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Iran's Infrastructure projects...

Iran's silicon Valley
Iran has one of the largest and most active Technology parks in the region named "Pardis Technology Park or PTP". This park located in Tehran is producing many of technologies that we see in the Iranian products.
PTP was established in 2005 and has close to 300 various size companies and start-ups. The Park consists of an Innovation Paradise (phase No. 1) a Health Paradise (phase No. 2) and and an Entrepreneurship Paradise (phase No. 3) . These are three main existing phases in the Park and are situated in an area measuring 20 hectares ,18 hectares and 21 hectares, respectively. Other phases constitute the future stages in the expansion plan of the Park which will eventually measure up to 1000 hectares.








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Iran will spend $11 billion dollars to develop oil fields shared with Iraq

This will boost Iran oil production by 1 million barrel per day or lets say at current oil prices that is somewhere between $20 to $30 billion income per year if exported to China as per MOU..

Iran to develop oilfields near border with Iraq
IFP Media Wire
October 26, 2021

The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) will focus on developing oilfields near the Iraqi border. Tehran needs $11 billion to develop four oilfields which will add some 1 million barrels per day to the country’s total crude output.
Iran will need some $11 billion to develop four oilfields located to the west of the Karoun River near the Southwestern Iranian border with Iraq, NIOC Managing Director Mohsen Khojasteh Mehr said.
He pointed out that full development of the four oilfields will add some 1 million barrels per day to Iran’s total crude output.
“This issue is being regarded as one of NIOC’s high-priority projects,” he added.

Khojasteh Mehr stated that NIOC plans to fully develop South Azadegan oilfield within the next 12 months.
He noted that works for the three other fields, namely North Azadegan, Yadavaran and Yaran will also go ahead as planned.
Iran’s development projects in West Karoun Oilfields hit a snag in 2018 when sanctions imposed by the US caused some Chinese contractors to withdraw from the projects.
Experts say delays in developing the oilfields have also been due to Iranian Oil Ministry’s own focus of development of gas fields in the Persian Gulf.
However, a series of massive infrastructure projects for supplying electricity and other utilities to the fields were launched earlier this year, suggesting that Iran is intent on developing the fields which have shared reserves with neighboring Iraq.
That comes as Iraq has signed major contracts with Western oil companies to develop oilfields located across the Iranian border.
Very ambition plan from the new government::cheesy:

Plan: Iran's steel production to hit 55 million ton in 4 years
  • Iran currently ranked #10 in the world with 30 million ton/year
  • Production to increase to 55 million ton by 2026
  • Capacity this year is 40 million ton
  • World demand for Steel by 2050 predicted at 2.6 Billion tons

تولید فولاد کشور تا ۱۴۰۴ به ۵۵ میلیون تن افزایش می‌یابد
تولید فولاد کشور تا ۱۴۰۴ به ۵۵ میلیون تن افزایش می‌یابد

