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Iraq to buy 12 JF-17 Thunder jets from Pakistan

It is pretty much confirmed. See this also:

Just a reminder that the starter of this thread @Imran Khan is being called anti-state on another thread on this forum. What a day!
Dont worry, they will still be plenty of slayers trying to come in and deny the deal with all king of delusion.

Unless the nine dash line issue is resolved, I highly doubt.
RMAF deal is already out, replace by Hongdu L-15 LIFT. As for Malaysia buying Chinese arms, not to worry too much.

It is pretty much confirmed. See this also:

Just a reminder that the starter of this thread @Imran Khan is being called anti-state on another thread on this forum. What a day!
fanatics are same everywhere, they wil label you anti state in india, pakistan, iran, usa everywhere....................

We signed a contract with a Pakistani company to purchase aircraft capable of facing the marches.
Iraqi Defense Minister Jumaa Inad in a #private_interview with Al-Arabiya.
With the limited knowledge I have of Arabic I understood the following from his interview:
Iraq understands the importance of drone in Modren warfare as it continues to evolve very fast,Later give example of ISIS that initially they didn't had any drone that could pose a threat but today the have more capable drones that could drop small(cluster bomb like)(he used Rumaan to describe it,As we say Anar in Urdu)ammunition that have hit their targets successfully.
Later discusses evolution of turkish UVAC and their use in Libya etc. He's also says subject of use of Drone is a advanced and modern concept and the world is focusing on Anti- systems to counter them.

Now to the juicy part he say if one country makes one kind of weapon and another country makes something to counter it,in that regard we had made a deal with a Pakistani firm to acquire a plane capable of intercepting them that is underway and then Said for now it's in ( عدد محدد) meaning limited number but inshallah we'll expand it forward so we can effectively counter this development.

So prospects of Iraq operating a big number of j17s is pretty high and keep in mind jf17 isn't going to be the only thing.They might buy ground based anti drone system aswell from the likes of China, Pakistan can market it Anza series of Manpads with it although not as cost effective still worth it.
You will be slapping your face soon with such reply. Buying JF-17 is more of an insurance and diversify the weapon source. Christian western weapon are highly politicalized and with many strings. Russia Mig-29 are too maintenance extensive.

That makes JF-17 ideal to build up r/s with China, Pakistan while maintenance several leverage against Western in case of blackmail.

Iraq armed forces has extensive usage of CH-4 UCAV against daesh and a big reason why they managed to defeat and drive away the ISIS from Mosul. They have good experience with Chinese weapon.

what you don't know is that Iraq put all CH-4 UCAVs in storage because iraq lost some of them in crashes and most of them are non operational and lack of maintenance and spare parts, Iraq don't want to use them anymore and is replacing them with the Satellite communications capable Bayraktar TB2S.

Modern Mig-29s have nothing "modern" in them. Radar / Avionics / EW of JF-17 Block III is far more appealing then Mig-29M/M2s

True, I agree with you on that, but still Iraq want a mix of western fighters onlyin it's airforce, F-16s and Rafales.
what you don't know is that Iraq put all CH-4 UCAVs in storage because iraq lost some of them in crashes and most of them are non operational and lack of maintenance and spare parts, Iraq don't want to use them anymore and is replacing them with the Satellite communications capable Bayraktar TB2S.
TB2S are rumour only. Your F-16 is also in storage and non operational. So by your theory, all F-16 is junk? The CH-4 are mostly inoperational got to do with Iraqi armed forces incompetent in maintenance, nothing to do with Chinese tech. Algeria even recently signed a big deal of buying Chinese drone.
If Iraq wants to use jf17 against Iranian drones then we are really doomed and about to go bankrupt.

Very illogical, F16s can be used against drones.

JF17 is a bad idea for Iraq given our neighbors.
The statements of the Iraqi Minister of Defense Jumaa Inad about the deal of the JF17 Block ll fighters, at the end of the interview, explains the purpose of the fighters is to confront the drones, then addresses the increase in the number later..



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JF-17 would be much more cost effective than F-16. But surely there ought to be a better solution than sending out 4+ gen combat aircraft to bring the drones down with missiles.

Regardless of the above, JF-17 would provide Iraq with a solid defensive capability against all but F-35 in the region.

The recent up-tick in Iranian-backed terrorism in Pakistan seems to be linked with this deal. I know its a hunch, but dots do connect. Pakistan has shown great restraint towards Iran but I think Iranian mullahs vastly over-estimate themselves. Pakistan has effectively countered India & I do not see any particularly worrisome display of bravado from the East. Iranians have over-played their hand and would find themselves ruing the day they decided to allow their lands to be used to support terrorism against Pakistan. I was a great admirer of policy of restraint & I was glad that Pakistan's parliament decided to stay away from the Yemen quagmire. Pakistan also did nothing about Syrian dictatorship crushing its people with help of Iran. Pakistan can effortlessly turn the heat on as Iran watches.

Weapon exports allow for more diplomatic options & non-violent interventions.
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JF-17 would be much more cost effective than F-16. But surely there ought to be a better solution than sending out 4+ gen combat aircraft to bring them down with missiles.

Regardless of the above, JF-17 would provide Iraq with a solid defensive capability against all but F-35 in the region.

