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That was wrong and I don't support Saddam. For me he is like Assad, anyone who kills innocent women and children is bound straight to hell.

ME is a more fuked up place than Pak.

Iran or KSA, both have blood of innocent on their hands.

While honestly speaking we are like a dialysis patient for the past 3 decades (if you add 90s sanctions).

doesn't matter now iraqis (arab and kurds ) are celebrating soleimani death.....only iranians such as you are currently butthurt.
your dream of turning the iraqi populace against the US doesn't seems to work.

Yeah im sure Iraqis love US. Specially millions of dead Iraqis.
Before everything else, one has to admire American military's technological sophistication. They took out exactly two cars on a busy road without so much as scratching anyone else nearby.

BTW, IRGC, there is a mole inside your org who leaked Soleimani's itinerary to the US. You might wanna do something about that.

What next? Not much. Iran won't attack American installations in the region. They are not crazy. American proxies in Syria will get pounded a bit. That's all.
doesn't matter now iraqis (arab and kurds ) are celebrating soleimani death.....only iranians such as you are currently butthurt.
your dream of turning the iraqi populace against the US doesn't seems to work.

Soleimani and Quds force were one of the few strong band in Iran which were trying to paint Iraqis as good people for Iranians despite the public hatred toward Iraq , now , He is gone ...

When Saddam died , Iraqis thought their lives become better , When USA came Iraqis though they will become Japan of the Middle East , they celebrated for it , they were wrong and now , they are celebrating again .... this time maybe we simply decide to not have a united Iraq

Before everything else, one has to admire American military's technological sophistication. They took out exactly two cars on a busy road without so much as scratching anyone else nearby.

BTW, IRGC, there is a mole inside your org who leaked Soleimani's itinerary to the US. You might wanna do something about that.

What next? Not much. Iran won't attack American installations in the region. They are not crazy. American proxies in Syria will get pounded a bit. That's all.

well , Soleimani visit to Iraq was a routine ....
Soleimani and Quds force were one of the few strong band in Iran which were trying to paint Iraqis as good people for Iranians despite the public hatred toward Iraq , now , He is gone ...

When Saddam died , their lives become better , When USA came Iraqis though they will become Japan of the Middle East , they celebrated for it , they were wrong and now , they are celebrating again .... this time maybe we simply decide to not have a united Iraq
so what now????? invade iraq..???? go on
it will be a pretext for another UN led invasion to contain Iran
so what now????? invade iraq..???? go on
it will be a pretext for another UN led invasion to contain Iran

well , actually we don't need to invade Iraq ... Soleimani for few times didn't let Iraq get divied ( the last times when he threaten Iraqi Kurdistan leaders directly ) , now he is gone ...

I feel sorry for Iraqis more than ourselves , one of few men who could keep them together was martyered ....
We lost a super Hero who defeated ISIL beside Iraqi people, and Yankee invader occupier terrorist dogs will pay soon ...
well , actually we don't need to invade Iraq ... Soleimani for few times didn't let Iraq get divied ( the last times when he threaten Iraqi Kurdistan leaders directly ) , now he is gone ...

I feel sorry for Iraqis more than ourselves , one of few men who could keep them together was martyered ....
sticking together under iran???? well u should ask the iraqi protestors in baghdad and basra, they will be happy to hear.
sticking together under iran???? well u should ask the iraqi protestors in baghdad and basra, they will be happy to hear.
maybe you from 5000 miles away , knew about Iraq better than me from 500 km away ...
They're mostly liberals and not even 0.5% of Iraqi people.
ok, but based on what i see,the embassy protestors didn't even fully occupied the street front of the embassy while iraqi protestors in baghdad looks like crowds of ants from afar.
btw could give me a specific file on the 0.5% number you gave me just now, or you're just making it up???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

maybe you from 5000 miles away , knew about Iraq better than me from 500 km away ...
well its a connected world isn't it???
It is. Iran is acting out because of the economic sanctions. The US swallowed its pride several times with the drone downing, the ARAMCO attacks, the boat swarms in Hormuz, seizing the British tanker, etc.

The red line was American lives, which is why everything changes once CIA-SAD operator (US media calls them contractors) was killed. That was a big mistake.
Was any contractor killed ? Recently ?
ME is a more fuked up place than Pak.

Iran or KSA, both have blood of innocent on their hands.

While honestly speaking we are like a dialysis patient for the past 3 decades (if you add 90s sanctions).

Yeah im sure Iraqis love US. Specially millions of dead Iraqis.
Pak is not a f.....ed placed . Update your knowledge
ok, but based on what i see,the embassy protestors didn't even fully occupied the street front of the embassy while iraqi protestors in baghdad looks like crowds of ants from afar.
btw could give me a specific file on the 0.5% number you gave me just now, or you're just making it up???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

well its a connected world isn't it???
Stop taking too much space.
No, just wait for the response by Iran.

Iran will respond unlike Pakistan that has bent over and taken drone strikes up the *** by the United Stares for over 2 decades and lost hundreds of its citizens and complete violation of sovereignty while doing nothing. Hilarious that Iranian members have to sit and be lectured by Pakistan members, who are experts in seeing fellow countrymen getting killed by US drones.

Not all Pakistanis stand with the US. In fact the majority does not. We support Iran despite our differences and grievances. In this difficult hour we stand with Iran.

Iran needs to give a solid response to the bully.
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