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Iran's Infrastructure projects...

Well ok this one is not an infrastructure grade issue by itself but a good pointer to a real potential:.. With the exception of Kish island, Iran has so many other natural islands and oceanfront real estate in the Persian gulf which are untouched by modern development...Imagine what can be done in these places through a responsible and well thought of development.

Here is one little example of development in the Island of Hormuz..This architecture is now nominated for some awards.




Harmony of colors with natural colors of the hormoz island.


Houmuz an Island in the Persian Gulf famous for its natural beauties and its surreal landscape, Hormuz is made up of incredible rock formations and layers of volcanic material that gives the soil a very particular red colour. It’s a very unique place in the world and the colourful red soil, which is very rare, is considered a cultural heritage
300 privately funded schools, cultural center and mosques are delivered.


Funded by the Barakat foundation..This foundation has already built and delivered 1650 school all over Iran
The above school is named "Fakhrizadeh" after the late Iranian scientist that was murdered by Israel.. I hope we see many Fakhrizadehs graduates out of these schools... :cheesy:
And here is more...a good day for Iranian healthcare system.
Iran opens largest pediatric hospital in Middle East

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

The Zahra Mardani pediatric hospital located in the northwestern Iranian city of Tabriz.
  • The 700-bed " Zahra Madani" pediatric hospital in the city of Tabriz is the largest such facility in the Middle East region;
  • Private/Government financed project;
  • The hospital has been built in seven years;
  • The hospital is the largest health facility built in Iran over the past decade;
  • 26 other healthcare projects also became operational
  • Six other hospitals and five specialized clinics also came on line on Saturday to add over 500 beds to the hospital system capacity in Iran.
  • TOTAL cost $120 million dollars.
Notes: Near future
I am getting exhausted with all these openings... I think they should send invitations to Trump and Kushner for all these openings and thank them for their "maximum pressure" policy....lol

Iran opens $350 million dollars large energy port on Persian Gulf
Sunday, 01 August 2021
US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Photo published on the website of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) shows LPG exports installations at the newly-opened Siraf Exports and Service Port on the southwestern Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf.

Contractor: IRGC construction corp (Khatam)
  • A major port on the Persian Gulf coast to expedite exports of petroleum products from the giant energy hub of South Pars.
  • The port, located in the southwestern province of Bushehr, has two wharfs which will be dedicated to exports of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and sulfur.
  • pipelines linking five South Pars refineries to Siraf would allow exports of 5,000 cubic meters per hour of cold LPG
  • Construction of the port began in 2014
  • Cost: more than $350 million
  • Jobs created : 200 permanent
  • End of development works at Phase 14 of South Pars with the rollout of few remaining installations.
Note 1: Iran has spent $2.4 billion to fully develop Phase 14 over the past 11 years. That means that the country has built out all 28 phases of the giant gas field except for one where works stalled in 2018 because of pressure on foreign contractors

Note 2: Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said on Sunday that production from Phase 11, which is now being developed by a domestic contractor, will begin before March 2022.
I am getting exhausted with all these openings... I think they should send invitations to Trump and Kushner for all these openings and thank them for their "maximum pressure" policy....lol

Iran opens $350 million dollars large energy port on Persian Gulf
Sunday, 01 August 2021
US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Photo published on the website of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) shows LPG exports installations at the newly-opened Siraf Exports and Service Port on the southwestern Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf.

Contractor: IRGC construction corp (Khatam)
  • A major port on the Persian Gulf coast to expedite exports of petroleum products from the giant energy hub of South Pars.
  • The port, located in the southwestern province of Bushehr, has two wharfs which will be dedicated to exports of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and sulfur.
  • pipelines linking five South Pars refineries to Siraf would allow exports of 5,000 cubic meters per hour of cold LPG
  • Construction of the port began in 2014
  • Cost: more than $350 million
  • Jobs created : 200 permanent
  • End of development works at Phase 14 of South Pars with the rollout of few remaining installations.
Note 1: Iran has spent $2.4 billion to fully develop Phase 14 over the past 11 years. That means that the country has built out all 28 phases of the giant gas field except for one where works stalled in 2018 because of pressure on foreign contractors

Note 2: Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said on Sunday that production from Phase 11, which is now being developed by a domestic contractor, will begin before March 2022.
What was the stalled phase,just out of curiosity?,was it the Pars LNG development?
Here is an interesting National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC)'s facility..considering the vast network of Iran's oil and gas infrastructure.

