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Iranian Intelligence identifies Reza Karimi as the culprit behind Natanz blast

we are the Islamic Republic of Iran, we do not use chemical weapons (while saddam with western help was gassing Iranian troops and civilians to stop complete defeat)
we couldnt use it against population Iraq and people, but Saddam or Israel population is another case
We are.............. we do not believe in nuclear weapons (while every Iranian enemy is aiming hundreds/thousands on Iran)
that is just BS which we have to say publicly,
the reason is very simple, the same reason Israel does not announce it has nuclear weapons ex.........
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If Iran is nuked, history will look at iranian leadership as complete fools.
don't worry, before escalation to such scenario we will withdraw from NPT and ........

just look at 60% with in a hour was started,
as soon as order comes we will display .................. and that will deter anybody to use nuclear weapon on use
If Iran is nuked, history will look at iranian leadership as complete fools.
They are complete fools. Remember when the Obama administration put Iran in the list of countries that are eligible for a preemptive nuclear attack? Iran is the only non-nuclear state in that list.

When the United States did that, that was a good reason for Iran to understand that it has to seek nuclear weapons with all resources at its disposal.
It is catastrophic that a person of such high security status was able to be turned into a foreign agent. im not advocating for collective punishment for random people. but senior people, with state secrets and state assets in their hands need to be held under a much tighter leash. this is absurd.
People working in such sensitive facilities need to be under 24/7 surveillance including their family members and friends etc
I don't even understand why people working in Natanz,fordow etc have this unlimited freedom of movement. They should all be confined into a place/area and kept there as long the project is running.
we could use it against population Iraq and people Iraqi , but Saddam or Israel population iss another case
Boro baba..delet khoshe. Do they distribute flowers and sweets in a war? Your refusal to respond in kind invited more and more chemical attacks. Exactly as to what you are doing now.
Remember when the Obama administration put Iran in the list of countries that are eligible for a preemptive nuclear attack? Iran is the only non-nuclear state in that list.
that what you think,
but the Generals in Pentagon think otherwise
One way to ensure the enemy does not miscalculate your capabilities is what North Korea did...they invited a respectable American nuclear scientist for a private and "off the record" tour of their centrifuge facilities deep inside the mountain...after the trip US never questioned their nuclear capability.

Iran may have done that already..if not they should...invite a respectable Israeli scientist for a private off the record tour in some far away mountain!!!
that what you think,
but the Generals in Pentagon think otherwise
That's a law. It's written on paper, passed by the Obama administration. As for whether Iran has nuclear weapons or not, every report by the CIA, Mossad, the IAEA or independent intelligence agencies verify that Iran does not have nuclear weapons. As for why we should trust those reports, time has proven the CIA to be very accurate about Iran's nuclear program in the past. And just recently, Mohsen Rezaee (a top IRGC general with decades of service in high ranking positions in the IR) admitted that Israel had stolen several documents from Iran's nuclear archive. So, I'd rather believe them than you, and I can't accept that you know what Generals in the Pentagon think without proof.

Boro baba..delet khoshe. Do they distribute flowers and sweets in a war? Your refusal to respond in kind invited more and more chemical attacks. Exactly as to what you are doing now.
Yeah. And when they nuke one of our cities, they will repeat that infamous video by Khomeini "Berizid Khoonha ra, ..., Bokoshid ma ra, mellat-e ma bidaar-tar mishavad" for the remaining citizens in other cities. So typical of them.
, every report by the CIA, Mossad, the IAEA or independent intelligence agencies verify that Iran does not have nuclear weapons

very easy to answer because IAEA, nor anybody else never inspacted them,

and once or twice in past were let in guess what they found out ? nuclear trace. example Parchine
time has proven the CIA to be very accurate about Iran's nuclear program
i would trust Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency

this is site they went too not long ago

after months of trying to wash off
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Mohsen Rezaee (a top IRGC general with decades of service in high ranking positions in the IR) admitted that Israel had stolen several documents from Iran's nuclear archive. So, I'd rather believe them than you,
what he didn't say was? was that intentional ? what did they get ? show me one document which that fool Netanyahu got that has not been already disclose to IAEA,

take time out and go true them
I'd rather believe them than you, and I can't accept that you know what Generals in the Pentagon think without proof.

the reason that law of iran been add to list , It's written on paper, passed by the Obama administration is

