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Foriegn Trained Sectarian Target Killers Arrested In Karachi

i got the warning and its okey . my tune was exactly the same as your tune .

its okey for u to call iran "terrorist" but it would be against the laws if i return the favor ? LOL man !

give me a break . this is just a forum where people come and discuss ! this aint no biggie dont be harsh on yourself

i have a lot of more important things to do in my life . i hope u also do

Nope you did not. What Iran does is in its national interests.. I have the objectivity to understand that.which is why it has not bee referred to anywhere by me as terrorist. You dont seem to have the same.
The Saudis do the same.
the guys are from parachinar so it maybe afghanistan too
i got the warning and its okey . my tune was exactly the same as your tune .

its okey for u to call iran "terrorist" but it would be against the laws if i return the favor ? LOL man !

give me a break . this is just a forum where people come and discuss ! this aint no biggie dont be harsh on yourself

i have a lot of more important things to do in my life . i hope u also do

If you didnt get all touchy and shit, Oscar was against the insinuation of Iran in the article. But you with a chip on your shoulder had to grasp the complete opposite. Need help on English grasping skills, and yes Iran does play these petty games with KSA in our backyard. Sad. How could holy Iran do such a thing. Neverr!!111!!!111

Pot calling kettle black, tone it down.
look guys, iranian elements maybe funding and supporting terrorism in our part, same goes to pakistan, but iranian forces kill our side of the innocent citizens, and we also start blaming the iranians who are not responsible

we don't want to create trouble in their country same stands for them

so why not talk logically and fight terrorism together instead of using this opportunity to bash each others country and using political benefits to attack each others country?

what will this lead to?

iran will throw some stones to vent their anger, we will throw couple of nukes to vent our anger

i guess we should all sort this mess by sitting and talking to each other
the guys are from parachinar so it maybe afghanistan too

no ! just take a look around man ! its just the way it is !

no day passes without a terrorist attack whether by pakistan or inside pakistan .

If you didnt get all touchy and shit, Oscar was against the insinuation of Iran in the article. But you with a chip on your shoulder had to grasp the complete opposite. Need help on English grasping skills, and yes Iran does play these petty games with KSA in our backyard. Sad. How could holy Iran do such a thing. Neverr!!111!!!111

Pot calling kettle black, tone it down.

i dont give a tiny shyt .

my english skills are fine , maybe u need to work on your eng :

Sorry i didn't know that sipah-e-Muhammad people gets training in Afghanistan as we have a clear history of them Training in and being funded from Iran...Everyone knows what the article actually means but certain people obviously cannot bear Iran being in negative spotlight despite obvious realities...I hope such Rapid mod actions also apply when certain other Muslim countries are being mentioned to the level where it shames Racism without any solid grounds...Peace

There is no issue with Iran being in a negative spotlight.. they sponsor sectarian killings. But slamming it in on the thread title without the news article even mentioning anything is pure noobism. Indian trolls do it, suggest you do not get into the habit.
I don't think Iran would be that stupid. What would they get out of causing trouble in Pak?

The terrorism emanates from Afghanistan with Indian collusion.

Chuck Hagel has verified it and I'll take his word for it.
thats so awesome that the terrorist govt. of pakistan is accusing iran of supporting sectarianism !

1: i've always said , maybe its because we are respecting u guys so much ! ? is it because of that or sth else ?

2:name me 1 neighbor that is friends with u and has not tasted the bitter taste of your terrorism in the region ?

3:u constantly bomb your neighbors and all u come up with is this shyt : sorry ! we are fighting taliban right now !

4:as i remember its pakistani shia muslims that are being mass-murdered everyday not the other way around !

5:so you guys continue this shitty trend with all of your neighbors ! its okey with us !


and p.s i never though i would be replying to such comments and posts

1:You should be thankful we are respecting you guys and helped you curbed Jandullah leader "Regi"..If we had a tit for Tat response to your sponsoring terrorism in our country and turned a little blind eye to Regi to let use our soil,Believe me you would have been in deep shit,SO BE THANKFUL TO US...

2: Name a single Muslim country where you haven't sponsored Terrorism and created Unrest let alone neighbors and have caused irrepairable damage to Muslim more than non-Muslim countries can imagine...