رئیس هیات عامل ایمیدرو از تولید سالیانه ۳۰ میلیون تن شمش فولاد خبر داد و اعلام کرد که تا سال ۱۴۰۴ به هدف ۵۵ میلیون تنی فولاد خواهیم رسید.
به گزارش خبرگزاری مهر به نقل از وزارت صنعت، معدن و تجارت، وجیه‌الله جعفری صبح امروز در یک کنفرانس معدنی با بیان اینکه ظرفیت تولید فولاد به مرز ۳۰ میلیون تن و ظرفیت نصب شده فولاد به ۴۰ میلیون تن رسیده است، اظهار کرد: طی نیمه نخست امسال رشد صادرات در زنجیره فولاد به پنج میلیون و ۸۰۰ هزار تن را شاهد بودیم اما تداوم و استمرار آن نیازمند برنامه‌ریزی‌های بعدی است.
رئیس هیأت عامل ایمیدرو خاطرنشان کرد: اهمیت صنعت فولاد با توجه به قابلیت ۱۰۰ درصدی بازیافت فولاد، بیشترین استحکام در بین فلزات دارد. استفاده از فناوری‌های جدید در تولید فولاد سبک و کاهش ۷۰ درصدی وزن ساختمان‌های اسکلت فولادی و همچنین کاهش ۵۰ درصدی وزن بدنه خودرو، بر کسی پوشیده نیست. امروز در زنجیره فولاد حدود ۳۶ میلیون تن آهن اسفنجی، ۶۶ میلیون و ۷۰۰ هزار تن گندله و ۶۲ میلیون و ۷۰۰ هزار تن کنسانتره ظرفیت نصب شده وجود دارد، اما در عین حال با مشکلاتی در تأمین مواد اولیه مواجه هستیم.
معاون وزیر صمت تصریح کرد: پیش‌بینی می‌شود تا سال ۲۰۵۰ تقاضای جهانی فولاد به ۲.۶ میلیارد تن برسد که ایران نیز از این قاعده مستثنی نیست و بایستی جایگاه خود را در این بین به دست آورده و تثبیت کند.
جعفری با بیان اینکه ایران برای سومین سال دهمین تولیدکننده فولاد جهان شد، گفت: پیش‌بینی می‌شود ظرفیت ۵۵ میلیون تن شمش فولادی در افق ۱۴۰۴ محقق شود که تا امروز ۴۰ میلیون تن آن محقق شده و هفت میلیون تن دیگر در سال جاری به بهره برداری خواهد رسید. تا امروز بیش از ۲۱ میلیارد و ۵۰۰ میلیون دلار در کل زنجیره فولاد سرمایه‌گذاری شده که ۱۹ میلیون دلار آن نصب شده است.
وی در ادامه به چند گلوگاه و مشکل اصلی در زنجیره فولاد از جمله تأمین مواد اولیه اشاره کرد و افزود: حدود دو میلیارد و ۸۰۰ میلیون تن ذخیره قطعی در کشور وجود دارد و در سال‌های اخیر حدود یک میلیارد تن دیگر به این ذخایر اضافه شده است، اما با نگاه توسعه‌ای، این میزان ذخیره پاسخگوی نیازها در بلندمدت نخواهد بود و بر این اساس نیازمند توسعه اکتشافات هستیم. به منظور افزایش ذخایر جدید باید به سمت معادن زیرزمینی و توسعه اکتشاف در عمق برویم و در این راستا سرمایه‌گذاری در معادن خارج از کشور و توسعه فناوری‌های جدید نیاز است.
رئیس هیأت عامل ایمیدرو چالش دوم در این حوزه را توسعه زیرساخت‌های برق، آب، گاز، حمل و نقل جاده‌ای و ریلی برشمرد و گفت: در این روستا سه شرکت بزرگ گل‌گهر سیرجان، مس سرچشمه و چادرملو نخستین طرح انتقال آب را اجرایی کردند و سه طرح دیگر نیز توسط شرکت‌های فولادی در حال اجرا است. در زنجیره فولاد برای تأمین خوراک شرکت‌های فولادی و همچنین سوخت‌رسانی، نیازمند گاز هستیم.
معاون وزیر صمت همچنین برق مورد نیاز در صنعت فولاد را بین هشت تا ۹۰۰۰ مگاوات برشمرد و اظهار کرد: اکنون ۶۰۰۰ مگاوات برق در حال مصرف است و برای طرح‌های توسعه‌ای نیز نیازمند ۱۲ هزار و ۵۰۰ مگاوات دیگر هستیم. به منظور توسعه زیرساخت‌های برق، تولید ۱۰ هزار مگاوات قرارداد با شرکت‌های بزرگ بخش معدن و صنایع معدنی وزارت نیرو در حال انعقاد است.
Now this is something to be proud of:
Unprecedented leap in agricultural mechanization

