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Iraq to buy 12 JF-17 Thunder jets from Pakistan

Alll aside; making a JF-17 scramble and fire a missile for a shitty drone... is very much a loss financially.

A jet acquisition from a Muslim country (alongwith many other things) helps Iraq negate the perception that it is still occupied and reliant on occupier for its security. The primary reason, militias (to be specific iranian backed militias) still exist. Plus it opens a new relation for them to procure their arms needs. Pakistan should have been proactive to strengthen the bond, but somehow we are not (at least not publicly).

By the way, JF-17 already has an iranian drone kill to its credit.
Today's news. Copy-pasting here. (source video is also there but I cannot copy link, don't know why)
In an interview recorded yesterday, Iraq’s Defence Minister has confirmed his country’s deal of the purchase of combat aircraft from Pakistan. The Defence Minister of Iraq did not say which aircraft his country is buying from Pakistan, but while confirming the acquisition of aircraft from Pakistan he said that these will be used for “anti-drone” operations. He further said terrorist groups have evolved in the past few years and the drone threat has grown especially from ISIS and other militias in Iraq, and to counter this Iraq will be buying “anti-drone aircraft” from Pakistan. Also says “we are getting some aircraft now & further orders will be made in the future”. What the minister probably means is that his country is buying aircraft from Pakistan which can hunt down drones. Pakistan currently exports only three aircraft, of which only one is capable of “anti-drone” operations, i.e. air to air combat, which is the PAC JF-17 Thunder.
PSF reported last year that Iraq was finalising a deal to purchase PAC JF-17C Block III aircraft from Pakistan.
Today's news. Copy-pasting here. (source video is also there but I cannot copy link, don't know why)
In an interview recorded yesterday, Iraq’s Defence Minister has confirmed his country’s deal of the purchase of combat aircraft from Pakistan. The Defence Minister of Iraq did not say which aircraft his country is buying from Pakistan, but while confirming the acquisition of aircraft from Pakistan he said that these will be used for “anti-drone” operations. He further said terrorist groups have evolved in the past few years and the drone threat has grown especially from ISIS and other militias in Iraq, and to counter this Iraq will be buying “anti-drone aircraft” from Pakistan. Also says “we are getting some aircraft now & further orders will be made in the future”. What the minister probably means is that his country is buying aircraft from Pakistan which can hunt down drones. Pakistan currently exports only three aircraft, of which only one is capable of “anti-drone” operations, i.e. air to air combat, which is the PAC JF-17 Thunder.
PSF reported last year that Iraq was finalising a deal to purchase PAC JF-17C Block III aircraft from Pakistan.

So now it's confirmed. Otherwise super mushak (the armed version) is only for ground attack like anti tank etc.

Though K-8P also have PL-5 and PL-7 AAM but I don't think Iraq will be investing in it.
Iraq wont buy any JF-17s. they want a mix of F-16s and Rafale fighters and Bayraktar TB2s from turkey for the air force. and recently they signed a maintenance deal with USA and south Korea to support it's fleet of F-16s and T-50s.

JF-17s deal is only talks and rumors by media, no deal signing or payments were paid for the JF-17s, they didn't even go for modern mig-29s when Russia offered to sell it to them with cheap prices.

Modern Mig-29s have nothing "modern" in them. Radar / Avionics / EW of JF-17 Block III is far more appealing then Mig-29M/M2s
Good to see another customer for JF-17. We can have a potentially very big market for it. Countries like Iraq and Nigeria are not short of money. Start with initial orders, and then inshaAllah build up. Hopefully Malaysia and Azerbaijan will join them too.
Good to see another customer for JF-17. We can have a potentially very big market for it. Countries like Iraq and Nigeria are not short of money. Start with initial orders, and then inshaAllah build up. Hopefully Malaysia and Azerbaijan will join them too.
Malaysia is not having JF-17 blk III content for its LIFT program. Still, not short of buyers from Azerbaijan, Argentina and Qatar.
Pretty sure we got guys in Saudi

They are on training deputation.

Good to see another customer for JF-17. We can have a potentially very big market for it. Countries like Iraq and Nigeria are not short of money. Start with initial orders, and then inshaAllah build up. Hopefully Malaysia and Azerbaijan will join them too.

dissect this rationally,
The present Iraqi government is placed there by whom ?
and the people who support and protect that government do it to ensure all revenue flows back to their own respective countries.

So, a deal like this is highly unlikely.

However wait a few weeks, and india will be offering a samosa with cow decals ...
A jet acquisition from a Muslim country (alongwith many other things) helps Iraq negate the perception that it is still occupied and reliant on occupier for its security. The primary reason, militias (to be specific iranian backed militias) still exist. Plus it opens a new relation for them to procure their arms needs. Pakistan should have been proactive to strengthen the bond, but somehow we are not (at least not publicly).

By the way, JF-17 already has an iranian drone kill to its credit.
More than muslim country buying from USAs arch rival..China.
They are on training deputation.

dissect this rationally,
The present Iraqi government is placed there by whom ?
and the people who support and protect that government do it to ensure all revenue flows back to their own respective countries.

So, a deal like this is highly unlikely.

However wait a few weeks, and india will be offering a samosa with cow decals ...
It is pretty much confirmed. See this also:

Just a reminder that the starter of this thread @Imran Khan is being called anti-state on another thread on this forum. What a day!
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