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Iran warns Turkey of harsh response

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Turkey is one of the most despotic regimes on this planet. They are the primary sponsor of the world's terrorist organizations including Al Qaeda.

Turkey has been funding and arming terrorists in Xinjiang for decades. Turkey has been funding and arming terrorists in Syria.

Terrorism is part of Turkish culture. They sympathize with terrorism in their education system.

I remember when I was studying overseas and had a Turkish lecturer for a Finance paper. The dude was incredibly apologetic towards Al Qaeda saying they are doing 'god's work' and we clashed a lot during lectures.

Every Turk I've met has been brainwashed by religious extremism.

The Turkish regime is a mass murdering regime that has supported the most vulgar and repulsive terrorist organisations in the world.

One day I hope Israel bombs the living crap out of Turkey. Bomb their military targets, industrial targets, commercial targets and population centers.

Not a big fan of Israel but they have a ruthless way of dealing with terrorists and there is no bigger state sponsor of terror than the Turkish regime.
Haha ur such a braindead idiot.
Im sure u have proofe for all that also china is supporting N.korea so what are u barking about :what:
anyway why dont u google
Cultural Revolution in china?
Just leave him hes a illitare 39 years old named Baidu, he was banned thats his second account.

You can't even spell and you're calling me an illiterate? :lol:

It's 'an illiterate'...

Start going to school kid :lol:

Iran is all bark no bite. No body takes them seriously anymore.

Just like America. All bark and no bite. Still waiting for the bombing of Iran mate :lol:

Whats it been 10 years now since the 'warning' of bombing Iran?

Mate, why are you replying this guy. Nobody in PDF takes serious these guys.... all they do is chest-bumping in their little section.


As opposed to the Turk boys day dreaming and thumping their chest about being able to defeat the Russian Navy in your little section? :lol:

dudes ignore the Chinese they are russian's advertisement :lol:

rus reklamlari bashlaniyor

We'd much rather be Russia's advertisement than be the advertisement to terrorists like your country :lol:
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You can't even spell and you're calling me an illiterate? :lol:

It's 'an illiterate'...

Start going to school kid :lol:

Just like America. All bark and no bite. Still waiting for the bombing of Iran mate :lol:

Whats it been 10 years now since the 'warning' of bombing Iran?

As opposed to the Turk boys day dreaming and thumping their chest about being able to defeat the Russian Navy in your little section? :lol:

We'd much rather be Russia's advertisement than be the advertisement to terrorists like your country :lol:

Is this because of Syrian conflict? See, there was nothing achieved here. Assad is here to stay and thanks to him, he is actually holding entire Middle East safe. If those FSA monsters took over, everyone including Turkey will suffer. US will go back across the ocean and tighten its customs and stuff. But Turkey shares a border and with such kind of groups, you never know when they will turn their backs on.

Still Middle Easterners don't realize the gravity of the situation, blindly supporting USA and NATO in this dangerous venture.
Is this because of Syrian conflict? See, there was nothing achieved here. Assad is here to stay and thanks to him, he is actually holding entire Middle East safe. If those FSA monsters took over, everyone including Turkey will suffer. US will go back across the ocean and tighten its customs and stuff. But Turkey shares a border and with such kind of groups, you never know when they will turn their backs on.

Still Middle Easterners don't realize the gravity of the situation, blindly supporting USA and NATO in this dangerous venture.

I have stated this to the turks several times.Ultimately the al qaeda bases in turkey will lead to islamist civil war in turkey,like how pakistan is facing in its pashtun areas.
As opposed to the Turk boys day dreaming and thumping their chest about being able to defeat the Russian Navy? :lol:
Is this because of Syrian conflict? See, there was nothing achieved here. Assad is here to stay and thanks to him, he is actually holding entire Middle East safe. If those FSA monsters took over, everyone including Turkey will suffer. US will go back across the ocean and tighten its customs and stuff. But Turkey shares a border and with such kind of groups, you never know when they will turn their backs on.

Still Middle Easterners don't realize the gravity of the situation, blindly supporting USA and NATO in this dangerous venture.

Iran is like a puppy. It is a cute and all. But at a certain moment you have to show its box.