  • Up to 95 percent of agricultural machinery in Iran is manufactured domestically.
  • In Iran, some unprecedented leap has been witnessed in terms of agricultural mechanization development indicators over the past decade.
  • As a result of investing over $4.76 billion in the field of agricultural mechanization, the country has experienced a historical leap in over the past ten years.
  • Iran's agricultural production has increased by 350 percent due to the implementation of mechanization programs.
wow....Another mega project being planned. After the "South Pars" it is time to develop "North Pars and Kish gas fields":
Iran planning to invest $11b to develop North Pars and Kish gas fields.


this Photo is from south pars which Iran developed years ago.
  • Iran will invest about $11 billion in offshore fields to add about 240 million cubic meters to the country's gas production capacity;
  • National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) will develope "North Pars" gas field as the country’s new gas hub;
  • NIOC will develop the first phase of the Kish gas field
  • North Pars gas field is equivalent to four phases of South Pars.
  • Unlike "south Pars" which is shared with Qatar, North Pars Gas Field is one of the biggest independent gas fields of the country. This field which was discovered in 1967 is located some 120 kilometers south east of Bushehr in water depths of 2 to 30 meters in the Persian Gulf.
  • Iran is holding nearly 18 percent of the global gas reserves

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In a clear indication of how Trump's sanctions on Iranian products including steel have utterly failed and produced opposite results..Not only over all steel production has increased but more is being exported despite trump's ban of Iranian steel.

Iran steel exports up 30%
Iran steel exports up 30% in March-October: Report
Monday, 15 November 2021 6:08 PM [ Last Update: Monday, 15 November 2021 6:12 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Steel exports from Iran rose by nearly a third year on year in March-October to around six million tons.
Iran’s steel exports rose by almost a third in the seven months to October 22, shows a report by the country’s top metals holding IMIDRO.
The report published on Monday cited figures by the Iranian Steel Producers Association (ISPA) showing that steel shipments from Iran had reached a total of 5.912 million metric tons in March-October, up 30% against the similar period last year.
The report said that exports of semi-finished steel products, mainly billet, bloom and slab, had accounted for over 85% of all shipments.
Steel manufacturers had sold 80% more slab steel to foreign customers over the seven months to late October compared to the similar period last year, showed ISPA figures.
Exports of finished steel products also rose by 44% over the same period to a total of 1.486 million tons. Rebar shipments had topped 1.3 million tons, up 57% against last year, said the report.
Iran’s exports of sponge iron, or what is technically known as the DRI, nearly tripled compared to March-October 2020 to reach 698,000 tons, it said.
Iran’s H1 steel exports soar amid drop in domestic use
Iran’s H1 steel exports soar amid drop in domestic use
Iranian steel exports soar to record levels in six months to late September amid fall in domestic demand.

Iran has seen a major surge in activity in its metals and mining sector since the United States imposed its sanctions on the country’s exports of crude oil in 2018.
Washington came back with a series of similar bans on Iran’s metals trade in May 2019. However, reports by the government and international organizations show the sanctions failed to hamper shipments of steel and other metals from Iran.
Iranian government estimates suggest the country sits on around 60 billion tons of proven mineral reserves. A Monday report by the offical IRNA news agency said the figure could reach 100 billion tons with new exploration projects planned to be implemented across Iran in the upcoming years.

Today the news is about 23% increase in Iran's aluminium production..Remarkable with sanction on, but yet to put things into perspective the tinny UAE is one of the biggest Aluminium producers in the world with 2.2 million ton a year. Iran's total last year was 0.5 million ton annual, so we still have a long way to go...Aluminium production requires massive amounts of electricity and that is why UAE has built 4 nuclear power generating plants..

Iran aluminum output rises 23%

Iran's MOU with China slowly being implemented..6000 Truck Engines to allow Iran to produce 6000 Trucks. Hope they eventually manufacture the Truck engines too....lots of good info in this article...Iranian car production this year going up to 1.3 million..Target for the 4th year is 3 million cars that should put Iran amonest top 10 car producers..