NIOC’s monitoring center officially launched
Aug 9,2020

TEHRAN - The monitoring center of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) was officially inaugurated in a ceremony attended by the outgoing Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh on Sunday, Shana reported.
The center is established with the aim of collecting, assessing, and displaying online information on the production, distribution, and foreign trade of oil, gas, gas condensate, petroleum products, and naphtha.
As reported, the inauguration ceremony was also attended by the NIOC Managing Director Masoud Karbasian and NIOC’s Deputy Head Farrokh Alikhani, as well as other oil industry officials.
Speaking at the event, Alikhani who was the executive director of the monitoring center project, noted that all the processes related to the production and distribution of major oil and gas products are displayed online in this monitoring center.
According to Alikhani having access to up-to-date information and data in the oil industry will pave the way for making optimal decisions in various areas.
“In the monitoring center of the National Iranian Oil Company, all information related to oil and gas production and its quantity and quality as well as the processes related to supply and distribution are fully collected and displayed online at any time,” he explained.
Based on the information collected in this center, the share of each province, city, and even facilities in the country’s oil and gas production is known and this information can help the NIOC determine the share of each facility in the oil and gas production process and set priorities for reconstruction and renovation operations, accordingly.
According to Alikhani, the monitoring center of the National Iranian Oil Company also provides the ability to determine the amount of production in desired time periods making it possible to compare production in different time periods with each other.
Referring to the important position of the National Iranian Oil Company in the country’s economy, Alikhani pointed to the establishment of such a center as an inevitable necessity and expressed hope that with the addition of information from the downstream sectors, the center will play a more effective role in the oil industry in the future.
Iran to build 40 new townships

Studies are underway to finalize the locations of 40 new townships across Iran..

بازگشت شهرک سازی به تهران/ جانمایی ساخت ۳ شهرک جدید در پایتخت
بازگشت شهرک سازی به تهران/ جانمایی ساخت ۳ شهرک جدید در پایتخت

مدیرعامل شرکت عمران شهرهای جدید از جانمایی احداث ۳ شهرک جدید در شرق و جنوب غرب تهران و آغاز ساخت و ساز مسکونی در آنها پس از صدور مجوز شورای عالی شهرسازی خبر داد.
حبیب الله طاهرخانی در گفت وگو با خبرنگار مهر درباره واگذاری شهرک سازی به شرکت عمران شهرهای جدید به عنوان یکی از کارکردهای جدید این شرکت اظهار داشت: ساخت ۴۰ شهرک در کشور در مرحله مکان یابی قرار دارد؛ مطالعات مکان یابی همه این ۴۰ شهرک به پایان رسیده است و عمدتاً قرار است در اراضی دولتی و ملی احداث شوند.
۴۰ شهرک در کنار شهرهای بزرگ کشور ساخته می‌شود
وی تاکید کرد: ساخت شهرک‌های مذکور کمترین آسیب‌های زیست محیطی داشته و از نظر تأمین خدمات زیر بنایی و روساختی با مشکلات کمتری نسبت به شهرهای جدید روبرو خواهند بود.
ساخت شهرک ۲۸ هزار نفری سنندج قطعی شد
معاون وزیر راه و شهرسازی افزود: هفته گذشته ساخت یک شهرک ۴۶۰ هکتاری در اطراف سنندج به تصویب شورای عالی شهرسازی و معماری رسید که با توجه به کمبود شدید زمین در سنندج و افزایش ناگهانی قیمت مسکن در این شهر، کمک بزرگی به رفع این مشکل خواهد کرد؛ این شهرک امکان اسکان ۲۸ هزار نفر را فراهم خواهد کرد.
منتظر صدور مجوز ساخت شهرک جدید اردبیل هستیم
طاهرخانی ادامه داد: مجوزهای استانی ساخت شهرکی در نزدیکی اردبیل صادر شده و منتظر صدور مجوز شورای عالی شهرسازی هستیم؛ در همه کلانشهرهایی که مشکل حاد کمبود مسکن داریم با جانمایی شهرک‌های جدید برطرف خواهد شد. به جز اصفهان که نیازی به ساخت شهرک نبود و ظرفیت خالی در دو شهر جدید بهارستان و شهر مجلسی وجود دارد.
ساخت ۳ شهرک برای تهران قطعی شد
مدیرعامل شرکت عمران شهرهای جدید با بیان اینکه ساخت سه شهرک در استان تهران برنامه ریزی شده گفت: فرایند صدور مجوز احداث این شهرک‌ها در مراحل مختلف قرار دارند به عنوان مثال هم در شرق و هم در جنوب غرب تهران مکان یابی ساخت این شهرک‌ها انجام شده و باید به تصویب شورای عالی شهرسازی برسد.
وی خاطرنشان کرد: پس از صدور مجوز شورای عالی شهرسازی، مساحت این شهرک‌ها و سقف جمعیت پذیری آنها اعلام خواهد شد.
مزایای شهرک سازی نسبت به ساخت شهر جدید
به گفته این عضو شورای عالی مسکن، شهرک‌ها مزایایی نسبت به شهرهای جدید دارند از جمله اینکه زیرساخت‌های آنها قابل دسترس تر است؛ مشکل حمل و نقل میان شهرک با شهر مادر مانند شهرهای جدید نیست؛ نزدیکی آنها به کلانشهر، جذابیت بیشتری را نسبت به شهرهای جدید ایجاد کرده است. قرار است بخشی از این یک میلیون مسکنی که دولت سیزدهم وعده ساخت آن را داده به این شهرک‌ها منتقل شوند.

