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Foriegn Trained Sectarian Target Killers Arrested In Karachi

The State of Pakistan is not carrying out these attacks, the terrorists are! Plus our interior Minister calmed down the protesters after successful negotiations. The rest of the pilgrims were transported in a C-130. Please stop posting comment/replies because i am sure you are not one!

who can confirm its not state-sponsored ? u mate ?

besides i tried to burst the bubble of your friend when he said sunni-shia muslims are living like brothers in pakistan .

that maybe be true but wahhabi saudi terrorists dont like it so they blow up innocent people . thats what is going on in pakistan .

the attacks are daily
1- pakistan is a declared state sponser of terrorism
2-We ought to send a strong message to the pakistanis to stop campaigning terror in iran or face concequences.
3-If pakistan keeps doing it, we are more than capable of doing exactly the same inside pakistan. Once their own kitchen is on fire, they'll most surely think it over once more
these are the more wise and suitable sentences
Dude what the hell!!!? Where are your sources dude? you're just bashing stupidity!!!? If somebody is arguing with you, you should provide authentic arguments and not some douche bag accusations!

i was the most pro-pakistani iranian member on the forum and everyone knows it :D your insults made me to show u the truth and burst your bubble

Dude what the hell where are your sources dude, you're just bashing stupidity!!!? If somebody is arguing with you, you should provide authentic arguments and not some douche bag accusations!

i've got enough sources which i provided . that being said , @Aeronaut didnt provide any source talking about involvement of iran in pakistan either .

so stop your insults now
i guess there is no point in reporting the post , is there ? @Oscar

Oh Iran is the axis of evil remember? Or this Country Reports on Terrorism 2012 State Sponsors of Terrorism Overview
We arent, provide a source i will take my words back, until then Ayatullis are sponsoring terrorists. Just see your involvement in Iraq turned it into a shithole, or Syria, or Lebanon or Yemen. Dont give me that attitude you guys are the worst.

Until then you can call all the names you want to Pakistan, your delusions are not my headache :)

Oh i got a potty mouth, by all means report me.
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These attacks are not carried out by State or common People,but by Terrorist organizations who don't even represent 0.001 % of Sunni's plus these terrorists have Killed more than 60,000 people more than 95% of whom are Sunni's,so your logic is totally flawed...

NOW dont change the subject !!! i NEVER said that sunni muslims are attacking shia muslims .

you said there is NO secterian problem in pakistan and i proved u wrong . by whomever the attacks are being carried out , it DOES NOT matter .

the truth is that these attacks are being carried out on a daily basis even in the capital of pakistan

We arent, provide a source i will take my words back, until then Ayatullis are sponsoring terrorists.

Oh i got a potty mouth, by all means report me. As if you arent? Just see your involvement in Iraq turned it into a shithole, dont give me that attitude.

U said the exact same SHIT about iran and yet you didnt provide anything .

iran does not take pakistan as any importance , why should we PLOT :lol: in pakistan ? huh ?

In 2009, Pakistani President Asif Zardari admitted at a conference in Islamabad that Pakistan had, in the past created terrorist groups as a tool for its geostrategic agenda.

source : wiki
who can confirm its not state-sponsored ? u mate ?
besides i tried to burst the bubble of your friend when he said sunni-shia muslims are living like brothers in pakistan .
that maybe be true but wahhabi saudi terrorists dont like it so they blow up innocent people . thats what is going on in pakistan .
the attacks are daily

I don't have to confirm because common sense can IF YOU HAVE ANY!
We have 20% shia population, do you think it is considered wise for a state to go against 20% of it's populous!? I MEAN REALLY?
You might wanna counter me with "What about the rest, the 80%" SO FYI the 80% aren't all hardcore Islamist s, they also include educated people and neutral people.
And plus Sunni Shia Muslims ARE brothers in Pakistan, I have both sunni AND shia friends and i have never seen them fight over this stupid sect. stuff. And i am talking about Punjab here, the largest province (population wise)
And just so that you know i am not a huge fan of "Saudis" but your stupid nationalistic egoistic attitude is turning me off.
Plus we don't have a lot of bearded guys (fundamentalist types) in our gov. (just so you wanna know......)

In 2009, Pakistani President Asif Zardari admitted at a conference in Islamabad that Pakistan had, in the past created terrorist groups as a tool for its geostrategic agenda.
We might have created terrorist groups but there were none made for Iran. No country is stupid enough to make terrorist groups for a country who was the first to accept it's existence. And i know things have turned bad since but your comments aren't helping either!
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I don't have to confirm because common sense can IF YOU HAVE ANY!
We have 20% shia population, do you think it is considered wise for a state to go against 20% of it's populous!? I MEAN REALLY?
You might wanna counter me with "What about the rest, the 80%" SO FYI the 80% aren't all hardcore Islamist s, they also include educated people and neutral people.
And plus Sunni Shia Muslims ARE brothers in Pakistan, I have both sunni AND shia friends and i have never seen them fight over this stupid sect. stuff. And i am talking about Punjab here, the largest province (population wise)
And just so that you know i am not a huge fan of "Saudis" but your stupid nationalistic egoistic attitude is turning me off.

We might have created terrorist groups but there were none made for Iran. No country is stupid enough to make terrorist groups for a country who was the first to accept it's existence. And i know things have turned bad since but your comments aren't helping either!
just hang the iranian based hardcore shia terrorists and do the same with the hardcore sunnis problem solve .. i dont know why the iranian shits are supporting these shia militants
NOW dont change the subject !!! i NEVER said that sunni muslims are attacking shia muslims .

you said there is NO secterian problem in pakistan and i proved u wrong . by whomever the attacks are being carried out , it DOES NOT matter .

the truth is that these attacks are being carried out on a daily basis even in the capital of pakistan

U said the exact same SHIT about iran and yet you didnt provide anything .

iran does not take pakistan as any importance , why should we PLOT :lol: in pakistan ? huh ?

In 2009, Pakistani President Asif Zardari admitted at a conference in Islamabad that Pakistan had, in the past created terrorist groups as a tool for its geostrategic agenda.

source : wiki

SOURCE: Country Reports on Terrorism 2012 State Sponsors of Terrorism Overview

Choke on it, Wiki is NOT a source is any academic discussions. So please quote me a proper source. Then i will believe you.
who can confirm its not state-sponsored ? u mate ?

besides i tried to burst the bubble of your friend when he said sunni-shia muslims are living like brothers in pakistan .

that maybe be true but wahhabi saudi terrorists dont like it so they blow up innocent people . thats what is going on in pakistan .

the attacks are daily

Who can confirm your version of story?
While what is wahabi, please explain it in dedicated thread.
just hang the iranian based hardcore shia terrorists and do the same with the hardcore sunnis problem solve .. i dont know why the iranian shits are supporting these shia militants
Nope i don't think so dear, Iran is a reasonable country and things can be solved in a diplomatic. We need to work our way through these hard times, but most importantly we should make an example that we consider Muslims as a nation and not as sects and denominations. I however do request the Iranian members to show some sense and respect towards our country. We are both neighbors and that cannot be easily changed. An indo iran alliance is not a favorable thing for us in any manner possible (and i have no idea how that is possible after India's lack of support for Iran in the UN, i mean HOW?)
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