Iran automakers to produce 6,000 trucks with Chinese help
Tuesday, 16 November 2021 12:28 PM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 17 November 2021 7:36 AM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

This undated photo shows Mammut Industries' headquarters and main plant in Qazvin, northern Iran.
Iran has signed contracts with two domestic automakers to produce 6,000 trucks with the help of Chinese manufacturers, the head of Iran's Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization said on Tuesday.
"Good things have happened in the automotive industry and efforts have been made to use domestic capacity to modernize the truck fleet," Dariush Amani told reporters in Tehran.
"In this regard, a contract for 1,000 units has been signed with Mammut Company and 5,000 units with Iran Khodro. We are now working to secure finance for these contracts," he added.
The Mammut Industrial Group, also known as Mammut Industries, assembled and distributed Swedish truck maker Scania's vehicles in Iran. Similarly, Iran Khodro was the local distributor of German automaker Mercedes-Benz's trucks.
However, both the European companies halted their operations in Iran after the US reimposed sanctions on the Islamic Republic in 2018.
"Given that we are under sanctions, Chinese companies are mainly the suppliers of domestically produced truck engines," Amani said.
Before the sanctions, Iran was one of Scania’s top ten global markets with annual business of more than 330 million. The company had been in operation in the country since 2000 through Oghab Afshan, a privately-owned partner and distributor of buses.
Scania produced nearly 1000 trucks a year emblazoned with its famous red griffin badge in Qazvin. Oghab Afshan meanwhile produced more than 800 Scania buses a year at its facility outside Isfahan.
Mammut had signed an agreement with Iran’s Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization and the Iranian Fuel Conservation Company to support the replacement of 5,000 aging trucks with Scania models, but it had to cancel the deal because of the sanctions.
Similarly, Mercedes-Benz halted its plans for local production of trucks and powertrain components as well as its return as a shareholder in the Iranian Diesel Engine Manufacturing Co (IDEM) in Tabriz to build diesel engines.
Thanks to the sanctions, however, Iran's auto sector has started standing on its own feet after years of reliance on imported car kits which foreign companies stopped supplying in fear of the US sanctions.
Iran’s Hepco awarded contract to manufacture mining dump trucks
Iran’s Hepco awarded contract to manufacture mining dump trucks
Iran’s Hepco is awarded a major contract to manufacture mining dump trucks.

In July, former Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Alireza Razm Hosseini said the total value of imported contents used in car manufacturing had been cut by $2.5 billion – a figure which is enormous at a time of severe foreign exchange crunch due to the draconian sanctions.
"Thanks to the efforts of automakers and component makers, the $4 billion dependence of the automotive industry on foreign companies has been reduced to $1.5 billion today, and the depth of internalization has increased," he said at a signing ceremony.
Iran Khodro and Saipa are the two largest local manufacturers, which have picked up the slack since France’s Peugeot and Renault exited Iran along with other international companies in the wake of US sanctions, creating a supply crunch which saw car prices vault to unprecedented highs.
The auto industry forms the second biggest sub-sector of the economy behind oil, accounting for some 10 percent of the gross domestic product and 4 percent of employment.
More than 100,000 people are employed by Iran Khodro and Saipa, while another 700,000 Iranians work in industries related to car manufacturing.
When the Trump administration reimposed sanctions on Iran in August 2018, it reserved Washington’s first hammer blow for the car industry to hurt as many Iranians as possible.
However, the US pressures forced domestic manufacturers to mobilize their resources to fulfill some of the tasks which were an exclusive competence of foreign companies.
Amani said his organization has been supporting domestic producers, citing Heavy Equipment Production Company (HEPCO) in Arak which it had provided with financial resources to resume production.
A deputy industry minister has said Iranian automakers are on course to produce more than 1.3 million cars this year, a 50 percent jump in production in the face of the US sanctions.
In July, the United States removed sanctions on three Iranians related Mammut Industries but said the move had nothing to do with talks on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
The three Iranians -- Behzad Ferdows, Mehrzad Ferdows, and Mohammad Reza Dezfulian -- are no longer blocked under an executive order targeting proliferators of weapons of mass destruction and their supporters, the US Treasury Department said on July 2.
The Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned the Iranians in September. It said Behzad Ferdows and Mehrzad Ferdows were shareholders in Mammut Industries.
It said Dezfulian was managing director of Mammut Diesel, a subsidiary of Mammut Industries.
National Housing Plan Action started .....3 months into the new Government and they already started building (700,000 of the 4 million units already started)..that is called efficiency..:cheers:

Construction of 700,000 affordable housing units underway across Iran
November 17, 2021 - 14:7

TEHRAN –Transport and Urban Development Minister Rostam Qasemi said the construction of 700,000 affordable housing units has begun across the country under the framework of the new phase of the National Housing Plan Action.
Speaking to the press on the sidelines of the second meeting of the government’s Supreme Housing Council, Qasemi said the land for the construction of 2.4 million housing units has been prepared and allocated, Mehr News Agency reported.
Pursuing the National Housing Plan Action, which is aimed to provide people with affordable housing units, the new government has defined a comprehensive program to construct such housing units all over the country.
The official noted that in the first phase of our new program for the National Housing Plan Action, the construction of two million housing units has been started across the country and the share of each province has been determined.
"In today's meeting, which was attended by governors of different provinces in the form of video conferences, it was decided that the land allocations for the construction of four million housing units will be determined by the end of the current [Iranian calendar year] year (late March 2022)," the minister said.
He further mentioned a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed with the Mostazafan Foundation, noting: “According to the signed memorandum, 900 hectares of the foundation's lands throughout the country will be handed over [to the Transport Ministry] free of charge to be allocated for the National Housing Action Plan.”
Commenced in winter 2018, the National Housing Action Plan aims to construct 400,000 small and medium-size apartments (70-100 square meters in size) across the country and particularly in Tehran, where housing prices have risen most sharply.
Nearly half of the total number of the said houses will be constructed in Tehran’s suburban “new towns” such as Parand and Pardis, respectively located in the west and east of the city.
Back in March, former Transport Minister Mohammad Eslami had announced that 510,000 residential units will be provided for the applicants under the framework of the National Housing Action Plan during the current year.
In early September 2019, the registration of the National Housing Action Plan was started from Kerman Province. The second round of registration began in ten other provinces in November that year.
Applicants in Sistan-Baluchestan, Qom, North Khorasan, and South Khorasan provinces registered first and those from Kordestan, Kohgiluyeh-Boyerahmad, and Golestan came in the second stage, while from Chaharmahal-Bakhtiari, Hamedan, and Yazd provinces came in the third stage.
This is the real proof of how Trump sanction on Iranian oil have failed (remember fat pompeo Zero exports plans!). In about 4 months Iranian production output will be 4 million barrels per day...considering that about 2 million barrel are used internally that makes 2 million barrels available for export..even at $50 to $70 dollar per barrel that makes Iranian oil income something around $40 to 50 billion dollars per year... And that is crude OIL only not natural Gas... and not petrochemicals.. add to that the non oil exports ($33 billion in 8 months reported today)..that makes Iranian total $$ exports to somewhere around $100 billion per year under sanctions...And those are officially announced figures ..what is hidden from US treasury eyes is another story!..I say sanctions have been good for Iran.. :cheers:..

Iran to return to pre-sanctions crude output until March: NIOC chief
Saturday, 27 November 2021 6:20 PM [ Last Update: Saturday, 27 November 2021 7:03 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

