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Medical student Asma Rani’s murderer ‘pardoned’

Pardon by Relatives --> Exists in Pakistan only
Pardon by Relative is a Islamic Law & exists in Muslim States including Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

But India isn't a Muslim State, and/or nor is the US.

India is purely Hindu State where Muslims are forced to call hit HINDUstan, not India or Baharat. Muslims are lynched for eating Beef. Oddly, those who commit these crimes are never tried and are most certainly rewarded by the higher power.
Pardon by Relative is a Islamic Law & exists in Muslim States including Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Pardon by Relative is a shitty law - no matter what religious garb you make it wear.

India is purely Hindu State where Muslims are forced to call hit HINDUstan, not India or Baharat
Officially, we have only 2 names - India and Bharat. People call it Hindustan as well. If you dont like it, you can call it Bharat.

Loopholes exist in both India and Pakistan where some people get away from lynching / murder. It is deplorable but it happens.
Pardon by Relative is a shitty law - no matter what religious garb you make it wear.
Okay, from a Law that exists only in Pakistan to its a Shitty Law (after being informed it existence in other countries).

Right, we'll ask Indonesia, Algeria, Oman, Iraq etc. to change their laws because you find them...'shitty'.

Tell you what... Why don't you abolish the law of consuming meat in India & then we'll talk.

Here is a story for you...
A man is stopped by a Police Officer on a Highway in the US. The Police Officer asks the man to step out of the car. The Police Officer checks the car from inside (which is his right), but smells something - odd. He pops the trunk & finds a body of a dead person.

Conclusion: The dead body found is inadmissible in Court as the Officer did not have a warrant to inspect the trunk. The man walks free of Murder as the Jury are not introduced to the findings (instructed by the Judge). Now, would you call that a 'Shitty Law'?
If you give an opening in the law, the rich will exploit. It should not be in the hands of private citizens to be able to pardon any crime. The courts should decide based on merits.

Rich pay pennies and buy out the poor victims after mostly killing some one and law just stands aside why??
Kasmala Tariq son kills people in the broad day light in the middle of the junction and he is free wandering on the streets. Where is the justice for the weak and innocent, is that's how Madina Risat meant to look like?
Promises promises Nawaz and Zardari's and other clans are meant to be behind the bars. Nora is enjoying the grand son parties in the millionaire's hotels and Zardari is always sick when he is asked to appear in the court. Loot digested without a blurb and crooks just moving on from one party to the other. Poor in the Risat a Madina looks on and struggling to survive, do they really deserve that. People can live with few hardships but injustice and corruption is going to bring down our country sooner or latter, no wonder our IMF corridors are familiar place for our elite to pile up more loans to increase the suffering for the poor.
it looks like he pardoned under threat

Reminds me about the case when girl’s father decided to pardon the murderer but the court refused by saying the complainant is the police and not his father.

I think the court should not accept his pardon and proceed with the case
Okay, from a Law that exists only in Pakistan to its a Shitty Law (after being informed it existence in other countries).

Right, we'll ask Indonesia, Algeria, Oman, Iraq etc. to change their laws because you find them...'shitty'.
If some law is in multiple countries, does not necessarily mean it is right.

Tell you what... Why don't you abolish the law of consuming meat in India & then we'll talk.
Can you elaborate what you are seeking here

Here is a story for you...
A man is stopped by a Police Officer on a Highway in the US. The Police Officer asks the man to step out of the car. The Police Officer checks the car from inside (which is his right), but smells something - odd. He pops the trunk & finds a body of a dead person.

Conclusion: The dead body found is inadmissible in Court as the Officer did not have a warrant to inspect the trunk. The man walks free of Murder as the Jury are not introduced to the findings (instructed by the Judge). Now, would you call that a 'Shitty Law'?
Thats a legal loophole. How does having this loophole justifies the loophole of pardon by relatives?
If some law is in multiple countries, does not necessarily mean it is right.
There are various laws out there in a number of Countries that you nor I would approve, but there are the Law of the Land. You don't like it - go take it up with the UN or the ICJ at the Hague.
Can you elaborate what you are seeking here
The Law in India where Muslims are forbidden/lynched/killed for eating Meat. If you think a Law in a number of Countries is wrong, one should start looking at the laws of their state. Clean up at home & then pass judgement on others.
Thats a legal loophole. How does having this loophole justifies the loophole of pardon by relatives?
Pardon by Relative isn't a loophole. Its the Law. A loophole is something someone exploits to counter the Law.
I did not say legal loopholes dont exist in India. However, once convicted by courts, the convict gets punished. Pakistan has an additional loophole where a rich convict can go scot free by bribing / threatening / emotonally blackmailing victims' relatives.

Certain times you can't argue with Pakistanis who are not ready to learn or evolve. One must admit where the loopholes are and try to fix them and help the poor and deprived people. Rather than simply presenting counter-arguments to justify one's own faulty position.
so he openly that he was threatened and was told of consequences if he went ahead and thus he has left it in hands of Allah.

Aisa hi hota hai, does anyone remember Shahrukh Jatoi case? heck that's way too old, does anyone heard anything about that Islamabad maniac case?

bhai influence and paisa bolta hai yahan par
I was junior attorney in her case. This case is way complicated then it is portraying by media. Her own bhabhi became hostile witness. And many more thing which i cannot share due to privacy. But believe me her father and brother is to blame. They themself destroyed case and some other greedy decision by them
This is the exact reason why murders should not be a pardonable offense, but considered a crime against the state. Otherwise the rich the powerful and the criminal will always get away. Sad.

