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No, just wait for the response by Iran.

Iran will respond unlike Pakistan that has bent over and taken drone strikes up the *** by the United Stares for over 2 decades and lost hundreds of its citizens and complete violation of sovereignty while doing nothing. Hilarious that Iranian members have to sit and be lectured by Pakistan members, who are experts in seeing fellow countrymen getting killed by US drones.
Ok we are waiting to see what u ppl can do. We have killed many US soldiers through Taliban. Lets see what u can do


@F-22Raptor @Hamartia Antidote @FedererExpress @OCguy
Please go peel your shrims, ex dutch colony, cannibal.
lol, can't figure out why you hated the arabs so much, afterall you're all half arab since those desert bois came coming in 632 ad
I wonder why iranians always felt insecure :DDDDDDDDDD
lol, can't figure out why you hated the arabs so much, afterall you're all half arab since those desert bois came coming in 632 ad
I wonder why iranians always felt insecure :DDDDDDDDDD
As an Indonesian, why are you so anti Iranian? Considering you and we have no fish to fry here?

Lets not taunt the dead and insult eachother for sake of it.
lol, can't figure out why you hated the arabs so much, afterall you're all half arab since those desert bois came coming in 632 ad
I wonder why iranians always felt insecure :DDDDDDDDDD
Hhhh says "indonesian" shrimp cleaner whose country is named wrongly after India hahaha so stupid ... your country has a wrong name, but that's because it has no history, we know till recently cannibals were active in Indonesia before white dutch told you not to eat humans stupid shrimp peeler. By the way stop using (aryan/indo-Iranian) name of "indo-nesia" for your stupid cannibalist dutch colony.
Very cheap indonesian shrimp peeling woman get raped by your saudi masters lol. And after rape these cheap indonesian women get executed lol:
As an Indonesian, why are you so anti Iranian? Considering you and we have no fish to fry here?

Lets not taunt the dead and insult eachother for sake of it.
I actually would do the very same thing if countries like saudi arabia decide to do something stupid (like attacking embasies of world most powerful nation,and ended up crying victim about it).
everything about this fancy "axis of resistance " rhetoric will ended up getting them invaded and crushed by the US. if only they knew.

Hhhh says "indonesian" shrimp cleaner whose country is named wrongly after India hahaha so stupid ... your country has a wrong name, but that's because it has no history, we know till recently cannibals were active in Indonesia before white dutch told you not to eat humans stupid shrimp peeler. By the way stop using (aryan/indo-Iranian) name of "indo-nesia" for your stupid cannibalist dutch colony.
Very cheap indonesian shrimp peeling woman get raped by your saudi masters lol. And after rape these cheap indonesian women get executed lol:
pffffftttttttt Indonesia shrimp eater ex cannibals actually had higher standard of living+higher GDP+ not getting its leader bombed. compare that to Persia's proud aryan history of getting arabised by their southern desert bois and being pimped under the shah.

Imagine being persian empire and getting fucked by nomadic arab tribes????????
As an Indonesian, why are you so anti Iranian? Considering you and we have no fish to fry here?

Lets not taunt the dead and insult eachother for sake of it.
Maybe his mom is a maid over there (saudi arabia) and because she sends some coins he doesnt have to peel shrimp whole day lol. or he's left-over/the remains of saudi tourists in indonesia?
I have seen them here in netherlands, most of them admit being ex-cannibals till dutch colonists told them don't eat humans and before their stupid nameless colony was named after India hahaha. They look very thin and weak, but their ladies are ok and mostly reject their fellow indonesian and mix with other nations and forget their fake country and language.
Maybe his mom is a maid over there (saudi arabia) and because she sends some coins he doesnt have to peel shrimp whole day lol. or he's left-over/the remains of saudi tourists in indonesia?
I have seen them here in netherlands, most of them admit being ex-cannibals till dutch colonists told them don't eat humans and before their stupid nameless colony was named after India hahaha. They look very thin and weak, but their ladies are ok and mostly reject their fellow indonesian and mix with other nations and forget their fake country and language.

Common dude, this is beneath you. Let him be a fool, one day he is going to get hit with reality.
Common dude, this is beneath you. Let him be a fool, one day he is going to get hit with reality.
this piglet is acting worse than a wahabi/zionist terrorist. I imagine his skinny beardless face in front of me talking like this :lol: the only worry i have is that he will resort to cannibalism like his ancestors till dutch colonists told them not to eat humans.
US violated rules of combat by attacking a General of a nation not at war as he disembarked by plane. That is against not only EO Order by President Ronald Reagan prohibiting assassinations of state actors, but also violates international law. The ultimate cowardly act that would make even the Israeli’s laugh.

You don’t think Iran could easily take out a high ranking US general that passes through the green zone during peacetime? Any country can, they don’t because it’s cowardly.

So if you read the full statement, he (Iran supreme leader) is saying you can’t do anything to Iran (the nation) and he said that if you actually used your brain you would realize the reason the embassy was attacked was because nations hate you for your actions not because “iran ordered it”. He reiterated saying If Iran wanted to strike you, they would do it directly.

Iran has become the ultimate boogeyman and excuse to hide US embarrassment worldwide.

I will not endorse it but I will say that I do feel there was a little justification. The guy was behind proxies which attacked their embassy, threatened it and has been targeting American soldiers.

What do you expect? What would you want Iran's response to be if an Iranian embassy was stormed in America by militia supported by Pentagon?

No, just wait for the response by Iran.

Iran will respond unlike Pakistan that has bent over and taken drone strikes up the *** by the United Stares for over 2 decades and lost hundreds of its citizens and complete violation of sovereignty while doing nothing. Hilarious that Iranian members have to sit and be lectured by Pakistan members, who are experts in seeing fellow countrymen getting killed by US drones.

That was a time ago. Yes, we sucked up to them. But not anymore after that.

We know better than anyone how to protect our National Interests from external threats.
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