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well I really cant see what for , except clearing the Port , after so much time under water its certain that the electronic are completely useless ,ind if the report is correct and the engine was failed before accident happen , then the engine is now a useless failed engine which for several month is soaked under water .

the whole parts are only good for one thing , Being used for making steel .

the question is the question of space .
Standard won't take more space than phoenix its longer but narrower also phoenix is good for high altitude but not nearly as good when your enemy fly low. while standard basically can be used as even ground to ground missile.
the only advantage of phoenix over Standard is in weight. and adding AWG9 weight to equation (one each side of the ship will negate that .
The huge advantage is in both the number of missiles that can be carried,12 per launcher,and the numbers of targets that could be engaged at any one time ie at least 12 and thats with only one fire control radar using 70s tech,potentially depending on the number of radars which weigh only around 590kg each and likely would be mast mounted anyway,which would be very compact,you could control 24 or even 36 missiles which would give you a very credible ability to deal with saturation attacks especially for ships this size,another advantage is the aim54s very short minimum range and the fact that at short range it can be fired in the fully active mode against pop up targets.By comparison the existing defenses carry only around 3/4 missiles in single launchers with the ability to engage only 2 targets,to me the comparison is very stark indeed and the potential boost in defensive capability is simply enormous and would require none of the enormous effort that reengineering a bavar or sayaad for shipboard use would require.Ideally one would go for a 3 launcher set up on irans larger vessels with a fixed forward and rear launcher plus a traversing amidships launcher able to cover both sides,a more advanced option would be 3 traversing launchers,but even a single fixed launcher would greatly increase the number of weapons carried and targets that could be engaged,you could also look at using a smaller version ie a 6 shot[1x6 or 2x3] fixed launcher for irans sina class missile boats.
To me the advantages seem plainly obvious especially when combined with a ciws,you would be looking at a simply huge performance increase in the defensive fire power of irans large surface vessels,which is currently very lacking to put it mildly.
The huge advantage is in both the number of missiles that can be carried,12 per launcher,and the numbers of targets that could be engaged at any one time ie at least 12 and thats with only one fire control radar using 70s tech,potentially depending on the number of radars which weigh only around 590kg each and likely would be mast mounted anyway,which would be very compact,you could control 24 or even 36 missiles which would give you a very credible ability to deal with saturation attacks especially for ships this size,another advantage is the aim54s very short minimum range and the fact that at short range it can be fired in the fully active mode against pop up targets.By comparison the existing defenses carry only around 3/4 missiles in single launchers with the ability to engage only 2 targets,to me the comparison is very stark indeed and the potential boost in defensive capability is simply enormous and would require none of the enormous effort that reengineering a bavar or sayaad for shipboard use would require.Ideally one would go for a 3 launcher set up on irans larger vessels with a fixed forward and rear launcher plus a traversing amidships launcher able to cover both sides,a more advanced option would be 3 traversing launchers,but even a single fixed launcher would greatly increase the number of weapons carried and targets that could be engaged,you could also look at using a smaller version ie a 6 shot[1x6 or 2x3] fixed launcher for irans sina class missile boats.
To me the advantages seem plainly obvious especially when combined with a ciws,you would be looking at a simply huge performance increase in the defensive fire power of irans large surface vessels,which is currently very lacking to put it mildly.
the only question is where you'll put it?
Its the newest Sina we have
the only question is where you'll put it?
Its the newest Sina we have
There are two options,the easiest one looks to be removing the 40mm gun and relocating the ashcms back towards the stern,you then have the option of either 3 fixed cells on either side,tho probably a tight fit,or a traversing mount carrying 6 missiles in 2 cells of three or possibly 2x4,this would be a much better fit but heavier because of the traversing mechanism.Another option would be mounting them on the open bridge just behind the enclosed main bridge,tho this would involve modifying the mast somewhat but would place the missiles,either in a 2x3 or 4+2 arrangement or even possibly a 2x4 set up if theres enough room,in the optimum position ie facing forward,the other advantage with this set up is that you could then replace the 40mm with something like the 30mm ak630 ciws o give another big increase in defensive firepower.Now for a vessel of this size it would be gaining a very serious aa capability which I think would probably be unmatched in its class.
Another option which the iranian navy has played with would be replacing its antiship weapons with purely antiair sams to use as addition anti air escorts in the persian gulf,now of course just using the rim66 meant that you could only carry 2 of these in their coffin launchers so it was pretty useless,but if you used the sea phoenix you could carry a lot more,either 16[2x8 cell] in 2 fixed launchers or 12 in a traversing launcher which in a craft of this size would be a sh!t load of anti air,now where it potentially gets better is if its possible to give the sea phoenix a limited antiship capability like the rim66,then you would have a very formidable little ship that would pack a very substantial punch for its very small size.So for me personally the possibilities of an iranian sea phoenix look to be very interesting to say the least.
Heres some pics of the rim66 equipped ships


