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Iran’s Parliament approves outlines of strategic action plan to counter sanctions

The whole idea that the West will loosen sanctions on Iran is wrong and shortsighted.

The signing of the JCPOA did give Iran more economic opening relative to the sanctions it was under. They will loosen the secondary sanctions, but not entirely remove them. There are multiple factors that feed into Iran not realising the full potential of sanctions relief. 1) Internal mismanagement and Fesaad. 2) Outsiders being afraid to invest in Iran in fear what will happen after a new US administration come into power 3) Iran not focusing on banking/fifance sanctions in their negotiations. This was botched procedure on Iran's part. Thus the issue is not just the sanctions themselves, but other factors too.

Like I said, these next 4 years will determine whether the JCPOA lives and if such negotiations are worth the time. It is quite simple, if Biden cannot deliver on the sort of relief Iran is after then it's all over. At the same time, the reformists will take a nail on the coffin. My personal view is that these reformists are dangerous for Iran in the long term and that as time goes by, there will be less patience for them in the Iranian power structure. But that's a topic for another time.
The signing of the JCPOA did give Iran more economic opening relative to the sanctions it was under. They will loosen the secondary sanctions, but not entirely remove them. There are multiple factors that feed into Iran not realising the full potential of sanctions relief. 1) Internal mismanagement and Fesaad. 2) Outsiders being afraid to invest in Iran in fear what will happen after a new US administration come into power 3) Iran not focusing on banking/fifance sanctions in their negotiations. This was botched procedure on Iran's part. Thus the issue is not just the sanctions themselves, but other factors too.

Like I said, these next 4 years will determine whether the JCPOA lives and if such negotiations are worth the time. It is quite simple, if Biden cannot deliver on the sort of relief Iran is after then it's all over. At the same time, the reformists will take a nail on the coffin. My personal view is that these reformists are dangerous for Iran in the long term and that as time goes by, there will be less patience for them in the Iranian power structure. But that's a topic for another time.
The initial temporary reduction in sanctions was to motivate Iran to finish all its obligations under the JCPOA. Let's not forget that once Iran finished its commitments under the JCPOA, Iran gained nothing from the deal after that point.
Iran's supreme leader is playing a balancing role between the principalists and the reformists, this may give a perception of passivity. He gave the the reformists leeway to get sanctions relief via the JCPOA, whilst it was not 100% successful, it was not really a failure until Trump came along. Now that Biden is coming and it seem JCPOA will be given life, I expect the supreme leader to allow that in order to breath some life into Iranian economy. The real test for the JCPOA is in the next 4 years, not the previous 4 years.
What kind of a idiot will hope on a agreement that can easily be cancelled by the next republican president again?
The initial temporary reduction in sanctions was to motivate Iran to finish all its obligations under the JCPOA. Let's not forget that once Iran finished its commitments under the JCPOA, Iran gained nothing from the deal after that point.

Your comment appears to insinuate that they did an initial reduction of sanctions and then reinstated it (during Obama). Remember, we only had a very short period between when Iran signed the deal and Trump came into office. During that short period of time during Obama's tenure, the "dead block" you saw was due to the reasons I outlined in my comment above. As soon as Trump came into office, he started to creep sanctions until he finally ripped the deal.

Iran's options now are simple, either get back in the deal and see what happens in the next four years, or follow the advise of these emotional teenager like mentalities and go nuclear and demand all sanctions to be lifted and Israel to disarm etc.
What kind of a idiot will hope on a agreement that can easily be cancelled by the next republican president again?

An idiot that realises 4-8 years of sanctions relief under democrats is better than where Iran is today in terms of its economy.

I hear people moaning, but no realistic solutions are being offered.
Your comment appears to insinuate that they did an initial reduction of sanctions and then reinstated it (during Obama). Remember, we only had a very short period between when Iran signed the deal and Trump came into office. During that short period of time during Obama's tenure, the "dead block" you saw was due to the reasons I outlined in my comment above. As soon as Trump came into office, he started to creep sanctions until he finally ripped the deal.

