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Pakistan’s F-16s Battled Soviet Jets—and Shot Down the Future Vice President of Russia
March 16, 2019
by Sebastien Roblin


In 1977, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq overthrew Pakistan’s civilian president in a coup. He proceeded to institute hardline Islamist laws throughout Pakistan, and began rebuilding Pakistani military power after its humiliating defeat in a 1971 war with India.

Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, Washington found that Zia’s policies dovetailed conveniently with getting Pakistani assistance in supporting Mujahideen insurgents fighting Communist forces. Thus, Pakistani and U.S. agents collaborated in organizing and arming militants proliferating in Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan.

In retaliation, Soviet and Democratic Republic of Afghanistan Air Force (DRAAF) jet bombers began crossing into Pakistani airspace to blast those refugee camps. The Pakistani military deployed J-6 fighters (Chinese-built MiG-19 clones) capable of Mach 1 speed and two radars to defend the border, but these proved too slow and the patrol and radar coverage too spotty, so none of the raids were intercepted.

Thus in 1981, Zia persuaded the Reagan administration to authorize sale of forty F-16As and two-seat F-16Bs, which would be received between 1983-1986. The then cutting-edge fourth-generation fighter was affordable, extremely maneuverable due to its aerodynamically unstable design (compensated for with fly-by-wire controls), and could still attain high speeds and carry heavy payloads.

However, early production F-16s lacked the capability to fire radar-guided beyond-visual range missiles. This meant Pakistani Falcons needed to get up close to their opponents to use their AIM-9P and more advanced AIM-9L Sidewinder heat-seeking missiles—or their 20-millimeter Vulcan cannons.

In 1986, the F-16s of the PAF’s No. 9 Griffin and 14 Shaheen squadrons were finally ready to begin flying combat air patrols along the Afghan border. That year, Soviet and Afghan forces began a series of offensive targeting mujahideen bases in the Panshir valley, supported with intensified bombardments of refugee camps.

On May 17, 1986 two F-16As were vectored towards two DRAAF Su-22M3K penetrating Pakistani airspace near Parachinar. The Sukhois were rugged swing-wing supersonic fighter bombers that often suffered heavy losses in Cold War conflicts.

The PAF F-16s closed within six miles and Squadron Leader Hameed Qadri launched a Sidewinder which failed to hit. The Su-22 promptly belted back for the Afghan border. Qadri fired off a second AIM-9L which first flew wide off the Sukhoi, then curled around and slammed into its target.

In an account published by the PAF, Qadri describes that he raced towards the second Su-22, which he engaged with a gun:

“The other aircraft was in a left turn. His radius of turn and my energy state gave me enough confidence that I could easily achieve kill parameters both with missile and guns. During the turn, I found myself hitting the fringes of AIM-9P missile. I pulled a high yo-yo as I was in a totally offensive position. My target was now in a nose-down and heading towards Afghan territory. After apexing, I quickly rolled back and fired a three-second burst on the exiting Su-22. I stopped firing when a trail of smoke and flash from his aircraft confirmed a lethal kill. Through a split 'S', I headed east of Parachinar.“

However, the Afghan Air Force confirmed losing only one jet, though the engagement led to a major decrease in attacks on refugee camps. Furthermore, the Soviet VVS deployed MiG-23MLD fighters to protect Afghan Su-22s.

Qadri encountered the MiGs a month later, but neither side opened fire. Nearly a year later on April 16 1987, F-16s chased down DRAAF Su-22s again near Thal, managing to overtake the supersonic jets despite having to attack from lower altitude. Squadron Leader Badar-us-Islam shot down the Sukhoi of Lt. Col. Abdul Jameel, who ejected and was captured on Pakistani soil.

By 1987, Soviets records indicate that Pakistani fighters had begun roaming into Afghan airspace—particularly harassing efforts to provide aerial resupply to besieged garrisons like Khost, only ten miles across the border.

On March 30, 1987 two F-16s intercepted an An-26 twin-turboprop cargo plane near Khost, each striking it with one Sidewinder from just under a mile away. The ponderous cargo plane crashed into the snowy mountains below, killing all 39 aboard. Over the course of the conflict, Pakistani F-16 pilots also claimed the destruction of several Mi-8 transports helicopter, another An-26 on a reconnaissance mission in 1989, and a maneuver kill versus an An-24 transport which was actually attempting to defect.

However, the Pakistani fighter jock’s luck turned two weeks later when two No.9 Squadron F-16s ambushed four MiG-23s of the Soviet 120th Fighter Regiment as they plastered a mujahideen supply bases in Djaware, Pakistan with cluster bombs. As Soviet Lt. Col. Pochitalkin led his unit in evasive maneuvers he saw an airplane plummet towards the earth in flames below him.

