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[QUOTE = "mohsen, post: 10526288, membro: 137483"] comandante della Marina:
Il sottomarino di Fateh e il cacciatorpediniero di Sahand si uniranno alla marina prima del 2019 (1397.9), il cacciatorpediniere di Damavand tornerà in servizio all'incirca nello stesso periodo (1397.10).
الحاق فاتح و سهند تا پایان سال / دماوند دیماه عملیاتی میشود [/ QUOTE]

امیر خانزادی به وضعیت ناوشکن دماوند که سال گذشته در ساحل بندر انزلی دچار سانحه شده بود نیز اشاره کرد و گفت: در حال حاضر نیز در حال ساخت ناوشکن دماوند هستیم و امیدواریم در دی ماه 97 با ظرفیتها و قابلیتهای بالاتر به بهرهبرداری برسد
Amir Khonzadi also mentioned the demolition of Damavand destroyed last year on the coast of Bandar Anzali and said: "We are already building Damavand destroyers and hope to be operational in January of this year with more capacities and capabilities."

sorry but I lived an automatic translator,
From this translation it is not said that the Damavand (77) which has been broken into three parts is rebuilt,
but that the Damavand is built,
that in fact could be a new hull and completed with the recovered components, and that this ship will keep the same name Damavand.

However, if my automatic translator has made mistakes, I kindly ask for an exact translation from Iranian users

Thanks in advance
امیر خانزادی به وضعیت ناوشکن دماوند که سال گذشته در ساحل بندر انزلی دچار سانحه شده بود نیز اشاره کرد و گفت: در حال حاضر نیز در حال ساخت ناوشکن دماوند هستیم و امیدواریم در دی ماه 97 با ظرفیتها و قابلیتهای بالاتر به بهرهبرداری برسد
Amir Khonzadi also mentioned the demolition of Damavand destroyed last year on the coast of Bandar Anzali and said: "We are already building Damavand destroyers and hope to be operational in January of this year with more capacities and capabilities."

sorry but I lived an automatic translator,
From this translation it is not said that the Damavand (77) which has been broken into three parts is rebuilt,
but that the Damavand is built,
that in fact could be a new hull and completed with the recovered components, and that this ship will keep the same name Damavand.

However, if my automatic translator has made mistakes, I kindly ask for an exact translation from Iranian users

Thanks in advance
right translation:
with higher potentials and capabilities.

so it's just some upgrades.
in a Russian site the user "hufden" has published this image,

which identifies Bandar Anzali from the coordinates, where it is possible to see that the shipbuilding blocks are visible in the shipyard.
Since he did not find any confirmation in the Iranian press, the user asked if they are part of the hull of a new frigate.
I ask the experts of this discussion whether this is really a recent photo (the date printed in the photo is 4-17-2018) or it is an old image during the Damavan construction period.

thanks for a possible answer
Regardless of the date (which google earth labeled 2018.4.17), It's width is lower than Damavand(11m).
Navy chief commander:
Fateh submarine and Sahand destroyer will join the navy before 2019 (1397.9), Damavand destroyer will return to service around the same time (1397.10).
الحاق فاتح و سهند تا پایان سال/ دماوند دی‌ماه عملیاتی می‌شود

Lol they have been saying Fateh submarine will join the Navy since 2012.

The Iranian military’s motto should be “_____ will be delievered/mass produced/completed by end of Persian new year”
Navy chief commander:
Fateh submarine and Sahand destroyer will join the navy before 2019 (1397.9), Damavand destroyer will return to service around the same time (1397.10).
الحاق فاتح و سهند تا پایان سال/ دماوند دی‌ماه عملیاتی می‌شود
They probably are making a complete new Damavand . but I wonder from where they want to get the money to finish it in 10month.
And hope this time the news about Fatah is for real not like last 4 year.
returning to talk about the CIWS AK-630, in the availability of Iran, as already mentioned was the secondary armament of the two project 02065 class "Bogomol" that were in service in the Iraqi navy, one of which arrived in Iran.

the "hufden" user who writes on a Russian site, (the same as the satellite image of the new Damavand under construction in Bandar E Anzali) today published some images of the "Bogonol" class photographed at the Iranian shipyard north of Bostanu ( probably year 2007 ? ).


In this image you can see that the naval unit still has on board the 76mm AK-176, but the CIWS AK-630 is no longer present at the stern, it was probably already at some state facilities to be "evaluated"

