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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

@camelguy You're banned now, but it's still worth mentioning you. What do you think about that?

What's the purpose of your question

Should I join khamenei camp and shout marg bar amrika now, US removal of Saddam was of your greatest interest. Save me the post.

Iraq under Iranian influence today is the biggest shithole it has ever been, you can roam around the entire country and ask Shias and they'll tell you they miss Saddam.
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As for the USAF, they should have never targeted Saddam, they should've kept him in power, remove the sanctions. Have you guys try to do it.
What's the purpose of your question

Should I join khamenei camp and shout marg bar amrika now, US removal of Saddam was of your greatest interest. Save me the post.

Iraq under Iranian influence today is the biggest shithole it has ever been, you can roam around the entire country and ask Shias and they'll tell you they miss Saddam.
Hey buddy, Iraq was always a shit hole and it has nothing to do with Iran. look into mirror for your problems... I remember when I was in Iran (1970s) there was a coup just about every 6 months... each coup guy will kill the previous coup guy and the process went on until saddam came and he killed very one..lol
Iraq is an artificial country and that is the root cause ..nothing to do with Iran...at least now shia 65% and kurd 20% do not have to bend over to sunni 15%...that is progress.
Hey buddy, Iraq was always a shit hole and it has nothing to do with Iran. look into mirror for your problems... I remember when I was Iran (1970s) there was a coup just about every 6 months... each coup guy will kill the previous coup guy and the process went on until saddam came and he killed very one..lol
Iraq is an artificial country and that is the root cause ..nothing to do with Iran...at least now shia 65% and kurd 20% do not have to bend over to sunni 15%...that is progress.

Iraq was great in the 70's, before Khomeini gained power, Khomeini who was residing in Iraq whom should've been sent to outer space.

As for coups, Iran has had its fair share of those. How's Mossadegh doing, did fellow Iranians throw him out for some CIA money.

You're in Canada, like many other of your diaspora because the basiji will pump your butt over there. Stfu already. My reply wasn't to you.
Iraq was great in the 70's, before Khomeini gained power, Khomeini who was residing in Iraq whom should've been sent to outer space.

As for coups, Iran has had its fair share of those. How's Mossadegh doing, did fellow Iranians throw him out for some CIA money.

You're in Canada, like many other of your diaspora because the basiji will pump your butt over there. Stfu already. My reply wasn't to you.
I do not intend to get this thread off topic...I feel sorry for iraq..I really do,,,but look in the mirror,,your problems are not with Iran...and that is my last reply.

PS: my butt is doing fine but thanks for your concern..lol
As for the USAF, they should have never targeted Saddam, they should've kept him in power, remove the sanctions. Have you guys try to do it.

Iranians always have regional domination in their mind regardless of secular or religious affiliation. This imperialist mentality will cost them dearly. It is only a matter of time before Iran becomes another Iraq/Libya. The Middle East can not afford a nation suffering from racial superiority complex with imperialist attitude.
I do not intend to get this thread off topic...I feel sorry for iraq..I really do,,,but look in the mirror,,your problems are not with Iran...and that is my last reply.

PS: my butt is doing fine but thanks for your concern..lol

I am here to reply to a tag to make someone aware of the popular opinion in Iraq, they don't like Iran/Iranian regime and that's due to those in power, whom happen to worship certain Shia figures.

All the rest was your input, no one neither I said Iraqis are not to blame, my comment is to make someone aware of something he's not seeing. Which he won't see from my comments either way.

Iraq is a shithole beyond belief today, no different from Somalia. It has no state, no authority. In Saddam's days that's completely the opposite. few retarded Iran worshippers, anyone with a brain over there knows better.

That said the thread is about Iran's missiles, not sure why I got tagged about something not related to Iran, ending it from here
I am here to reply to a tag to make someone aware of the popular opinion in Iraq, they don't like Iran/Iranian regime and that's due to those in power, whom happen to worship certain Shia figures.

All the rest was your input, no one neither I said Iraqis are not to blame, my comment is to make someone aware of something he's not seeing. Which he won't see from my comments either way.

Iraq is a shithole beyond belief today, no different from Somalia. It has no state, no authority. In Saddam's days that's completely the opposite. few retarded Iran worshippers, anyone with a brain over there knows better.

