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Iranian Chill Thread

سلام .

از بحث منحرف نشیم .

ما داشتیم در مورد نیروی هوایی تو شرایط موجود صحبت می کردیم که بحث به بیراهه رفت و به سیاست کشیده شد .

سوال من این بود که با توجه به شرایط موجود نیروی هوایی ای که شما میگی تعطیله باید چکار کنه

Awesome man :laughcry:

nemidunam bekhandam ya gerye konam

Khob, albatteh che bekhaahim va che nakhaahim, ghaziye be siyaasat mortabet hast!!!
ammaa bebin doust e aziz, man ye seri az mohem tarin kaarkhenejaat e san'ati ye Iran ra didam, masalan yekishoun mapna ke baraaye saakht e parreh ye tourbin va motor, ke az sakht tarin e kaarhaast, ra az nazdik didam ke che khabare.
az yek taraf e dige, @Uhuhu ham nokte ye mohemmi goft, ke kasi tavajjoh nakard. aziz bahs e tolid e anbouh ham matrah hast. tolid e anbouh, ba rounamaayi kardan e 1 douneh havaapeymaa ya pahpad e nesfe nime kheyli fargh daareh. ta ye mamlekati, sanaaye sanginesh, oun tor ke baayad, dar bakhsh haye mortabet, tose'e peyda nakarde, harf zadan az tolid e anbouh e san'ati ye joke e mahz hast. nemounash, daashtan e motor hast. vaghti ma ta alaan, motor e be dard bekhor tolid nakardim, in ya'ni aghalan 1 daheh ta tolid e san'ati ye product e nahaayi aghabim. inha shoukhi bardaar nist. tose'e ye san'ati ham ba tahrim va naboud e emkaan e tabaadol ba baghiye donyaa be dast nemiyaad. tavaan e Iran vaghean mahdoud hast, az nazar e boudgeh ham ke boudgeh haye nezami, ya daareh mire tou jib e bashar assad(sali hodoud e 14 billion dollar, tebgh e gofte ye rasmiye vezaarat omour khaareje ye britania), ya tou jib e hamas va ... maa baghi ham mire tou jib e farmaandeh haye sepaah ke baahaash milliarder beshan. injouri ta 100 saal dige ham be jaayi nemiresim. in ye haghighat hast. mitounim ta 100 saal dige, nasle 6 ham rounamaayi konim, vali hamin aazarakhsh ra ham nemitounim tolid anbouh konim!!! man az shoma miporsam, taa haalaa chand ta azarakhsh(va saegheh, hame ye nasl haash) tolid shode? in proje yek dahe hast ke vojoud daareh, ghaaedatan baayad tamaam e F4 va F5 ha ta alaan jaaygozin mishod, ammaa aayaa in ettefaagh oftaad? Na, faghat 4 ta F5 e badbakht ra ye kam taghyir bedan va rounamaayi konan. hamin va bas!!!
baazam migam ke tolid e san'ati, shoukhi bar daar nist aziz, esbaat e technology ham neshoun dahande ye tavaanaayi ye tolid e anbouh nist. shoma ye kam did e san'ati daashteh baashi, midouni ke tamaam e harf haye inha joke e mahz hast, hamin turkiye ra dobaare dar nazar begir. boro be member haye fanni tareshoun, mesle cabatli begou ke ma masalan Qaher ra sakhtim, midouni dar ja behet chi mige? mige kodoum company motor ra misaaze, kodoum company tarraahi karde? kodoum company badaneh ra sakhteh? Baraaye inke taraf, mamlekatesh ra dide va midoune ke tolid e anbouh e havaapeymaa, niyaaz mand e kolli company ye ghaviye san'ati hast ke har kodoum tavaanaayi ye tolid e anbouh daaran.
man kheyli edde'aaye shenaakht e san'at ra nadaaram, vali haddeaghal chand taashoun ra didam va midounam ke tolid e san'ati ye Iran, tou che vaz'i hast. kasaayi ke did e san'atishoun khoubeh, na oun 4 ta nojavoun e ehsaasaati, mifahman ke ghaziye ye tolid va ya daashtan e havaapeymaaye nasl e 5, haddeaghal 100-150 ta azash, mesle turkiye, dar aayande ye nazdik, emkaan pazir nist.
اوضاع عربستان از همیشه خرابتره

از یه طرف تو لبنان به خاطر این یارو تروریسته گیر کردن از یه طرف یه غلطی تو روسیه کردن مثل سگ توش موندن ......

پوتینم که گفته تا پدرشونو در نیارم ول نمیکنم :D

فقط امیدوارم که این افزایش ده برابری مثل اون افزایش 20 برابری آقای روحانی 2.5 برابر کاهش از آب در نیاد
اوضاع عربستان از همیشه خرابتره

از یه طرف تو لبنان به خاطر این یارو تروریسته گیر کردن از یه طرف یه غلطی تو روسیه کردن مثل سگ توش موندن ......

