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Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif arrived in India to meet Modi

Q. Is iran going to back india against Pakistan as always?
A. Should be whipped for asking such question when the answer is obvious!┐( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)┌

Hamid Karazai another guy used to visit India oftenly and happily.
Funny though, Indian media which is the mouth piece of Indian establishment was equating Soleimani assassination as if head of ISIS was neutralised.

True,both india and pakistan are us vassals iran gains nothing by siding with either one of them,and neither one of them would ever have the courage to go against their us overlord when it comes to iran,one only has to look at both chabahar and the ip pipeline to see that.

Those "overlords" were asking Pakistan to give its bases to be used against Iran. Pakistan give them middle finger.

Be grateful.
Snakes will always be snakes. I dont understand why we are helping them in the first place. Should've let the trash burn and then dealt with the ashes later.
Iranians will always be welcome in India. And they are seen positively in most of the world as well.
Any country can do political posturing on Kashmir, but to us, we judge people on their actual actions. As long as they aren't fighting in Kashmir, we have no problems.
India is a country built on trade. We can't help Iran militarily, but we can talk favourably about them. Aggravating the US is not something we will do. You will note that India doesn't believe in wars and expansionary policies anymore.
When US went hot on iran, india sat down silently looking the other way. While Pakistan with its stupid PM tried to broker peace, making our allies like saudi a bit nervous. Why are we wanting peace in iran at the expense of our allies and then these iranian hypocrites go and lick hindu balls????
Pakistan foreign minister went to iran, saudi and US to defuse tensions, Pakistan clearly took a neutral stance yet this cunning dog goes to india. This stupid moron imran khan needs to kicked out, we need to be clear and tell the Pakistani ppl truth about iran. We should work to bring down this gangu friendly regime in iran.
why is trying to broker peace a bad thing? If a war happens of your doorstep then it will affect you weather you like it or not! I am amazed at people who think that Pakistan's efforts in calming things and calling PM names because he doesn't want another war on our doorstep. Maybe you can tell us benefits of war with iran vis a vis iran?
Soleimani was very close to india and they just started balberring against him after his assassination.
I bet they werent after the quds force conducted some extraterritorial operations some years ago across the world and INdia was the location for one of the attacks....

Iran's GDP per cpaita is under 6000.
But what is it when you use PPP? thats more of an accurate reflection.

Not really an important country.
And how did you come to this conclusion? MOst powerful Shia-majority state with huge hydrocarbon resources(in addition to others) + huge territory in strategic location in the Persian Gulf?? You are a joker.

if you want to talk about muslim issues, you might as well isolate yourself from China and live as a truly hermit kingdom.
Show us your qualifications to decide who has right to talk about what Muslim issue in what way...
I bet they werent after the quds force conducted some extraterritorial operations some years ago across the world and INdia was the location for one of the attacks....

But what is it when you use PPP? thats more of an accurate reflection.

And how did you come to this conclusion? MOst powerful Shia-majority state with huge hydrocarbon resources(in addition to others) + huge territory in strategic location in the Persian Gulf?? You are a joker.

Show us your qualifications to decide who has right to talk about what Muslim issue in what way...
Shia majority or Andromeda Galaxy majority nobody gives a ****... Stop being delusional about your self importance. Nowadays you are only relevant as much as how much economic weight you carry.
Snakes will always be snakes. I dont understand why we are helping them in the first place. Should've let the trash burn and then dealt with the ashes later.
I guess you're one of those Pakistanis who whines and biches that Iran isnt a "friend" to Pakistan when Iran goes to visit India while at the same time DOING NOTHING to show Iran that Pakistan is her good friend.

When it comes to Iran, Pakistanis like you are all talk no action. YOu expect Iran to be Pakistan's trusted reliable ally, WITH NO EFFORT INVESTED to achieve that...keep dreaming..

Shia majority or Andromeda Galaxy majority nobody gives a ****... Stop being delusional about your self importance.
US gives a S*** so wtf are you talking about? because you think Iran isnt important doesnt make that the truth or reality. No one is being self dellusional except you- its dellusional to think a state like Iran has no importance(its actually the actual evidence of your delusional thinking)

Nowadays you are only relevant as much as how much economic weight you carry.
REALLY? What about :
military power?(North Korea for eg)
NUclear power?(NK has it while not being "rich")
strategic location(Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, etc)
asymmetrical warfare capabilities(Iran has it and US+ GCC + NATO cant contain it properly)
Natural resources(eg. Iran - the world is running lower on them but still needs them)

Stop oversimplifying and learn more about your world
I guess you're one of those Pakistanis who whines and biches that Iran isnt a "friend" to Pakistan when Iran goes to visit India while at the same time DOING NOTHING to show Iran that Pakistan is her good friend.

When it comes to Iran, Pakistanis like you are all talk no action. YOu expect Iran to be Pakistan's trusted reliable ally, WITH NO EFFORT INVESTED to achieve that...keep dreaming..

It's almost as if its incomprehensible to have relations with one country, and another at the same time.
It's almost as if its incomprehensible to have relations with one country, and another at the same time.

I just dont understand the Pakistanis who want Iran to be a better, more loyal, more reliable friend to Pakistan while Pakistan DOES NOTHING to make Iran that. that makes no sense to me. law of compensation- you get what you put in!

It also BOGS my mind that some Pakistanis see Shia Iran talking with Hindu India and Pakistanis get anxiety attacks. FOR WHATT??? LOOL...calm your paranoia down...its not that serious.

I just dont understand the Pakistanis who want Iran to be a better, more loyal, more reliable friend to Pakistan while Pakistan DOES NOTHING to make Iran that. that makes no sense to me. law of compensation- you get what you put in!

It also BOGS my mind that some Pakistanis see Shia Iran talking with Hindu India and Pakistanis get anxiety attacks. FOR WHATT??? LOOL...calm your paranoia down...its not that serious.
Pakistan Turkey Malaysia are the only sane muslim countries the rest have some bullshit Persian vs Arab war going on some are with Israel and America and then you get Iran giving port access to India imagine if we did that for Israel or Saudi Arabia
Pakistan Turkey Malaysia are the only sane muslim countries the rest have some bullshit Persian vs Arab war going on some are with Israel and America and then you get Iran giving port access to India imagine if we did that for Israel or Saudi Arabia

The port is for Afghanistan to export its good, obviously India can't do it through Pakistan because you two don't like each other.
We dont know what could be going on in that port more RAW agents waiting for infiltration

I don't even know what a RAW agent is, and I'm sure nobody in Iran knows or cares either.

It's a port for exporting goods, not a military base. If India wanted to infiltrate Pakistan they'd just cut out the middle man (the port) and do it like any other country would by just going to Iran... and crossing over to Pakistan.
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