium schools, learned it as a second tongue, and never got comfortable speaking it as Pakistanis. So it's overlayered with a weird paindu accent. Which is what they think firangs sound like.
Says the indian, you know how ironic you sound?

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