جواب حاج قاسم سلیمانی به نامه تهدید اوباما بود
this was widely reported, so is not made up
never mind what the video showed as answer to Obama later

up till now no none has announced the content of that later

but if you want i let you know bit secret
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Yeah. And when they nuke one of our cities, they will repeat that infamous video by Khomeini "Berizid Khoonha ra, ..., Bokoshid ma ra, mellat-e ma bidaar-tar mishavad" for the remaining citizens in other cities. So typical of them.
I think it has to do with IR's Shia way of life. Badbakhti and victim playing ''negah kon cheghadr badbakhtim, nazanin ma ro'' has become clear for everyone by now.
the reason that law of iran been add to list , It's written on paper, passed by the Obama administration is

جواب حاج قاسم سلیمانی به نامه تهدید اوباما بود
this was widely reported, so is not made up
never mind what the video showed as answer to Obama later

up till now no none has announced the content of that later

but if you want i let you know bit secret
چرا ۵۰۰ تا پست مختلف می‌زنی خوب؟‌‌‌ همه پاسخ‌هات رو توی یک پست می‌نوشتی که راحت‌تر بشه پاسخ داد

اولاً در مورد سلامی بهت بگم که کسی که بر می‌گرده می‌گه اگه یک مو از سر یک ایرانی کم بشه کرک و پشم شما رو به باد می‌دیم بعد همون هفته بعدش شهید فخری‌زاده (یکی از مهم‌ترین افراد کل سپاه پاسداران)‌ رو ترور می‌کنند خفه خون می‌گیره، به نظر من چنین کسی جز یه دلقک نیست. در نتیجه اصلاً حرف‌های سلامی برای من ارزشی نداره

در مورد اینکه چه اسنادی به سرقت رفته، کل پروژه آماد که ایران همیشه گفته وجود نداشته و تخیل سازمان‌های اطلاعاتی آمریکا و اسرائیل بوده به همراه همکاری‌های هسته‌ای ایران با شرکت‌های اروپایی و روسی جز اون اسناد بوده. همون ترقوزآباد که همه بهش می‌خندیم مدت‌ها هست داره تبدیل می‌شه به یکی از پرونده‌های جدید ایران با آژانس مثل پی ام دی. آژانس به خاطر کرونا چند سری هست که در موردش چیزی نمی‌نویسه. گذاشته به موقع‌اش یه گزارش یک طرفه به نفع اونها بنویسه و بشه همون داستان‌های سال ۲۰۰۳ و ۲۰۰۴

خلاصه اینکه اسنادی به سرقت رفته که به آژانس داده نشده بوده و اصلاً‌ نباید از ایران بیرون می‌رفته. که البته در هر حال همین که اسناد سری کشور رو می‌دزدن خودش فاجعه اطلاعاتی هست

نمونه این داستان سال ۲۰۰۲ توسط مجاهدین پیش اومد که حاصل‌اش شد یک قرارداد ننگین مثل برجام تو سال ۲۰۰۴ با ۳ قدرت اروپایی توسط همین آقای روحانی و بعدش هم حاصل‌اش تبدیل به ۴ قطعنامه علیه ایران شد که اقتصاد ایران از سال ۲۰۰۹ به این ور تقریباً در مجموع تا امروز درجا زده و هیچ پیشرفتی نداشته در حالیکه ترکیه‌ای که اون زمان پشم ایران هم نبود امروز در همه زمینه‌ها از ما جلو زده و چهارتا کشور ۲ زاری عربی برامون شاخ و شونه می‌کشن

در مورد داستان ۶۰ - ۷۰ کلاهکی که پس از فروپاشی شوروی تو قزاقستان گم شد، هیچ مدرکی مبنی بر اینکه اون کلاهک‌ها به ایران رسیدن وجود نداره. داستان بسیار قدیمی و شناخته شده‌ای هست که قبلاً هم ۵۰۰ بار در همین فروم راجع بهش بحث شده. ضمناً اگه ایران ۲ تا کلاهک هسته‌ای رو از قزاقستان با ۱۵۰ میلیون دلار خریده بود نمی‌اومد چندین سال بعدش ۵ میلیارد دلار به پاکستان برای ۲ تا بمب اتم پیشنهاد بده که پاکستان بره همه جا آبروی ایران رو ببره و اصطلاحاً ایران رو بندازه جلوی اتوبوس

در مورد نامه‌ای هم که می‌گین، جمهوری اسلامی بارها ثابت کرده طبل تو خالی بیشتر نیست. اولاً که یه فیلمی که من هم می‌تونم بسازم و آپلود کنم روی آپارات که مدرک نیست، دوم اینکه ترامپ که الان دیگه رئیس جمهور نیست رو نمی‌تونند بهش نزدیک بشن. حتی پمپئو رو همین طور. هر موقع انتقام خون سردار سلیمانی رو گرفتید بعد بگین ما تو پنتاگون نفوذ کردیم​
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