NIOC chief Khojasteh Mehr says Iran’s crude output will reach nearly 4 million bpd until March.
The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) will soon restore its crude output capacity back to levels seen before Iran came under US sanctions in 2018, says NIOC’s CEO Mohsen Khojasteh Mehr.
“We are working to bring oil output capacity to pre-sanctions (level) of 4 million barrels (per day) until the end of the year (in late March),” said Khojasteh Mehr on Saturday, adding that the NIOC had secured the funds needed to meet the target.
The comments come amid reports suggesting Iran has managed to increase both production and exports of crude oil in recent months despite sanctions imposed by the US.
Private Chinese buyers have been responsible for more than 0.5 million bpd of oil purchases from Iran in recent months, according to business sources.
Iran had a crude output of over 3.8 million bpd just before the sanctions hit sales in May 2018. Current production is believed to be nearly 3 million bpd.
Iran Khodro to build 45,000 cars for world's largest bi-fuel fleet
Monday, 06 December 2021 11:39 AM [ Last Update: Monday, 06 December 2021 11:56 AM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Bi-fuel vehicles have multifuel engines capable of running on two fuels that are stored in separate tanks and the engine is able to run on one fuel at a time.
Iran's Ministry of Petroleum and Iran Khodro have signed a contract worth $20 million to produce 45,000 bi-fuel cars, expanding the world's largest fleet of vehicles running on either petrol or natural gas in the country.
The contract, signed between the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company (NIOPDC) and the country's biggest automaker, is in line with the state plan pushing motorists to use cheaper, cleaner and plentiful natural gas.
It "is based on the decision of the Supreme Economic Coordination Council to support production and conversion of gasoline-powered public vehicles, taxis, vans, pickup trucks and passenger cars to CNG-burning equivalents with the aim of increasing revenues from gasoline sales and observing civil rights and environmental requirements," the Ministry of Petroleum said in a statement.
Under the scheme, Iran Khodro will produce 40,000 taxis and 5,000 pickup trucks that will be powered by either gasoline or compressed natural gas (CNG).
Representatives of Iran Khodro and NIOPDC pose for photos after signing a contract in Tehran, December 5, 2021.
The government is subsidizing and providing low-interest installment plans for conversion systems.
The Ministry of Petroleum will pay $505 for production of each dual-fuel pickup truck and $425 for each taxi compliant with Euro 4 and Euro 5 emissions standards, it said.
Natural gas is a cleaner-burning, less costly fuel than gasoline, and vehicles powered by compressed natural gas typically emit 20 percent less greenhouse gases than gas-powered cars.
Iran boasts the largest number of CNG vehicles where more than 4 million compressed natural gas cars operate against more than 16 million globally. There are currently about 2,500 CNG stations mostly operated by the private sector across Iran that supply 22% of the country’s fuel basket.
According to NIORDC, each cubic meter of CNG consumption saves the consumer 30 cents in comparison to one liter of gasoline. Its former head Alireza Sadeqabadi was quoted as saying in March that developing the CNG industry could potentially save Iran $14 billion.
Sadeqabadi said Iran would need at least $15 billion of investment to boost its gasoline production capacity by 20 million liters, but an equivalent CNG output would only need $1 billion.
Iran's unlocking of its vast reserves of natural gas, estimated as the world's largest, has produced a boom in supplies and driven down prices, increasing interest in the fuel.
Most bi-fuel cars plying Iran's roads are fleet vehicles such as cabs and pickup trucks, but natural gas as a motor fuel also represents a huge and largely untapped opportunity for commercial fleets and long-haul truckers.
The driver of a CNG-run taxi car has his vehicle filled at a station in Tehran in this undated photo.
Cars powered by natural gas feature a powertrain that switches from compressed natural gas to gasoline seamlessly. They are praised for savings on fuel, but a major drawback is driving range and reduced power anxiety associated with such vehicles.
Iranian authorities are encouraging more drivers to switch to bi-fuel systems by subsidizing vehicle conversions.
One key driver is the problem of air pollution which plagues urban areas in almost all provinces and poses a risk mainly to those suffering from pre-existing respiratory and cardiovascular conditions, children, pregnant women and elderly.
Tehran in particular is believed to be one of the most heavily polluted cities in the world. Because of its location - hemmed in by Alborz mountains on two sides - there are about 200 days in the year when atmospheric conditions trap Tehran in a pall of smog. Pollution levels can be particularly bad in winter during periods of high pressure.
The Sunday contract is also a shot in the arm of Iran's auto industry which is the Middle East’s largest and the 18th largest in the world. The country produces passenger cars, four-wheel drives, vans, trucks, buses and minibuses.
Some 14 million commercial and passenger vehicles are currently plying Iran’s roads, while its automotive sector is the country’s second most active industry behind oil and gas — accounting for 10% of its GDP and 4.0% of its workforce or 700,000 people.
With a population of nearly 80 million and a land mass the size of Western Europe, Iran is a country with huge potential, where Western sanctions have had an uncanny silver lining for domestic manufacturers.
Thanks to the sanctions, Iran's auto sector has started standing on its own feet after years of reliance on imported car kits which foreign companies stopped supplying in fear of the US punishment.
According to the former minister of industry, the total value of imported contents used in car manufacturing has been cut by $2.5 billion – a figure which is enormous at a time of severe foreign exchange crunch due to the draconian sanctions.
When the Trump administration reimposed sanctions on Iran in August 2018, it reserved Washington’s first hammer blow for the car industry to hurt as many Iranians as possible.
However, the US pressures forced domestic manufacturers to mobilize their resources to fulfill some of the tasks which were an exclusive competence of foreign companies.
Iran Khodro and Saipa are the two largest local manufacturers, which have picked up the slack since France’s Peugeot and Renault exited Iran along with other international companies after the sanctions, creating a supply crunch which saw car prices vault to unprecedented highs.
Iranian carmakers are expected to produce 1.2 million cars in the current fiscal of 1400 which ends on March 20, 2022. They are about to make 1.6 million units in 1401, Industry, Mining and Trade Minister Reza Fatemi Amin said last month.
Last month, Iran Khodro and private Iranian company Mammut Industries signed contracts to produce 6,000 trucks with the help of Chinese manufacturers.
Iran Khodro CEO Farshad Moqimi also announced the company's readiness to export dual-fuel and gasoline vehicles to Turkmenistan.
And finally Iran producing wealth from minerals .

