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Iranian Trained Terrorists involved in Sectarian Killing in Pakistan

why do you have to blame both sides? One savage group starts to kill your family....the family starts to act and defend itself... which one to blame? Be fair brother...Shia never made Takfir for other sects...they are busy living their lives and yet a savage group comes killing them in thousands just because they are shia... do you really blame them for reacting and defending themselves or you prefer Shia to stay silent and be killed to the last one? If Paksitani government really is concerned about the wellbeing of its citizens and the unity of Paskitani people then they must fight the aggressive groups not those who defend themselves... nearly 40 millions of Pakistani shia expecting Pak government and its intellegence to defend them against stone age Salafis who kill innocent shia in thousands... be fair..be a good muslim

Frankly I side with the Shia in Pakistan not because I am Shia. I do so because Shia tend to be the victims most of the time. I will will always support the underdog. Sick to death of Shia being killed in Pakistan like bloody chickens in a abottoir and then we have galls to moan and b*itch about some Pak women passenger on American airlines getting opened can of coke ..

and just so to declare I am secularist so I refuse to side with any sectarian or religious divide because I firmly believe that is my private matter and I am not going to impose anything on my fellow (wo)man
Tens of 'actual' terrorist attacks from Pakistani soil against Iran in past years and yet the only thing you guys can come up with is a random guy throwing baseless accusation?

What if I show a random video of an Iranian saying Pakistan's ISI is organizing terror attacks against Iran, by groups like Jaish al-Adl or former Rigi group? Based on your logic, it should be a well proof of Pakistan's support for terrorists in Iran, right?

Hundreds if not thousands of terror attacks by Saudi-inspired groups inside Pakistan, killing thousands of people and you desperately try to blame Iran so that .

So you're in a way saying that a terrorist cannot be trained in Iran?, that an Iranian simply cannot be a terrorist, I know throughout history Persians have thought of them highly, and looking around them in some cases rightly so, but truly there are evidences presented that terror attacks have been orchestrated by Iran globally.
Now, "Saudis, God forbid, might not get angry with you. Pathetic". Remember Yemen?. Pakistan did Iran a colossal favor by not intervening, despite Saudi protests, if we had intervened, chances are that Houthis would have been crushed in a few weeks. So Pakistan not only did a favor to Iran but to the entire region. Now before you start calling me a Wahabi and a wannabe Arab or an Arab slave or whatever obscenities you can come up with, I too can give evidence that Iran has been involved in funding and aiding terror groups globally.
well, Afghanistan, Iran and India, all of them accuse Pakistan for supporting terrorists too. whom should we believe? this one or those three?
You may believe anyone wearing a Black Turban or may be you would switch to 'Taqia' mode !
Frankly I side with the Shia in Pakistan not because I am Shia. I do so because Shia tend to be the victims most of the time. I will will always support the underdog. Sick to death of Shia being killed in Pakistan like bloody chickens in a abottoir and then we have galls to moan and b*itch about some Pak women passenger on American airlines getting opened can of coke ..

and just so to declare I am secularist so I refuse to side with any sectarian or religious divide because I firmly believe that is my private matter and I am not going to impose anything on my fellow (wo)man

I request you not to, I'm not being ant-Shia or whatever, we must realize the fact that we as Pakistanis are targeted because we are Pakistanis, look in our history of terror attacks, the most gruesome one the Peshawar school attack, those innocent souls were targeted not because they were Sunni or Shia but because they were Pakistani, terror organizations merely want to side with one sect and attack another one and cause a rift in between, look how ISIS has widened the Sunni-Shia rift.
Blame the one who started but Islam also gives punishment to the one who transgress....Kill only the ONE who killed your family, not whole numbers of people!

Dont be soo sure...I had shia friends from Iraq and believe me they were nothing like the Shia in Pakistan....so if across few countries it can be that diverse...Just imagine across the globe!

Do you think those falling on the ground bleeding in Pakistan or being blown up were doing anything else?

It takes 2 to tango....If their relatives goes and takes revenge...it will come under SHIA KILLED PEOPLE....no matter how you see it ...it takes 2 to tango!

What does that gotta do with blowing our citizens?