3:Yes we are fighting Terrorism and the Sacrifices of our more than 60,000 civilian and 15,000 security personnel is a testimonial to it and we don't need certificate or appreciation from a blithering idiot like you...On the contrary,we do not boast to be fighting American colonialism yet on the same page with them behind the screen(two faces of the same coin)

4:As i recall,Christians have churches,Jews have Synagogues but Sunni's are not allowed to have mosques in Tehran,not to forget judicially(state sponsored) killing them and yet you are talking about our discriminations...common Sunni's and Shia's are living like brothers in our country which is not the case in Iran,so spare us the Bull shit....

5:Talking of shitty Trend,why no one in the whole World likes to be your friend...
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I don't think Iran would be that stupid. What would they get out of causing trouble in Pak?

The terrorism emanates from Afghanistan with Indian collusion.

Chuck Hagel has verified it and I'll take his word for it.

Today Levies balochistan arranged to return dead bodies of 3 terrorist killed in panjgur Balochistan to Iran as all three terrorists belongs to Sistan Baluchistan Iran

so this gives you some idea

I saw the news live on tv i will paste source here

@Leader @Jazzbot @chauvunist @RangerPK @Jzaib @Zarvan
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1:You should be thankful we are respecting you guys and helped you curbed Jandullah leader "Regi"..If we had a tit for Tat response to your sponsoring terrorism in our country and turned a little blind eye to Regi to let use our soil,Believe me you would have been in deep shit,SO BE THANKFUL TO US...

2: Name a single Muslim country where you haven't sponsored Terrorism and created Unrest let alone neighbors and have caused irrepairable damage to Muslim more than non-Muslim countries can imagine...

3:Yes we are fighting Terrorism and the Sacrifices of our more than 60,000 civilian and 15,000 security personnel is a testimonial to it and we don't need certificate or appreciation from a blithering idiot like you...On the contrary,we do not boast to be fighting American colonialism yet on the same page with them behind the screen(two faces of the same coin)

4:As i recall,Christians have churches,Jews have Synagogues but Sunni's are not allowed to have mosques,not to forget judicially(state sponsored) killing them and yet you are talking about our discriminations...common Sunni's and Shia's are living like brothers in our country which is not the case in Iran,so spare us the Bull shit....

5:Talking of shitty Trend,why no one in the whole World likes to be your friend...

i hope u do live in pakistan and see the realities there !

i'll be off for an exam till tomorrow , will respond to your accusations then

chao for now
no ! just take a look around man ! its just the way it is !
no day passes without a terrorist attack whether by pakistan or inside pakistan .
So, question is, is Iran hurt by all this?

As i recall,Christians have churches,Jews have Synagogues but Sunni's are not allowed to have mosques,not to forget judicially(state sponsored) killing them and yet you are talking about our discriminations...common Sunni's and Shia's are living like brothers in our country which is not the case in Iran,so spare us the Bull shit....
@haman10 is this true, FYI i don't classify myself as a sunni/shia whatever but dude this is just going too far!
The report says that the unnammed country is providing 'funds' to the banned terrorist outfit called SEM.

There are a few things that need to be noticed.

* Iran is a declared state sponser of terrorism. It provides/provided funds and training to, Hizbullah, Mehdi Army, Huthis, Bahraini opposition, Northeren Alliance and Tehreek-e-nifaz-e-fiqa Jafriya along with its terrorist wing called the Spiah e Muhammad.

* Its also possible that Iran is not providing military training to these terrorists but might be paying Afghanis to do so.

* We ought to send a strong message to the ayatollas to stop funding terror in Pakistan or face concequences.

* If we don't want our country to become the next Syria, where Ayatollahs and Saudis are fighting for control, we must defeat the madness of secterianism.

* If Iran keeps doing it, we are more than capable of doing exactly the same inside Iran. Once their own kitchen is on fire, they'll most surely think it over once more..
no ! just take a look around man ! its just the way it is !

no day passes without a terrorist attack whether by pakistan or inside pakistan .

i dont give a tiny shyt .l

my english skills are fine , maybe u need to work on your eng :

No wonder the world hates you, now you dont have an answer run to your excuse for an exam, little bitch.

And please dont come as this high and mighty shit, your country is a certified state of sponsoring terrorism. Now dont make me start on your nuclear deal and bending over backwards, much less the jargon of creating a bomb and not giving up.
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I don't think Iran would be that stupid. What would they get out of causing trouble in Pak?
Somebody enlighten me please, i know we're not on friendly terms (although we should be), but why are they so against us? Just because we're American supporters? i mean come on everybody knows how much hate our general public has for each other..... But still i wish it is not because of some stupid sectarian issue. I wish friendly relations with Iran and would prefer them over "Saudis" any time!
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