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Iran's Infrastructure projects...

Do you think there will be a project in the future to route the gas further south to Jask, like with the petroleum?
It will make lots of sense to also have gas pipeline and processing plant to make LNG available to the ships to carry it to far away customers...I saw a future natural gas consumption chart and you have an exponential rise of consumption in the next 10 years due to far east demand..Great opportunity for iran exports.
Iran the 10th largest steel producer in the world.
Steel ...A very significant commodity for infrastructure development (I remember the days in 1960s that Iran's steel production was ZERO!!).
Iran steel output up nearly 10% y/y in Jan-July: Report
Wednesday, 25 August 2021 5:24 PM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 25 August 2021 5:24 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

A report citing WSA figures shows Iran’s steel output reached 17.8 million tons in the seven months to July.
Iran has recorded nearly 10% increase in its steel output in the seven months since the start of this year, according to a report citing figures by the World Steel Association (WSA).
The Wednesday report by Iran’s state-run metals conglomerate IMIDRO said that steel production in the country had reached a total of 17.8 million metric tons from the start of January to the end of July.
The report said the output shows a 9.9% increase compared to figures recorded in the similar seven months to July 2020.
Citing WSA data on the global steel output, the report said that Iran had kept its position as the 10th largest producer of steel in the world this year.
Global output rose by 12.4%$ year on year in July to a more than 1.165 billion tons, showed WSA figures.
Iran’s steel output target of 55 mpta well within reach: Report
Iran’s steel output target of 55 mpta well within reach: Report
An estimate shows Iran’s 2025 steel output target of 55 mpta is well within the country’s reach.

China remained the top steel producer in the world as the country was responsible for more than half of the global production between January and July at over 649 million tons. India, Japan, the United States and Russia followed China in the ranking with productions ranging from 68 million tons to around 45 million tons.
Iran’s output figures were more promising in July as mills in the country churned out 2.6 million tons of steel, up 9% against July 2020. That comes as global production rose by 3.3% to 161.7 million tons, according to WSA figures.
Iran has encouraged more activity in its metals and mining sector in recent years as it seeks to increase exports revenues to offset losses suffered in crude sales because of American sanctions.
Government figures shows expansion plans implemented in the mining sector has also helped boost jobs for Iran’s youth population.
We are also being strangled economically.
being strangled =/= strangled.

China came in to save Iran! ANNNNDDD, Iran has cranked up domestic production and productivity, AND we are in a new world order with other currencies jumping in to support intl trade. AND oil economies can be strangled but never killed, look at Venezuela. AND US(fortunately or unfortunately) is also tired from being distracted and acting from a space of tantrums and bratism, so to be honest, you are not fully correct...even Iran's economy had growth this past year, and China is buying ALOT of oil, so Iran has cash. Look at the new report on # of millionaires added in Iran..Iran is just not that buoyant in the US-dominated intl system, but that system has peaked already...
being strangled =/= strangled.

China came in to save Iran! ANNNNDDD, Iran has cranked up domestic production and productivity, AND we are in a new world order with other currencies jumping in to support intl trade. AND oil economies can be strangled but never killed, look at Venezuela. AND US(fortunately or unfortunately) is also tired from being distracted and acting from a space of tantrums and bratism, so to be honest, you are not fully correct...even Iran's economy had growth this past year, and China is buying ALOT of oil, so Iran has cash. Look at the new report on # of millionaires added in Iran..Iran is just not that buoyant in the US-dominated intl system, but that system has peaked already...
the number of new Millionaire also can point to corruption and inflation
the number of new Millionaire also can point to corruption and inflation
Actually having too many millionaire is a Good thing and a bad thing.. it is good because it demonstrates that spirit of entrepreneurship (wow that is a big word!) is alive and well in Iran.... it is a bad thing because it shows that Iranian tax system (personal and corporate) is not sufficiently developed..

Tax system in Iran is still in infancy compared to western countries . Historically Iran governments relied on oil income to generate revenue but situation has changed and with close to 30% of oil revenue going to Sovereign wealth fund and also big chunk going to oil industry itself for explorations and R&D not much is left for the government....I know Raisi is going to tackle this issue and raise government income through taxation. which mean better tax laws to cover non-government business people (bazarees!!)...so spread the wealth rather than accumulate it in the hands of few.
Just in time and related to our discussions about taxation in Iran;

Iran’s new finance minister says tax-to-GDP ratio should increase by 50%
Sunday, 29 August 2021 4:42 PM [ Last Update: Sunday, 29 August 2021 4:42 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

