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Iranian Trained Terrorists involved in Sectarian Killing in Pakistan

Is it really all that Pakistani powerful army can offer? What about its secret service that many times accused of being in their side instead of busting their ashes...?

Scythian it is joke in our country. The state has become so weak. Big talk but on ground any Mullah can say anything and even declare jihad and nothing will happen. Do you know in our capital a Mullah and the Madrssah he ran in Islamabad began to go around the city ordering people about. Only when they beat some Chinese women did the government act and this is what happened.

Siege of Lal Masjid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So if you think anytime soon we are going to bring peace inside Pakistan the answer is no. In the meantime thousands of more Pakistani will die. Everybody says blame Saudia or Iran. No, I blame our government and our rulers first. Why is this not happening in Tehran or even Riyhad?

* The scumbad escaped by covering himself up like a woman. A coward who let others die and today he is back causing trouble again.
Before I go I tell you guy's one thing. We are not going to get anywhere if we, the Pakistani, Iranian's, Afghan's and rest can't get a semblance of unity like Europe and the West has done. We are just going to get bombed, killed by the West whilst we are killing each other.

Go to the West and watch how American soldiers will shoot a Shia, Sunni, Iranian or Pakistani like animals .

Don;t forget that guy's ..
agreed but where they shoot Iranians like Animals? Iranians are the only nation on earth that capture them like animals with no fear of them... Today American solders are happier killing their American counterparts accidentally than opening fire on an Iranian soldier...
remember Allied forces Iran captured when crossed Iranian waters by an inch? two incidents so far... in 2007 15 of navy officers were arrested and they literally pissed their pants... literally!! another time in 2009 IRan busted 5 other Western soldiers...

Iranians harras American forces in daily basis in IRaq and Persian gulf and guess whose side is feared to kill other side like Animals!!

It is Muslim country's fault to let them treat them like animals... It was always a question in my mind since being a kid... why when hundreds of Pakistani or Arab get killed in one incident no body fuking care about it in world media but only one Western citizen incident get the media exploded? then later I found out that it is and always been a rule of jungle... if you act weak then other countries will ride you like a donkey... If you act strong and show daring..they won't ever dare to even look at you let shooting like animals aside!!

Question is what is irani army offering by doing nothing? If you thing this is as simple as "thats all folks" then I suggest you pick up your weapons and head to our Northern areas...if you dont pee in your pants within hrs then I might listen to what you have to say and smirk!
I said Iranian forces are killing these bugs everyday in at least 2 IRanian border regions... what is to scare of? They once came to attack Iran when Taliban was in charge... then a small force responded so hard that they decided to postpone their wish to Judgement day!!

I know those terrorists are tough animals...but hey.. Pakistani army is not an Arab army that are only made of wind.... you guys are experienced and tough... I expect more...

But the most of work must be done by your secret service... they have to control and bust the cores of them in civilian areas... the way Iran controls them...
Sadly psychologically they are winning in the sense tearing and dividing us as they planned ...

The tides can still be turned, to unify a nation it is never too late to do so, why should we as Pakistanis care what some foreign clerics have to say about Sunnis or Shiites?, who is more deserving to rule Pakistan them or us?, if it is the case of Islam then we have to realize that a couple of nations say that they are the rightful representatives of various sects, but when you look at it they are merely dividing the entire Ummah for the sake if historical enmity, these nations are not able to gain control or hold the majority of all sects and so they plot against each other and ultimately weaken the entire Ummah. Now you may disagree or not but Pakistanis should decide what happens in our country, Pakistani Sunnis and Shias should stick together and realize that their forefathers rivalry has destroyed the Ummah and the ways to ignore the foreign influence is either to turn into isolation or to silence these mischief makers. And believe me if they start spewing their junta onto us then we should take on the lot and respond in the same way and give them the harsh reality that we have a sizeable population of Sunnis and Shias larger than theirs and a military might to back it up, so indeed who should be the one to rule the Muslim world, a couple of nations divided among themselves or a single nation which holds all of their capabilities and much more?.
agreed but where they shoot Iranians like Animals? Iranians are the only nation on earth that capture them like animals with no fear of them... Today American solders are happier killing their American counterparts accidentally than opening fire on an Iranian soldier...
remember Allied forces Iran captured when crossed Iranian waters by an inch? two incidents so far... in 2007 15 of navy officers were arrested and they literally pissed their pants... literally!! another time in 2009 IRan busted 5 other Western soldiers...

