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Iranian Trained Terrorists involved in Sectarian Killing in Pakistan

Same thing all GCC saying about Iran. Tell me whom should we believe?
It is simple.... It is all about the fact that which kind of groups you see as Terrorists...

Terrorist Definition:

Terrorism is commonly defined as violent acts intended to create fear (terror), perpetrated for an economic,[1] religious, political, or ideological goal, and which deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants(e.g., neutralmilitary personnel or civilians).

now, you can easily realize which kind of groups are using Terror means to terrorise people:

Iran is supporting Hizbullah who are fighting to liberate their occupied land... They recently engaged in fighting against Takfiri Terrorists in Syria... They attack Military Personnel only...

Iran is supporting Hamas that does the same as Hizbullah... Fighting an occupier and fashist state that kills thousands of innocent Palestinaians eveytime they start a war... Israeli commanders last week announced officially that next time they openly bomb and kill civilians as they have no other choise!!

Iran is supporting Shia Iraqi forces that fought US and British Forces out of Iraq... now they only fight Takfiris and are trying to take their land back from ISIS Terrorists...

Iran is supporting Bahraini civilian people who want to change their governmental system... they want Democracy...


Saudi, Qatar, Turkey and UAE are supporting Al qaeda (al Nosrah) today and were suppoting Mujahedeen in Afghanistan who were Taliban.... They are openly supporting Sisi who made a coup d'etat in Eqypt overthrowon legallly and democratically elected President Al Morsi.... They are supporting Bahraini State to supress Bahraini democracy seekers.... They are supporting Salafi, Wahhabi groups all over the world... from Sipah Sahaba of Pakistan to Chechnia Takfiri Beheaders... They were supporting Savage Saddam Hussein against Iran which its people chose an ISlamic revolution and voted YES to it by %99.8.... They are supporting Jaysh al Adl Terrorists who kill innocent people in Iran by closing roads and opening fire on passing buses and civilian people.... They are supporting The People's Mojahedin of Iran or the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK, also PMOI, MKO; Persian: سازمان مجاهدين خلق ايران sāzmān-e mojāhedin-e khalq-e irān), who officially allied with Saddam against their own people... Terrored thousands of civilians in Iran since 1981...

If you are a real fair person and only want to know whose media to believe and which side to call Terrorists, then what I mentioned above must be enough for you...

Based on Western and Arabic vocabulary, every group or country which is not with them is against them and therefore should be called Terrorists... They call Palestinians Terrorists and Israelis as defending themselves and having all the right to do do!!
Same thing all GCC saying about Iran. Tell me whom should we believe?
all of GCC monarchies together aren't even as independent as Afghanistan, some puppet dictators who execute whatever Yankees demand. good for you that they are in your side!
Same thing all GCC saying about Iran. Tell me whom should we believe?

whenever you realize the origin and the core of the ideology that these terrorists practice in all over the ME then it would be an easy task to understand which side you should believe in ...
whenever you realize the origin and the core of the ideology that these terrorists practice in all over the ME then it would be an easy task to understand which side you should believe in ...

It is a fact that Iran is supporting every single org. which are against GCC and Iran have a problem with each and every country Iran border is lay with. Can you tell me why?
It is a fact that Iran is supporting every single org. which are against GCC and Iran have a problem with each and every country Iran border is lay with. Can you tell me why?

When on earth Iran supported the so-called "every single org. which are against GCC" .... which countries we've got problem with? please be specific ...
whenever you realize the origin and the core of the ideology that these terrorists practice in all over the ME then it would be an easy task to understand which side you should believe in ...
Do you think Iran is perfect democracy as there are some voices about Khamenis religious committee which allows or bans people to run for election. Similarly any act approved by Parliament of Iran can be cancelled reversed by this council. Further U blame Arabs for whole blood shed but not ready to talk about problems in Sistan with Sunnis. I have heard that in Sistan Sunnis are not allowed to build Mosques or say their prayers freely. Have any of Irani members traveled there and verified facts and on ground realities. Do any Sunni Muslims at high posts in Irani Military.

Further Iran is no more helping Hammas in same way as Hizbollah had no right to interfere in Syria as after entrance by Hizbollah fighters the Nusra fighters and mercenaries are coming more and more in Syria.
There are some reports of Govt forces have rapped women, stolen valuables, indiscriminately killed people even using chemical weapons. Then how Bashar id different from Saddam Hussain in cruelty.

Please explain whole situation in unbiased way further also give plain answer whether there should be dialogue between Shia and Wahabi scholars or not.