File photo shows Iran’s new Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Ehsan Khandouzi while speaking in the Iranian parliament.
Iran’s newly-appointed finance minister says he will seek to implement plans in his four-year term in the government to have the ratio between tax and the country's gross domestic product (GDP) increased by a half.
Ehsan Khandouzi, who took over as Iran’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance earlier this week, said on Sunday that a main mission for the ministry in the next four years would be to modernize tax procedures in the country.
“I have made a commitment that we should make efforts to increase tax-to-GDP ratio by 50% over these (upcoming) four years on the condition that taxation should be fair and (technologically) smart,” said Khandouzi while addressing heads of tax offices in the Iranian provinces.
Latest estimates suggest Iran’s tax-to-GDP ratio was around 6.6% for the year to December 2018, down by nearly one percent compared to the year before that.
Iran approves massive housing scheme put forward by parliament
Iran approves massive housing scheme put forward by parliament
Iran’s Constitutional Council approves a massive housing plan put forward by the parliament.

The country collected 1,838.36 trillion rials of tax (over $14 billion at the then exchange rate of IRR 130,000= $1) in the same year.
Tax-to-GDP ratio plummeted to just over 4% in the fiscal year to March 2020 mainly because of a nearly double increase in exchange rates.
The target set by the new finance minister would mean that Iran, a resource-based economy, would seek to further diversify the economy from crude revenues and rely more on tax to fund government spending.
The policy would clearly help Iran earn more from taxation at a time the country’s finances have been strained by American sanctions and the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

Another news related to infrastructure: they bumped the 4 million housing target funds to six million..Wow!

Iran approves massive housing scheme put forward by parliament
The motion seeks to give the Iranian administration resources needed to build six million affordable houses in Iran.
Just in time and related to our discussions about taxation in Iran;

Iran’s new finance minister says tax-to-GDP ratio should increase by 50%
Sunday, 29 August 2021 4:42 PM [ Last Update: Sunday, 29 August 2021 4:42 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

File photo shows Iran’s new Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Ehsan Khandouzi while speaking in the Iranian parliament.
Iran’s newly-appointed finance minister says he will seek to implement plans in his four-year term in the government to have the ratio between tax and the country's gross domestic product (GDP) increased by a half.
Ehsan Khandouzi, who took over as Iran’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance earlier this week, said on Sunday that a main mission for the ministry in the next four years would be to modernize tax procedures in the country.
“I have made a commitment that we should make efforts to increase tax-to-GDP ratio by 50% over these (upcoming) four years on the condition that taxation should be fair and (technologically) smart,” said Khandouzi while addressing heads of tax offices in the Iranian provinces.
Latest estimates suggest Iran’s tax-to-GDP ratio was around 6.6% for the year to December 2018, down by nearly one percent compared to the year before that.
Iran approves massive housing scheme put forward by parliament
Iran approves massive housing scheme put forward by parliament
Iran’s Constitutional Council approves a massive housing plan put forward by the parliament.

The country collected 1,838.36 trillion rials of tax (over $14 billion at the then exchange rate of IRR 130,000= $1) in the same year.
Tax-to-GDP ratio plummeted to just over 4% in the fiscal year to March 2020 mainly because of a nearly double increase in exchange rates.
The target set by the new finance minister would mean that Iran, a resource-based economy, would seek to further diversify the economy from crude revenues and rely more on tax to fund government spending.
The policy would clearly help Iran earn more from taxation at a time the country’s finances have been strained by American sanctions and the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

Another news related to infrastructure: they bumped the 4 million housing target funds to six million..Wow!

Iran approves massive housing scheme put forward by parliament
The motion seeks to give the Iranian administration resources needed to build six million affordable houses in Iran.
These rent prices really need to get under control.

In many countries they only allow the landlords to increase rent prices a few percentage points per year. In Iran people are raising them quite high.
The 3rd production line for "Carbon black" becomes operational in Dezful.
What is Carbon Black :undecided::
Carbon black, any of a group of intensely black, finely divided forms of amorphous carbon, usually obtained as soot from partial combustion of hydrocarbons, used principally as reinforcing agents in automobile tires and other rubber products but also as extremely black pigments of high hiding power in printing ink, .



Iran building two gold processing plants in Khorasan


  • Two gold processing plants with a combined capacity of 2.7 million tonnes per year
  • The Shadan and Hirad ore-processing plants are currently installing machinery and equipment,
  • Shadan, operated by knowledge-based Iranian company Karand Sadr Jahan, is the largest gold extraction prospect in Iran's east which is also home to the massive Sangan iron ore deposits.
  • Iran's proven gold reserves are estimated at 340 tonnes, but officials believe this figure would rise much higher with extensive prospecting.
  • Middle east's biggest gold processing operation is " Zarshuran" in Iran with proven reserves of 110 tonnes.
Note 1: Iran has close to $1 Trillion dollars of proven/estimated mineral reserves .