Iranians harras American forces in daily basis in IRaq and Persian gulf and guess whose side is feared to kill other side like Animals!!

It is Muslim country's fault to let them treat them like animals... It was always a question in my mind since being a kid... why when hundreds of Pakistani or Arab get killed in one incident no body fuking care about it in world media but only one Western citizen incident get the media exploded? then later I found out that it is and always been a rule of jungle... if you act weak then other countries will ride you like a donkey... If you act strong and show daring..they won't ever dare to even look at you let shooting like animals aside!!

Respect. I know m friend I am a old man. I was young man when your revolution happened and in my school ( UK ) my best friend was from Tehran. I saw the Iraq war and how Iran fought with blood and defeated Iraq with millions of dead. I saw the human waves of infantry attacks. I saw the US Navy shoot down that Iranian Airliner on News.

Yes, I believe even today the Lockerbie bombing was done by Iran as direct revenge for Iranian civilian airliner that was shot down by USS Vincess in Persian Gulf. Even some of the victims of Lockerbie suspected it was Iranian payback for US actions. That can only deserve respect. I guess that is literal tooth for tooth eye for eye .....

That is why USA attacked Iraq but has avoided Iran depite all the big talk ...

Lockerbietruth.com: British relatives in Third Lockerbie Appeal
you guys are experienced and tough... I expect more...
You havent seen our northern areas have you....your expectations can only be high if you are capable of reaching that peak....if you are not speaking like that shows obnoxious behaviour...to me it is extremely disgusting!!
agreed but where they shoot Iranians like Animals? Iranians are the only nation on earth that capture them like animals with no fear of them... Today American solders are happier killing their American counterparts accidentally than opening fire on an Iranian soldier...
remember Allied forces Iran captured when crossed Iranian waters by an inch? two incidents so far... in 2007 15 of navy officers were arrested and they literally pissed their pants... literally!! another time in 2009 IRan busted 5 other Western soldiers...

Iranians harras American forces in daily basis in IRaq and Persian gulf and guess whose side is feared to kill other side like Animals!!

It is Muslim country's fault to let them treat them like animals... It was always a question in my mind since being a kid... why when hundreds of Pakistani or Arab get killed in one incident no body fuking care about it in world media but only one Western citizen incident get the media exploded? then later I found out that it is and always been a rule of jungle... if you act weak then other countries will ride you like a donkey... If you act strong and show daring..they won't ever dare to even look at you let shooting like animals aside!!

I said Iranian forces are killing these bugs everyday in at least 2 IRanian border regions... what is to scare of? They once came to attack Iran when Taliban was in charge... then a small force responded so hard that they decided to postpone their wish to Judgement day!!

I know those terrorists are tough animals...but hey.. Pakistani army is not an Arab army that are only made of wind.... you guys are experienced and tough... I expect more...

But the most of work must be done by your secret service... they have to control and bust the cores of them in civilian areas... the way Iran controls them...

The problem in Pakistan is not about our army being tough. We do not have leadership that has the concisness of mind and strength of character to tackle the problems sincerely. They are all just their to collect some cash and then cut loose ...

It is like money making franchise for our leaders ..
The tides can still be turned, to unify a nation it is never too late to do so, why should we as Pakistanis care what some foreign clerics have to say about Sunnis or Shiites?, who is more deserving to rule Pakistan them or us?
UNFORTUNATELY, not until you educate them, they wont know the difference...WHY our bloody politicians cant educate them? Even basics so that they dont have to go to a peer baba or some idiot claiming to have ancestry from Prophet or some idiot claiming to have flown to the moon or who is some WALI or some highly skilled person (self proclaimed without the need to go to any educational institute) or coz he is student/ son of some famous previous imam?!

THESE basic cultural shit needs to go! Heck even in 1 of the masjid we had in UK...this old man was self proclaimed imam ...I once asked why? The aunty told me he proclaimed himself coz he is the oldest in the community who can say no to him?
Thank you for at least admitting that there are some!

Self defense at the loss of killing innocence is not justifiable!

I am not sure how many Pakistanis that would be...All the ones I have talked to are either Shia or Ahmedi! We have very few Sunni Pakistanis or even SUNNI who actually give a damn....and this is the real proportion of whole of Pakistan

2ndly, I hold anyone killing responsible for death....it is logical.

I hold ANYONE causing mischief or even funding responsible at the same level!
In today's world you dont have to hold a gun to kill, most just pay!