Please don't blame me as Wahabi as I have already clarified that I am not Wahabi. No Wahabi perhaps shall like to past Picture of great Gorilla leader and one of My fav Chi Guevara.
Do you think Iran is perfect democracy as there are some voices about Khamenis religious committee which allows or bans people to run for election. Similarly any act approved by Parliament of Iran can be cancelled reversed by this council. Further U blame Arabs for whole blood shed but not ready to talk about problems in Sistan with Sunnis. I have heard that in Sistan Sunnis are not allowed to build Mosques or say their prayers freely. Have any of Irani members traveled there and verified facts and on ground realities. Do any Sunni Muslims at high posts in Irani Military.

Further Iran is no more helping Hammas in same way as Hizbollah had no right to interfere in Syria as after entrance by Hizbollah fighters the Nusra fighters and mercenaries are coming more and more in Syria.
There are some reports of Govt forces have rapped women, stolen valuables, indiscriminately killed people even using chemical weapons. Then how Bashar id different from Saddam Hussain in cruelty.

Please explain whole situation in unbiased way further also give plain answer whether there should be dialogue between Shia and Wahabi scholars or not.

Please don't blame me as Wahabi as I have already clarified that I am not Wahabi. No Wahabi perhaps shall like to past Picture of great Gorilla leader and one of My fav Chi Guevara.

First let's look at some Sunni Mosques in Iran:

1- Bandar Abbas Sunni Mosque:


2- Bushehr Sunni Mosque:


3- Kangan Sunni Mosque (Khulafa Al Rashedin Mosque):


4- Khash Sunni Mosque:


5- Zahedan makki Mosque (sunni):



6- Nikshahr Sunni Mosque:


7- Bandar e Turkman Sunni Mosque:

8- Bandar Abbas Del gosha Sunni Mosque: Grand Mosque of Sunnis in Bandar abbas

look how most of these mosques are being built after Iranian Revolution




9- Qeshm Island Grand Mosque:


10- Shiraz Sunni Mosque:


11- Hormoz Island Sunni Mosque:


12- Giahdan Qeshm Sunni Mosque:


Secondly, in each and every democratic country, there is an assembly that check their background to fit into a position like PM... you can't just go and make yourself a candida in UK ... They need to check if you have done any crimes both civil and national security kinds... They need to check if you are going to be loyal to UK system ( the same for Iranian constitution)... Do you think any PM can stay PM or run for it in first place if he/she is against Queen of England??!!

Shoraye Negahban (Council of Guradians of Constitution) have the right to return a law back to parliament to be corrected in case it is clearly against Islam.. This is normal as Iranian democracy is an Islamic Republic and they can not pass laws that are against Islam... These laws can be economic, social, cultural or just a matter of Fiqh of Shia... %99 of all passed laws get approved by Council too....

Third, are you really serious with that point of yours?? Do you really think that because Takfiris numbers will increase in case Hizbullah comes to fight Takfiris in Syria, then we have to ask Hizbullah to stop fighting them?? What do you think if both Hizbullah and Syrian Government pull back and let Takfiri beaheaders take over all Levant??

Hizbullah sees Takfiris as a major threat to the existence of each and every Shia... be it in Lebanon or Iran or Iraq... Do you think only Israel or US has the right to act when they are threatened to be killed all child to womens??

Iran is still helping Hamas, despite its acts of turning its back to its main supporter Bashar al Assad... Iranian leaders are not reacting emotionally like kids (arabs), Iran and Sunni Hamas still has a common enemy and they want their relationship to continue...although to my eyes, Iran should cut its ties with Hamas... they are no more than other Sunni extremests that will behead shias when time comes... This is why Iran is investing more on new groups like Jahad Al Eslami of Palestine that has presence in both Qaza and West Bank...

At the end, please read this again...if you are fair HUMAN and not a Muslim (which I,m sure you are and a good one), then you must stay fair and compare:

Terrorist Definition:

Terrorism is commonly defined as violent acts intended to create fear (terror), perpetrated for an economic,[1]religious, political, or ideological goal, and which deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants(e.g.,neutralmilitary personnel or civilians).

now, you can easily realize which kind of groups are using Terror means to terrorise people:

Iran is supporting Hizbullah who are fighting to liberate their occupied land... They recently engaged in fighting against Takfiri Terrorists in Syria... They attack Military Personnel only...

Iran is supporting Hamas that does the same as Hizbullah... Fighting an occupier and fashist state that kills thousands of innocent Palestinaians eveytime they start a war... Israeli commanders last week announced officially that next time they openly bomb and kill civilians as they have no other choise!!

Iran is supporting Shia Iraqi forces that fought US and British Forces out of Iraq... now they only fight Takfiris and are trying to take their land back from ISIS Terrorists...

Iran is supporting Bahraini civilian people who want to change their governmental system... they want Democracy...