This was not a MiG, but the F-16 of Lt. Shahi Sikander, who had inadvertently been acquired by an AIM-9L fired by his wingman. Sikander parachuted down to Afghan soil, where he and the wreckage of his plane were smuggled back to Pakistan by Mujahideen. Some Russian sources claim Sikander was actually shot down by a Soviet jet—though the MiGs were not carrying air-to-air missiles—or had somehow plowed into the rain of cluster bomblets.

In 1988, as Soviet ground forces withdrew from Afghanistan, DRAAF and Soviet aviation units began a ferocious new bombardment campaign in a last-ditch effort to save the crumbling Afghan Communist government.

On August 8, Col Alexander Rutskoy, commander of a regiment of slow but heavily armored Su-25 Frogfoot attack jets—was leading a night raid on the Maranshah refugee camp when his four-ship flight was bounced by two F-16As of the 14th fighter squadron. Rutskoy turned hard towards the F-16s, perhaps seeking to draw them away, and believing the heat-seeking missile would lose its track if his plane’s hot tail-pipe was facing away from it. But the AIM-9L was designed to engage targets from all aspects, and the detonations of its proximity warhead broke the “flying tank” in two.

Rutskoy ejected over Pakistani soil and was captured. Exchanged back to Russia, he was decorated as a hero of the Soviet Union and went onto become vice president of Russia under Boris Yeltsin, before leading an attempted coup in 1993.

A month after Rutskoy’s shootdown, a formation of twelve Soviet MiG-23s—eight loaded with bombs, and four carrying R-24 air-to-air missiles, zipped into Pakistani airspace near the Kunar valley at 32,000 feet—probably seeking to lure PAF F-16s into an ambush.

Obligingly, two F-16s raced towards the swing-wing fighters at only 11,000 feet. However, the Soviet radars failed to detect the lower-flying F-16s amidst the ground clutter. A Sidewinder fired at a steep angle by Squadron Leader Khalid Mahmood managed to riddle one MiG-23 with shrapnel, which limped back home for a crash landing. Two MiGs peeled away to engage the F-16s in a dogfight. But while Pakistani pilots claimed two MiG-23 kills, Soviet records show no additional aircraft were lost.

On November 3, 1988 the PAF would bag its final jet kill when Lt. Khalid Mahmood shot down a DRAAF Su-2M4K. Pakistan formally credits its F-16 pilots with 10 kills during the conflict, while Soviet records confirm the loss of three Su-22s, an Su-25 and An-26. Some sources claim the PAF shot down at least a dozen more aircraft during the Soviet war in Afghanistan which ostensibly were not formally credited because they involved violations of Afghan airspace. Those interested in a more extensive accounting of the Pakistani-Afghan air battles are recommended to consult the following compilations of Pakistani air combat narratives.

Sébastien Roblin holds a master’s degree in conflict resolution from Georgetown University and served as a university instructor for the Peace Corps in China. He has also worked in education, editing, and refugee resettlement in France and the United States. He currently writes on security and military history for War Is Boring.

The whole future US dominance debate is an interesting one, and one I often find myself going back and forth on, but that's a different topic.

Right now, the ball is in Iran's court. Does Iran swallow its pride and take it? Or does it risk further escalation? With US elections around the corner, and the US embassy attack, the risk of war is already high.

It is. Iran is acting out because of the economic sanctions. The US swallowed its pride several times with the drone downing, the ARAMCO attacks, the boat swarms in Hormuz, seizing the British tanker, etc.

The red line was American lives, which is why everything changes once CIA-SAD operator (US media calls them contractors) was killed. That was a big mistake.
The whole future US dominance debate is an interesting one, and one I often find myself going back and forth on, but that's a different topic.

Right now, the ball is in Iran's court. Does Iran swallow its pride and take it? Or does it risk further escalation? With US elections around the corner, and the US embassy attack, the risk of war is already high.

Honestly my opinion as an America the score is evened out right now. US lost a contractor couple of insured people, slapped around the embassy and embarrassed that the people they liberated and trained the security forces joined protesters in damaging the property. This was more of a face saving move — yes it’s a high ranking general taken out but theirs thousands more eager to take his place and out due what he did. It’s a cycle that’ll repeat but probably not yet lead to war.
He has no calculator or doesnt know how to use it.

It is amazing how stupid the average American is.

He doesn’t realize

1 trillion a year to service debt (meaning just pay interest not pay down debt)

1 trillion a year to pay for military

1 trillion a year to pay for entitlement programs (SS/Medicare/etc)

I mean he thinks the US can just print money forever and ever with no consequences. It’s no wonder that so many Americans have zero savings and piles of debt they follow the same philosophy as their government.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei taunted President Donald Trump after the U.S. leader's warning that Tehran will be held "fully responsible for lives lost" after the storming of the American embassy in Iraq.

