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Iran's Infrastructure projects...

And finally Iran producing wealth from minerals .

  • $ 7 billion dollars in 7 months..(mostly steel and copper products)
  • 81 different types of minerals, including the world’s largest copper, zinc and iron reserves, Iran is one of the top 10 mineral-rich countries across the globe
  • The total reserves of Iran's mines are expected to reach more than 100 billion tons (currently at 60 billion tons)

Exports from mining sector up 105%

TEHRAN – Iran exported around $7 billion of mining products in the first seven months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-October 22), an increase of 105 percent year on year.
The exports amounted to 31 million tons in weight, showing a nine-percent rise compared to the same period last year, IRNA reported.

Steel chains and related products had the biggest share with 57.3 percent, equaling $4.045 billion of the total value of exports.

Copper products and other minerals were in the second and third places with $967.35 million and $471.8 million shares of the exports, respectively.

Meanwhile, 2.306 million tons of mining products worth $1.96 billion were imported during the mentioned seven months, indicating 11 percent and one percent rise in terms of value and weight, respectively.

Having 81 different types of minerals, including the world’s largest copper, zinc and iron reserves, Iran is one of the top 10 mineral-rich countries across the globe. In this regard, the Iranian government has been seriously pursuing several programs for promoting the mining sector as a major contributor to the country’s economic growth.

Iran's proven iron ore reserves are 2.7 billion tons (about 0.8 of the world's total reserves), while the country’s copper reserves are 2.6 billion tons (about 0.4 of the world's reserves). The country also has 11 million tons of zinc reserves (about four percent of the world’s total reserves).

The total proven reserves of Iran's mines are estimated at about 60 billion tons, which is expected to reach more than 100 billion tons with the implementation of the Industry, Mining, and Trade Ministry’s exploration programs over 500,000 square kilometers of new mineral zones.

Despite the country’s huge potential in this area, due to some issues like the lack of necessary machinery and equipment and the lack of access to financial resources and foreign investment because of the U.S. sanctions, the Iranian mining sector has been struggling to operate at its maximum capacity over the past few years.

So, the government programs for promoting this industry are mainly focused on relying on domestic sources for helping the mining sector overcome its current problems and hit its ideal targets.
Great to see,and Its about time too.
I think this is where sanctions have inadvertently aided iran,by giving it the incentive it needed to finally begin accessing much of the rest of its enormous mineral wealth,minerals that can not only be refined and then exported,but can also be used in the manufacture of more valuable products by irans local manufacturing economy,both for local iranian consumption and for wider export.
Iranian Budget for the coming year (proposed).
$864 billion dollars (assumes sanctions are on)

some highlights:
  • Crude oil sales is estimated at 1.2 million barrels per day at an average price of $60.​
  • The crude oil income is estimated at about $74 billion.​
  • Revenues from exporting oil, gas and gas condensate are estimated at about $91 billion(8.5% higher than last year)
  • Tax and customs incomes are predicted to be about $134 billion (Rising 73% from that of the last year’s budget.) This was a Raisi promise to increase tax based revenue.
  • 20% of oil, gas, and gas condensate revenues will go to National Development Fund (Iran's sovereign Fund).​
  • Defence Budget.....unknown​
Iranian Budget for the coming year (proposed).
$864 billion dollars (assumes sanctions are on)

some highlights:
  • Crude oil sales is estimated at 1.2 million barrels per day at an average price of $60.​
  • The crude oil income is estimated at about $74 billion.​
  • Revenues from exporting oil, gas and gas condensate are estimated at about $91 billion(8.5% higher than last year)
  • Tax and customs incomes are predicted to be about $134 billion (Rising 73% from that of the last year’s budget.) This was a Raisi promise to increase tax based revenue.
  • 20% of oil, gas, and gas condensate revenues will go to National Development Fund (Iran's sovereign Fund).​
  • Defence Budget.....unknown​

I think the defense budget increased alot relatively of course, many countries in the region are still spending alot alot more but relative to the past it's a bigger increase.
I think the defense budget increased alot relatively of course, many countries in the region are still spending alot alot more but relative to the past it's a bigger increase.
I did not see any defence budget in this proposal ...But I know Iran's defence budget in the last few years is something around $13 to $20 billion dollars...If Iran was a country that buys hardware from outside this figure will be small compared to neighbours. But Iran as you are aware develops and builds most of her hardware in-house..That will make Iranian defence budget something around $130 to $200 billion dollars relative to US $700 billion dollars (A factor of 10 generally works well comparing Iran vs US pricings..material and labour)...If Iran were to buy hardware outside of the country the $$$ has to come in other ways such as OIL Swap or from NDF funds or combination...I hope that will not be the case and Iran will stay with in-house development for ALL her needs.