Do you know what a terrorist is? He doesnt go looking for marks on which side you belong! The problem isnt who is being killed...THAT can be identified and there is a reason we say Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajeeoon....

but WHO THE HELL IS DOING THE KILLING and not being caught....THAT is the problem!

I am not supporting killing but I am def pissed at which wacko can get a kick of killing ANY human being be he/ she a sunni or a shia or whatever shit!

What if that aggressive group is Shia or from Iran? Sent to "neutralize" what he/ she thinks is Wahabism? Using our land and our people as a cover up/ shield? What do we say do then? Keep silent?

Are you actually telling me not a single Sunni has been killed? Oh kindly get your ignorant arse off the thread! I never break my people into sunni or shia! But you idiots need that definition and identity!

Go thump your chest in your own village not in my country not on my soil - THAT is a clear msg from us!
Ogey...if u say so...

You may believe anyone wearing a Black Turban or may be you would switch to 'Taqia' mode !
for thousand times... taqiya is a sunni thing too... it is not used on ordinary situations.. it is an Islamic thing that can be used when the condition met....

A similar concept in Sunni Islam is known as idtirar (إضطرار) "coercion". A related concept is known as kitman "concealment; dissimulation by omission".

This practice was emphasized in Shi'a Islam whereby adherents may conceal their religion when they are under threat, persecution, or compulsion.[3] Taqiyya was developed to protect Shi'ites who were usually in minority and under pressure, and Shi'a Muslims as the persecuted minority have taken recourse to dissimulation from the time of the mihna (persecution) under Al-Ma'mun in the 9th century.[4] However, there are many examples of practicing taqiyya among Sunnis where it was necessary.[4]

In the Shi'a view, taqiyya is lawful in situations where there is overwhelming danger of loss of life or property and where no danger to religion would occur thereby.[1] Taqiyya has also been legitimised, particularly among Twelver Shia, in order to maintain Muslim unity and fraternity.[6][7]

and this is the source in Quran:

"Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends rather than believers; and whoever does this, he shall have nothing of (the guardianship of) Allah, but you should guard yourselves against them, guarding carefully (illā an tattaqū minhum tuqāt)."

And this:

The two words tattaqū ("you fear") and tuqāt "in fear" are derived from this root, and the abstract noun taqiyyah refers to the general principle connected with the situation described here, first recorded in a Qur'anic gloss by Al-Bukhari (9th century).[10]

Regarding 3:28, Ibn Kathir writes, "meaning, except those believers who in some areas or times fear for their safety from the disbelievers. In this case, such believers are allowed to show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly." He quotes Muhammad's companion, Abu Ad-Darda', who said "we smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them," and Al-Hasan who said "the Tuqyah is acceptable till the Day of Resurrection."[11]

A similar instance of the Qur'an permitting dissimulation under compulsion is found in Sura 16:106,[12] Sunni and Shi'a commentators alike observe that verse 16:106 refers to the case of 'Ammar b. Yasir, who was forced to renounce his beliefs under physical duress and torture.[4]
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Pak women passenger on American airlines getting opened can of coke ..
She wasnt Pakistani....

and just so to declare I am secularist so I refuse to side with any sectarian or religious divide because I firmly believe that is my private matter and I am not going to impose anything on my fellow (wo)man
Then like me you should blame BOTH parties not 1 side...I dont choose sides I blame both idiots for being incapable of solving their difference and using OUR LAND as their ground to settle score! ASSHOLES! both sides!

And I am what you call a KATTER sunni (yet here I am with no desire to cut open anyone) but I dont support either side coz I do believe both sides kill...and whoever kills is not from my religion...IT IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT! And I am horribly allergic to those who enjoy naming or tagging - Brailvi/ Deobandi / Shia/ Sunni what the hell do you get in naming yourselves? When ALLAH said in the Quran, today I have perfected your faith and called it Islam ...So why cant we stick to that instead of self destructing?
Sorry to burst your bubble brother...We the normal people may be friends and even closer as brothers and sisters....But there is no doubt there is some shia sunni shit going on.....I dont blame 1 side I blame both and I blame them coz my land and its people are the ones paying a price for hatred of 2 huge groups which have nothing to do with us- meaning your govt/ or whoever is supporting these shit + Saudi or whichever shitty group is making US PAY IN BLOOD....

