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Iranian Chill Thread

How do you think we made neptune a mod?
It wasn't easy mate.
We opened many many threads. We whined every day. To punish this they banned a member of ours.
As a reaction to this we all asked to ban us.
We opened threads to vote for a new mod. It got closed we opened a second one.

In the end after 2 or 3 weeks we prevailed. Neptune became a mod.
He banned the biggest troll.

He will hop by from time to time. We cal him pembe rüya . If you listen carefully at night, you can still hear him weep the following sentence.

God damn all those fuuuking Turks for giving me this immense buuuthurt :)

Hahahahah, I miss our dreamreaper.

yeah, I got it.
So, he is the one who always make new accounts and tries to troll in cay Bahcesi and Turkish section? BTW, He looks more like a stupid and joke ruya than a pembe rüya.
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:crazy: It seems that you are quite professional in doing coup d'etat. :cheesy:

Infact we are. I'm speaking on previous experiences.

It all started with us wanting a Turkish members club.

Turkish Members Club

Turkish Members Club

Webmaster said "Not allowed. We don't have time to moderator threads in other languages." at that time.

But we have "Çay Bahçesi" now.

Later it continued with us wanting a new mod.

Mod Needed to Turkish Section.

Turkish Mod Election

Turkish Mod Election with the Final List

And we have Neptune now.

Care to see who started all these threads. :dirol:
Infact we are. I'm speaking on previous experiences.

It all started with us wanting a Turkish members club.

Turkish Members Club

Turkish Members Club

Webmaster said "Not allowed. We don't have time to moderator threads in other languages." at that time.

But we have "Çay Bahçesi" now.

Later it continued with us wanting a new mod.

Mod Needed to Turkish Section.

Turkish Mod Election

Turkish Mod Election with the Final List

And we have Neptune now.

Care to see who started all these threads. :dirol:

LOL, in Iran we always say that Great Britain is behind any conspiracy. but it seems that we were wrong and you are the source of all evil :devil:
Typical dictator trying to get all the credits for the previous.
You wait Sinan. When the time comes I will double cross you el-Sissi style.

:-) Nope, i said "Care to see who started all these threads." other than the last sentence , i used "we" as i only voiced a shared concern.

It was the efforts of all Turkish members which made these possible.:victory:


@xenon54 became online and he's reading the thread.

Mate, you are late.


Anyways, because of this forum. I'm getting an average of 4 hours of sleep per day. It became weary.....i should reduce my online hours.

Good night to all.



congrats on your "PROFESSINALS" suffix
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To all Iranians. How much hope do you guys have that everything will normalize with the minor improvement that came from the talks last week?

To all Iranians. How much hope do you guys have that everything will normalize with the minor improvement that came from the talks last week?

Talks with whom? you mean Geneva talks?
If it is so, I have not too high hopes, but I guess some Iranians including @Serpentine , @Uhuhu disagree with me about it.
Why? Don't you believe in the sincerity of one of the nations? Lobbying of third countries?
Third countries are not important at all. The main problem is that mullahs do not want to change main part of their policy, both internal and foreign policy. they may do a few changes, but major changes won't happen since major changes have many major effects and even they fear that their regime gets overthrown. something like perestroika and glasnost for USSR :lol:
Third countries are not important at all. The main problem is that mullahs do not want to change main part of their policy, both internal and foreign policy. they may do a few changes, but major changes won't happen since major changes have many major effects and even they fear that their regime gets overthrown. something like perestroika and glasnost for USSR :lol:

Ok thanks!

I won't push you more, since this seems a sensitive subject.
برای خارجی ها ، همه چیز به هم ربط داره ... اونها هدفشون ضربه زدن به ایرانه ... حالا به این دلیل بروند علیه رئیس جمهور حکم بدهند براشون فرقی نمی کنه

البته حالا که فکرش رو می کنم ، تو شک افتادم سر این قضیه مرکز یهودیان آرژانتین حکم دستگیری جناب رفسنجانی رو گرفتند یا سر اون قضیه قلع و قمع نخاله های منافقین تو یک رستوران در فرانسه یا آلمان ( از بس از موتور جستجوی اینترنتی استفاده کردم ، ذهنم اون تیزی سه ، چهار سال پیش رو نداره )

خب ، بای ...
من جواب سوالم رو نگرفتم آیا سپاه زیر نظر ریاست جمهوری کار میکند؟
An interesting map which shows each country is leading in which field in the world.
No surprise that middle east looks pretty f***ed up.


@Azizam , I love cinnamon. I guess I need to visit your country ;)
‮افغانستان‬ - ‭BBC ‮فارسی‬ - ‮ توقف ارسال تدارکات آمریکا به افغانستان از راه پاکستان‬
توقف ارسال تدارکات آمریکا به افغانستان از راه پاکستان


وزارت دفاع آمریکا (پنتاگون) می‌گوید که به خاطر ملاحظات امنیتی و اعتراضات عمومی در پاکستان، ارسال محموله‌های تدرکاتی از طریق گذرگاه مرزی تورخم پاکستان به افغانستان را متوقف کرده است.

علت این تصمیم اعتراضات مردمی است که از عملیات هواپیماهای بدون سرنشین آمریکا در خاک پاکستان خشمگین هستند و جلوی کامیون‌های تدارکاتی نیروهای بین المللی را گرفته و مانع از حرکت آن‌ها شده‌اند.
حدود نیمی از محموله‌های تدارکاتی مورد نیاز آمریکا و متحدانش در افغانستان از پاکستان به افغانستان منتقل می‌شود که مهم‌ترین مسیر آن از ایالت «خیبر پختونخوا» پاکستان و گذرگاه تورخم می‌گذرد.

این در حالیست که احساسات ضد آمریکایی در این منطقه به شدت بالا گرفته است.

عمران خان، رهبر حزب تحریک انصاف پاکستان اخیرا تهدید کرده بود در صورتی که آمریکا حملات هواپیماهای بدون سرنشین خود را متوقف نکند، در «خیبر پختونخوا» تظاهراتی عمومی را با هدف توقف مسیر تدارکاتی ناتو بر پا خواهد کرد.

عمران خان آمریکا را متهم کرده که با کشتن حکیم‌الله محسود، رهبر طالبان پاکستان، به تلاش‌های صلح و روند مذاکره با طالبان پاکستان لطمه زده است.

مارک رایت، سخنگوی پنتاگون، روز سه شنبه ابراز امیدواری کرد که در آینده نزدیک این مسیرتدارکاتی استراتژیک مجدد باز شود.

او گفت که بسته شدن موقت مسیر خیبر از لحاظ تدارکاتی به نیروهای آمریکایی در افغانستان لطمه‌ای نخواهد زد.

یک مسیر دیگر عبور کاروان‌های ناتو در پاکستان که از گذرگاه چمن استان بلوچستان در جنوب غربی پاکستان می‌گذرد همچنان باز است.

با توجه به اینکه شمار زیادی از نیروهای آمریکایی قرار است در سال ۲۰۱۴ میلادی از افغانستان خارج شوند، این مسیر برای آمریکا اهمیت بسیار زیادی دارد.

خبرنگار بی‌بی سی می‌گوید دولت پاکستان تاکید دارد که به اجازه عبور کاروان‌های تدرکاتی متعهد است اما در برابر معترضانی که مانع از عبور کامیون‌ها شده‌اند اقدام جدی انجام نداده است.
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