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Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif arrived in India to meet Modi

Pakistan Turkey Malaysia are the only sane muslim countries
I dont believe any of us have that authority to decide which Muslim countries are "sane" or not...

the rest have some bullshit Persian vs Arab war going on some are with Israel and America
Everyone has some issue(s) going on, EVEN PAKISTAN(which you said is a sane Muslim country and i disagree) so no country is above this reality.

and then you get Iran giving port access to India imagine if we did that for Israel or Saudi Arabia
Well your country already gave Saudi Arabia access via your Balochistan and Jundullah/Jaish Ul adl!!! So per your logic, everyone is "sleeping" with their enemy.
I dont believe any of us have that authority to decide which Muslim countries are "sane" or not...

Everyone has some issue(s) going on, EVEN PAKISTAN(which you said is a sane Muslim country and i disagree) so no country is above this reality.

Well your country already gave Saudi Arabia access via your Balochistan and Jundullah/Jaish Ul adl!!! So per your logic, everyone is "sleeping" with their enemy.

Stop acting like India Saudi Arabia would be the last country to sponsor terrorists against Iran on our soil that's just a absurd claim
Iran surely knows who does what for them. Hence this foreign ministers visit to India is not a surprise. Here are PDFians trying to teach diplomacy when their own prime minister wouldn't attend Malaysia summit because their bigger brother said No. That summit was to be showpiece for Kashmir support, yet Imran for the life of him cannot attend it. You think Iran will trust Pakistan after that. LOL.
The fact that the Iranian FM chose to visit India right after the crisis but not "geostrategic Pakistan" is telling.
That is exactly why I said ungrateful snakes.
What should the snakes the grateful for though????

What has Pakistan given Iran recently? You know for them to be grateful for.
NOTHING....despite both being Muslim, sharing a border, not being adversarial(but there is competition)...i'm waiting for them to tell all of us...

We already know Pakistan will stab(allowing border attacks) a fellow Muslim country(Iran) for money(GCC)...zzz

They should be grateful to us for making peace between them and the Arab countries if pakistan was biased towards the arab countries Iran would have been screaming like a bitch
YOu didnt make peace between Arabs and Iran because you took the Arab side already. Pakistan has been taking Arab money, jobs for Pakistanis, Sunni Islamic solidarity from Arabs in exchange for allowing them attack Iran via JUNDOLLAH AND JAISH UL ADL.

I love how some Pakistanis want other countries to account for their terrorism but Pakistan shouldnt. Double standard logic isnt good logic. lmaoooo...
Don't seed misinformation and building more walls between neighbors using this place. Not to remind you that countries in situation like Iran needs more friends than what you are anticipating for. In-fact, such approach will cut alone Iran and I don't think you are going any good in this. I will leave this to Iranians to see the bigger picture.

Iranian bilateral trade with India = 17 billion dollars

Iranian bilateral trade with Pakistan = 293 million dollars.


Considering this information, Iran's foreign policy towards South Asia makes sens, especially considering Iran's dire economic situation.
Kashmir is not our fight. India has Muslims too. We shouldn’t support any side in something that doesn’t concern us. We are not the “Muslim policeman” of the world who needs to defend Muslims everywhere against injustice. We have helped the ungrateful Palestinians all these years and what has that gotten us?

Don’t trust Arabs, they thank you one minute then turn you into a scapegoat the next.
one word some how you say right but we help palestine or lebonan and syria not only for they are moslem. i dont know why you people come write comment without study.its about geopolitics and millitary and Hegemony economic and ,,,, not only islam.they say that but its not if you have some study in specially geopolitics you understand what iran get
The Iranian FM seems smart enough to know who are the big players in the region that Iran can trust.

like the time when India voted against you at the UN, triggering Crippling sanctions against your country for a decade

and you are claiming your Iranian FM is smart ?

yes you are right
like the time when India voted against you at the UN, triggering Crippling sanctions against your country for a decade

and you are claiming your Iranian FM is smart ?

yes you are right

So did Russia and China. All at US/Western pressure.

So did Russia and China. All at US/Western pressure.

Here is view point from Pakistan.

1- If Pakistan walks away from IP pipeline then they gets benifit of doubt as they can not really fight with US.
2- if Indian supports anti Iran vote which was supported by Pakistan ally like China and new friend Russia, still then India is to be punished because India is supposed to be punished my Muslim countries as Hindu majority nation do not have right to be friendly with Islamic Republic of Iran.

Sometimes, it is amazing to see the level of hypocrisy by Pakistan poster when they blame India or Iran for something while overlooking fact from their side.
You make no sense you are trying to blame Pakistan for Iranian sanctions because china voted for the sanction to be imposed and china is ally off Pakistan so that somehow makes Pakistan anti Iran the amount off bullshit Indian posters post never fails to amaze me

Here is view point from Pakistan.

1- If Pakistan walks away from IP pipeline then they gets benifit of doubt as they can not really fight with US.
2- if Indian supports anti Iran vote which was supported by Pakistan ally like China and new friend Russia, still then India is to be punished because India is supposed to be punished my Muslim countries as Hindu majority nation do not have right to be friendly with Islamic Republic of Iran.

Sometimes, it is amazing to see the level of hypocrisy by Pakistan poster when they blame India or Iran for something while overlooking fact from their side.
It would have been wisest course of action if Persian FM chose PakistanFirst.... which immediately, publically annouced that PakSoil won't be used agasint a fellow MuslimCountry.

Painful sight really....seeing once strong Persia... now its FM going to GanguDaesh...he folds hands in their style too...No Euro/Chinese/Pak/Yank does that!!!!

Regardless, of TheMonkey we caught... regardless of attack on PC Gawadar or killing of PNS troops...

We wish no harm to come to Persia... at all.

In the end it is your own who tend to your wounds... we have millions of Kabuliz living in Pakistan still... even though the KabuliRegime is sitting in the lap of Ganguz...

We, Paks, are odd people...

Without Pakistan there is NO Security in the ME
... ignoring Pakistan or PakNationalInterests is folly....

Let us see what the Persians do next...

Pak FM has toured the region and is now in D.C. trying to help avoid war!
It's Pakistan which hosts bases of United States of Satan, not India.

Pakistan not only didn't call Gen Suleimani a martyr, but didn't even condemn his assassination, Pakistan just condemned the violation of Iraq sovereignty.

Actually Iranian did saw the true face of Imran Khan and Pakistan in this incident.

In the end, neither Pakistan nor India aren't allies of Iran, but at least India has managed a minimum relation with Iran based on their own interest, unlike Pakistan which broke all connections with Iran even against it's own national interest (Gas pipeline).
It's Pakistan which hosts bases of United States of Satan, not India.

Pakistan not only didn't call Gen Suleimani a martyr, but didn't even condemn his assassination, Pakistan just condemned the violation of Iraq sovereignty.

Actually Iranian did saw the true face of Imran Khan and Pakistan in this incident.

In the end, neither Pakistan nor India aren't allies of Iran, but at least India has managed a minimum relation with Iran based on their own interest, unlike Pakistan which broke all connections with Iran even against it's own national interest (Gas pipeline).
Dude im no iran supporter, but respect to them for STANDING up for what they believe in.

We can be respectful enemies, them shooting those missiles was a statement of defiance and i personally appreciate that underdog story.

India pakistan reactions dont really matter as such, but yeah, pakistan is our ally for now, india is just muddling along.
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