THAT itself is going to start a fight! One needs to recognize and explore all possibilities! No one is an angel that much is true! But how far one is stooping is the disgusting bit!

I understand what you are saying, thanks for answering, but no sis, it's not right to blame 'both equally', and if you compare number of terrorist attacks by Saudi inspired groups in Pakistan and those of Shias (which ironically, most of them have been solely for self defense against LeJ terrorists), you'll understand that it's neither fair nor logical to blame both on the same level.

The thing that angers me here is the number of Pakistanis here talking $hit about how 'evil' Iran is supporting non existent terrorists in Pakistan while only a few number of them hold Saudi and ex-Pakistani govs responsible. It's natural for humans to blame their problems on outsiders, but what I'm seeing here is, this blame game has taken a sectarian tone. Iran is bad because it's Shia, Saudi is not that bad because it's Sunni. I did a research before on previous Shia 'terror' groups in Pakistan and I barely found any attack by Shias against civilians, but yes, they also exist. And if there is such attack, it's automatically blamed on Iran, because Iran is responsible for every action of every self proclaimed Shia in the world, as they see it.

Please understand me when I find this thread very stupid and biased, I'm not saying Iran is innocent, I'm saying some people are deliberately pushing their sectarian agenda to antagonize Iran.

The thing that most of them fail to see (and you mentioned well) is that former Paksitani gov is the main culprit, you know better than me what a nasty game it played in Afghanistan, opening door to Saudi Madrassas, all thanks to General Zia and his ambitions. It backfired and the blame went from inside to outside sources, e.g Iran. This is not fair.

I am seeing frequent bombings targeting Shias and in other cases Sunnis all by self proclaimed 'Sunni terrorists'. Now compare them to number of 'terrorists' allegedly trained by Iran who have launched terror attacks like those of Peshawar massacre. Karachi attacks or Quetta bus killings.

So you're in a way saying that a terrorist cannot be trained in Iran?, that an Iranian simply cannot be a terrorist, I know throughout history Persians have thought of them highly, and looking around them in some cases rightly so, but truly there are evidences presented that terror attacks have been orchestrated by Iran globally.
Now, "Saudis, God forbid, might not get angry with you. Pathetic". Remember Yemen?. Pakistan did Iran a colossal favor by not intervening, despite Saudi protests, if we had intervened, chances are that Houthis would have been crushed in a few weeks. So Pakistan not only did a favor to Iran but to the entire region. Now before you start calling me a Wahabi and a wannabe Arab or an Arab slave or whatever obscenities you can come up with, I too can give evidence that Iran has been involved in funding and aiding terror groups globally.

What Pakistan did in Yemen was for its own interest and it was a rational decision, it was not a 'favor' for Iran, but yes, it was also in our interests.

Okay, not give me a list comparing list of terror attacks against civilians by TTP, LeJ and other takfiri groups and those launched by 'Iran-trained terrorists' as you claim.
those of Shias
Thank you for at least admitting that there are some!

self defense against LeJ terrorists
Self defense at the loss of killing innocence is not justifiable!

The thing that angers me here is the number of Pakistanis here talking $hit about how 'evil' Iran is supporting non existent terrorists in Pakistan while only a few number of them hold Saudi and ex-Pakistani govs responsible.
I am not sure how many Pakistanis that would be...All the ones I have talked to are either Shia or Ahmedi! We have very few Sunni Pakistanis or even SUNNI who actually give a damn....and this is the real proportion of whole of Pakistan

2ndly, I hold anyone killing responsible for death....it is logical.

I hold ANYONE causing mischief or even funding responsible at the same level!
In today's world you dont have to hold a gun to kill, most just pay!

It's natural for humans to blame their problems on outsiders, but what I'm seeing here is, this blame game has taken a sectarian tone.
In Pakistan it always has!

I remember sometime in 1997 or something...it was my late uncle's (he is dead now) wedding ....the lights went off and suddenly there was shooting...we thought it was fireworks for the wedding...The next morning we found out 1 of the masjids (it had a madrassah too) in the neighbourhood was attacked....children were killed...and it was a Sunni masjid, in fact one my little cousins went to for Friday prayer....and guess what, not a word on any news channel...No one even knew of that incident...And I dont live in a village mind you! It is a good thing we all were celebrating and it was late night and no one had reason to go to the masjid...sadly, some of the neighbourhood kids were in the madrassah and were killed...