کد خبر 5288816
I am getting exhausted with all these openings... I think they should send invitations to Trump and Kushner for all these openings and thank them for their "maximum pressure" policy....lol

Iran opens $350 million dollars large energy port on Persian Gulf
Sunday, 01 August 2021
US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Photo published on the website of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) shows LPG exports installations at the newly-opened Siraf Exports and Service Port on the southwestern Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf.

Contractor: IRGC construction corp (Khatam)
  • A major port on the Persian Gulf coast to expedite exports of petroleum products from the giant energy hub of South Pars.
  • The port, located in the southwestern province of Bushehr, has two wharfs which will be dedicated to exports of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and sulfur.
  • pipelines linking five South Pars refineries to Siraf would allow exports of 5,000 cubic meters per hour of cold LPG
  • Construction of the port began in 2014
  • Cost: more than $350 million
  • Jobs created : 200 permanent
  • End of development works at Phase 14 of South Pars with the rollout of few remaining installations.
Note 1: Iran has spent $2.4 billion to fully develop Phase 14 over the past 11 years. That means that the country has built out all 28 phases of the giant gas field except for one where works stalled in 2018 because of pressure on foreign contractors

Note 2: Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said on Sunday that production from Phase 11, which is now being developed by a domestic contractor, will begin before March 2022.
Do you think there will be a project in the future to route the gas further south to Jask, like with the petroleum?
Iran to build 40 new townships

Studies are underway to finalize the locations of 40 new townships across Iran..

بازگشت شهرک سازی به تهران/ جانمایی ساخت ۳ شهرک جدید در پایتخت
بازگشت شهرک سازی به تهران/ جانمایی ساخت ۳ شهرک جدید در پایتخت