Washington has accused Iran of orchestrating the attack on its embassy compound in Baghdad. The attackers were demonstrating against unilateral U.S. airstrikes in Iraq and Syria that killed more than two dozen fighters belonging to the Iranian-backed militia Kataib Hezbollah.

The Americans blamed Kataib Hezbollah for a rocket attack that killed a Pentagon contractor and injured several U.S. service members and Iraqi personnel at an Iraqi military base in Kirkuk. On Tuesday, violent protests rocked the U.S. Embassy in Iraq over the airstrikes.

On New Year's Eve, Trump tweeted: "The U.S. Embassy in Iraq is, & has been for hours, SAFE! Many of our great Warfighters, together with the most lethal military equipment in the world, was immediately rushed to the site.

"Thank you to the President & Prime Minister of Iraq for their rapid response upon request. Iran will be held fully responsible for lives lost, or damage incurred, at any of our facilities. They will pay a very BIG PRICE! This is not a Warning, it is a Threat. Happy New Year!"

In a statement reported by Iranian state media, Khamenei accused the Trump administration of "taking revenge" on Kataib Hezbollah "for defeating ISIS," an extremist militant group he falsely accused the U.S. of creating.

"The Iranian government, the Iranian nation, and I strongly condemn the US's malice," Khamenei said. "That guy has tweeted that we see Iran responsible for the events in Baghdad and we will respond to Iran.

"Firstly, You can't do anything
and secondly, If you were logical—which you're not—you'd see that your crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan... have made nations hate you.

"If the Islamic Republic decides to challenge and fight, it will do so unequivocally. We're not after wars, but we strongly defend the Iranian nation's interests, dignity and glory. If anyone threatens that, we will unhesitatingly confront and strike them."

A State Department spokesman told Newsweek that the situation around the embassy has improved and that the Iraqi government had deployed security services to protect the U.S. diplomatic mission.

Most of the individuals protesting have left the immediate area, the spokesman said. Though the situation around the perimeter had calmed significantly the security posture remains heightened, they added.

On Tuesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted a statement: "Our first priority is the safety and security of U.S. personnel. The United States has acted quickly, prudently, and decisively, taking additional security measures to address threats to American diplomats and facilities in Baghdad.

"The attack today was orchestrated by terrorists – Abu Mahdi al Muhandis and Qays al-Khazali – and abetted by Iranian proxies – Hadi al Amari and Faleh al-Fayyad. All are pictured below outside our embassy.

"Today's attack against the U.S. Embassy should not be confused with the legitimate efforts of the Iraqi protestors who have been in the streets since October working for the people of Iraq to end the corruption exported there by the Iranian regime."

They just blew their general . US can do a damn thing and they did .
It is amazing how stupid the average American is.

He doesn’t realize

1 trillion a year to service debt (meaning just pay interest not pay down debt)

1 trillion a year to pay for military

1 trillion a year to pay for entitlement programs (SS/Medicare/etc)

I mean he thinks the US can just print money forever and ever with no consequences. It’s no wonder that so many Americans have zero savings and piles of debt they follow the same philosophy as their government.

$20T GDP. Take that in before you think listing 3T in expenditures is going to bring down the worlds currency.
No, just wait for the response by Iran.

Iran will respond unlike Pakistan that has bent over and taken drone strikes up the *** by the United Stares for over 2 decades and lost hundreds of its citizens and complete violation of sovereignty while doing nothing. Hilarious that Iranian members have to sit and be lectured by Pakistan members, who are experts in seeing fellow countrymen getting killed by US drones.
The drone thingy is long gone . And yeH secondly , we will definitely see what your "response" would be . Killing a US member . That all ?
It is. Iran is acting out because of the economic sanctions. The US swallowed its pride several times with the drone downing, the ARAMCO attacks, the boat swarms in Hormuz, seizing the British tanker, etc.

The red line was American lives, which is why everything changes once CIA-SAD operator (US media calls them contractors) was killed. That was a big mistake.

**** your phantom contractor he probably should have moved out of the way of the rocket. He was a legit military target.

US countered with strikes that killed 17. Deterrence established.

Then Iraqis got angry because you just violated their sovereignty and stormed an embassy resulting in ZERO casualties and minimal damage. To put it in perspective Iranian embassy was torched 3 times. Iran didn’t go on a killing rampage afterwards.

Then US AGAIN struck today against Solemani and Iraqi militia leaders claiming “pre emptive strike”.