Note 2: With such a huge mineral reserves the mining sector is so under utilized that the mineral products account for only 0.6 percent of Iran's GDP.
Chabahar Future plans.
petrochemical city

The Iranian government is planning to turn Chabahar into the new hub for production of petrochemical products through the construction of a series of new petrochemical plants, including 30 downstream industries projects.

The petrochemical city is believed to improve Chabahar’s role as a key industrial and trade hub and speed up Makran’s development. The three-stage petrochemical project is also estimated to increase exports of Iran’s downstream industries products by $5bn a year, after the completion of the first phase. The project, when complete, will have a total production capacity of 23 million tons, 20 million tons of which is earmarked for exports.

Iran is also planning to expand military facilities along the Sea of Oman. These include an existing airbase in Chabahar. This is in line with national plans to enhance Iran’s military might and its control over the northern parts of the Indian Ocean.

the number of new Millionaire also can point to corruption and inflation
Actually, not really, GNI coefficiency is the big clue as to corruption and inflation doesnt create wealth, which millionaire's phenomenom is realy about, because they are USD millionaires, not Zimbabwean useless currency dominated, so its real wealth, from probably VAST INCREASE in domestic currency management, productivity, connectivity, reduction in imports (conserves and actually saves foreign currency holdings).
Iran plans for many more Nuclear power plants

  • Iran to increase nuclear electricity generation capacity to 8 megawatts (7 more reactors..:woot::woot: )
  • Current electricity generation capacity is 1,000 megawatts
  • Construction operation is underway for Unit #2 and # 3 in Bushehr
  • Bushehr Unit#1 has been in operation for 15 years now.
Iran’s exports up 61% in first 6 months of the year (Non-oil)

Great news for Iran ...Looks like the China MOU is slowly being put into action.
$ 22 billion non oil exports in only six months..that is very good news and indicates trade routes are opening and sanctions are losing their effects....

Iran’s exports up 61% in H1 fiscal year: IRICA
Monday, 27 September 2021 6:38 PM [ Last Update: Monday, 27 September 2021 6:38 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Iran’s customs office says exports rose by 61% in first half of current calendar year to $21.8 billion.
Iran’s customs office (IRICA) says that exports from the country rose by 61% in value terms in the first half of the calendar year that started in late March.
IRICA chief Mehdi Mir Ashrafi said on Monday that Iran’s exports had reached a total value of 21.8 billion in the six months to September 22.
Mir Ashrafi said that exports had also increased by 30% in volume terms over the same period to top 60 million metric tons.
China was the top customer of the Iranian goods and products in the March-September period with $6.5 billion worth of purchases, followed by Iraq at $3.8 billion and Turkey at $2.3 billion, he said.
Shipments to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Afghanistan had amounted to $2.2 billion and $1 billion, respectively, showed IRICA figures.
Main goods and products exported from Iran between March and September included liquefied natural gas (LNG), methanol, polyethylene, steel and iron products, petrochemicals and gasoline, the customs data showed.
Iran’s March-August metals, mining exports top $5bn: Report
Iran’s March-August metals, mining exports top $5bn: Report
Iran increases its metals, mining products exports by 126% year-on-year in March-July to $5.08 billion.

However, Mir Ashrafi said that Iran had a negative balance of trade in the first half of the current calendar year as imports into the country rose to $23.1 billion, up 37% against the similar period last year.
The UAE, the main re-exporting hub in the Persian Gulf, topped the list of exporters into Iran in March-September with $7.3 billion worth shipments. It was followed by China at $5 billion and Turkey at $2.4 billion.
Iran has maintained a stable flow of trade with other countries despite harsh sanctions imposed by the United States since 2018.
IRICA figures showed that Iran’s total value of trade recorded between late March and late September had increased by 47% compared to the similar period in 2020.
The most stylish metro station in all of Iran was inaugurated some months ago in Shiraz: Vakil ol-Ro'ayā, located in the city center, was the last remaining station to be opened on Line 1 of the Shiraz urban railway system.

The station design is inspired by modern industrial art, and quite unique in Iran.

On a sidenote, this provides an illustration as to the baseless nature of a specific sub-set of anti-Iran propaganda by foreign media and Iranian oppositionists, namely the notion that everything is overly centralized in the Islamic Republic and that the capital Tehran is over-privileged compared to provincial areas and cities. This however is not accurate at all. In fact, proportionally speaking most provincial capitals are as well equipped and as developed as Tehran. If anything, the Islamic Republic considerably reduced the gap which existed in this regard under the previous US / zionist client regime of the shah.

With regards to urban railways, metro stations in Tehran, Mashhad and Tabriz are about on par when it comes to quality of design and equipment. Whereas metro stations of Esfahan and Shiraz clearly beat Tehran in every aesthetic and architectural aspect.
















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