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Iranian Version of RQ-170 Drone Makes Maiden Flight

Being under sanctions has allowed Iran to have a strong indigenous missile and defense program.

Irans research and development spending is also one of the highest in the Muslim world, along with Malaysia I think.
Poll: Turks Hate Israel More Than Any Other Country - JP Updates | JP Updates

Look at this.they totally hate everyone:hitwall:

this pretty much shows the incitation behind ruining every damn Iranian thread as well.

My bro, when you hear a lot of "Arrr arrr waff waff" and anti-Iran troll post, you know that Turks are here.
Better to ignore their trolling.

They are a pathetic bunch. We are really friendly and accomodating towards them in our chill thread (where they occasionally behave nicely), but then they come in the usual backstabbing manner and troll the section in when it comes to Iranian military threads. The jump on the bandwagon with Israelis and others.
Not even Arabs are this hostile, because they mind their own business.
We cant do any thing BTW.better to get used to it.:D

Congratulation anyway.today was a great day.this thing is a real deal for our military.we got sepehr radar,ballistic missiles and stealth UAVs in the recent years.whole ME is in our range.thats impressive.lets be proud of being IRANIAN.

Good night.
We cant do any thing BTW.better to get used to it.:D

Congratulation anyway.today was a great day.this thing is a real deal for our military.we got sepehr radar,ballistic missiles and stealth UAVs in the recent years.whole ME is in our range.thats impressive.lets be proud of being IRANIAN.

Good night.

What new missiles?
With all respect, from the video, the object flying looks like another toy RC plane. Why can't they never show it taking off and landing. They rather choose to film the thing from far away. Guess why..

Thats why they but their nose, whenever there is an Iran-Azerbaijan thread. It always end up the same, because the Turk feel ownership.
We don't feel owernship of Azerbaijan. We see them as our brother nation. Caring about your brother doesn't mean you don't respect them. I know it is hard for you to grasp this because Iran doesn't have any allies.

Rc plane you can buy it for cheaper then the rq170 model..:-)

Imagine a mullah with this...

View attachment 150587

Just ask yourself why they never show take offs ;) They haven't mastered enough skills with Vegas special effects video editor to pull that off.

They did same with Qaher 313:

Static mock up:
View attachment 150585

Flying RC toy:

Same scheme was used on S-129 and now with RQ-190. Thats why flight video in all 3 cases is always shitty quality with no one near.

Iran is progressing with Vegas special effects though.
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I have no intention of checking all the pages so can anyone tell me that did anyone insulted anyone ? if not what is the cause of this uproar ? they have the right to express their views which I also partially agree, their way of showing things off is really suspicious.
With all respect, from the video, the object flying looks like another toy RC plane. Why can't they never show it taking off and landing. They rather choose to film the thing from far away. Guess why..

Look the reveal shows of qahar mockup and that pizza deliver uav hamasah with pizza beneath the uav. This was a great show, but this so called rq170 is a dramatic propaganda.

Look mullah general with the toy. The after party was great.


And the qaharrrr.


And look the poor rq170 rc plane.

did you get the image?:-)
Don't rush to your demise its little bit time left so enjoy then taste the fire forever Inshallah.
Did your messiah came or he wants more innocent Palestinian sacrifices tell him to come fast don't be a sissy

Words are English yet syntax is gibberish.
sane "people" dont have any doubts .... butt hurt "people do ....they'll always do ....even if "Iranian released platforms" drop a bomb on them they'll still talk BS.... even if Iran blow up the moon, they'll continue to B.S .....it's the nature of enemy and trolls....no "a professional way with different angles" can never solve it !!!

Man... that was the emptiest reply I have ever got... I had a serious point to solve the problem but you guys prefer insulting each time you get critics... you deserve to be trolled by your mullahs and the rest of the world laughs out loud...
Iran May Gift Indigenized RQ-170 to US

TEHRAN (FNA)- Four Iran-made RQ-170 drones - manufactured through the reverse engineering of a similar American pilotless plane that was downed by Iran in 2011, will start operational flights by the end of this year, senior IRGC officials announced on Wednesday, adding that the country may gift one of its home-made RQ-170s to the US.
"We have plans to bring into operation, at least, four indigenized RQ-170 drones for missions by the end of this (Iranian) year (March 20)," Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said on Wednesday after the state-run TV displayed the footages of the first flight of an Iran-made RQ-170 drone.