That said the thread is about Iran's missiles, not sure why I got tagged about something not related to Iran, ending it from here

Sorry man if Americans don't let your pro west government to buy Siemens or Iranian Mapna turbines to solve the electricity problem sorry if Americans don't let your pro west government to import gas from Iran sorry if Americans don't let your pro west government to let Chinese come inside Iraq and build infrastructures sorry if Americans decide what weapons you need when planes to be ready for scramble to whom you sell your oil which companies can help with your oil ... Sorry if Iran just sells Pegah cheese and some building stuff for your houses and you buy it from Iran because it's cheapest in the whole world ... Sorry if we didn't let ISIS decapitate all of you ppl like lambs ...

Iraqis are blind they never see their American Master they see just Iranian Pegah and always burn its headquarters ... Get Americans away from our country or we will do it harshly

What happened to $160 billion compensation of your MF Saddam war to Iran ? You payed it to Kuwait
Not to mention the weight requirement of the missile, it's launcher,...

If you think hitting a mobile launcher is hard, just imagine how hard hitting airborne targets will be over extended ranges to make up for a lack of an Airforce

They do not have a feasible none Aircraft counter that could possibly match the the various tasks the U.S. military requires. From transport and logistics to escort and intercept to providing cover and attack.

The fact that the best way to take on and take out high value enemy Air Defense targets is with high speed projectiles and Ballistic Missiles no doubt top the list of being one of the best solution to carry on that task, that fact doesn't change the requirement for an Airforce nor does it make BM feasible replacement for a long list of other task that an Airforce would be responsible for.

Meaning you can NOT replace an Airforce with BM as a feasible solution!

Such a solution would expressly restrict your capabilities against enemies who do not have the power to target and attack your bridgehead!
And financial costs you would have to pay to be able to take on a significant number of targets against an obviously weaker appointment would be absurd!
Nor does it give you the capability to provide cover for your own invading forces

How ever fast you think mobile launcher are you have to somehow deploy a vast number of them to a location and store a vast number how do you propose to do that without Aircover?

Do you honestly think that if the U.S. didn't have a vast superior Air Power a country like Iran would simply stand by and watch the U.S. deploy 1000's of Tel to the region? clearly not!
Without air cover US forces wouldn't survive a week in our region

We are not discussing what is a more feasible options for Iran at present! We are discussing the U.S. choice of Air Power over BM

Even now without any major wars the United States on average drops one bomb every 12 minutes! That is 5 bombs an hour! 120 Bombs a day! which is 43,200 bombs a year! And that's without being involved in any major wars.

To top that off the "long term" effects of such an absurd decision would have dier consequences for their civil aviation.

Even for Iran BM are a good short term option only! BM will NOT make up for Iran's need of Air Power!
Iran needs to be able to transport it's troops and equipment!
Iran requires Helo's and needs to provide cover for it's helo's
Iran requires AWACS, mobile and airborne command.
Iran needs to have the capability to escort it's own aircraft and requires the ability to intercept enemy aircrafts
We have an Air Force. Drones. Combat fighters is retrograde thinking. Iran shouldn't invest a penny in operational aircraft only for TOT and the minimum required.
Sorry man if Americans don't let your pro west government to buy Siemens or Iranian Mapna turbines to solve the electricity problem sorry if Americans don't let your pro west government to import gas from Iran sorry if Americans don't let your pro west government to let Chinese come inside Iraq and build infrastructures sorry if Americans decide what weapons you need when planes to be ready for scramble to whom you sell your oil which companies can help with your oil ... Sorry if Iran just sells Pegah cheese and some building stuff for your houses and you buy it from Iran because it's cheapest in the whole world ... Sorry if we didn't let ISIS decapitate all of you ppl like lambs ...

Iraqis are blind they never see their American Master they see just Iranian Pegah and always burn its headquarters ... Get Americans away from our country or we will do it harshly

What happened to $160 billion compensation of your MF Saddam war to Iran ? You payed it to Kuwait

All bullshit since Iraq imports billions of USD from Iran, including mapna, electrity and oil

Why do you need to lie

Ask ab ayatollah for money Instead, that war was self defense and legitimate
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As for the USAF, they should have never targeted Saddam, they should've kept him in power, remove the sanctions. Have you guys try to do it.
Then you should have fought for Saddam in 2003 ... you didn't .. why?
Then you should have fought for Saddam in 2003 ... you didn't .. why?

I was a child

People were fed up of sanctions in 2003 and the no fly zones. Do me a favour and don't compare your sanctions to the 90s sanctions of Iraq. Incomparable, you have airliners flying in even. Iraq was isolated North Korea level and it had no China neighbor.

Iran should thank America everyday for removing someone you couldn't for a decade.
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