مدیرعامل شرکت عمران شهرهای جدید از جانمایی احداث ۳ شهرک جدید در شرق و جنوب غرب تهران و آغاز ساخت و ساز مسکونی در آنها پس از صدور مجوز شورای عالی شهرسازی خبر داد.
حبیب الله طاهرخانی در گفت وگو با خبرنگار مهر درباره واگذاری شهرک سازی به شرکت عمران شهرهای جدید به عنوان یکی از کارکردهای جدید این شرکت اظهار داشت: ساخت ۴۰ شهرک در کشور در مرحله مکان یابی قرار دارد؛ مطالعات مکان یابی همه این ۴۰ شهرک به پایان رسیده است و عمدتاً قرار است در اراضی دولتی و ملی احداث شوند.
۴۰ شهرک در کنار شهرهای بزرگ کشور ساخته می‌شود
وی تاکید کرد: ساخت شهرک‌های مذکور کمترین آسیب‌های زیست محیطی داشته و از نظر تأمین خدمات زیر بنایی و روساختی با مشکلات کمتری نسبت به شهرهای جدید روبرو خواهند بود.
ساخت شهرک ۲۸ هزار نفری سنندج قطعی شد
معاون وزیر راه و شهرسازی افزود: هفته گذشته ساخت یک شهرک ۴۶۰ هکتاری در اطراف سنندج به تصویب شورای عالی شهرسازی و معماری رسید که با توجه به کمبود شدید زمین در سنندج و افزایش ناگهانی قیمت مسکن در این شهر، کمک بزرگی به رفع این مشکل خواهد کرد؛ این شهرک امکان اسکان ۲۸ هزار نفر را فراهم خواهد کرد.
منتظر صدور مجوز ساخت شهرک جدید اردبیل هستیم
طاهرخانی ادامه داد: مجوزهای استانی ساخت شهرکی در نزدیکی اردبیل صادر شده و منتظر صدور مجوز شورای عالی شهرسازی هستیم؛ در همه کلانشهرهایی که مشکل حاد کمبود مسکن داریم با جانمایی شهرک‌های جدید برطرف خواهد شد. به جز اصفهان که نیازی به ساخت شهرک نبود و ظرفیت خالی در دو شهر جدید بهارستان و شهر مجلسی وجود دارد.
ساخت ۳ شهرک برای تهران قطعی شد
مدیرعامل شرکت عمران شهرهای جدید با بیان اینکه ساخت سه شهرک در استان تهران برنامه ریزی شده گفت: فرایند صدور مجوز احداث این شهرک‌ها در مراحل مختلف قرار دارند به عنوان مثال هم در شرق و هم در جنوب غرب تهران مکان یابی ساخت این شهرک‌ها انجام شده و باید به تصویب شورای عالی شهرسازی برسد.
وی خاطرنشان کرد: پس از صدور مجوز شورای عالی شهرسازی، مساحت این شهرک‌ها و سقف جمعیت پذیری آنها اعلام خواهد شد.
مزایای شهرک سازی نسبت به ساخت شهر جدید
به گفته این عضو شورای عالی مسکن، شهرک‌ها مزایایی نسبت به شهرهای جدید دارند از جمله اینکه زیرساخت‌های آنها قابل دسترس تر است؛ مشکل حمل و نقل میان شهرک با شهر مادر مانند شهرهای جدید نیست؛ نزدیکی آنها به کلانشهر، جذابیت بیشتری را نسبت به شهرهای جدید ایجاد کرده است. قرار است بخشی از این یک میلیون مسکنی که دولت سیزدهم وعده ساخت آن را داده به این شهرک‌ها منتقل شوند.

کد خبر 5288816

Are these luxury apartments or general housing open to all?

PS It seems Itan is rising in every field and becoming as developed as Turkey and Southern European nations.
Middle to lower middle price range. These townships are located in the suburbs outside the city limits, quite far from the center and thus more affordable.

They're beautiful. Iran is on the rise. Iran is one country Pakistan seriously needs to emulate and follow. Especially with regards to development.
They're beautiful. Iran is on the rise. Iran is one country Pakistan seriously needs to emulate and follow. Especially with regards to development.
We are also being strangled economically. They are trying their best to stifle any potential. They even froze $120 billion dollars in reserve currency.

For a country like Iran and Pakistan, you can do so much with $120 billion. Bastards aren't they.
We are also being strangled economically. They are trying their best to stifle any potential. They even froze $120 billion dollars in reserve currency.

For a country like Iran and Pakistan, you can do so much with $120 billion. Bastards aren't they.

Iran is way ahead of Pakistan despite sanctions. That is why we need Pakistanis to learn how to develop and progress from Iranian brothers and sisters.

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