  • $ 7 billion dollars in 7 months..(mostly steel and copper products)
  • 81 different types of minerals, including the world’s largest copper, zinc and iron reserves, Iran is one of the top 10 mineral-rich countries across the globe
  • The total reserves of Iran's mines are expected to reach more than 100 billion tons (currently at 60 billion tons)

Exports from mining sector up 105%

TEHRAN – Iran exported around $7 billion of mining products in the first seven months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-October 22), an increase of 105 percent year on year.
The exports amounted to 31 million tons in weight, showing a nine-percent rise compared to the same period last year, IRNA reported.

Steel chains and related products had the biggest share with 57.3 percent, equaling $4.045 billion of the total value of exports.

Copper products and other minerals were in the second and third places with $967.35 million and $471.8 million shares of the exports, respectively.

Meanwhile, 2.306 million tons of mining products worth $1.96 billion were imported during the mentioned seven months, indicating 11 percent and one percent rise in terms of value and weight, respectively.

Having 81 different types of minerals, including the world’s largest copper, zinc and iron reserves, Iran is one of the top 10 mineral-rich countries across the globe. In this regard, the Iranian government has been seriously pursuing several programs for promoting the mining sector as a major contributor to the country’s economic growth.

Iran's proven iron ore reserves are 2.7 billion tons (about 0.8 of the world's total reserves), while the country’s copper reserves are 2.6 billion tons (about 0.4 of the world's reserves). The country also has 11 million tons of zinc reserves (about four percent of the world’s total reserves).

The total proven reserves of Iran's mines are estimated at about 60 billion tons, which is expected to reach more than 100 billion tons with the implementation of the Industry, Mining, and Trade Ministry’s exploration programs over 500,000 square kilometers of new mineral zones.

Despite the country’s huge potential in this area, due to some issues like the lack of necessary machinery and equipment and the lack of access to financial resources and foreign investment because of the U.S. sanctions, the Iranian mining sector has been struggling to operate at its maximum capacity over the past few years.

So, the government programs for promoting this industry are mainly focused on relying on domestic sources for helping the mining sector overcome its current problems and hit its ideal targets.

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