Iran has also sticked its nose into Turkey's internal politics. I think it is time we stick our nose into the Azeri areas.

I think reapproachment between Israel and Turkey has a hidden cause. Israel might attack Iran and Turkey will jump in to knock out and liberate certain areas..
Iran is like a puppy. It is a cute and all. But at a certain moment you have to show its box.

Iran has also sticked its nose into Turkey's internal politics. I think it is time we stick our nose into the Azeri areas.

I think reapproachment between Israel and Turkey has a hidden cause. Israel might attack Iran and Turkey will jump in to knock out and liberate certain areas..

Nice that you admit you are Zionist Puppys. :tup:


I have stated this to the turks several times.Ultimately the al qaeda bases in turkey will lead to islamist civil war in turkey,like how pakistan is facing in its pashtun areas.
Not likely, biggest internal threat for Turkey is the pkk, after 30 years they still didnt manage to cause a civil war among Turks and Kurds, simply because majority of Kurds are conservative muslims and therefore don't side with terrorism and pkk's communistic atheist ideology, plus they have it quite well in Turkey. Only problem might be terroristic cells from Syria trying to pour in. They won't get foothold on Turkish soil easily.
Only problem might be terroristic cells from Syria trying to pour in. They won't get foothold on Turkish soil easily.
There must be local support for terrorists so they can install themselves somewhere and a weak army, booth is not the case in Turkey.

This is what happened when 3 Isis terrorists killed our Soldier and Police, ironically the Police saved the scums from beeing lynched.
Our people dont support terrorism, no matter what ideology.

Iran is like a Crazy bitch Barking at everyone...look at the mercenaries and weapons Iran is sending to Syria to massacre Syrians but they find it difficult to swallow when other's are doing the same...
There must be local support for terrorists so they can install themselves somewhere and a weak army, booth is not the case in Turkey.

This is what happened when 3 Isis terrorists killed our Soldier and Police, ironically the Police saved the scums from beeing lynched.
Our people dont support terrorism, no matter what ideology.

the devil in me sometimes tell me that the police should turn an eye now and then and at least let the people vent their anger on these animals to set an example for the soon-to-be terrorists scums. is it already known what their punishment will be?
the devil in me sometimes tell me that the police should turn an eye now and then and at least let the people vent their anger on these animals to set an example for the soon-to-be terrorists scums. is it already known what their punishment will be?
Im actually against such archaic punishments but these people are the worst scums, you cant be more evil than them, so maybe they should get the punishment they deserve.
Is this because of Syrian conflict? See, there was nothing achieved here. Assad is here to stay and thanks to him, he is actually holding entire Middle East safe. If those FSA monsters took over, everyone including Turkey will suffer. US will go back across the ocean and tighten its customs and stuff. But Turkey shares a border and with such kind of groups, you never know when they will turn their backs on.

Still Middle Easterners don't realize the gravity of the situation, blindly supporting USA and NATO in this dangerous venture.

Don't even bother about Middle East and other muslim countries. They are all the same.

They all just kill each other for religion. Just look at Iraq, where two subgroups of the same religion kill each other because of religion. It's none stop. Millions have died.

Quite frankly the best thing is to let the Middle Easterners just kill themselves like they are doing right now. If that's what they believe in, let them do it. No one can stop them.

These religious extremists cause problems for every country in the world. You never see other religions kill their own due to religious reasons.

I never believe in any religion. They are all made up.
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Not likely, biggest internal threat for Turkey is the pkk, after 30 years they still didnt manage to cause a civil war among Turks and Kurds, simply because majority of Kurds are conservative muslims and therefore don't side with terrorism and pkk's communistic atheist ideology, plus they have it quite well in Turkey. Only problem might be terroristic cells from Syria trying to pour in. They won't get foothold on Turkish soil easily.

USA did not wanted a civil war in NATO Turkey. But when your PM shifts allegiance towards Russia and China, THAN PKK will rise like giant you never imagined.

Its all about Money. Can you imagine how many millions of Kurds will take arms if they get paid thousand dollars a month?! :tup:

Face it. USA owns you.
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