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Amended to allow assassinations of terrorists leaders not state actors.

US just told China, Russia, and the rest of the world, its is fair game to assassinate US diplomats/generals/officers in peace time.

You opened up pandoras box.

We killed 200 Russians in Syria, they did nothing. They can't do anything without a response. The rules are different for the stronger.
Only simpletons don't realize that the military expenditure winds up going to American contractors, which supports the economy and gets re-taxed on paychecks. Then we sell weapons around the world to allies to recover the expenditure.

The stupid thing we do is give out so much unappreciated aide.
Much less tax is collected from "benefits" of war than what is spent on military and the war themselves. There is no recovery at all, it's called sinking in debt.
So, unfortunately for your argument, the US does not, and has never recognized the IRGC as a legitimate legal arm of the Iranian government.

Let me get this straight US determines what is “legal” in another country’s own legal system?

LOL the mental gymnastics you guys jump through to justify your actions. Iran could kill a US general walking through the green zone at any time. I am sure you would sit and applaud that as a tactical strike?

You guys are still crying about the 200+ Marines killed in legitimate military target attack in Barracks bombing in Lebanon in the 80’s.

But of course any attack on US military targets is “terrorism” and “cowardly”, but everything the US does is legally kosher.

How ironic the Iran today causing you guys so much pain is due to the US illegally removing a legitimate Iranian government in the 1930’s.

Has a taste of Shakespearean tragic irony, no?
world is in hands of some stupid old men be its usa or iran .

I’m in total agreement bro — old men talk, young boys die.

But also remember sanctions is another form of warfare in the modern world - don’t give two shits about UN If they believe it or not cause none cares about that useless organization. But this tool has been used to indirectly hurt and kill civilians. So Iran had no choice and do what it does due to circumstances.
No, just wait for the response by Iran.

Iran will respond unlike Pakistan that has bent over and taken drone strikes up the *** by the United Stares for over 2 decades and lost hundreds of its citizens and complete violation of sovereignty while doing nothing. Hilarious that Iranian members have to sit and be lectured by Pakistan members, who are experts in seeing fellow countrymen getting killed by US drones.

Sure it will... Why get angry at Pakistan... We didn't squash your Mr. General Terror.

Iran only responds back at innocent women and children.
Only simpletons don't realize that the military expenditure winds up going to American contractors, which supports the economy and gets re-taxed on paychecks. Then we sell weapons around the world to allies to recover the expenditure.

The stupid thing we do is give out so much unappreciated aide.

Wow you really don’t understand how economics works and it shows. I won’t bother further, just remember by 2030 US will be paying close to 1 trillion dollars a year in interest payments on its debt.

Enjoy the show. Laughed at the Soviets for military bankrupting themselves and you are flying straight towards the sun Icarus.
Let me get this straight US determines what is “legal” in another country’s own legal system?

LOL the mental gymnastics you guys jump through to justify your actions. Iran could kill a US general walking through the green zone at any time. I am sure you would sit and applaud that as a tactical strike?

You guys are still crying about the 200+ Marines killed in legitimate military target attack in Barracks bombing in Lebanon in the 80’s.

But of course any attack on US military targets is “terrorism” and “cowardly”, but everything the US does is legally kosher.

How ironic the Iran today causing you guys so much pain is due to the US illegally removing a legitimate Iranian government in the 1930’s.

Has a taste of Shakespearean tragic irony, no?
I'm Canadian, so I dont really give a **** who comes out on top in this pissing contest. I'm just telling you the reality of the situation.

The US being the biggest military and economic power, geopolitically, gets to decide what is right and wrong. I'm not saying they should have that ability, but that's just how it is.

Even if the US' EU allies outright condemn the US, they will still end up aiding with the US over Iran in the end, as will a vast majority of the world.

I should emphasize I'm not taking a side here, because I really dont care.
Wow you really don’t understand how economics works and it shows. I won’t bother further, just remember by 2030 US will be paying close to 1 trillion dollars a year interest payments on its debt.

Enjoy the show. Laughed at the Soviets for military bankrupting themselves and you are flying straight towards the son Icarus.

Bad night for those in Iran camp for sure, no getting around that.
Wow you really don’t understand how economics works and it shows. I won’t bother further, just remember by 2030 US will be paying close to 1 trillion dollars a year interest payments on its debt.

Enjoy the show. Laughed at the Soviets for military bankrupting themselves and you are flying straight towards the son Icarus.

Don't you have to show your real flags? Would love to know where your perspective comes from. We have the #1 GDP. Debt doesn't matter the way you think it does. We just became energy independent, ensuring our dominance for 50+ more years.

Let's examine your country, shall we?
We have the #1 GDP. Debt doesn't matter the way you think it does. We just became energy independent, ensuring our dominance for 50+ more years.


I just can’t. I mean this is too funny. Ok sir keep pounding your chest. Rome never thought it would fall either.
I think everyone needs to cool down a bit — Iran losing this one General isn’t going to slow down what Iran does in any way, shape or form. Another is ready to take his seat it’s how it goes and this is asymmetrical warfare casualties are taken.

To the Americans please don’t fucking talk economics because beyond the cost of a liquor bottle you don’t know shit and let’s not go down that road and how debt servicing works etc. and this is coming from an America and I have to deal with this shit on constant basis and majority of you guys can’t balance a check book. lol
Don't you have to show your real flags? Would love to know where your perspective comes from. We have the #1 GDP. Debt doesn't matter the way you think it does. We just became energy independent, ensuring our dominance for 50+ more years.

Let's examine your country, shall we?
The whole future US dominance debate is an interesting one, and one I often find myself going back and forth on, but that's a different topic.

Right now, the ball is in Iran's court. Does Iran swallow its pride and take it? Or does it risk further escalation? With US elections around the corner, and the US embassy attack, the risk of war is already high.
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