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Iranian Chill Thread

thanks :-)
mikham ye chizi begam aga in arabe chan bar rafte ro asabe man yekish hamin gazieh khalige fars asab hamaro khord kard.alan to ignore listame.
midonam yeki az dustane irani dare chob mikone to lone zanbour.vali be giafe ina ham nemikhore adaye "nesfe dustaye man iranian" rou dar biare.

Tou PM baa ham harf mizanim dar in mored ;)

این عربای تررررروریست کم بودن یه موجود " اگونیست" :lol: هم بهشون اضافه شد.

اخه ادم چی بگه ؟ بچه هه 2 روزه رفته اونور چنان جو گرفش که به خودش میگه "اگونیست" هاها :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Dear @Abii ,
just for fun, look at the the above quoted post from one members of "G*** Squad". BTW, He tries to say Agnostic.:lol::lol::lol:
I just don't get why @Serpentine doesn't close this thread for 3-4 days till our friends calm down .

It would be better for all of us .

دوستان ستاد بحران شیراز اعلام بحران کرده . برف کل شیراز رو گرفته مسیر های اصلی ارتباطی ما الان قطعه . حالا من رو بگو فردا امتحان معادلات داشتم کل این هفته برنامه هام رو انداخته بودم عقب بشینم بخونم همین الان دانشگاه شیراز اعلام کردید کنسل و معلوم نیست کی برگزار بشه. از در نمیشه رفت بیرون حدودا 16 سالی بود اینطوری برف نداشتیم همین شانس ما باید بذاره شب همون روزی بباره که ما فرداش قرار بود از شر این 3 واحدی لعنتی راحت بشیم.

این نکته رو هم بگم برق داره بندری میزنه . :D

سلام .


آقا معادلات دیفرانسیل داری ؟
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دوستان ستاد بحران شیراز اعلام بحران کرده . برف کل شیراز رو گرفته مسیر های اصلی ارتباطی ما الان قطعه . حالا من رو بگو فردا امتحان معادلات داشتم کل این هفته برنامه هام رو انداخته بودم عقب بشینم بخونم همین الان دانشگاه شیراز اعلام کردید کنسل و معلوم نیست کی برگزار بشه. از در نمیشه رفت بیرون حدودا 16 سالی بود اینطوری برف نداشتیم همین شانس ما باید بذاره شب همون روزی بباره که ما فرداش قرار بود از شر این 3 واحدی لعنتی راحت بشیم.

این نکته رو هم بگم برق داره بندری میزنه . :D
دیگه داشت یادمون میرفت چطوری برف پارو میکنن، این صرفا جهت یاداوری بود، حالا دوتارو با هم مرور کن تا نمرت بره بالاتر

Your homeboy went mad and wrote to me privately.

Here what he wrote

al-salam ;

u know we iranians are peaceful people . and we are known for hospitality ask @Yzd Khalifa about it .

but we are really not into haters . i know u better than anyone else ..... i've known you for 2 years ...... i read all of your posts ....

i know that u HATE iran and shia people . so as a matter of fact you are NOT welcome in the chill thread and your posts are considered trolling .

please refrain from posting there as we might take the needed steps to counter-troll you .

aside from the fact that u think you OWN the arab defence section .......

anyhow i hope we reach a common ground here . ME section had been troll free for some time .....


And here was my replay to him:

walaikum assalam

Why are you guys camping here in my inbox:rofl: its kind of hot inhere lets go take a hike what do you think? :crazy_pilot:

Haman all of the points you have raised aren't factual. Not because I don't agree with your Mullas means I hate Iranian people. As I have stated before I have bunch of Iranian friends and we all get along. Most of them are against the current regime of Iran and I don't blame them for that as they have the right to be concerned about their own country as much as you do.

Speaking of Shia this and that also doesn't mean anything to me. Everyone has the right to believe in whatever suits him/her. Saudi Arabia has Shia population in Medina, southern Saudi Arabia and small part of the eastern province. And again we all get along and we all receive same treatment and fair from the government. I don't want to start a talk about Iran treatment of Sunni and other ethnic groups in Iran be it Baloch, Arab, Kurds and so on because I consider it an internal matter of Iran.

Again, Iran current FPs is the reason why I don't like the iranian regime. so don't blame me but blame the mullas for creating this political and idealogical tension in the region.

Coming to the Arab section that I own:rofl: Yes its mine so you have to knock the door first and ask for permission to get in otherwise I will have my guards putting you behind bars:omghaha:

Also why are you restricting me from posting? Its an international forum and I deserve the right to roam around. Not that Im interested whatsoever but your homeboy pocked me so I had not to give him ''talk to the hand please.''