1 day you are having a wedding next day is a mass funeral...THAT is Pakistan! THAT is what people have turned Pakistan into ...So please dont tell me dont blame anyone or choose a side! I cant...coz in the news we hear even if 5 Shia died...But my ears still ring of the firing we mistook for fireworks....The firing where children died while we were partying....

I am seeing frequent bombings targeting Shias and in other cases Sunnis all by self proclaimed 'Sunni terrorists'. Now compare them to number of 'terrorists' allegedly trained by Iran who have launched terror attacks like those of Peshawar massacre. Karachi attacks or Quetta bus killings.
Terrorists dont have a religion....if they do they wont be promoting their religion with bad stuff...THAT much brains they should have if they crashed and brought WTO to rumbles!
She wasnt Pakistani....

Then like me you should blame BOTH parties not 1 side...I dont choose sides I blame both idiots for being incapable of solving their difference and using OUR LAND as their ground to settle score! ASSHOLES! both sides!

And I am what you call a KATTER sunni (yet here I am with no desire to cut open anyone) but I dont support either side coz I do believe both sides kill...and whoever kills is not from my religion...IT IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT! And I am horribly allergic to those who enjoy naming or tagging - Brailvi/ Deobandi / Shia/ Sunni what the hell do you get in naming yourselves? When ALLAH said in the Quran, today I have perfected your faith and called it Islam ...So why cant we stick to that instead of self destructing?

Indeed do not think if Shia do anything crazy I overlook. I am not a Shia just to clarify. My complain is relative to offence. The Shia seem to be getting far more then they are returning. It's similar to Isreal and Palestine. I jew killed and and 100 Palestinian wasted. I have never done maths on the subject but my feeling is Shia are getting shot down like pheasants....

I condemn all killing sectarian or otherwise ...
Now @Serpentine tell me how do you think my family feels about Shia? Imagine we werent having that wedding festival....

Indeed do not think if Shia do anything crazy I overlook. I am not a Shia just to clarify. My complain is relative to offence. The Shia seem to be getting far more then they are returning. It's similar to Isreal and Palestine. I jew killed and and 100 Palestinian wasted. I have never done maths on the subject but my feeling is Shia are getting shot down like pheasants....

I condemn all killing sectarian or otherwise ...
Neither have I ....and I agree shia/ Ahmediyya and every other minority have been more patient than anyone can ask a human to be!

But I do hate when people pretend that a Sunni dying is not worth news or is just another day in Pakistan!

I hate anyone dying on my land...Heck I have been active on threads even regarding Hindus being issued Blasphemy law...stupids accussing Ahmediyya of shit and same goes for Shia getting a bullet simply coz they dont pray the same ...

These actions are the reason why I would like Shariah coz SHARIAH (as per the law) does endorse people practicing their own religion and anyone challenging that is challenging GOD's words...

It is also the reasons why I am closer to my religion coz when people do stupid things, I can see it as clear as crystal that it has nothing to do with my religion....if I didnt know my religion well, I would be in depression from being fed from the news about what Islam is about!
She wasnt Pakistani....

Then like me you should blame BOTH parties not 1 side...I dont choose sides I blame both idiots for being incapable of solving their difference and using OUR LAND as their ground to settle score! ASSHOLES! both sides!

And I am what you call a KATTER sunni (yet here I am with no desire to cut open anyone) but I dont support either side coz I do believe both sides kill...and whoever kills is not from my religion...IT IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT! And I am horribly allergic to those who enjoy naming or tagging - Brailvi/ Deobandi / Shia/ Sunni what the hell do you get in naming yourselves? When ALLAH said in the Quran, today I have perfected your faith and called it Islam ...So why cant we stick to that instead of self destructing?
while you try to show yourself a secular and open minded Person that rathers Ummat al Islam instead of name tags, yet your bias toward your inherited sector of Islam is very clear...

What it means that I blame both sides!! Do you think if Shia victims had any possiblity or hope to get their rights in court... or do you think if the remaining shia families of victims and other shia in Pakistan had any hopes that Government would protect them and stop the Salafi bloodshed, they still wanted to react by themselves??