The Iranian version of the RQ-170 drone has been manufactured through the reverse engineering of the US drone which was tracked and hunted down in Iran late in 2011 and has been equipped by the IRGC with bombing capability.

"We will not extradite the US RQ-170 drone since it is a (war) trophy, but if the US sanctions against Iran are lifted, maybe we will give the US an Iranian model of the drone," Hajizadeh said.

He said that the Iranian version of the RQ-170 has been built through a combination of the US designs and ideas and those of the Iranian experts.

On Monday, Hajizadeh announced that the Iranian version of the RQ-170 drone with the capability of conducting bombing and reconnaissance missions has had its first flight after tests.
"We had promised to fly the final model of RQ-170 in the second half of the current (Iranian) year (which started on March 21) and this has happened and the footage of its flight will be released soon," Hajizadeh told reporters in Tehran on Monday morning.

Elaborating on the Iranian version of the RQ-170 drone which has been manufactured through the reverse engineering of the US drone which was tracked and hunted down in Iran late in 2011 and has been equipped by the IRGC with bombing capability, Hajizadeh had informed in September that "the prototype model of this drone (which was 60% smaller than the original drone in size) flew about three months ago and God willing, the final model of the plane will fly this year".

He said that the Americans themselves had also thought of providing the drone with bombing capability and foreseen some special parts for mounting bombs on the aircraft. Yet, they used it for reconnaissance and spying operations, he said.

"But we will use it for both missions," continued the General.

Also in his September remarks, Hajizadeh referred to the downing of the US RQ-170 drone in 2011, and said more important than using its technology had been the "disclosure of the Americans' most advanced capabilities and weak points to us".

In December, Lieutenant Commander of the IRGC Brigadier General Hossein Salami announced that the Iranian version of the US drone, RQ-170, would be unveiled to the public soon.

“The construction of this drone will finish soon and most of the job has been done now,” General Salami told reporters on the sidelines of a conference in Tehran in December 2013.

In relevant remarks in October 2013, Hajizadeh said that Iran moved as much as 35 years ahead in building drone engines by reverse engineering the US drone, RQ-170 which was tracked and hunted down in Iran late in 2011.

The RQ-170 engines are the fifth generation and the engines of Iranian unmanned planes are the third generation, Hajizadeh said, adding that to produce the engine we had to spend 35 years on the project.

He said that the home-made version of the US drone RQ-170 captured by the IRGC would make its maiden flight in the near future.

In April, 2013, a senior Iranian parliamentary official announced that Iran has reverse engineered the RQ-170, adding that the Iranian version of the drone would soon have a test flight.

"The brave personnel of the Armed Forces hunted down the drone with their knowledge and science and the Americans protested immediately and called for the return of the UAV," Chairman of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi said in the Northern city of Rasht last April.

Iran has downed several US drones so far and Boroujerdi did not mention which one he meant, but explained, "The reverse engineering started immediately (by the Iranian experts after hunting down the US UAV) and the Iranian type of the US drone will fly in Iran's Aerospace Organization soon which shows the Islamic Republic's might and power."

Boroujerdi's remarks referred to RQ-170. The drone has special coatings and a batwing shape designed to help it penetrate other nations' air defenses undetected. The existence of the aircraft, which is made by Lockheed Martin, has been known since 2009, when a model was photographed at the main US airfield in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

The unmanned surveillance plane lost by the United States in Iran was a stealth aircraft being used for secret missions by the CIA, US officials admitted in December. The aircraft is among the highly sensitive surveillance platform in the CIA's fleet that was shaped and designed to evade enemy defenses.

Iran has downed many other US drones as well, and they have always started reproducing them after conducting reverse engineering on them.

Iran announced on December 4, 2011 that its defense forces had downed a US RQ-170 aircraft through a sophisticated cyber attack. The drone was the first such loss by the US. US officials have described the loss of the aircraft in Iran as a setback and a fatal blow to the stealth drone program.

The aircraft is among the highly sensitive surveillance platform in the CIA's fleet that was shaped and designed to evade enemy defenses.

Since December, 2011, Iran has hunted down several more US drones of various types.

In January 2013, a deputy commander of the Iranian Navy announced that the country's Army had hunted two more advanced RQ type UAVs.

