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Iranian Intelligence identifies Reza Karimi as the culprit behind Natanz blast


Mar 11, 2017
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United States
United States
Of course he fled the country....

Of course he fled the country....

These kinds of acts will never be stopped without rigorous security, and more importantly, the improvement of the countries economic situation. Their are easily 1000s of people willing to do such acts for money.

An army marches on its stomach - Napoleon
These kinds of acts will never be stopped without rigorous security, and more importantly, the improvement of the countries economic situation. Their are easily 1000s of people willing to do such acts for money.

An army marches on its stomach - Napoleon
Can you remember Jason Rezaian and how he was released? Zarif the imbecile swapped him with over 1 billion dollar. Obama admin sent a massage by that swap that we will support all the spies and sabotagors by billions of dollars so relax and betray your country!!!. The problem is not traitors, they exist everywhere even in US itself, problem is imbeciles like Zarif who give a chance to spies and sabotagors to escape justice. After releasing Jason traitors asked themselves, when USA is ready to pay such price for one Spy, why not for other spies?
It seems Iran is incapable of securing vital assets, even when countries like Pakistan have never had a slip up.

What a joke.
Iranian intelligence should go to his extended family. And confiscate every single last riyal and peice of property they own as dirty suspected zionist bribe money.

and throw them out on the streets with the shirts on their back..... and make every single effort to take care of the spy abroad and anyone who even remotely came into contact with him.

enough is enough. Iran needs to create an extremely powerful incentive to dissuade prospective traitors in the system. intelligence agencies go to these peoples with multi-million dollar offers and asylum and a promise of a life of luxury. eventually they will find some sub-human willing to go for it.

Iran must create a state of absolute terror in the hearts of a potential traitor. the current measures do not go far enough.

Zionists have actually pioneered this tactic of going after the family .by demolishing the property of families of suspected resistance fighters. its extremely effective. IRan should learn from them.
It seems Iran is incapable of securing vital assets, even when countries like Pakistan have never had a slip up.

What a joke.

That is probably because Pakistan isn't the enemy of the entire western world

Don't take the piss bro, we had many close ones, but the Almighty and brave men and women put their lives on the line to prevent it.
Zionists have actually pioneered this tactic of going after the family .

So u want to follow the zionist way? If ur brother happens to be a CIA mole and u know nothing about it, should u also be dragged in streets n hanged??
we live in Islamic Republic system,
NOT Israel we don't do collective punishment

we are the Islamic Republic of Iran, we do not use chemical weapons (while saddam with western help was gassing Iranian troops and civilians to stop complete defeat)

We are.............. we do not believe in nuclear weapons (while every Iranian enemy is aiming hundreds/thousands on Iran)

sometimes it is beyond insanity and absurd to completely handicapp and disadvantage yourself against a ruthless enemy who wants your complete anahilation. due to some moralistic reasons...

If Iran had lost the war against Iraq, history would have looked at Iranian leadership as complete fools.

If Iran is nuked, history will look at iranian leadership as complete fools.

It is catastrophic that a person of such high security status was able to be turned into a foreign agent. im not advocating for collective punishment for random people. but senior people, with state secrets and state assets in their hands need to be held under a much tighter leash. this is absurd.
Of course he fled the country....

I've said it before and I'll say it again...intelligence needs to be PROACTIVE, not REACTIVE. law enforcement agencies are reactive, intelligence agencies are proactive & MUST be proactive.

this is a classic example of what happens when intelligence is reactive. what good does it down now to identify the culprit? he's out, gone, fled the country & probably took a bunch of moles with him...being proactive would've resulted him in getting caught before the hack taking place and would've never taken place.

it increasingly seems like the Iranian intelligence agencies are acting like law enforcement agencies where they track down the traitors AFTER security has been compromised. that's a no go, dead on arrival. you should have a vast network in intelligence & information gathering, you should have moles everywhere that pretend to be traitors & misguided the enemy agents into a completely different direction where they end up cornering themselves and getting exposed BEFORE they can go any damage, you should have ways to turn them against their own agencies & countries, turn them into double agents, turn them against each other, have one mossad agent turn another mossad agent in who in turn kills yet another mossad or another enemy agent. that's how true intelligence agencies works folks. has nothing to with arresting & prosecuting, has everything to do with misguiding and check mating.
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It’s the ineptitude of Iran’s intelligence services.

A simple solution would have been this: anyone connected to Iran’s nuclear program who has access to Fordow or natanz can’t leave the country without permission of intelligence services and only can leave for a valid reason.

this would make any saboteur think twice

If they can’t escape they wont conduct sabotage. Let’s face it these guys are cowards doing It for money and citizenship in the west not any Nobel nationalistic cause like the old spies of WWI and WW2 days.
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