Iran's options now are simple, either get back in the deal and see what happens in the next four years, or follow the advise of these emotional teenager like mentalities and go nuclear and demand all sanctions to be lifted and Israel to disarm etc.
Well, that did happen. Didn't it?
Right after Iran finished its obligations, Obama issued an executive order that restricted any national eligible for a visa waiver to use the waiver if they had traveled to Iran in the last 5 years. Also, he let US sanctions on Iran get renewed and they said that the JCPOA asked the US not to impose "new" sanctions on Iran, renewing old sanctions was not part of the JCPOA. LOL

You're just fooling yourself in my opinion.
Well, that did happen. Didn't it?
Right after Iran finished its obligations, Obama issued an executive order that restricted any national eligible for a visa waiver to use the waiver if they had traveled to Iran in the last 5 years. Also, he let US sanctions on Iran get renewed and they said that the JCPOA asked the US not to impose "new" sanctions on Iran, renewing old sanctions was not part of the JCPOA. LOL

Those sanctions you're referring to had little to do with economical sanctions and were mostly against individuals. It is incorrect to think that are the same level of sanctions that were crippling Iranian economy. Like I said already, the economical dead-block Iran witnessed was due to the 3 points I mentioned earlier.

You're just fooling yourself in my opinion.

I am going by the fact on the ground, not making erroneous conclusions based on faulty assumptions.
This is bordering treason.

If we had to follow these mentalities, you'd be asking for Khamenei to be arrested given he was giving the green-light for a thing.
Iran's supreme leader is playing a balancing role between the principalists and the reformists, this may give a perception of passivity. He gave the the reformists leeway to get sanctions relief via the JCPOA, whilst it was not 100% successful, it was not really a failure until Trump came along. Now that Biden is coming and it seem JCPOA will be given life, I expect the supreme leader to allow that in order to breath some life into Iranian economy. The real test for the JCPOA is in the next 4 years, not the previous 4 years.
I think the test should not take longer than 5 months from when Biden becomes president (till half of 2021). Full sanction removal or Iran should leave NPT. The army should from now on be prepared for total war if enemy attacks us after this decision. As Zarif said, all the sanction can be removed by 3 executive orders by Biden. If they want to play, new president (Dehghan or Fereydoon Abbasi-Davani) should make it clear that Iran will leave NPT. No jcpoa+ or ++
Those sanctions you're referring to had little to do with economical sanctions and were mostly against individuals. It is incorrect to think that are the same level of sanctions that were crippling Iranian economy. Like I said already, the economical dead-block Iran witnessed was due to the 3 points I mentioned earlier.

I am going by the fact on the ground, not making erroneous conclusions based on faulty assumptions.
Nope, you're not going by the facts on the ground. I have seen you always claim things and pretend that they're facts to push your agenda, while in reality, in many cases, they're not.
The executive order against the Visa Waiver program specifically hit Iran's growing tourism industry at the time. You do realize that tourism is translated into income for the destination country. Right? Also, the sanctions that got renewed during the Obama administration (ISA) specifically targeted Iran's economy through secondary sanctions.
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Nope, you're not going by the facts on the ground. You always claim things and pretend that they're facts, while in reality, in many cases, they're not.
The sanctions against the Visa Waiver program specifically hit Iran's growing tourism industry at the time. Also, the sanctions that got renewed during the Obama administration (CAATSA) specifically targeted Iran's economy through secondary sanctions.

We're going in circles here. Like I explained to you, those sanctions were targeting individuals mostly, they were not on the same level as the sanctions that were causing a crushing effect on the Iranian economy. There is simply no comparison here. Do a basic check on Iran's economical status before the JCPOA and post JCPOA, not including when Trump ripped it.
We're going in circles here. Like I explained to you, those sanctions were targeting individuals mostly, they were not on the same level as the sanctions that were causing a crushing effect on the Iranian economy. There is simply no comparison here. Do a basic check on Iran's economical status before the JCPOA and post JCPOA, not including when Trump ripped it.
I agree with you that we're going in circles. I just proved to you that the sanctions did not target individuals, but targeted Iran's economy and you ignored it. So, let's agree to disagree. Peace.
I agree with you that we're going in circles. I just proved to you that the sanctions did not target individuals, but targeted Iran's economy and you ignored it. So, let's agree to disagree. Peace.

My statement was, they did not reinstate the same crushing, economical sanctions, you replied by showing some sporadic sanctions that targeted mostly individuals, even if we assume that in some way effected Iran's economy, do you really believe that had any major effect? You missed the point of my comment. I was explaining to you why Iran did not reap the full benefits.
My statement was, they did not reinstate the same crushing, economical sanctions, you replied by showing some sporadic sanctions that targeted mostly individuals, even if we assume that in some way effected Iran's economy, do you really believe that had any major effect? You missed the point of my comment. I was explaining to you why Iran did not reap the full benefits.
I let you decide on your own:
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If we had to follow these mentalities, you'd be asking for Khamenei to be arrested given he was giving the green-light for a thing.
Khamenei gave the green light for the first JCPOA and we all saw what happened. So it is treason to go back in the JCPOA and ''see what happens'' for the next 4 years.
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