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Iranian Trained Terrorists involved in Sectarian Killing in Pakistan

Tens of 'actual' terrorist attacks from Pakistani soil against Iran in past years and yet the only thing you guys can come up with is a random guy throwing baseless accusation?

What if I show a random video of an Iranian saying Pakistan's ISI is organizing terror attacks against Iran, by groups like Jaish al-Adl or former Rigi group? Based on your logic, it should be a well proof of Pakistan's support for terrorists in Iran, right?

Hundreds if not thousands of terror attacks by Saudi-inspired groups inside Pakistan, killing thousands of people and you desperately try to blame Iran so that Saudis, God forbid, might not get angry with you. Pathetic.
Tens of 'actual' terrorist attacks from Pakistani soil against Iran in past years and yet the only thing you guys can come up with is a random guy throwing baseless accusation?

What if I show a random video of an Iranian saying Pakistan's ISI is organizing terror attacks against Iran, byt groups like Jaish al-Adl or former Rigi group? Based on your logic, it should be a well proof of Pakistan's support for terrorists in Iran, right?
Sir, we gave you intelligence to capture Rigi, we told you Rigi is flying on the plane from middle east to central asia, It is us who arrested Rigi's brother and handed him over to you, have you ever done the same for us, basically a sectarian group has been arrested, was causing unrest, used to get paid RS 25000 per month ( $250 roughly) and they were all trained in IRAN !!!

Saudi Arabia and Iran both fund terror sectarian groups thoughout middle east, they want to do the same in Pakistan, InshAllah both of them will fail !!!
Tens of 'actual' terrorist attacks from Pakistani soil against Iran in past years and yet the only thing you guys can come up with is a random guy throwing baseless accusation?

What if I show a random video of an Iranian saying Pakistan's ISI is organizing terror attacks against Iran, by groups like Jaish al-Adl or former Rigi group? Based on your logic, it should be a well proof of Pakistan's support for terrorists in Iran, right?

Hundreds if not thousands of terror attacks by Saudi-inspired groups inside Pakistan, killing thousands of people and you desperately try to blame Iran so that Saudis, God forbid, might not get angry with you. Pathetic.

It's not necessary that Iran trained them for activities in Pakistan. But recently videos have emerged of people from same area fighting in Syria. Now seemingly some of them are coming back and waging their own war here. I would hope Iran does not recruit from Pakistani territory as, as you can see, it's causing problems for us.
Sir, we gave you intelligence to capture Rigi, we told you Rigi is flying on the plane from middle east to central asia, It is us who arrested Rigi's brother and handed him over to you, have you ever done the same for us, basically a sectarian group has been arrested, was causing unrest, used to get paid RS 25000 per month ( $250 roughly) and they were all trained in IRAN !!!

As I said, there is literally no proof for what you are saying.

As for Rigi, please answer my question. Are there terrorists attacking Pakistani border guards from Iran's soil? If yes, then it's our responsibility to catch the terrorists and give them to you. But the opposite is correct. Jaish-al-Adl has permanent presence in Pakistan and trains its members in there, and attacks Iran every once in a while. One of their leaders was recently assassinated in Karachi and another one in Quetta.

So when they attack our border guards from your country, then it's your job to catch them.

I don't want another useless fight between Pakistanis and Iranians here, but when a member starts a thread based on nothing and others cheer for it, then we have no other way except answering your allegations. Even if it sounds bitter.

It's not necessary that Iran grained them for activities in Pakistan. Videos have emerged of people from same area fighting in Syria. Now seemingly some of them are coming back and waging their own war here. I would hope Iran does not recruit from Pakistani territory as, as you can see, it's causing problems for us.
I have heard about some Pakistanis in Syria and as far as I know, they were living for Iran for years and were not recruited from Pakistan. Also, their max. number is no more than 50 as far I heard, so it sounds a bit ridiculous to say a group of 50 can do anything to cause unrest in Pakistan, even if they want to do it, which is unlikely.

Also, you guys have a habit of accusing Iran fro everything a Shia does across the globe and that is very naive and childish. Let's say a Shia Muslim (Shia by birth and name only) in Pakistan is involved in an armed robbery, I wouldn't be surprised if some people here say he has been trained by Iran to cause unrest in Pakistan.

Iran trying to cause trouble in Baluchestan sounds very stupid, because the first country that will be hurt by this action after Pakistan, is Iran itself.

It doesn't make sense at all. If Pakistan's Baluchistan is insecure, it means more space for terrorist activities and hence more attacks against Iran. But for some people, being a Shia is a crime itself, so naturally, Iran is always guilty no matter what.
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well, Afghanistan, Iran and India, all of them accuse Pakistan for supporting terrorists too. whom should we believe? this one or those three?
Pakistan is always right! They have never indulged in terrorism and never will! It's the damn RAW, Afghanistan's NDS, Iran's MOIS, CIA, MOSSAD, GID of Saudi Arabia etc etc who are the culprits, screwing up Pakistan by their terrorist activities! :P
@Serpentine plz close the threat since it is of forbidden sectarian substance and will start a useless hate war... it is also based on no facts as it seems
Another stupid thread to start a fight between Pakistanis and Iranians, literally based on nothing.

Firstly, It is interesting that my earlier post got deleted. However, its not a stupid thread. These are the LEAs making this claim. Secondly, it is ironic that in an earlier thread, I criticized the Saudis, the Iranian members liked it and few members even accused me of sporting Iranians and shia mindset.

However, if I post something against Iranians then Iranians get annoyed.

@Serpentine plz close the threat since it is of forbidden sectarian substance and will start a useless hate war... it is also based on no facts as it seems
@Serpentine Can anybody tell me how it will start hate war. These are simple bloody facts. Every body knows that Pakistan been the battle ground for proxy wars.
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