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Iranian murderer pardoned as he swings from gallows

Let us know when you enter the 21st century bro's.
By the 21st century do you mean an era in which it is legal to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people in the name of war against terrorism, but somehow illegal, inhuman and barbaric to kill a few murderers?

Sorry to hear about your cousin.

I can tell you of 6 men wrongly convicted in the UK for terrorism. If we still had capital punishment, they would have been dead.

6 innocent men, dead.

Oh lets shed crocodile tears for those 6 innocent men who were not killed! But all those innocent women and children killed by Israeli, American, and English troops deserved it and should go to hell. It doesn't matter if they die. There lives were worthless (sarcasm).

The punishment for murder should be life in prison. You can have varying degrees of punishment - such as hard labour or solitary confinement.
That is not up to you to decide. It is up to those people who have lost their loved ones. Islam allows three methods: 1-forgiveness, 2-blood money, 3-Eye for an Eye. It is explicitly stated in the Quran that forgiveness is better than the other two methods. But some people cannot forgive and their grief will only settle when they see the murderer dead. So it is up to them to decide not you! You don't have a clue what they are enduring! Ask the guy whose cousin was raped and you will know.

As for Iran, it is utterly barbaric and a sign of a real backwards country to hang people in public.

My brother in law is Iranian and he used to walk to school past dead bodies hanging. Is that something you think is right in society?
How do you make up these stories?! We live in Iran and we don't see your made up fantasies here. Go attend your gay parade with all those gays swinging their willies in the air. That is definitely something that is right for society.

P.S. Nobody likes the loss of life, that's why the same people who hanged the murderer rushed to help him when he was pardoned. One of the most greatest acts of humanity I have seen which you fools turn a blind eye to and keep spewing out garbage.
I see your point when it comes to innocence.

but if the evidence is ironclad?

there is a difference between stealing bread because your starving and poor than when you kill a person because you feel like it.
Thəorətic Muslim;4267909 said:
whats wrong with capital punishment?

whats wrong with an eye for an eye?

the academic studies your looking at are tainted. there taken in countries that give criminals 5 star hotel rooms. start creating a couple dungeons and enforcing the death penalty the crime will go down.

i had a 12 year old cousin raped and starved for a week then left for dead. she pasted away after 3 days in the hospital. what should be the punishment for him Mr. controlled pair, third eye, hindu guy? give the a$$hole a room in the Roosevelt hotel? or an island in dubai?

would you guys say iran is living in the dark ages? you wouldnt be saying the same if it was in your countries or to your families

Sorry for your Cousin,But you are wrong.Brutal punishments also brutalizes the society.Allowing our government to kill citizens compromises the deepest moral values upon which this country was conceived: the inviolable dignity of human persons When the government or individuals make the decision to take another human life and act upon it, they commit murder. When society advocates capital punishment and allows the government to assassinate inmates, we are no better than the murderers and common criminals who fill our prisons.

The death penalty sends a confusing and contradictory message. Capital punishment strives to prevent criminals from murder and violent crimes by terminating the lives of those convicted. This is highly contradictory. The death penalty sends the message "Don't kill or we will kill you." Punishing an action with the same action is incongruous and inconsistent. The death penalty is like spanking a child for hitting another child at school. It only serves to confuse and reinforce the behavior rather than correct it. It just doesn't make sense. Capital punishment only reinforces violent behavior and serves no purpose but to avenge victims and their families. Society is endorsing revenge by embracing the death penalty. Capital punishment is not a correctional tool; it is a state-sanctioned revenge.
Nope,It doesn't.Its proven.Capital punishment has never been shown to be a deterrent.There are many academic studies in this field and all have proven this fact.Some studies have proposed a "brutalizing effect," wherein people (consciously or not) follow the government's lead in assuming that killing someone is indeed a valid solution to a problem.So in some cases it may work exactly opposite.Just look at the crime rate in Nordic countries.

(Capital punishment is not a deterrent) > (Severity of punishment has nothing to do with minimizing crimes in a society) > (Lighter punishment is at least as effective a deterrent as harsher punishment) > A fining of one USD can be an effective punishment for any crime.

Is this argument invalid?
(Capital punishment is not a deterrent) > (Severity of punishment has nothing to do with minimizing crimes in a society) > (Lighter punishment is at least as effective a deterrent as harsher punishment) > A fining of one USD can be an effective punishment for any crime.

Is this argument invalid?

