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Iranian Trained Terrorists involved in Sectarian Killing in Pakistan

Okay then why are the Pakistani authorities sleeping? How come all ''Iranian'' backed militants eventually get caught where as Wahabis are running wild in Pakistan, they have the licence to kill every minority in Pakistan and not even a single Pakistani official even dares to ask who is funding them?
Firstly, It is interesting that my earlier post got deleted. However, its not a stupid thread. These are the LEAs making this claim. Secondly, it is ironic that in an earlier thread, I criticized the Saudis, the Iranian members liked it and few members even accused me of sporting Iranians and shia mindset.

However, if I post something against Iranians then Iranians get annoyed.

No, it's not stupid because you criticized Iran, it's stupid because we have been suffering from tens of terrorist attacks against our country by terrorists coming from Pakistan border and yet, you post a 2 min video and claim that 'Iranian trained terrorists' are trying to cause unrest in Pakistan's Baluchestan. Isn't that ridiculous? Can we cause more unrest in Pakistan's Baluchestan than it currently has?
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In Pak there intl conspiracy to divide Nation on basis of sects and religion. Our so called Muslim brotherly countries also playing their unfair role in it. Irani's supporting Shia terrorists, Saudis to Wahabi and debandis, TTPsplinter groups indirectly by Western Powers and their private contractors, Ahmadis by Western countries like England and Germany. Even Israel have their significant presence and support.

I am at least happy to see Irani members comments at least they confessed that they are not happy by unrest in Pak.

In order to end terrorism both from Sistan -Iran and Pak (terrorism balochistan especially against Shias) we should hold conferences involving Religious leaders from Iran, Sunni Leaders of Sistan and Pak leaders of Wahabi/Shia Sects backed by both Govts. They should form a sort of accord binding all religious organisations and Govts to abide this charter to end sectarianism. Iran may kill few hundred sunni rebels but the killing will produce thousands of new terrorists, similarly Pakistan may curb Wahabi/deobandi factions but it will produce more hate towards Shias and Iran. So in plain words only sensible solution is talk between different sects. In similar way Pak may arrange negotiations between Saudis and Iran to stop Muslim blood shed in Syria/Iraq.

As a gesture of goodwill Iran should stop support towards India and also invite Wahbabi/Debandi Scholars officially to Iran they may play positive role between Iran and Saudis.
Irani's supporting Shia terrorists
shia terrorists ? WTF are you talking about ? have you no shame ?

shias are being killed on a daily basis in pakistan and you have the audacity to call them terrorists ? which shia terrorist group you're talking about ?

just a wild guess , you're talking about the long disbanded sipah mohammad . aren't u ? huh ?

why were they terrorists ? cause they took arms to defend themselves ? which civilian was even injured by their armed struggle ? no one . so those who called them terrorist are terrorist themselves . for terrorising poor people who don't even have the right to protect themselves .

Iran is a conveniant enemy to blame for the harassment, murder and brutal treatment of shias locally. It is the duty of us as a state to provide justice to shias 13000 hazaras which have been killed by LEJ/SSP/ASWJ. Now the shias-lets look at statistics-shia groups like Jafaria and Sipah E Muhammed only target LEJ/SSP/ASWJ terrorists.

There is much we can learn from shias but unfortunately we are all having a sectarian mindset.

I know some things about Raja Umer Khattab that will shock people-Indian puppet. People are saying he killed Chaudhry Aslam. There should be a case against him.
shia terrorists ? WTF are you talking about ? have you no shame ?

shias are being killed on a daily basis in pakistan and you have the audacity to call them terrorists ? which shia terrorist group you're talking about ?

just a wild guess , you're talking about the long disbanded sipah mohammad . aren't u ? huh ?

why were they terrorists ? cause they took arms to defend themselves ? which civilian was even injured by their armed struggle ? no one . so those who called them terrorist are terrorist themselves . for terrorising poor people who don't even have the right to protect themselves .

My dear Sectarian lover there is no shame in open talk if u are mad on me then I am not ashamed on it. Stopping Muslim bloodshed in Eentire Muslim world is duty of every Muslim whether Shia or Sunni/Wahabi. The best way is to accept mistakes and gho forward. Now u will deny Iran's involvement in bloodshed in the past in Lebanon, unrest in Behrain and shme on u that ur own Gen confesses to help Houtis.

I gave suggestion for dialogue between Iran/KSA and factions from Pak which Iran either consider supporter or rival to come on same table. From platform of OIC it is possible killing is not solution of problem. Only an unsound person will take few words from entire text and start to use abusing. Perhaps if u are from Iran u should see a p[rograme of Extreme World on Lebanon hosted by Ross Kemp and then answer my accusations though program is perhaps more than year old.
My friend unlike u I consider every person as Muslim who has belief on Almighty Allah and considers Holly Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) as his last/Final Messanger. No more no less.