In Pakistan it always has!

I remember sometime in 1997 or something...it was my late uncle's (he is dead now) wedding ....the lights went off and suddenly there was shooting...we thought it was fireworks for the wedding...The next morning we found out 1 of the masjids (it had a madrassah too) in the neighbourhood was attacked....children were killed...and it was a Sunni masjid, in fact one my little cousins went to for Friday prayer....and guess what, not a word on any news channel...No one even knew of that incident...And I dont live in a village mind you! It is a good thing we all were celebrating and it was late night and no one had reason to go to the masjid...sadly, some of the neighbourhood kids were in the madrassah and were killed...

1 day you are having a wedding next day is a mass funeral...THAT is Pakistan! THAT is what people have turned Pakistan into ...So please dont tell me dont blame anyone or choose a side! I cant...coz in the news we hear even if 5 Shia died...But my ears still ring of the firing we mistook for fireworks....The firing where children died while we were partying....

Terrorists dont have a religion....if they do they wont be promoting their religion with bad stuff...THAT much brains they should have if they crashed and brought WTO to rumbles!
I am sorry to hear that, may the deceased rest in peace. Was it revealed later who were the perpetrators in that masjid attack? Are you saying they were Shia because it was a Sunni mosque?

I condemn killing of any civilian, be it Sunni or Shia, but you see, as @Atanz said, Shias are receiving much more than they are giving. You see for a group like TTP, it doesn't matter if you are Sunni or Shia, they will kill you if you oppose them. LeJ has mostly targeted the Shias and that's actually the reason of creation of Shia militant groups in Pakistan (which barely exist today). Yes they may be responsible for civilian casualties too, I never denied that, but please, you should understand who started it all at first. What led to rise of sectarian fights in Pakistan? Who killed the most numbers of civilians, who is the main culprit? You know better than me that they are nowhere near equal, even though, loss of even one innocent life is a huge crime based on Quran.

Believe me it has got to do with stable relations with Iran, more than anything else.
Lets not bring this into a sectarian argument as I don't give a damn about Shias, Sunnis, Wahabis, Qadanis whatsoever, the more you try to interact with them the more you will be dragged down, I know what TTP and the lot has done, and you know it too and we both agree it's bad for everyone. However you seem to give the impression of denial that Iran too is guilty, however lets not just talk about civilians but also innocent people:
1) 2012 attacks on Israeli diplomats. (the list is in a random pattern).
  • The blowing up of a van filled with explosives in front of the U.S. embassy in Beirut killing 58 Americans and Lebanese in 1984
  • Hijacking of TWA flight 847
  • 19883 Kuwait bombings
  • Flight 901 Attack.
There are many more but it's late and I'm drowsy.

First of all, Iran's role is not proved in any of them and that list is ridiculous.

Secondly, I'll ask you a question and it will be revealed whether you are a hypocrite or not, since you claim that you care about civilian lives. Does it matter if a civilian life is lost in a terrorist attack or in a war? Well guess what? in 1980, Saddam Hussein attacked Iran, used all kinds of war crimes including massive use of chemical weapons, with support of almost all Arab countries except Syria and Libya, and also with support of Europe, USSR and US. It led to death of tens of Iranians, including thousands of civilians. It was one of the biggest civilian casualties in ME after beginning of 20th century. But for people like you, those lives don't matter, because they weren't killed in 'terror' attacks.

Now let's assume all of those attacks in your list are Iran's job (which they are not proved), what's the total number of civilian casualties in those attacks? Now compare it to number of Iranian civilians killed by Iraq and regional countries and west, doesn't it mean that they are the biggest terrorists? Or only civilians that are killed in suicide bombings count?

I think we better not go in past decades, because, I too can bring up matter of nasty game that Pakistan played along with Saudi Arabia in Afghanistan in 90s, which led to death of thousands of civilians, doesn't it also come under the terrorism category? Let me assure you, no country is innocent, so stop playing innocent please.

My whole point in this thread was about the current situation, not years ago, and on bogus claims about non-existent Iranian groups in Baluchistan which is the most stupid thing to say, because Iran itself is complaining to Pakistan about cross border attacks, but it wants to cause unrest on the other side of the border, which would directly hurt Iran itself first and foremost.
I am sorry to hear that, may the deceased rest in peace. Was it revealed later who were the perpetrators in that masjid attack? Are you saying they were Shia because it was a Sunni mosque?
I am not saying anything....All I am saying is a Sunni mosque had a shooting and it never showed up on tv like it never happened! Investigation/ if any was never revealed to the public ....My guess some rich buffoon got drunk and shot...But still the fact remains Sunni died it is not headlines! It is Pakistani media!