You are talking about blaming both sides like Pakistani government has everything under control and if X Wahhabi group killed 1000 innocent Shias or Innocent soldier in Peshavar then it never ever gonna repeat again!!

The fact that these anti-Shia Wahhabi massacares repeated tens of times if not hundreds of times shows that Pakistani governemt and its secret service can not do nothing to prevent these attacks (or they already are in one side!!)

half of Paksitani people never recognise Paksitani government and courts... they judge and execute independently in public eyes... The pakistani society is half modern and believers in rule and government as the higher hand...and a big part of pakistan does not recognise this... they are tribal and only follow their sheikhs...

If you see Iranian shia victims of Wahhabi groups like Jaish al Adl are not into developing an army and go to fight those terrorists, it is because everybody in Iran believing in Goverment and its power to take the revenge and control the situation...

Let's be honest... In a situation where hundreds of attacks against shia happened and no government could and wanted to stop them shows they have no choise but to defend themselves... It is wrong to kill innocent people though, be it from Sunni or Shia side..

Blame is for aggressor... Blame is for the government who can not stop the aggressor... If the victims were Sunni I would say the same brother...

We must recognise the problem first and trying to fix it on our behalf... every Moderate Sunni **** can have its role by talking to its par sector and exlaining that it is against Islam and humanity to kill and Takfir other living people...

In shia we don't have organized Takfiri groups... once upon a time (a decade or so ago), there were a shia group in Iran called Hojjatiye... they were very hardcore shias who used to hold La,ane Omar parties and openly act against Sunnis.... This group is illegal in IRan and suppressed to the bone... See? Even when they are shia and Iranian government is Shia but when they see this group is not healthy for the unity of Islam and Iranian colorful citizens..then they openly condemn them and then immediately act to suppress them.... now, Hojjatiyeh group in Iran are hated by everyone and IRanian security forces and secret service attack them hard with no mercy when they catch any...
Not just Iran, it's a free for all in Pakistan with every country meddling in the internal affairs. From Iran to Saudi. We love killing each other on the whims of others.
Thats why India don`t need to go war with us. Because their job is being done by these countries. Of Course BLA & TTP getting even some financial support as well from India.
I simply will deplore any human being killed ..
Frankly do not care for other "qualifiers" like Shia/Sunni/Wahabi/Hindu/Buddhist/Athiest and the rest ...
And no before you ask I am not a vegetarian ... ha ha ha
I love my kebabs ...
Talking of Kebabs Turkish/Iranian are the best ...

For reasons of economy my comdenation will equal the inverse maths of victims killed ...

I request you not to, I'm not being ant-Shia or whatever, we must realize the fact that we as Pakistanis are targeted because we are Pakistanis, look in our history of terror attacks, the most gruesome one the Peshawar school attack, those innocent souls were targeted not because they were Sunni or Shia but because they were Pakistani, terror organizations merely want to side with one sect and attack another one and cause a rift in between, look how ISIS has widened the Sunni-Shia rift.

Hey that is refreshing. I like your style. I am 100% cool with that. Thumbs up .....
West Promote Iran as a state sponsor of Terrorism because of Iran's support to Huzbullah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine... They call any group that fight the invaders of their land as terrorists as far as they are not with US and WEST.... I,m proud of this terrorist label if it is because we help Anti-Israel groups...

The world is not just West... the sooner you get that the better you will be... The world is changing its direction... the future is not USA...

and now you take ISrael stance instead of poor people who fight their invasions in order to get their land back?
A very typical cheap approach by you to paint us as we have soft corner for invaders of Palestine,
Show us one statement where Pakistan has tacitly kept any contacts with invaders.

You really think that whatever you're doing is from Islam, you and suadis have these delusional thoughts that you have the divine right to lead ummah. Both at their best form of hypocrisy.

I care less what west, Irani or Arabs thinks. What I know is both of you Arab and Persian combined is the root cause of religious anarchy. As for you the form hypocrisy was quite evident when contra affair occured and for Arabs we have been reading the news of how they will allow their airspace To be used against iran.

We have yett reach that level of hypocrisy and raise our hands of friendship towards invaders
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