Why don't you take a good look at the context and ask yourself that question.The question here is Should we allow our state to have the authority to commit premeditated murder of its most vicious criminals.Now does your argument have anything to do with this.You tell me.
Why don't you take a good look at the context and ask yourself that question.The question here is Should we allow our state to have the authority to commit premeditated murder of its most vicious criminals.Now does your argument have anything to do with this.You tell me.

You talked of 'academic studies' and I used their conclusion as a premise.
Really Enlighten me,Which academic studies came up with such conclusion??

I didn't know of any such studies. You brought it in.

Nope,It doesn't.Its proven.Capital punishment has never been shown to be a deterrent.There are many academic studies in this field and all have proven this fact.Some studies have proposed a "brutalizing effect," wherein people (consciously or not) follow the government's lead in assuming that killing someone is indeed a valid solution to a problem.So in some cases it may work exactly opposite.Just look at the crime rate in Nordic countries.
I can bring statistics,
Total crimes statistics - countries compared - NationMaster Crime
do you need any proof more than your brain cells? when people see the fate of a murder, they think twice before deciding to do the same crime, even if it's in the result of fearing of justice. It's pretty logicl.

What I or you might see as logic, doesnt mean that other people also think like that. Policies/laws should be based on rational thinking (instead of religions) and afterwards reviewing the policy/law and then improving it or changing it or aboloshing it.

I dont believe that death penalty/harsh punishments work in all cases. Why I think so is because of comparison between rates of harddrugs use in Asian countries, which give death penalty if they catch you with a little bit of drugs, and that of Netherlands which has "soft" policy based on controlling and preventing drugs abuse.

Now this person was a child killer (I dont know the circumtances), but lets say he was a sadist who made a plan and killed the child. I think it would be better that he would get forced labour for the rest of his life as punishment or death penalty, but inside the prison. And it should have been proven 100%! In US wrong people have been executed before.

What i want to say is that: Harsh punishment/death penalty might work for some kind of crimes, but not all and that we should be carefull with giving death penalty and we should not make a punlic gladiator show of it.
What I or you might see as logic, doesnt mean that other people also think like that. Policies/laws should be based on rational thinking (instead of religions) and afterwards reviewing the policy/law and then improving it or changing it or aboloshing it.

I dont believe that death penalty/harsh punishments work in all cases. Why I think so is because of comparison between rates of harddrugs use in Asian countries, which give death penalty if they catch you with a little bit of drugs, and that of Netherlands which has "soft" policy based on controlling and preventing drugs abuse.

Now this person was a child killer (I dont know the circumtances), but lets say he was a sadist who made a plan and killed the child. I think it would be better that he would get forced labour for the rest of his life as punishment or death penalty, but inside the prison. And it should have been proven 100%! In US wrong people have been executed before.

What i want to say is that: Harsh punishment/death penalty might work for some kind of crimes, but not all and that we should be carefull with giving death penalty and we should not make a punlic gladiator show of it.
the name of 19 years old victim is 'babak shekofteh', he was spending his conscription in police forces, and got killed while was chasing the murder, another police officer that wanted to arrest the murder got several knife hits too, yet didn't let the murder to escape. the important thing is that, this murder was released from prison just a few days earlier, so obviously prison couldn't prevent his crimes.
also you should study the condition of U.S prisons, murders are ruling in there, raping other prisoners has become a fatal situation in there, obviously prison can't teach them the manner, also by removing the death penalty we have violated the human rights of the victim.
Sorry to hear about your cousin.

I can tell you of 6 men wrongly convicted in the UK for terrorism. If we still had capital punishment, they would have been dead.

6 innocent men, dead.

The punishment for murder should be life in prison. You can have varying degrees of punishment - such as hard labour or solitary confinement.

As for Iran, it is utterly barbaric and a sign of a real backwards country to hang people in public.

My brother in law is Iranian and he used to walk to school past dead bodies hanging. Is that something you think is right in society?

Here we go again with lectures about how to be humane. Man they kill people for murder while you kill people for nothing.
your brother in law is a f*cking liar.they hang criminals always in 5 AM.your brother in law had no chance to watch hanging on the way to school.
from the picture posted its not 5 AM.
what purpose does it solve if it is done at 5 AM, you want it as deterrent, right?
Sorry to hear about your cousin.

I can tell you of 6 men wrongly convicted in the UK for terrorism. If we still had capital punishment, they would have been dead.

6 innocent men, dead.

The punishment for murder should be life in prison. You can have varying degrees of punishment - such as hard labour or solitary confinement.

As for Iran, it is utterly barbaric and a sign of a real backwards country to hang people in public.

My brother in law is Iranian and he used to walk to school past dead bodies hanging. Is that something you think is right in society?

You brother in law school had very strange class hours
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