$864 billion dollars annual budget is a very impressive budget. It indicates and confirms the $1 Trillion dollars Iranian GDP (nominal) that I posted few days ago in this thread.
.That will make CHINA"s defence budget something around $130 to $200 billion dollars relative to US $700 billion dollars
Lol, tried to fix it for you bro. Iran's defense budget, even in PPP terms, is not close to $200bn. Just no way really.
Lol, tried to fix it for you bro. Iran's defense budget, even in PPP terms, is not close to $200bn. Just no way really.
I think I did not make myself very clear...OK.. this is what I meant..
Imagine a military product which costs US tax payer one million dollars ..the same product built in Iran will cost 1/10 the price to produce as long as the labor and material is provided in Iran...so an Iranian defence budget of 20 billion dollars will produce the same products that US will produce at 200 billion.

Example: Iranian Kowsar jet fighter is estimated to cost around six (6) million dollars in Iran.

A US built jet fighter of similar capability if built today from scratch would be around 60 million dollars...
Hope that clarifies what I meant...all numbers are rough estimates of course.
The 4 million low cost housing project so big needs foreign builders.

Iran to pay Chinese, Turkish builders in crude, minerals
Saturday, 18 December 2021 7:07 PM [ Last Update: Saturday, 18 December 2021 7:07 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Iran will pay Chinese ad Turkish builders in crude, minerals if they become involved in housing projects.
Iran will pay builders from China and Turkey in crude or minerals rather than cash if they become involved in housing projects in the country, says a member of the country’s Supreme Housing Council.
Ahmad Donyamali said on Saturday that Iran is in talks with Chinese and Turkish construction companies to get them involved in a tiny segment of its massive project to build four million affordable houses in the country in the next four years.
However, Donyamali said that a main condition for working with those companies will be to avoid paying them in cash because of restrictions facing Iran in banking and crude export issues.
“In talks with foreign companies we are seriously discussing the oil barter mechanism and we have declared that the condition for partnership … is that we will not pay any cash,” the official was quoted as saying by semi-official ILNA news agency.

The comments are the latest to come from Iranian government officials about the need to use crude shipments to fund key projects or to pay for imports of basic goods into the country.

The oil barter mechanism has been highlighted as a major instrument to offset the impacts of American sanctions on Iran’s economy, especially since an administration came into office in August on promises that it will seek to neutralize the sanctions.

Donyamali said that Chinese or Turkish builders will have a small share of Iran’s affordable housing project, saying government’s policy will be to award around 90% of the contracts to Iranian companies despite their more expensive bids.

He said paying foreign builders in crude or minerals shipments was not yet final, saying main government departments have to reach a decision on the issue.

82% of Iranians living in villages with more than 20 households have now access to asphalt roads.

Asphalt roads available to 32,000 villages in Iran: Official
Thursday, 16 December 2021 6:28 PM [ Last Update: Thursday, 16 December 2021 6:28 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

An Iranian official says some 80% of the country’s rural population has access to asphalt roads.
Standard asphalt roads have reached a majority of Iranian villages, says an official, as the country moves to reduce the gap between urban and rural regions to prevent migration to large cities.
Khodadad Moghbeli, who heads rural roads department in the Iranian transportation ministry, said on Thursday that some 82% of Iranians living in villages with more than 20 households have now access to asphalt roads.
Moghbeli said that the coverage is below 70% in seven out of 31 provinces in Iran where villages are mostly scattered in remote mountainous areas.
Iran has nearly 55,000 villages of which around 39,000 are populated by more than 20 families. Latest government figures show that 26% of the country’s population of 85 million lives in the countryside.
Every dollar saved is important. Every man with a Job is even more important.
Railway fleet receives 526 domestically-made, renovated wagons
December 21, 2021 - 12:32

