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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

it means whenever there is TV reporter are present they will bring these obsolete and show case them .
and if i case of war we run out the main one they start using them but that possible we .

and some of them they will be scraped my point view .

Please work on your english !
Maybe they won't be the frontline missile which will hit the most important targets but they are definitely going to be used in massive numbers in case of war.

As you said, quantity itself means that they are going to be operational and not scrapped.
What's a "massive number"?

Think about it this way. Between 2003 and 2005, the Americans dropped 500,000 tons of ordinance on Iraq. IN 2 YEARS they dropped 500,000 tons. Those were "surgical strikes" with near perfect accuracy.

How many missiles will Iran send in the first few days of a war? 100? 100-150 if we're being very generous. Divided between 3 countries (Israel, UAE and Kuwait) that's 30-35 missiles. None of them are accurate. Iran doesn't even have GPS. Out of the 30 that go to Israel, most will either miss their targets or get shot down by the Iron Dome. Say 10 hit their targets in some miraculous fashion. That's 10 X 2 tons. 20 tons of ordinance compared to 500,000 tons in 2 years by the Americans.
What's a "massive number"?

Think about it this way. Between 2003 and 2005, the Americans dropped 500,000 tons of ordinance on Iraq. IN 2 YEARS they dropped 500,000 tons. Those were "surgical strikes" with near perfect accuracy.

How many missiles will Iran send in the first few days of a war? 100? 100-150 if we're being very generous. Divided between 3 countries (Israel, UAE and Kuwait) that's 30-35 missiles. None of them are accurate. Iran doesn't even have GPS. Out of the 30 that go to Israel, most will either miss their targets or get shot down by the Iron Dome. Say 10 hit their targets in some miraculous fashion. That's 10 X 2 tons. 20 tons of ordinance compared to 500,000 tons in 2 years by the Americans.

Kardi khodeto ba in emoticona Soheil.

3/4 postat spamme. Bad be Yavar migi be engilisish berese lol

shoma dari khod koni mikoni !!!

akhe age gharar bod hamle konand 10 sal pish karde bodan !

chera fekr mikoni az hame chi khabar dari !?

fekr kardi amrika mitone biad rahat bomb bendaze !?

harfet az lahaz nezami pashm hast ... pashm !
What's a "massive number"?

Think about it this way. Between 2003 and 2005, the Americans dropped 500,000 tons of ordinance on Iraq. IN 2 YEARS they dropped 500,000 tons. Those were "surgical strikes" with near perfect accuracy.

How many missiles will Iran send in the first few days of a war? 100? 100-150 if we're being very generous. Divided between 3 countries (Israel, UAE and Kuwait) that's 30-35 missiles. None of them are accurate. Iran doesn't even have GPS. Out of the 30 that go to Israel, most will either miss their targets or get shot down by the Iron Dome. Say 10 hit their targets in some miraculous fashion. That's 10 X 2 tons. 20 tons of ordinance compared to 500,000 tons in 2 years by the Americans.
so you think a Qadr missile which can find its target 1900km away in the sea, will miss the target in Israel, good to know about your analysis.
about GPS, be sure that will apply to our enemies too, and actually they rely much much more on it.

and about the quantity, as brigadier Salami said producing these missiles for us is as cheap and easy as making artillery shell.

fifty missile launchers were present at the current war game (only on the ground, without counting the hidden silos), and only 4 of them fired. but that's not the case in the real war.
you can count on hundreds missile for each military ship present at the Persian gulf.

U.S is the same country which didn't even dare to attack Syria. even their dreams of attacking us will turn into a nightmare.
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Soheil you are cute, too.
Soheil may I ask you a question?
How old are you and Yavar?
I mean, I know you must be something around 21, 22, but I've no idea, how old might yavar be.
To give guessing a chance, I would say, yavar is around 16, 17 years old, am I right?
What's a "massive number"?

Think about it this way. Between 2003 and 2005, the Americans dropped 500,000 tons of ordinance on Iraq. IN 2 YEARS they dropped 500,000 tons. Those were "surgical strikes" with near perfect accuracy.

How many missiles will Iran send in the first few days of a war? 100? 100-150 if we're being very generous. Divided between 3 countries (Israel, UAE and Kuwait) that's 30-35 missiles. None of them are accurate. Iran doesn't even have GPS. Out of the 30 that go to Israel, most will either miss their targets or get shot down by the Iron Dome. Say 10 hit their targets in some miraculous fashion. That's 10 X 2 tons. 20 tons of ordinance compared to 500,000 tons in 2 years by the Americans.
We have had this conversation before!

Iran has more than a thousand(if not several thousands) of SRBMs, in the last week alone we have seen the delivery of more than 50 Qiam SRBMs, the numbers of Iran's MRBMs is also in the hundreds.

Also Iran's missiles CEP has improved dramatically, Iran's SRBMs are now very accurate and its MRBMs also have acceptable CEP , if there is a war with Israel there will be hundreds of missile not just ten that will hit Israeli targets.

Take a look at these TELs.



IRGC ASF took delivery of more than three dozens of these MRBM TELs in one ceremony and there are several missile for each TEL, you can do the math.

Ridiculous western sources have been claiming for more than 2 decades than Iran has between 6-12 TELs!!!!
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The new missiles will have the SAME range but more accurate and advanced in Tech (maybe stealth a little ? ;) )

i think the most interesting part about the new delivery systems is their accuracy . its really hard to achieve pin-point accuracy in longer range missiles that Iran is producing (Up to 3000 km range) but they have reached the capability and they're going to expand it :)

Doostan mishe khahesh konam bahs off-topic nakonin ? :super angry haman: :D
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