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It took me 2 seconds to determine you are Sāzmān-e Basij-e Mostaz'afin.

It took me 2 seconds to figure out your dad should have pulled out of your mother.

This would have saved me the inconvenience of debating a mentally challenged imbecile who just accused me of being basij.

My god get off google and go to bed.
It took me 2 seconds to figure out your dad should have pulled out of your mother.

This would have saved me the inconvenience of debating a mentally challenged imbecile who just accused me of being basij.

My god get off google and go to bed.

lol, I hate it when Americans automatically accuse others of just being basiji or some paid troll of some kind.
It took me 2 seconds to figure out your dad should have pulled out of your mother.

This would have saved me the inconvenience of debating a mentally challenged imbecile who just accused me of being basij.

My god get off google and go to bed.

See my join date? The reason I haven't been banned is because I don't personal attack, at least I restrain myself.

I'm aware you are Iranian and what you think of the average American. Heck, we agree on the average American opinion. But read my posts. Think of the site we are on. If you truly feel I am a fat cowboy who thinks America is never wrong and hates everything brown......then I just feel bad for you.
raqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi condemned on Friday the "assassination" of Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad.

The airstrike on Baghdad airport is an act of aggression on Iraq and breach of its sovereignty that will lead to war in Iraq, the region, and the world, he said in a statement.

Abdul-Mahdi called the airstrike a "massive breach of sovereignty," saying "the two martyrs were huge symbols of the victory" against the Daesh terror group.

Iran-backed Iraqi militia commander Qais al-Khazali also ordered his fighters Friday to be on high alert for an upcoming battle and said that U.S. military presence in Iraq would end soon.

"All fighters should be on high alert for upcoming battle and great victory. The price for the blood for the martyred commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis is the complete end to American military presence in Iraq," local TV channel al-Ahd which is close to his Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia quoted him as saying.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad urged its citizens to "depart Iraq immediately" on Friday.
raqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi condemned on Friday the "assassination" of Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad.

The airstrike on Baghdad airport is an act of aggression on Iraq and breach of its sovereignty that will lead to war in Iraq, the region, and the world, he said in a statement.

Abdul-Mahdi called the airstrike a "massive breach of sovereignty," saying "the two martyrs were huge symbols of the victory" against the Daesh terror group.

Iran-backed Iraqi militia commander Qais al-Khazali also ordered his fighters Friday to be on high alert for an upcoming battle and said that U.S. military presence in Iraq would end soon.

"All fighters should be on high alert for upcoming battle and great victory. The price for the blood for the martyred commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis is the complete end to American military presence in Iraq," local TV channel al-Ahd which is close to his Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia quoted him as saying.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad urged its citizens to "depart Iraq immediately" on Friday.

See my join date? The reason I haven't been banned is because I don't personal attack, at least I restrain myself.

I'm aware you are Iranian and what you think of the average American. Heck, we agree on the average American opinion. But read my posts. Think of the site we are on. If you truly feel I am a fat cowboy who thinks America is never wrong and hates everything brown......then I just feel bad for you.

I give a rats *** about your start date. My real start date supersedes yours by a decade because I was on the REAL Iran defense forum PDF before this.

Like I said I live in the US and have lineage that has done well in both Iran and US. I been following Iranian military capabilities since 2000. So I am a bit more informed then you on geopolitical matters. I saw the rise of Solemani before anyone even knew his name.

And yes I know plenty about the average American and the state of this country.

So I don’t care how many EYE-ran-ians you know or what your favorite dish is. Just know this, however much you try to come off as impartial and non bias, I can see through it.

At the end of the day you are rooting for a “team” and see the world in that team’s tainted lenses.

P.S. Iranians are not “brown” they are Indo-European race that traces its roots to Aryan subsect of the Indo-Europeans races. I’m more white than most Americans.
I give a rats *** about your start date. My real start date supersedes yours by a decade because I was on the REAL Iran defense forum PDF before this.

Like I said I live in the US and have lineage that has done well in both Iran and US. I been following Iranian military capabilities since 2000. So I am a bit more informed then you on geopolitical matters. I saw the rise of Solemani before anyone even knew his name.

And yes I know plenty about the average American and the state of this country.

So I don’t care how many EYE-ran-ians you know or what your favorite dish is. Just know this, however much you try to come off as impartial and non bias, I can see through it.

At the end of the day you are rooting for a “team” and see the world in that team’s tainted lenses.

P.S. Iranians are not “brown” they are Indo-European race that traces its roots to Aryan subsect of the Indo-Europeans races. I’m more white than most Americans.

Vaghan fakhrmikonan agheh Ghormehsabzi doostaran it all of a sudden makes them good with Iran and Iranians lmao.
Vaghan fakhrmikonan agheh Ghormehsabzi doostaran it all of a sudden makes them good with Iran and Iranians lmao.
I'm aware that this scares away most Americans from posting here. But you're bluster is a sign of insecurity. The automatic personal attacks instead of directly countering assertions of fact, are a distraction tactic. I'm supposed to get upset and say something that you can report to silence me.

Not going to happen.

I'm aware that this scares away most Americans from posting here. But you're bluster is a sign of insecurity. The automatic personal attacks instead of directly countering assertions of fact, are a distraction tactic. I'm supposed to get upset and say something that you can report to silence me.

Not going to happen.


Hey OCguy, you're going against the wrong dude here buddy. I'm not even remotely trying to scare you away and I can assure you there is little to no signs of 'insecurity' on my part.

Also I didn't personally attack you, you can take that somewhere else thank you.

I'm aware that this scares away most Americans from posting here. But you're bluster is a sign of insecurity. The automatic personal attacks instead of directly countering assertions of fact, are a distraction tactic. I'm supposed to get upset and say something that you can report to silence me.

Not going to happen.


Post to your hearts content, I don't really care lol.
Hey OCguy, you're going against the wrong dude here buddy. I'm not even remotely trying to scare you away and I can assure you there is little to no signs of 'insecurity' on my part.

Also I didn't personally attack you, you can take that somewhere else thank you.

Post to your hearts content, I don't really care lol.

I think you got hit by shrapnel, that was supposed to be a reply to the post above you. I apologize.
Care to post proof? Or does US change the law whenever they see it needed?

Nice cowardly attack. I’m sure you are super proud. Let’s see how you guys do on the battlefield next time.

Results were not pretty



Do you really want to see how the U.S. fights in the battlefield? Posting those pics mean nothing.

Didn't help Japan. What makes you think it will help Iran?

No, just wait for the response by Iran.

Iran will respond unlike Pakistan that has bent over and taken drone strikes up the *** by the United Stares for over 2 decades and lost hundreds of its citizens and complete violation of sovereignty while doing nothing. Hilarious that Iranian members have to sit and be lectured by Pakistan members, who are experts in seeing fellow countrymen getting killed by US drones.

Incorrect. All of that were done with permission. The same permission Syria has given Russia in her territory.
Can't stress this enough. "War is old people talking, and young people dying".

Most of my friends are Persian. I love koobideh and basmati made by their mothers. They are smart, friendly, and fun to be around. Americans have no issue with the Iranian people. But we will respond to leadership who causes casualties to US forces.

Are you this obtuse? Pakistan allowed our drone bases on their soil. The CIA went on patrols with the Pakistani army in Waziristan. This is all public knowledge.

I just have to reply to this.

- I go to your house
- I stand in front of your car as you are backing you
- I get hit by it.


You people have absolutely zero moral standing here.
I just have to reply to this.

- I go to your house
- I stand in front of your car as you are backing you
- I get hit by it.


You people have absolutely zero moral standing here.

None of this makes any sense.
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