Medical student Asma Rani’s murderer ‘pardoned’
Girl's father denies he acted under duress or took money

SAMAA | Siraj Khan - Posted: Aug 30, 2021 | Last Updated: 6 days ago

Medical student Asma Rani’s murderer ‘pardoned’

Medical student Asma Rani (File)

A man convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of medical student Asma Rani has been ‘pardoned’ by her father, SAMAA Digital has learnt.

Rani’s father Ghulam Dastageer says he had faced threats but he decided to pardon the killer only for the sake of Allah’s blessings after consulting with local notables and ulema.

Mujahid Afridi had gunned down Rani on January 27, 2018, in Kohat after she turned down his marriage proposal. The young prodigy had named Mujahid in her last statement recorded on the video.

Dastageer said Mujahid Afridi’s family visited him at his home and implored for pardoning the killer.

“They wronged my daughter but I have decided to pardon the culprit for the sake of Allah’s blessings,” he said.

“I was also receiving threats in connection with the case and I was also told that ‘we are in the government, so you should consent to the settlement’ but I was adamant that I will see Asma’s killer at the gallows,” Dastageer said.

He said after consulting with local notables and ulema he made the decision for the sake of Allah’s blessings and he was thankful to all the people who had supported him in the case.

Mujahid Afridi’s family and the Kohat Police confirmed that a settlement had been concluded.

The police say Dastageer pardoned the death sentence convict Mujahid Afridi at a Jirga, and the formal declaration of the settlement would be announced at the Kohat Tabligi Markaz next Sunday (on September 5).

Meanwhile, Asma Rani’s father has been accused of making the decision under duress or in exchange for money. Dastageer has rejected the claims in a video message.

Who was Asma Rani?

Asma Rani was a 3rd-year MBBS student at the Ayub Medical College Abbottabad.

Rani’s family hails from Lakki Marwat district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, but they lived in Kohat.

The video statement that Rani recorded before she breathed her last went viral and led to the arrest of Mujahid who had fled to Saudi Arabia.

“Mujahid Afridi,” she clearly names the killer after repeating his first name three times.

The video caused outrage in the country.

After the murder, Mujahid Afridi fled to Saudi Arabia, where he was arrested by Interpol at the request of Pakistan. He was extradited in March 2018.

Security concerns caused officials to move the murder trial to Peshawar from Kohat after the initial few proceedings. In June 2021, a Peshawar court sentence Mujahid Afridi to death, acquitting two other accused Shahzeb and Siddiqullah.

Should have killed him as soon as he was sentenced, and now the father speaks about threats to him.
He may have escaped this time round, but justice will catch up with him. Such types are always gunned down, and of course when he dies he faces the ultimate judge.....

That is besides the point.

Whether he eventually gets divine justice, or is gunned down by a rival, the bottom line remains that her rights as a citizen were trampled with impunity and the system worked to protect the criminals instead of the victims.

That is the travesty that is simply obscene. Let us call it for what it is: a system for the elite, by design.
There are various laws out there in a number of Countries that you nor I would approve, but there are the Law of the Land. You don't like it - go take it up with the UN or the ICJ at the Hague.
Such laws wont fall under UN or ICJ jurisdiction. Does not mean we cant criticize such laws.

The Law in India where Muslims are forbidden/lynched/killed for eating Meat. If you think a Law in a number of Countries is wrong, one should start looking at the laws of their state. Clean up at home & then pass judgement on others.
There is no muslim specific law. Some states in India have law which bans cow slaughter or beef consumption. However, killing of humans for any reason in wrong and should be condemned in strictest terms.

Pardon by Relative isn't a loophole. Its the Law. A loophole is something someone exploits to counter the Law.
Agreed pardon by relative isnt a loophole. It is a foolish law.
it looks like he pardoned under threat

Reminds me about the case when girl’s father decided to pardon the murderer but the court refused by saying the complainant is the police and not his father.

I think the court should not accept his pardon and proceed with the case

This is the norm everywhere else. Murder is not a 'private crime' that a father should be able to pardon it.

The death of a person affects a family, a community and reaches far into society. The Govt is the one who prosecutes murder and they are the only ones who should be able to stop it.

Honestly, this blood money rule in Pakistan is just so blatantly wrong, I can't believe it hasn't been repealed yet.
I did not say legal loopholes dont exist in India. However, once convicted by courts, the convict gets punished. Pakistan has an additional loophole where a rich convict can go scot free by bribing / threatening / emotonally blackmailing victims' relatives.

I believe in your positive law, PM can pardon as well

Such laws wont fall under UN or ICJ jurisdiction. Does not mean we cant criticize such laws.

There is no muslim specific law. Some states in India have law which bans cow slaughter or beef consumption. However, killing of humans for any reason in wrong and should be condemned in strictest terms.

Agreed pardon by relative isnt a loophole. It is a foolish law.

Hei dont say it as foolish law, the fool is the one who worship many Gods like Hindus

This pardon is only few among many cases where the murders get punishment. Any way in Islam, the punishment for murder is very lethal, in India I believe it will be just 15 years in prison
Pardon should not be allowed for tthese types of animals this is why i hate our system and our idiot political system
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