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Iran’s Parliament approves outlines of strategic action plan to counter sanctions

And yet that's our only option. Our other option is to give up what we have achieved, return to where we were in 2003, and still everything you said will continue to remain intact against us.

And we can build that kind of power projection when we have nuclear impunity. One of the reasons that we have allies in the region today is our ballistic missiles. Gaining access to nuclear technology and other technologies will find us new allies in the world.

The only thing we can achieve from going nuclear is a "new JCPOA" that gives us sanctions relief in exchange for nuclear disarmament. And we are back to where we are now. If you think the sanctions are tough now. Just imagine what sanctions we will see if we go nuclear. We do not have the money to build that kind of power projection because of sanctions. That is the dilemma here.
The only thing we can achieve from going nuclear is a "new JCPOA" that gives us sanctions relief in exchange for nuclear disarmament. And we are back to where we are now. If you think the sanctions are tough now. Just imagine what sanctions we will see if we go nuclear. We do not have the money to build that kind of power projection because of sanctions. That is the dilemma here.
I completely disagree with you. They can't make the sanctions stronger than they are now. They have done their best to halt our major exports (oil, gas, aluminum, gasoline, petrochemicals, pistachio, etc.) and they have gone all the way to suffocate our ways for importing goods and cash to the country (to the point that in some countries Iranians living abroad are finding it hard to even open bank accounts).

They have run out of options for dealing with Iran through sanctions. All they could do now is either to keep the status quo until Iran succumbs under pressure (which isn't going to happen) or attack Iran militarily. They have no other option to exert more pressure on us.

And we do not need money to build that kind of power projection. In fact, that kind of power projection will be free for us and it will in fact turn into a new source of income for us. We can export our military and nuclear tech to countries that are of strategic importance, but cannot find what they need in the market. North Korea has earned billions of dollars through tech transfer to Iran.

Many countries in Latin America, Africa and South Asia can use our technologies and they can pay us back in many ways. That will effectively threaten the interests of Europe and the United States to the point that they will be left with no option but to recognize Iran's role in the region.
I completely disagree with you. They can't make the sanctions stronger than they are now. They have done their best to halt our major exports (oil, gas, aluminum, gasoline, petrochemicals, pistachio, etc.) and they have gone all the way to suffocate our ways for importing goods and cash to the country (to the point that in some countries Iranians living abroad are finding it hard to even open bank accounts).

They have run out of options for dealing with Iran through sanctions. All they could do now is either to keep the status quo until Iran succumbs under pressure (which isn't going to happen) or attack Iran militarily. They have no other option to exert more pressure on us.

And we do not need money to build that kind of power projection. In fact, that kind of power projection will be free for us and it will in fact turn into a new source of income for us. We can export our military and nuclear tech to countries that are of strategic importance, but cannot find what they need in the market. North Korea has earned billions of dollars through tech transfer to Iran.

Many countries in Latin America, Africa and South Asia can use our technologies and they can pay us back in many ways. That will effectively threaten the interests of Europe and the United States to the point that they will be left with no option but to recognize Iran's role in the region.
I hope I'm wrong and you're right on this one. But I think it's too unrealistic and too much wishful thinking.
I hope I'm wrong and you're right on this one. But I think it's too unrealistic and too much wishful thinking.
And yet it's the only way left for us that will not lead to a similar scenario like Iraq or Libya. And at least it makes sense on paper based on actual export/import numbers of the Iranian economy.
Iran is allowed to developed nuclear weapons

just look what US has done to countries in the Middle East

they have Iran surrounded and yet they say Iran is not allowed nuclear weapons

China already has invested in Iran and is countering the US sanctions

the tough times of the 1990s are gone
The country is full of infiltrators and conspirators. We are facing our most critical time since the revolution. This is not the time for chest thumping and blame games. Soleimani is gone, Khamenei is old. One small miscalculation, and there might not be an Iran left.

Sanctions have crippled our economy. You are talking as if we have the luxury of time and choice.
Do you guys really think they will lift the sanctions if we continue to increase our uranium stockpile? Lets face it, even if we were to test a nuke and an ICBM, they still wouldn't lift a single sanction. Its not like we are ISIS or Al-Qaida. Everyone knows we would never nuke anyone. Besides, they already called our bluff multiple times.
Better to be sanctioned with Nukes than being sanctioned without nukes. Sanctions is another field of problem which we have to solve with nationalism, creativity, resistance and faith.
The only thing we can achieve from going nuclear is a "new JCPOA" that gives us sanctions relief in exchange for nuclear disarmament. And we are back to where we are now. If you think the sanctions are tough now. Just imagine what sanctions we will see if we go nuclear. We do not have the money to build that kind of power projection because of sanctions. That is the dilemma here.
What do you mean? they have sanctioned everything except my aunties and uncles.
Better to be sanctioned with Nukes than being sanctioned without nukes. Sanctions is another field of problem which we have to solve with nationalism, creativity, resistance and faith.

Not really. It wont be hard for Americans and Israelis to convince the world that we are transfering nuclear weapons around the world.They can put a blockade around us, any shipment from Iran, any export can be considered as an attempt to transfer nuclear tech. I believe having nuclear weapons will serve our interests in the long run, but announcing it will not. Better build them in secret, and never announce it unless we have no other choice.
Not really. It wont be hard for Americans and Israelis to convince the world that we are transfering nuclear weapons around the world.They can put a blockade around us, any shipment from Iran, any export can be considered as an attempt to transfer nuclear tech. I believe having nuclear weapons will serve our interests in the long run, but announcing it will not. Better build them in secret, and never announce it unless we have no other choice.
I agree .keeping it an open secret will serve both purposes...what should not happen is to have sanctions on and no nukes...and as some one said sanction will always be part of iran economy as long as iran foreign policy is what it is...so better get used to it and try to neutralize them by things like 25 year cooperation with the new superpower China.
Not really. It wont be hard for Americans and Israelis to convince the world that we are transfering nuclear weapons around the world.They can put a blockade around us, any shipment from Iran, any export can be considered as an attempt to transfer nuclear tech. I believe having nuclear weapons will serve our interests in the long run, but announcing it will not. Better build them in secret, and never announce it unless we have no other choice.
If we hide it and they find out, they will tell the world Iran was playing us all the time, they had a hidden program. They will claim that they were right all the time about Iran building nuclear weapons. So if we're going to produce nuclear weapons, the first step we should make is: warning enemy that we will step out of NPT if we don't enjoy its benefits and making them responsible for the outcome (That's indirectly saying we'll build nukes, but it was not our goal, but we have to). Next step is testing ICBM nukes live on television and telling it's legal because Israel has it to and we're no longer restricted to NPT, since we never benefitted from NPT.
Other possible opstion is hiding it and not denying having nukes, but also not admitting.
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