TEHRAN- Iranian railway fleet received 526 new domestically-made and renovated wagons worth 7.94 trillion rials (about $27.379 million) in a ceremony on Tuesday.
Of the mentioned 526 wagons, 500 were the new freight wagons worth 6.6 trillion rials (about $22.758 million), one was a new passenger wagon worth 160 billion rials (about $551,724), and 25 were renovated passenger wagons worth 1.18 trillion rials (about $4.068 million).
The ceremony to add these wagons to the railway fleet was attended by senior transport officials, including Transport and Urban Development Minister Rostam Qasemi, and Head of Islamic Republic of Iran Railways (known as RAI) Seyed Miad Salehi.
The development of the railway sector has been one of the macro policies of the Iranian government as it has been emphasized by the general policies of the country’s national development plans.
In this regard, the national railway fleet has constantly received new domestically-made locomotives and wagons in the past and current Iranian calendar years.
As the first stage of the program for the renovation of the country’s railway fleet in the current Iranian calendar year (started on March 21), 156 freight wagons, three locomotives including two renovated ones and a newly made one by MAPNA Group, as well as 10 renovated passenger wagons had joined the railway fleet in early July.
Advantages such as consuming less fuel and creating less pollution as well as high safety attaches priority to the railway when compared to some other transportation systems, and makes its development economically viable.
The country’s Sixth Five-Year National Development Plan (2016-2021) has envisaged that the railway will account for at least 30 percent of cargo transportation and 20 percent of passenger transportation in Iran.
I did not know Iran has natural Gas storage facility..great idea for peak demands in winter.

Gas storage at Shourijeh to be increased by 100% in 3 years

December 22, 2021 - 15:37

TEHRAN – The amount of gas storage at Shourijeh storage facility will be risen by 100 percent in the next three years, the managing director of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company announced.
Reza Noshadi said that the daily storage capacity of Shourijeh will rise to 40 million cubic meters (mcm) from 20 mcm.
As one of the world’s top gas producers, Iran has been following a plan to expand its underground natural gas storage capacity to ensure that enough natural gas is available during peak demand periods to avoid electricity supply shortfalls in the future.
According to the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC)’s plans, the capacity of the two storage facilities, Sarajeh and Shourijeh, is planned to increase to over seven billion cubic meters in near future.
Iranian Photovoltaic cell manufacturing plant.
Iran launches its first solar cell plant with 150 MW of capacity
Thursday, 23 December 2021 6:12 PM [ Last Update: Thursday, 23 December 2021 6:12 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Photo shows a view to equipment at Mana Energy Pak (MEP Cell), the first solar cell plant in Iran that was launched in the central city of Khomein on December 23, 2021.
A first solar cell factory has been launched in Iran amid government efforts to significantly increase the share of renewable in the country’s power mix.
Iran’s Energy Minister Ali Akbar Mehrabian opened the 150 megawatts (MW) factory in the central city of Khomein on Thursday as he pledged his full support for the solar industry in the country.
“We are committed in our support for the solar panels and the reneawbles and we are ready to offer all-out support to this industry,” said Mehrabian.
An administrative government in Iran that came to office in August has vowed to launch around 10,000 MW of new renewables capacity in the country within the next four years.
The figure will be a 10-fold increase on the current renewables capacity in Iran as the sector accounts for less than one percent of the total electricity generation capacity in the country.
Significant development with Russia:

Russian markets opening up to Iran products and the trade is done in local currencies...eg..Iranians can buy from Russia and pay in Rial..Russians can buy from Iran and pay in Rubles..

Iran’s exports to Russia exceed $1 billion for first time
Saturday, 25 December 2021 7:05 AM [ Last Update: Saturday, 25 December 2021 7:13 AM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

The national flags of Russia and Iran (from L)
An Iranian journalist and social media activist says the country’s exports to Russia have surpassed $1 billion for the first time.
In a post on his Twitter account on Friday, Abdolrahim Ansari said that it has become possible for Iran and Russia to use their domestic rial and ruble currencies in bilateral trade instead of the US dollar.
“A system has been created, in which an Iranian buyer in our country can purchase Russian-made goods in Iranian rial and a Russian buyer in Russia can buy Iranian goods in Russian ruble,” he added.
صادرات ایران به روسیه برای نخستین بار از مرز یک میلیارد دلار گذشت/ پرداخت با ارزهای ملی در ایران و روسیه ممکن شد.

