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The camel jockey Ayatollah: you can’t do anything about it
Trump: hold my Diet Coke.
3 min later El Sheik Muhammad Scallopini is dead.

Don't worry dude, every day there are veterans blowing their brains out over how they served and died for nothing. How many do you think Soleimani was indirectly responsible for? hahahahahahaha
Honestly my opinion as an America the score is evened out right now. US lost a contractor couple of insured people, slapped around the embassy and embarrassed that the people they liberated and trained the security forces joined protesters in damaging the property. This was more of a face saving move — yes it’s a high ranking general taken out but theirs thousands more eager to take his place and out due what he did. It’s a cycle that’ll repeat but probably not yet lead to war.
Eager to replace, and actually being replaceable are two different things. Qassem Soleimani was one of the most experienced and influential military figures in Iran, so his death probably has a bigger impact on Iran than a random CIA contractor's death on the US. He's now been replaced by Qassem's second in command, who should know a lot of what Qassem was doing, but I doubt that he'll be anywhere near as capable as Qassem was.

It's Iran's move, and I have no idea what they're going to do at this point. Any move they make will result in major negative consequences for them.

It is. Iran is acting out because of the economic sanctions. The US swallowed its pride several times with the drone downing, the ARAMCO attacks, the boat swarms in Hormuz, seizing the British tanker, etc.
The ARAMCO attack was never the US' problem, nor was the British tanker issue.

The rest as a part of geopolitical poking, so to speak. The US does similar things, as well as Russia and China. It's all a part of the Great Game.

The red line was American lives, which is why everything changes once CIA-SAD operator (US media calls them contractors) was killed. That was a big mistake.
Contractors are hired precisely so that if they die, their deaths can be ignored, so I don't really buy this. During the height of the Iraq war, a shit ton of contractors were injured or died that were simply never counted towards US military casualties.

I don't buy that the death of a random contractor was what caused these strikes.
Eager to replace, and actually being replaceable are two different things. Qassem Soleimani was one of the most experienced and influential military figures in Iran, so his death probably has a bigger impact on Iran than a random CIA contractor's death on the US. He's now been replaced by Qassem's second in command, who should know a lot of what Qassem was doing, but I doubt that he'll be anywhere near as capable as Qassem was.

It's Iran's move, and I have no idea what they're going to do at this point. Any move they make will result in major negative consequences for them.

The ARAMCO attack was never the US' problem, nor was the British tanker issue.

The rest as a part of geopolitical poking, so to speak. The US does similar things, as well as Russia and China. It's all a part of the Great Game.

Contractors are hired precisely so that if they die, their deaths can be ignored, so I don't really buy this. During the height of the Iraq war, a shit ton of contractors were injured or died that were simply never counted towards US military casualties.

I don't buy that the death of a random contractor was what caused these strikes.

You're thinking of a different kind. CIA Special Activities Division operators dont officially exist, and are referred to as contractors when they are killed.
You're thinking of a different kind. CIA Special Activities Division operators dont officially exist, and are referred to as contractors when they are killed.

There are tens of different forms of contractors in Iraq including ex blackwater contractors. Hell it could have been a IT contractor fixing the WiFi at the base for all we know.

So unless you have proof you uncovered a super duper CIA soldier please stop walking around telling everyone your OPINION as FACT.
you're talking as if iraqi people welcome iranian's in iraq

Baghdad resident cheering the death of Muhandi's and Soleimani
I am talking as if the US went half way around the world and f-ed up the situation so much that we are here now.
Guys...We, poor South Asians, are always in toast for any war in Iran and their sorroundings.

India, Pakistan,BD should combinely request all these powerful Gulfies, Western countries to help us in getting the oil in oir current prices, then we are fine if they hell bent on killing each other or do whatever they wish to do....

not all of us proud Pakistanis are of south Asians decent! Better just say poor us Hindus and Sikhs / and Bangladeshis
It's Iran's move, and I have no idea what they're going to do at this point. Any move they make will result in major negative consequences for them.
3rd country tactics
They will definitely go for something big sooner then later
3rd country tactics
They will definitely go for something big sooner then later
Perhaps, but as Pres. Trump has just shown, he'll retaliate against Iran directly. There seems to be a policy shift in the washington, where they will no longer differentiate between the proxies and Iran.

I could be completely off the mark here, so take it with a grain of salt.
Perhaps, but as Pres. Trump has just shown, he'll retaliate against Iran directly. There seems to be a policy shift in the washington, where they will no longer differentiate between the proxies and Iran.

I could be completely off the mark here, so take it with a grain of salt.
They need to tell local public that they stood fast and retaliated so sipah must be burning their fuel at night
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