The recent up-tick in Iranian-backed terrorism in Pakistan seems to be linked with this deal. I know its a hunch, but dots do connect. Pakistan has shown great restraint towards Iran but I think Iranian mullahs vastly over-estimate themselves. Pakistan has effectively countered India & I do not see any particularly worrisome display of bravado from the East. Iranians have over-played their hand and would find themselves ruing the day they decided to allow their lands to be used to support terrorism against Pakistan. I was a great admirer of policy of restraint & I was glad that Pakistan's parliament decided to stay away from the Yemen quagmire. Pakistan also did nothing about Syrian dictatorship crushing its people with help of Iran. Pakistan can effortlessly turn the heat on as Iran watches.

Weapon exports allow for more diplomatic options & non-violent interventions.
But Iraq government share close contact with Iran mullah since both share the same shia sect. Maybe it's the other way round. Iran ask Iraq to get some close up of JF-17 Blk III to know future foe weapon better.
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But Iraq government share close contact with Iran mullah since both share the same shia sect. Maybe it's the other way round. Iran ask Iraq to get some close up of JF-17 Blk III to know future foe weapon better.
Its not quite that black-and-white. Sects only go so far. For example I see Pakistani Shias squarely supporting own country rather than Iran, which paints itself as a Shia power. There is Arab nationalism, Iraqi nationalism, & other regional factors at play. Though I am not a keen watcher of Middle East politics, I do know that resentment against Iran has grown in Iraq. So, its not quite as simple as just a sectarian angle.

In any case, JF-17 is not meant to be a high-end secretive program. Export is a part of the program & I see no reason for worry since Pakistan can place reasonable safe-guards that other countries also do in respect to their weapons export programs.
TB2S are rumour only. Your F-16 is also in storage and non operational. So by your theory, all F-16 is junk? The CH-4 are mostly inoperational got to do with Iraqi armed forces incompetent in maintenance, nothing to do with Chinese tech. Algeria even recently signed a big deal of buying Chinese drone.

you need to update your information my friend, Iraqi F-16s are operational and bombing ISIS, they were grounded due to lack of spare parts and maintenance before but now all is good and they're back to action.

TB2S are not rumors because Iraq allocated 100 million dollars to buy them, how much did Iraq allocate for JF-17s by the way? zero.

Iraqi Chinese CH-4s suffered from crashes, lack of spare parts and maintenance, that's why they're not operational and in storages, Iraqis think getting them airworthy again is a waste of time and money because turkey offered to sell them advanced TB2S which Iraqis think they're more advanced than the CH-4 UCAVs. furthermore if what you said is true about Iraqis incompetents in maintenance, don't forget that they were trained and supervised by Chinese advisors. ( no disrespect here ).

as for Algeria, they keep buying drones from all over the globe and not only from china to diversity there fleet of drones.

The statements of the Iraqi Minister of Defense Jumaa Inad about the deal of the JF17 Block ll fighters, at the end of the interview, explains the purpose of the fighters is to confront the drones, then addresses the increase in the number later..


BTW, it's a photoshoped JF-17 with Egyptian markings not Iraqi.
you need to update your information my friend, Iraqi F-16s are operational and bombing ISIS, they were grounded due to lack of spare parts and maintenance before but now all is good and they're back to action.

TB2S are not rumors because Iraq allocated 100 million dollars to buy them, how much did Iraq allocate for JF-17s by the way? zero.

Iraqi Chinese CH-4s suffered from crashes, lack of spare parts and maintenance, that's why they're not operational and in storages, Iraqis think getting them airworthy again is a waste of time and money because turkey offered to sell them advanced TB2S which Iraqis think they're more advanced than the CH-4 UCAVs. furthermore if what you said is true about Iraqis incompetents in maintenance, don't forget that they were trained and supervised by Chinese advisors. ( no disrespect here ).
Your minister already mention Jf-17 will be bought and it's not me who say that.

Algeria, Saudi, UAE , Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Serbia are all using Chinese drone and yet we don't see much problem as u mention. Don't blame Chinese when it's your armed forces incompetency. We all know the massive corruption of Iraq armed forces.
Your minister already mention Jf-17 will be bought and it's not me who say that.

Algeria, Saudi, UAE , Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Serbia are all using Chinese drone and yet we don't see much problem as u mention. Don't blame Chinese when it's your armed forces incompetency. We all know the massive corruption of Iraq armed forces.

Go to the Iraqi military thread in the Arab section, find there the same defense minister mentioning Iraq is buying TB2, Rafale, French long-range radars and long-range SAM missiles.

Nothing is confirmed, till it shows up.
But Iraq government share close contact with Iran mullah since both share the same shia sect. Maybe it's the other way round. Iran ask Iraq to get some close up of JF-17 Blk III to know future foe weapon better.

Let me explain what is even greater factor than the same sect. Iraqis are ARABS, and Iranians are Persians. And no matter what, ARABS have and always will consider themselves DIFFERENT species to Persians. PAN-ARABISM is embedded in History.
Let me explain what is even greater factor than the same sect. Iraqis are ARABS, and Iranians are Persians. And no matter what, ARABS have and always will consider themselves DIFFERENT species to Persians. PAN-ARABISM is embedded in History.
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