سامانه ای ایجاد شده که خریدار ایرانی در کشورمان کالای ساخت روسیه را با "ریال" ایران میخرد و خریدار روس نیز در روسیه کالای ایرانی را با "روبل" روسیه خریداری مینماید.
— عبدالرحیم انصاری 🇮🇷 (@Ansarii_Rahim)
December 24, 2021
Iran and Russia, which are both under Western sanctions, have in recent years developed close ties in political, security, defense, economic and energy fields.
They are currently implementing joint projects in oil, gas, nuclear and railway sectors.
The two countries are also working to renew the long-term comprehensive cooperation agreement signed 20 years ago.
Iran promises good news on neutralizing sanctions, says 20-year cooperation agreement with Russia almost ready
Iran promises good news on neutralizing sanctions, says 20-year cooperation agreement with Russia almost ready
Tehran says a 20-year cooperation roadmap between Iran and Russia is at its final stage of development.

Iran’s Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali said recently that Tehran and Moscow are on the way to draw from a wider array of "opportunities and potential.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin has officially invited his Iranian counterpart, Ebrahim Raeisi, to visit Moscow in early 2022.
Iran’s GDP stands at $1tr despite economic war
  1. Politics
December 27, 2021 - 10:42

TEHRAN - The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has put the Islamic Republic of Iran’s GDP at 1 trillion dollars in the year 2021.
According to the IMF’s World Economic Outlook report released in October 2021, Iran is even ranked higher than regional countries such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey as two heavyweight economies, which are members of the G-20 group.
The statistics come as Iran has been under the heaviest illegal sanctions in history when Donald Trump officially withdrew the United States from the 2015 nuclear deal – JCPOA) – in May 2018 under his “maximum pressure” campaign against the Islamic Republic.
When Trump abandoned the JCPOA, his top hawkish diplomat Mike Pompeo said the U.S. will impose “the strongest sanctions in history” on Iran. Also in November 2018, John Bolton, who was the White House national security advisor at the time, said, “It’s our intention to squeeze them (Iranians) very hard… until the pips squeak.”
The Trump administration imposed as many sanctions as possible to the extent that his treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin announced that the U.S. is running out of options for more sanctions on Iran.
However, the data by the IMF proves that the illusions were wrong.
The chief reason may be that Iran has built an economy based on resistance with the least reliance on oil incomes. In other words, Iran has turned into a self-reliant economy with a primary focus on domestic capacities and knowledge-based companies.
Iran has gradually taken a departure from "addiction" to oil money to import goods. It mostly produces what it's needed, though with a lower quality. However, it has set the bedrock for continued economic development.
A professor of economy at Shahid Beheshti University says Iran has broken the record of the government of Mohammad Mosaddegh in running the country without oil income.
Iran has learned that it should move toward a generative economy. It has also realized that necessity is the mother of invention.
The figures by the IMF show that 1-trillion-dollar GDP in the current year happened despite the fact that Iran has been among the hardest-hit countries by the Covid-19 pandemic in the world. The disease, among many malaises, also brought Iran’s income from tourism to nearly zero.
Facing political and economic pressure from the West, the Islamic Republic has also sought to develop economic and trade ties with Eurasian Economic Union countries. It was also admitted as a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in September 2020. Through reliance on domestic capacities and developing ties with regional blocs, Iran has proven that the world is not just the West.
Iran overtaking Netherlands, Switzerland in the top 20 list
According to the report, Iran would be overtaking the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Switzerland in the top 20 list.
the United States and China would occupy the first two places in both methods' GDP ranking.
It also said China will remain the world's largest economy on a purchasing power parity (PPP) basis over the next few decades as 2nd ranked U.S. is growing slow and 3rd ranked India is way behind.
In the nominal GDP list, there would be no change in the top 10.
Among the top 50, the economic rank of South Africa would move up by eight positions, while Egypt would lose four places.
In the PPP ranking, there would be no change in the top 10 list. Other changes in the top 20 would be Taiwan overtaking Australia. Among the top 50, Ireland will climb three spots.
In the list of top 50, all economies will experience a positive growth rate in 2021. Ireland is the fastest-growing economy with 14.04%, followed by Chile (11.00%). Thailand has the lowest growth rate of 0.96%, followed by the United Arab Emirates (2.24%) and Japan (2.36%).

Here is the full list:
WOW, IRAN IS A BEAST, you all been know'd though.
Some Interesting figure to keep in mind. Despite almost complete blockade of Iranian trade with outside world by the US of A here are some facts on the ground regarding Iran's NON_OIL exports. Iranian economy is waking up to dominate the region.

Exports (non-oil) : $ 47 billion dollars..Total value of non-oil exports is expected to reach $47 billion by the end of the current calendar year (March 20, 2022).

Iran petrochemical exports expected to rise to $14bn by year end

December 29, 2021


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