There are two options,the easiest one looks to be removing the 40mm gun and relocating the ashcms back towards the stern,you then have the option of either 3 fixed cells on either side,tho probably a tight fit,or a traversing mount carrying 6 missiles in 2 cells of three or possibly 2x4,this would be a much better fit but heavier because of the traversing mechanism.Another option would be mounting them on the open bridge just behind the enclosed main bridge,tho this would involve modifying the mast somewhat but would place the missiles,either in a 2x3 or 4+2 arrangement or even possibly a 2x4 set up if theres enough room,in the optimum position ie facing forward,the other advantage with this set up is that you could then replace the 40mm with something like the 30mm ak630 ciws o give another big increase in defensive firepower.Now for a vessel of this size it would be gaining a very serious aa capability which I think would probably be unmatched in its class.
Another option which the iranian navy has played with would be replacing its antiship weapons with purely antiair sams to use as addition anti air escorts in the persian gulf,now of course just using the rim66 meant that you could only carry 2 of these in their coffin launchers so it was pretty useless,but if you used the sea phoenix you could carry a lot more,either 16[2x8 cell] in 2 fixed launchers or 12 in a traversing launcher which in a craft of this size would be a sh!t load of anti air,now where it potentially gets better is if its possible to give the sea phoenix a limited antiship capability like the rim66,then you would have a very formidable little ship that would pack a very substantial punch for its very small size.So for me personally the possibilities of an iranian sea phoenix look to be very interesting to say the least.
Heres some pics of the rim66 equipped ships


have you considered what the size of a 2x3 SeaFhoneix would be (phoenix is wider than "Standard)?
and no behind the mast is a no no position as the hit from missile exhause literally destroy Radars and communication devices.
removing that useless Bofor is also a no no as its the only CIWS these ships have and removing it will make the ship open and believe me a putting a capable CIWS id far more important than a long range air defense system .
also Standard missiles can be used against surface target while the Sea phoenix won't have such capabilities and really will be handicapped against low flying targets. by the way if you look at Separ (the ship I posted) it even don't have those Standard missile for these small ships how you distribute weight is very important ,you must be sure that they are stable with full load and while they spent their ammunition or half of it.
look at the Ashm , for distributing load evenly they had to opt for two 2x1 canister instead of 2x2 configuration that would have made one side of the ship heavier but gave them a lot more free space
and they could not go for two 2x2 configuration as it made the ship alot heavier .

in short if you want to add to air-defense to this ship your only option is short range and lighter air-defense system perhaps something like sea-sparrow with less than half the size of Sea-Phoenix or Standard which are not even Ideal for them. the best the ship can manage is to tie several array of nissile like Mithaq-2 to ships radar and use it for target up to 5km away

For people that don't speak Farsi
Iran's Sahand has finished all it's testing and will officially join Iran's Navy in the next few months
Iranian Frigate Dena is also being completed and will join the Navy by the end of the year
Iranian Mid Size sub to officially join the fleet (Fatteh Class)
Iran's Damavan is also being rebuilt and will rejoin the fleet by the end of the coming year
For people that don't speak Farsi
Iran's Sahand has finished all it's testing and will officially join Iran's Navy in the next few months
Iranian Frigate Dena is also being completed and will join the Navy by the end of the year
Iranian Mid Size sub to officially join the fleet (Fatteh Class)
Iran's Damavan is also being rebuilt and will rejoin the fleet by the end of the coming year

More lies by the propaganda machine.

Fateh has been close to joining the fleet since WWI broke out:sarcastic:

There is too many people like this bozo in Iran’s military.
For people that don't speak Farsi
Iran's Sahand has finished all it's testing and will officially join Iran's Navy in the next few months
Iranian Frigate Dena is also being completed and will join the Navy by the end of the year
Iranian Mid Size sub to officially join the fleet (Fatteh Class)
Iran's Damavan is also being rebuilt and will rejoin the fleet by the end of the coming year

Frigate Dena !
it's a Sina class ?
Dema frigate !!
it occurred to me that in the naval shipyard north of Bandar Abbas already in December 2016 a ship had been identified in an advanced phase of construction

and that resembles the Jamaran, confirmed by a video published in an article on the web on February 4 2017 -16 Bachmann 1 395 (Shanbeh) observe at minute 00:15.
below I have extrapolated a frame.
Bostanu shipyard : frigate type Jamaran (red arrow)



who knows maybe this is it " DEMA" !?

.........However, the user "VEVAK" translated from Farsi as "frigate Dema", while the Iranian military authorities identified this type of military ships as destroyers, leaving the frigate terminology to the FAC class Kaman and Sina
Frigate Dena !
it's a Sina class ?


Dema frigate !!
it occurred to me that in the naval shipyard north of Bandar Abbas already in December 2016 a ship had been identified in an advanced phase of construction

and that resembles the Jamaran, confirmed by a video published in an article on the web on February 4 2017 -16 Bachmann 1 395 (Shanbeh) observe at minute 00:15.
below I have extrapolated a frame.
Bostanu shipyard : frigate type Jamaran (red arrow)



who knows maybe this is it " DEMA" !?

.........However, the user "VEVAK" translated from Farsi as "frigate Dema", while the Iranian military authorities identified this type of military ships as destroyers, leaving the frigate terminology to the FAC class Kaman and Sina

It's a MowJ Class!
And I said frigate because it's a frigate just as Jamaran and Sahand are frigates!

More lies by the propaganda machine.

Fateh has been close to joining the fleet since WWI broke out:sarcastic:

There is too many people like this bozo in Iran’s military.

This is the 2nd Fatteh Class built by Iran since 2012 and since the 1st one had an accident they are taking extra percussions with this one that was 1st launched in 2015.
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@VEVAK do you have any more informations about this "newly" found Dena frigate?and are the Sina class were missile boats,right?

Sina class is a class of FAC missile boats
that was a miss type by me I meant to write Sahand!

Dene is Mowj Class like Sahand and Jamaran and Damavand

And it's really not newly found if you go back a few pages on this thread it was posted before although the name Dena was not used
View attachment 479979

It's a MowJ Class!
And I said frigate because it's a frigate just as Jamaran and Sahand are frigates!

This is the 2nd Fatteh Class built by Iran since 2012 and since the 1st one had an accident they are taking extra percussions with this one that was 1st launched in 2015.
What happened to first Fateh-class submarine? operational now?
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