In a significant operation, the Punjab Police, led by DPO Akhtar Farooq, conducted a successful raid against 10-15 Khariji terrorists in the Malakhel area of Mianwali. Following a prolonged exchange of gunfire, 10 terrorists were killed, while all police officers and personnel involved remained unharmed.
Key Details:
- Operation Background: The operation was initiated based on intelligence reports indicating the presence of militants planning a large-scale attack in Punjab. The police forces engaged in a fierce firefight with the terrorists.
- Casualties: During the exchange, all ten terrorists were neutralized, showcasing the effectiveness of the operation and the preparedness of the law enforcement agencies.
- Official Statements: Punjab Inspector General of Police Usman Anwar praised the efforts of the Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) and local police for their successful engagement. He emphasized that the Punjab Police remains vigilant and committed to thwarting terrorist activities.
- Ongoing Efforts: A search operation is currently underway in the area to ensure no further threats remain and to identify any additional suspects linked to the incident.