So no US didn’t respond to a red line they brought an escalation after settling a score. Only a grunt cannot see that chain of events.

$20T GDP. Take that in before you think listing 3T in expenditures is going to bring down the worlds currency.

Good God you are mentally handicapped if that’s how you balance things. Just shut the hell up you are making Americans look bad you imbecile.
**** your phantom contractor he probably should have moved out of the way of the rocket. He was a legit military target.

US countered with strikes that killed 17. Deterrence established.

Then Iraqis got angry because you just violated their sovereignty and stormed an embassy resulting in ZERO casualties and minimal damage. To put it in perspective Iranian embassy was torched 3 times. Iran didn’t go on a killing rampage afterwards.

Then US AGAIN struck today against Solemani and Iraqi militia leaders claiming “pre emptive strike”.

So no US didn’t respond to a red line they brought an escalation after settling a score. Only a grunt cannot see that chain of events.

I am always open to debate people who I disagree with, or even those who hate me just because of my flag, like you do. But I don't debate liars. And you know it wasn't Iraqis storming US soil (embassy). It was Iranian-controlled militia and sympathizers. And after Benghazi, choosing an Embassy was a very bad tactic.
**** your phantom contractor he probably should have moved out of the way of the rocket. He was a legit military target.

US countered with strikes that killed 17. Deterrence established.

Then Iraqis got angry because you just violated their sovereignty and stormed an embassy resulting in ZERO casualties and minimal damage. To put it in perspective Iranian embassy was torched 3 times. Iran didn’t go on a killing rampage afterwards.

Then US AGAIN struck today against Solemani and Iraqi militia leaders claiming “pre emptive strike”.

So no US didn’t respond to a red line they brought an escalation after settling a score. Only a grunt cannot see that chain of events.

Good God you are mentally handicapped if that’s how you balance things. Just shut the hell up you are making Americans look bad you imbecile.

Hey brother, OCguy has been cordial enough to members here and I think it would be just to show some basic civility back as well even as tensions are just mounting damn near uncontrollably lol.
Your empire is at the end of the road.

You are spending 52% of your country’s budget on military. How long does a Yankee like you think that’s sustainable while racking up 20+ trillion plus debt?

Only a complete simpleton cannot see the writing on the wall, spending 800 billion dollars a year to be #1 military power.

You will fall from inside long before you fall from the invisible enemies at the gates.
We will see . Right now you hope Pakistan doesn't supports US , becoz if we do , you guys will be long gone . And yeah backstabbing by Iran and having neighbors like India and Afghanistan is why we spend so much on military . And beware , you will fall from inside and outside both before it comes to us . And I think you should work on making your narrative strong rather than destabilising Pakistan and promoting Shia Factions in Pakistan .
I am always open to debate people who I disagree with, or even those who hate me just because of my flag, like you do. But I don't debate liars. And you know it wasn't Iraqis storming US soil (embassy). It was Iranian-controlled militia and sympathizers. And after Benghazi, choosing an Embassy was a very bad tactic.

Hate you for your flag? Dumbass my lineage has probably done more in America then your gas station educated self. Don’t use your flag as an excuse moron.

So unarmed protestors stormed an embassy with Iraqi security with guns as well as marines on rooftop standing there. Neither fired a single shot at the protestors. comparing this to Benghazi is a pathetic cowards attempt at justifying their country’s bloodthirsty actions.

Of course everyone who protests US interests is “iran controlled” and everyone who attacks Iran in Iraq is “freedom loving Iraqi citizen”.

I see the McCarthy era of Soviet paranoia is in full swing. EVERYONE that dislikes AMERICA is a Iranian sympathizer or secret agent.

Carry on sir, you obviously love the bubble you put yourself in. No reason debating with an patriotic airhead.
Hate you for your flag? Dumbass my lineage has probably done more in America then your gas station educated self. Don’t use your flag as an excuse moron.

So unarmed protestors stormed an embassy with Iraqi security with guns as well as marines on rooftop standing there. Neither fired a single shot at the protestors. comparing this to Benghazi is a pathetic cowards attempt at justifying their country’s bloodthirsty actions.

Of course everyone who protests US interests is “iran controlled” and everyone who attacks Iran in Iraq is “freedom loving Iraqi citizen”.

I see the McCarthy era of Soviet paranoia is in full swing. EVERYONE that dislikes AMERICA is a Iranian sympathizer or secret agent.

Carry on sir, you obviously love the bubble you put yourself in. No reason debating with an patriotic airhead.

It took me 2 seconds to determine you are Sāzmān-e Basij-e Mostaz'afin.
Muqtada al-Sadr, leader of the Sadrist movement announces reactivation of anti-US 'Mahdi Army' to defend Iraq
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