پوتینم که گفته تا پدرشونو در نیارم ول نمیکنم :D
این روسها هم اهل بولوفن هم سیاست باز، خون 4 تا شهروند براشون ارزشی نداره. با یه قرارداد فروش خرت و پرتای به درد نخور همه چیزو فراموش میکنن. به نظرت واقعا پوتین کاری میکنه؟
این روسها هم اهل بولوفن هم سیاست باز، خون 4 تا شهروند براشون ارزشی نداره. با یه قرارداد فروش خرت و پرتای به درد نخور همه چیزو فراموش میکنن. به نظرت واقعا پوتین کاری میکنه؟
خب اولا 16 نفر بودن نه 4 نفر بعدشم من امیدوارم یه کاری بکنه

خودش که گفته حالشونو میگیرم ...... باید دید

خب اولا 16 نفر بودن نه 4 نفر بعدشم من امیدوارم یه کاری بکنه

خودش که گفته حالشونو میگیرم ...... باید دید

چهر تا که مثال بود ولی من بعید میدونم غیر از پیشنهاد تصویب قطعنامه کاری بکنه
Saudi expense to kill

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Saudi Arabia's King has ordered the country's Secretary of National Security Council, Bnadar Bin Soltan and Foreign Minister, Saud al-Faisal to do all necessary moves to sabotage in Iraq.
Some Iraqi media quoted Saudi sources as saying that Saudi King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz in a meeting with senior security officials said that Saudi Arabia

donated 20 billion dollars to Saddam during Iran-Iraq war to block the Iraqi dictator's fall.
The report added that the Saudi King has allocated new sum of 250 billion dollars to sabotage in Iraqi political affairs because the kingdom considers the current Iraqi approach as a big danger for itself.

Saudi King Orders Sabotage in Iraq




خلية العراق الارهابية : بندر بن سلطان متورط بنشر الفتنة


Saudi expensed billion billion dollars to support Saddam and martyr thousands Iranian youth and now is supporting unrests and terrorism in Iraq.
No offense to the above poster. But, How much idiot can someone be?
Although, I am not wondering too much as I know, When someone does not have any sense about numbers, and how big 250 billion $ is, he may open his mouth and say something in that extent ridiculous for the 20th times and after being mocked by many members, like @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa , ...

PS. An Advice: Before sharing any news, just see if the numbers make any sense or not.
PPS. When you see that you are mocked for the 100th time for saying something, go and check if that makes sense or not, instead of being stubborn.
PPPS. They can give me 1/10 of this money and I'll do the job for them.:lol::lol::lol:
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No offense to the above poster. But, How much idiot can someone be?
Although, I am not wondering too much as I know, When someone does not have any sense about numbers, and how big 250 billion $ is, he may open his mouth and say something in that extent ridiculous for the 20th times and after being mocked by many members, like @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa , ...

PS. An Advice: Before sharing any news, just see if the numbers make any sense or not.
PSS. When you see that you are mocked for the 100th time for saying something, go and check if that makes sense or not, instead of being stubborn.
PSSS. They can give me 1/10 of this money and I'll do the job for them.:lol::lol::lol:

Idiot khodeti.Tu sitaye arabi 200 ta az in khabar darj shode.dgam postaye mano quto nakon pehen
No offense to the above poster. But, How much idiot can someone be?
Although, I am not wondering too much as I know, When someone does not have any sense about numbers, and how big 250 billion $ is, he may open his mouth and say something in that extent ridiculous for the 20th times and after being mocked by many members, like
PS. An Advice: Before sharing any news, just see if the numbers make any sense or not.
PSS. When you see that you are mocked for the 100th time for saying something, go and check if that makes sense or not, instead of being stubborn.
PSSS. They can give me 1/10 of this money and I'll do the job for them.


tahvil begir @Ostad :D

i have more respect for the head of ISIS than for this creature :D

P.S means post script . so if someone wants to say some thing after that he/she/it should say PPS which will stand for post post script :lol:

I am seriously thinking that having some minimum IQ requirement and age restriction should be obligatory to join this forum.
No offense to the above poster. But, How much idiot can someone be?
Although, I am not wondering too much as I know, When someone does not have any sense about numbers, and how big 250 billion $ is, he may open his mouth and say something in that extent ridiculous for the 20th times and after being mocked by many members, like @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa , ...

PS. An Advice: Before sharing any news, just see if the numbers make any sense or not.
PSS. When you see that you are mocked for the 100th time for saying something, go and check if that makes sense or not, instead of being stubborn.
PSSS. They can give me 1/10 of this money and I'll do the job for them.:lol::lol::lol:

Lol, easy bro. a kid with so much space.:lol:

Since his english skills are not that good [no offense intended] considering that english is not his mother tongue I will refer him to you so that you give him a lesson in Farsi about ''critical thinking''.:pleasantry:
its good that some ppl can "think" ...... cause even that process of thinking needs an IQ above 90 (that of rh monkeys)

yay !

Lol, easy bro. a kid with so much space.
Since his english skills are not that good [no offense intended] considering that english is not his mother tongue I will refer him to you so that you give him a lesson in Farsi about ''critical thinking''.

welcome !! @Ostad @mohsen @Islam shall be the winner @Ostad @Serpentine and otherz ....

welcome our saudi brother here ....

@rmi5 : kheyli doost dari asabani sham fosh karit konam beshooramet .....

ama koor khoondi .......

daram vasat :-)
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