but also very interesting for the Iranian technicians to have had the opportunity to evaluate the 76mm AK-176 and possibly make a comparison with the Fajr-27 (OtoMelara 76/62 Compact)
One interesting possibility for greatly improving the air defenses on irans large warships over the very limited currently used rim66 based system which is horribly limited both in numbers of missiles carried and number of targets that can be engaged,would be looking at the old usn sea phoenix sam system concept from the 70s.This basically used the awg9/aim54 combo with very minimal modifications in a 12 cell fixed launcher to provide short-medium-long range air defense for smaller usn vessels.The concept was tested and found to work well with 27 out of the 29 modules used in the awg9 being compatible with shipboard use and with improved computers that could fit on a ship but not an f14 it would have been possible to have a system that could engage 12 targets simultaneously and this was using 1960s-mid 70s tech.
Naturally this would require a bit of testing but even in a basic form would seem to offer big improvements over the current existing obsolescent naval sam systems plus the possibility of spin-off improvements to the awg9/aim54 on irans f14 fleet and it seems a far more easier and realistic option than trying to modify/reengineer any of irans new land based sams for naval use as this would not only require substantial reengineering of the long range+fire control radars just to make them compact enough to fit on these vessels but likely substantial modifications to the vessels superstructure as well just to get them to fit,by comparison this is a very compact system even allowing for the fitment of 3 or 4 12 cell launchers.
On the face of it it seems to be one of the best options currently available for substantially uprating the very poor current state of the self defensive capabilities of irans large warships and with the real possibility of spin offs to improve the f14s capabilities as well.

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I do not know if it's recent, but this video was published 7 days ago,
the boat makes a short sea voyage from the port of Bandar Anzali, in the video we see that where the Damavand shipwrecked (77) there are no more wrecks, therefore, if the date is correct, all sections of the ship have been recovered.
I do not know if it's recent, but this video was published 7 days ago,
the boat makes a short sea voyage from the port of Bandar Anzali, in the video we see that where the Damavand shipwrecked (77) there are no more wrecks, therefore, if the date is correct, all sections of the ship have been recovered.
well I really cant see what for , except clearing the Port , after so much time under water its certain that the electronic are completely useless ,ind if the report is correct and the engine was failed before accident happen , then the engine is now a useless failed engine which for several month is soaked under water .

the whole parts are only good for one thing , Being used for making steel .

One interesting possibility for greatly improving the air defenses on irans large warships over the very limited currently used rim66 based system which is horribly limited both in numbers of missiles carried and number of targets that can be engaged,would be looking at the old usn sea phoenix sam system concept from the 70s.This basically used the awg9/aim54 combo with very minimal modifications in a 12 cell fixed launcher to provide short-medium-long range air defense for smaller usn vessels.The concept was tested and found to work well with 27 out of the 29 modules used in the awg9 being compatible with shipboard use and with improved computers that could fit on a ship but not an f14 it would have been possible to have a system that could engage 12 targets simultaneously and this was using 1960s-mid 70s tech.
Naturally this would require a bit of testing but even in a basic form would seem to offer big improvements over the current existing obsolescent naval sam systems plus the possibility of spin-off improvements to the awg9/aim54 on irans f14 fleet and it seems a far more easier and realistic option than trying to modify/reengineer any of irans new land based sams for naval use as this would not only require substantial reengineering of the long range+fire control radars just to make them compact enough to fit on these vessels but likely substantial modifications to the vessels superstructure as well just to get them to fit,by comparison this is a very compact system even allowing for the fitment of 3 or 4 12 cell launchers.
On the face of it it seems to be one of the best options currently available for substantially uprating the very poor current state of the self defensive capabilities of irans large warships and with the real possibility of spin offs to improve the f14s capabilities as well.

the question is the question of space .
Standard won't take more space than phoenix its longer but narrower also phoenix is good for high altitude but not nearly as good when your enemy fly low. while standard basically can be used as even ground to ground missile.
the only advantage of phoenix over Standard is in weight. and adding AWG9 weight to equation (one each side of the ship will negate that .
yes sure, I think I have already affirmed in the past, all submerged electrical and electronic parts can only be used to recycle the various precious metals, the same for the majority of submerged components.
But much of what was above sea level, as you can see from the photos, has been recovered, like the canister of the missiles and all the radar antennas, it seems also the whole superstructure of the dashboard.
Therefore many components and systems can be relocated to another hull.

Propulsion engines and diesel generators:
If the compartments of the engine room are flooded, the engines are to be considered condemned to death;
the only alternative, the watertight compartments of at least one of the engine rooms has not suffered any damage, so the diesel inside, even if they have suffered a breakdown during navigation, having remained dry, can be repaired and reused
Propulsion engines and diesel generators:
If the compartments of the engine room are flooded, the engines are to be considered condemned to death;
the only alternative, the watertight compartments of at least one of the engine rooms has not suffered any damage, so the diesel inside, even if they have suffered a breakdown during navigation, having remained dry, can be repaired and reused
by looking at where the ship stuck for several week and how stormy weather make it rock back and forth against these

and then it slid on those cement blocks (and i'm certain that process was enough to tear the hull

really I seriously doubt anything water tight remains on the ship after this incident .
mine was a hypothesis, on the other hand only those who operated in recovery can know the true conditions of the engine rooms, I myself indicated, if at least one of the engine rooms, that is the side opposite to that of the photo he published.
However, the stern of the stern of the ship that includes the entire flight deck, has always remained partially afloat, this certainly due to the shallow depth of the sea at that point, but probably also by some watertight compartments that have resisted the devastating impacts on the rocks.
Certainly if at least one of the engine rooms is located in that ship section.
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