Please if you can counter my posts in any thread don't hesitate to do so, Im all ears. :meeting:


He wasn't alone though he brought someone with him, both were plotting to assassinate me:fie:
Why this troll can insult every one and escape getting banned? Not only in this section, but ME section as well.
I know you are issuing infractions more easily in these days, so please keep this insulter troll in your mind for issuing ban as well. Thank you
he only insulted you, the one who is insulting everyone is you who rapidly use the "basiji scum" and refer to our government as mullah's regime.
سلام .


آقا معادلات دیفرانسیل داری ؟
اره داداش نگو معادلات دیفرانسیل بگو بمب تزار شوروی خدانیامرز. هر معادله به 20 روش متفاوت حل میشه من نمیدونم چرا سر کلاس خواب بودم اخه اینا رو اصلا یادم نمیاد

you are a hypocrite pathetic vatan foroush creature .....

shut it up .....

Your behavior is not acceptable by any morality. You have either a logical response for my posts or not. If you have any logical response, let every one know about it, otherwise, be quiet instead of trolling and derailing the threads.
Tou PM baa ham harf mizanim dar in mored ;)

Dear @Abii ,
just for fun, look at the the above quoted post from one members of "G*** Squad". BTW, He tries to say Agnostic.:lol::lol::lol:

I had to read it 10 times. Even after reading your comment I didn't get it at first.

lol @ Agnostic. I love how he stopped at agnostic and didn't say Atheist! haha

I seriously want to buy these bache akhoonds each a ticket to some developed part of the world for a few days. I wonder how they would react to their surroundings. Their heads would probably blow up.

he only insulted you, the one who is insulting everyone is you who rapidly use the "basiji scum" and refer to our government as mullah's regime.
Wait, how are those insults? I thought they'd be complements.

IR is an akhoond based monarchy. It's a theocratic centralized dictatorship. It's a simple fact and if you support this regime, you shouldn't be insulted by this factual statement.

And basijis are scum of the earth dool be dast terrorists. Another factual statement.

Deal with it.

I had to read it 10 times. Even after reading your comment I didn't get it at first.

lol @ Agnostic. I love how he stopped at agnostic and didn't say Atheist! haha

I seriously want to buy these bache akhoonds each a ticket to some developed part of the world for a few days. I wonder how they would react to their surroundings. Their heads would probably blow up.

Wait, how are those insults? I thought they'd be complements.

IR is an akhoond based monarchy. It's a theocratic centralized dictatorship. It's a simple fact and if you support this regime, you shouldn't be insulted by this factual statement.

And basijis are scum of the earth dool be dast terrorists. Another factual statement.

Deal with it.
it's funny how you ascribe canada's monarchy and your life style to us.
it's funny how you ascribe canada's monarchy and your life style to us.
Canada is one of the greatest democracies in history and one of the least corrupt countries in existence. Its monarchy is as symbolic as the monarch of the Burger King fast food chain.

Nice try.

Of course you know all of this. You're loyal to a theocratic dictatorship, but you don't have the balls to stand up for what it is.

Your homeboy went mad and wrote to me privately.

Here what he wrote

And here was my replay to him:

He wasn't alone though he brought someone with him, both were plotting to assassinate me:fie:

He thinks that he is the king of Iran section and wants to capture ME section. :lol::lol::lol:
He is worried to move his squad to Arab section though.:lol::lol::lol:
He literally told me and @Abii that he won't let Royalists(he referes to us as Royalists :lol::lol::lol: :rofl::rofl::rofl:) capture the Iran section.
Let him alone, let him be the king. ;)

PS. he refers to us as MKO at the same time as well.
اره داداش نگو معادلات دیفرانسیل بگو بمب تزار شوروی خدانیامرز. هر معادله به 20 روش متفاوت حل میشه من نمیدونم چرا سر کلاس خواب بودم اخه اینا رو اصلا یادم نمیاد

منم معادلات امتحان دارم .

ببین این لاپلاس معکوس های ال ان چطوری حل میشه ؟

مثل این :L^ -1 s/3s+2

استاده پیچوند به ما نگفت ولی هر ترم امتحان میاد و از بدبختی این درس مشترکه .
He thinks that he is the king of Iran section and wants to capture ME section. :lol::lol::lol:
He is worried to move his squad to Arab section though.:lol::lol::lol:
He literally told me and @Abii that he won't let Royalists(he referes to us as Royalists :lol::lol::lol: :rofl::rofl::rofl:) capture the Iran section.
Let him alone, let him be the king. ;)

PS. he refers to us as MKO at the same time as well.

MKO:omghaha: the new label for anyone who disagree with.:lol:

Don't let him take that crown from you or else

All the way to the rehab center my friend, The only solution I can think of right now.

Why is he making a big deal out of this forum anyway? I don't understand? He can take the Arab section for all I care:lol:Maybe he should buy the forum as a whole and banned us all.:laugh:

No room for tolerance at all. I protest:feminist:
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