I call for peace talks between Iran, KSA and Pak factions. Please do comment on Muslim peace and harmony if u believ on it
When was the last time we heard about a shi'ite blowing up a sunni populated mosque etc in Pakistan?
If this is the mentality of these Pakistanis then they deserve this current backward status quo of their nation.
Shi'ites are getting blown to bits on weekly basis and yet,somehow, these wahabi infected morons find a way to blame Iran for it.:lol:
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By calling other Muslims Morons u are showing ur mentality and character which is self explanatory. The infighting has destroyed Muslims many times in history but regretful thing is that most informative people of Muslim world i.e People of Iran are so much sectarian lovers that they can't listen words of peace. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) always taught of peace and harmony first. He even made agreements with Jews but u people perhaps take Wahabis lower than Jews.
Come out of ur sectarian circles and work for peace and harmony.

No doubt this fire will effect Pak but will harm more to both Iran and KSA.

lol .

and the rest is lol also .
LOL to U my frd by the way if u are living in Syria than perhaps u have become insane due to blood shed. Abusive language use for other people will not show u progressive u are surrendering to UN on every stance. Don;t go for abusive talk same Superiority and Proudness found both in Farsis and KSA is destroying Muslim world as Almighty dislikes proudness.

Perhaps if u are from Iran u should see a p[rograme of Extreme World on Lebanon hosted by Ross Kemp and then answer my accusations though program is perhaps more than year old. Watch quoted episode and then reply pls. Don't go for shitty claims.
shias are being killed on a daily basis in pakistan and you have the audacity to call them terrorists ? which shia terrorist group you're talking about ?

These snakes are actually condoning terrorism against minorities, they are always in denial. They say they can never do any wrong. It always comes down to some foreign conspiracy to give these angels a bad name.

Here is a video of known Sunni anti Shia militant terrorists openly shouting shia kafir in front of Pakistan's parliament. So where is the conspiracy in this? Its open for rest of the world to see how some sections of Pakistani government is supporting these bastards.
By calling other Muslims Morons u are showing ur mentality and character which is self explanatory. The infighting has destroyed Muslims many times in history but regretful thing is that most informative people of Muslim world i.e People of Iran are so much sectarian lovers that they can't listen words of peace. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) always taught of peace and harmony first. He even made agreements with Jews but u people perhaps take Wahabis lower than Jews.
Come out of ur sectarian circles and work for peace and harmony.

So the terrorists that blow up the innocent shi'ites and ones with such ideologies are muslims now?
Moron, it is the wahabi mentality that is causing so much trouble in your country not Iran. It seems you people are too afraid to blame your arab masters and thus you blame Iran for everything.

You wahabis don't fool anyone.
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These snakes are actually condoning terrorism against minorities, they are always in denial. They say they can never do any wrong. It always comes down to some foreign conspiracy to give these angels a bad name.

Here is a video of known Sunni anti Shia militant terrorists openly shouting shia kafir in front of Pakistan's parliament. So where is the conspiracy in this? Its open for rest of the world to see how some sections of Pakistani government is supporting these bastards.
The biggest example is Malik Ishaq. Roaming freely after threatening to kill shias in a filled courtroom and in many speeches.
Not surprisingly ..each and every country that blames Pakistan for terror in their country ..is being blamed by Pakistan inturn.

First it was Afghans then India now Iran..who's next China?

And It is not like Pakistanis have any proof against any of these countries..they are just building a narrative.
Difference between Iranian trained and Saudi Trained

1) It seems that Iranian trained Pakistani Shias are not against the STATE of Pakistan. But their focus seems to only fighting a DEFENSIVE war against the Saudi backed Takfiries, who are about to kill any one who is non Takfiri.

The biggest difference is this Pakistani Shias have not ever killed even a SINGLE soldier of Pak Army or of any law enforcement agency.

It seems that the struggle of Pakistani Shias is totally and totally against the Takfiries.

2) While Takfiries are the real Evils.
They are not only for slaughtering innocent Shia Masses (either be women or children), but they are about to kill any one who is not a Takfiri like them, either it is a Shia, or Hindu or Christian or Ahmadi.

And these Takfiri Evils are the ones who are also against the state of Pakistan and they have killed thousands of soldiers of Pak Army and other law enforcement agencies. Hell, they are even killing each other upon slight differences.

3) Pakistani state has also to be blamed. They didn't start operation against these Takfiri Dajjals right from the beginning, but they let them grow stronger and let them kill thousands and thousands of Shias. Even today Hazara Shias are killed every day in Quetta.

Pakistani Shias practically felt helpless and wanted to take arms for their defense mainly.

The biggest mistake we Pakistanies do is to put both Takfiries and Shias in same boat. No, there is a huge difference between both of them. One is on aggressive war and killing for decades, while the other group is defensive in nature.

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