Yes they may be responsible for civilian casualties too, I never denied that, but please, you should understand who started it all at first. What led to rise of sectarian fights in Pakistan? Who killed the most numbers of civilians, who is the main culprit? You know better than me that they are nowhere near equal, even though, loss of even one innocent life is a huge crime based on Quran.
I never count who killed whom (sunni or shia) I count who killed the most number of PEOPLE (irrespective of their background) the answer is someone who claims to be Muslim but knows not the basics of being a HUMAN!
You havent seen our northern areas have you....your expectations can only be high if you are capable of reaching that peak....if you are not speaking like that shows obnoxious behaviour...to me it is extremely disgusting!!
my friend...if a savage terrorist can get that high in mountains so pakistani army must... Paskitan must copy the way Iran uses to attack them... Iran uses Iranian Sunni Basijis from Baluchistan region and arm and train them and then send them to the border... These kind of savages need tough forces...this is why Iranian South Eastern borders are guarded by IRCG units who are experienced with these kind of terrorists...







I am not saying anything....All I am saying is a Sunni mosque had a shooting and it never showed up on tv like it never happened! Investigation/ if any was never revealed to the public ....My guess some rich buffoon got drunk and shot...But still the fact remains Sunni died it is not headlines! It is Pakistani media!
That's very unfortunate, the blame goes to Pakistani media, because it's not anything small. It's media's job to report all crimes. One of the saddest thing about a country in war and violence is that, after a certain time, people's death become only statistics rather than breaking news.
I never count who killed whom (sunni or shia) I count who killed the most number of PEOPLE (irrespective of their background) the answer is someone who claims to be Muslim but knows not the basics of being a HUMAN!

I completely agree with that. Anyone who kills an innocent civilian based on religious hatred is not a human, whether he claims to be a Sunni or Shia.
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Funny every debate where Iran is involved turns into a Shia/Sunni thing

But still the fact remains Sunni died it is not headlines! It is Pakistani media!
That is not true
The news coverage in Pakistan depends on where the attack takes place not on whom it was intended
So an attack taking place in Lahore lets say will get much more attention than something taking place in far-off Balochistan no matter who the victim is

En logon k sth debate ka koi faida ni particularly Pakistan ke hallat pr
en ka apna world view h
Pakistan ku bhe wu es nazar se dkhen ge
Just my two cents
my friend...if a savage terrorist can get that high in mountains so pakistani army must...
You are comparing a recruit whose family was blown / killed and has nothing to lose with that of an army....They are not super heros they are laying their lives and they only have one! While the recruiting station is open 24/7 every time someone's family dies they become eager recruits!
You are comparing a recruit whose family was blown / killed and has nothing to lose with that of an army....They are not super heros they are laying their lives and they only have one! While the recruiting station is open 24/7 every time someone's family dies they become eager recruits!
governments has more resources so they can acquire effective means to crash them even 5000 meters over the mountains... at least they have to try recruit locals who are tough like them and send them with enough equipment to attack them... Iran uses tough Iranian Baluchis as you can see in photos... They are tough and know how to deal with them...they only need some sophisticated weaponry to be able to crash any kind of terrorists in that area....

As I said, beside crashing terrorists in mountains the main job lays on shoulders of your secret service to detect them early enough and arrest those who are spreading and organizing them in Pakistan... It is not an easy task but when the unity and existence of a country is on stake, your government can do a lot if they want...

btw, I think it is very easy to detect a Takfiri.... look at these photos... focus on their eyes only... you can see clearly that they are shameless and brainless wahhabis... the devil can be seen easily in their eyes...

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governments has more resources so they can acquire effective means to crash them even 5000 meters over the mountains... at least they have to try recruit locals who are tough like them and send them with enough equipment to attack them... Iran uses tough Iranian Baluchis as you can see in photos... They are tough and know how to deal with them...they only need some sophisticated weaponry to be able to crash any kind of terrorists in that area....

As I said, beside crashing terrorists in mountains the main job lays on shoulders of your secret service to detect them early enough and arrest those who are spreading and organizing them in Pakistan... It is not an easy task but when the unity and existence of a country is on stake, your government can do a lot if they want...
ok gotcha...we will pass the msg to the intelligence agencies :agree:
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