Saudi, Qatar, Turkey and UAE are supporting Al qaeda (al Nosrah) today and were suppoting Mujahedeen in Afghanistan who were Taliban.... They are openly supporting Sisi who made a coup d'etat in Eqypt overthrowon legallly and democratically elected President Al Morsi.... They are supporting Bahraini State to supress Bahraini democracy seekers.... They are supporting Salafi, Wahhabi groups all over the world... from Sipah Sahaba of Pakistan to Chechnia Takfiri Beheaders... They were supporting Savage Saddam Hussein against Iran which its people chose an ISlamic revolution and voted YES to it by %99.8.... They are supporting Jaysh al Adl Terrorists who kill innocent people in Iran by closing roads and opening fire on passing buses and civilian people.... They are supporting The People's Mojahedin of Iran or the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK, also PMOI, MKO; Persian: سازمان مجاهدين خلق ايران sāzmān-e mojāhedin-e khalq-e irān), who officially allied with Saddam against their own people... Terrored thousands of civilians in Iran since 1981...

If you are a real fair person and only want to know whose media to believe and which side to call Terrorists, then what I mentioned above must be enough for you...

Iranian current political system is not perfect, it needs some corrections but I can assure you that there is no better system for a country like Iran and people like Iranian shia... The reason behind all the stability and safety in Iran while all its neighbors are in mess is its current Islamic democracy...

There are few things I would like to change in Iran but the overall picture is just working...

I have a brotherly recommendation to you and all other Moderate Sunni brothers:

When you hear something about Iran from Saudi or Arab or even Western media... be it Al Jazirah, be it Al Arabiya...... check it ten times more...

I,m checking Arab and Western media regularly...Specially Al Arabiya (KSA) and Al Jazira (Qatar).... at least %50 of all their news and experts are pure lie that can only find buyers among some illiterate people in ME and beyond...

IF you are a Muslim, you must be fair...otherwise, you gotta respond to God when you die...
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13- Sanandaj Sunni Mosque (Kurdestan Province): A ceremony to honor Qadr Night along side their Shia brothers



14- Another Sunni Mosque in Sanandaj: (Both Shia and Sunni pray together in this mosque in one gathering)

15- A Sunni Mosque Somewhere in Bushehr Province:


There are false news from Wahhabi centers that there is no mosques in Tehran. This is one of those lies that Sunni brothers must be careful about:

Here is a list of 9 Sunni Mosques in Tehran alone with their addresses:

You can get more info from their Sunni Olama Organisation website at:

پایگاه اطلاع رسانی اصلاح

1- مسجد صادقیه، واقع در فلکه‌ی دوم صادقیه
2- مسجد تهران ‌پارس، واقع در خیابان دلاوران
3- مسجد شهر قدس، واقع در کیلومتر 20 جاده‌ی قدیم
4- مسجد خلیج فارس، واقع در بزرگراه فتح
5- مسجد النبی، واقع در شهرک دانش
6- مسجد هفت‌جوب، واقع در جاده‌ی ملارد

7- مسجد وحیدیه، واقع در شهریار

8- مسجد نسیم‌ شهر، واقع در اکبرآباد

9- مسجد رضی‌آباد، واقع در سه ‌راه شهریار

There are some 70,000 Mosques in Iran which 10,000 of them are for Sunni brothers... They are less than %9 of Iranian population but have %14.2 of all mosques of Iran... see?
Pakistan should promote a Pakistani Islam (Sufism) as they are trying to impose their hatred base religion on us... They both are hard line takfirs and the takfir we have its all thanks to Saudia... And Iran is upto proxy wars with almost every country in middle east... So why we are thinking that tha Mad Mullah will left us unharmed ??
Middle eastern countries have rotten foundations just like Iran. Pakistan needs to move away from this silly model of sectarian dogma dictating society because one minute they are playing happy Muslim brothers and next going to war with each other.
No, it's not stupid because you criticized Iran, it's stupid because we have been suffering from tens of terrorist attacks against our country by terrorists coming from Pakistan border and yet, you post a 2 min video and claim that 'Iranian trained terrorists' are trying to cause unrest in Pakistan's Baluchestan. Isn't that ridiculous? Can we cause more unrest in Pakistan's Baluchestan than it currently has?

What are the proof terrorists come from Pakistan ? but Not from Inside iran, the riggi tribe and those that are hiding in mountains ?

Recently, Acting chief of Jundullah took a joyride from taftan, crossed Irani Border with such ease that it put Iraani intelligence and border guards both to shame and exposes their ineptitude. Thank God ISI caught him and handed over to you.

If this the level of your own security setup, no wonder they try to hide their incompetency by putting blame on Pakistan whereas attacks mostly originate from within iranian territory

I don't know why Pakistanis look to them selves as a follower to these Bedouin Saudis

Have some shame. This is the most ignorant and idiotic thing coming from you. How many Pakistanis you have met out of 160 million muslims that reside in pakistan and asked about their ideology ?
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