Haha ur such a braindead idiot.Turkey is one of the most despotic regimes on this planet. They are the primary sponsor of the world's terrorist organizations including Al Qaeda.
Turkey has been funding and arming terrorists in Xinjiang for decades. Turkey has been funding and arming terrorists in Syria.
Terrorism is part of Turkish culture. They sympathize with terrorism in their education system.
I remember when I was studying overseas and had a Turkish lecturer for a Finance paper. The dude was incredibly apologetic towards Al Qaeda saying they are doing 'god's work' and we clashed a lot during lectures.
Every Turk I've met has been brainwashed by religious extremism.
The Turkish regime is a mass murdering regime that has supported the most vulgar and repulsive terrorist organisations in the world.
One day I hope Israel bombs the living crap out of Turkey. Bomb their military targets, industrial targets, commercial targets and population centers.
Not a big fan of Israel but they have a ruthless way of dealing with terrorists and there is no bigger state sponsor of terror than the Turkish regime.
Im sure u have proofe for all that also china is supporting N.korea so what are u barking about

anyway why dont u google
Cultural Revolution in china?