"The air-defense units of the Army have hunted two enemy drones," Deputy Commander of the Iranian Navy for Coordination Rear Admiral Amir Rastegari told FNA.

"These drones were from 11th series of the RQ class, and one of them was hunted in Shahrivar 1390 (August 21-September 19, 2011) and the other one in Aban (October 22-November 20, 2012)," Rastegari said, adding that the Army research center is now studying the two UAVs.

"Much of the data of these drones has been decoded by the Army's Jihad and Research Center," he said, but did not provide any further detail.

The remarks by the Iranian commander came after Iran announced on December 4, 2012, that the IRGC Navy had hunted a US UAV over the Persian Gulf after the drone violated the country's airspace.

The IRGC navy commander announced at the time that the hunted UAV was a ScanEagle drone, adding that "such drones are usually launched from large warships".

ScanEagle is a small, low-cost, long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle built by Insitu, a subsidiary of Boeing.

Iran later reproduced its own model of ScanEagle through reverse engineering techniques.

Iranian government is trolling. :cheesy:
Poll: Turks Hate Israel More Than Any Other Country - JP Updates | JP Updates

Look at this.they totally hate everyone:hitwall:

this pretty much shows the incitation behind ruining every damn Iranian thread as well.

There is a saying in turkey:
The only friend of a turk is a turk.

There is a huge cultural difference, I suppose.remember few months ago when I went to IK intl university.I can remember that almost every Iranian member congratulated me on that but no turks did so.few days ago a Turk ask his GF for marriage and Iranians were the first to congratulate.it shows we are more friendly and civil than them.

And now you see them finding excuses for bashing our products whereas no Iranian cares to react in such a cruel way in exchange.take a look at the competition among Chinese and American members on similar topics.they always amaze me with their perfect manner.
Turks are very direct in showing their emotions and attitudes toward people. For you guys that maybe unusual but for turks it isnt.

And there are other underlying factors such as things said by iranian members on other non defence.pk forums regarding turkey.
Wow. Alot of good arguments from both sides here, im really scratching my head.

These are some of the things going through my head:

  1. Iran has reverse engineered things in the past so i dont see why they couldnt apply that to this particular UAV.
  2. Some points were brought up regarding the size of the drone compared to a helicopter imo that argument is weak because i can hold the sun in my hand:
    unnamed (2).jpg
  3. To refute my argument a picture was shown which displayed an american RQ-170 not taking up the space of the whole run way. Thats a good point because that proves that the uav doesnt have to take up the whole width of the run way just like the iranian RQ-170. At the same time however someone posted a picture showing the same rq-170 taking up the whole width of a run way somewhere else.:cheesy:
  4. Another point that was brought up was that the footage of the drone flying is very crapy when compared to the footage of uav's flying from other countries. I personally would like to see better quality pictures of the drone flying, im sure everyone would like to but it is what it is for whatever the reason.
Anyway im still undecided here but i think if iran was all smoke and mirrors it would have been attacked by its enemies a long time ago.
There is indeed a cultural difference. There is also polls on this kind of stuff. As I mentioned earlier there have been polls about how people view their countrys status/role in the region.
In countries like Egypt, Iran, even KSA the polls showed that their people were really humble about themselves and the sense of their country.
But the same poll in Turkey showed that over 90 % of Turks believe their country to be the leader of Middle East. Not just Middle East, but they openly talk about "Turkic union".
Thats why they but their nose, whenever there is an Iran-Azerbaijan thread. It always end up the same, because the Turk feel ownership.

Even their leaders like Davutoglu openly beat their chest and make statements about "making borders meaningless", which is in obvious reference to the old Ottoman order.
Not to mention how Erdoga also said that what goes on in countries like Syria and Egypt is Turkey's business, because they were Ottoman colonies.
To sum up, they are an extremely arrogant people.
That's when some one or even some nation overate their capabilities.
Ottomans cant digest the reality, I mean you change your alphabet, change mosques to museums,give U.S a military base, let U.S stockpile its nukes in your land, go more naked in your music videos than even american singers ....all to become "modern" and allowed in the EU.... at the end not only they are allowed in, all their military projects are licensed under EU companies and yet they crash on regular basis....they cannot believe another neighboring country to achieve something without being a lap dog ..... lap dogs are jealous of free wolves ...:coffee:

P.s: ask tourists who visit Iran and Turkey about the attitude of people in both countries...
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