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Iran to hold a Holocaust cartoon competition in response to Charlie Hebdo

Shut up, loser. I repeat again it is not a Holocaust; it is a Holohoax. You can take 6 million figure and shove it in your behind. The ongoing tragedy against Palestinians from early twentieth century to present is the real genocide. Btw, I doubt you're a Pakistani. I think you're fake!

@Irfan Baloch here´s a display of culture, for your ready reference.

It will evaluate the Freedom of Expression flag bearers
there´s no freedom of expression in mocking.... both are acts of extremism and display of intolerant culture.
Shut up, loser.

You're calling me a loser? :sarcastic:
Says the closet-jihadi hiding in the States. The Fed is coming for YOU, buddy!

You can take 6 million figure and shove it in your behind. The ongoing tragedy against Palestinians from early twentieth century to present is the real genocide.

How about you take your 50 gorillion oppressed Palestinian souls figure and shove it up your own?
While 6 million is a disputed figure, not even the most crackpot Nazis deny that Hitler was killing Jews.

It will evaluate the Freedom of Expression flag bearers :pop:

I wasn't here on PDF during the whole Charlie Hebdo incident, but I'm willing to bet the same Pakistanis calling for the Europeans to be more tolerant are right now jumping up and down in the name of freedom of expression. If you want to be treated right, treat others right.
Mass killings of innocent civilians, by the hands of Nazis was a display of evil, same as hindus does with Muslims of India, same what Serbs did to Bosnisnas and Albanisas, same as ANA did to the kids of army officers, same as ISIS is doing in west Iraq, same as Boko Haram doing in Nigeria. Same as Mulla Sadar did in Basra and Baghdad.
Was Iran sleeping at all the above listed occasions? Let me say they were busy with genocide in Sistan. :tdown:

Ok let me ask you if Hitler killed the supposedly 6 million figure in the middle of Europe against European people, why Palestinians who are not Europeans, who are not Nazis, pay the price for a crime they have no part of? And tragically the genocide against Palestinians is an on-going one, sanctioned and maintained by Israel, USA, Canada, Australia, EU, and too many other traitorous countries.

If Hitler killed 6 million European Jews, why European, American, and Israeli Jews persistently supported wars after wars and economic sanctions against Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, and Pakistan?

Give it up, you're really not making sense at all.

You're calling me a loser? :sarcastic:
Says the closet-jihadi hiding in the States. The Fed is coming for YOU, buddy!

How about you take your 50 gorillion oppressed Palestinian souls figure and shove it up your own?
While 6 million is a disputed figure, not even the most crackpot Nazis deny that Hitler was killing Jews.

Nobody is coming for me, punk! People who are afraid of their shadows always worry about the Feds. Dummy, having an opinion or expressing it is not a crime. People like you have no morals and manhood, but clapp their butt-cheeks for whomever they think have the upper hand for the moment, and no wonder you're doing it for the most brutal and evil regime on earth: The apartheid state of Israel. The problem is, you even like it!

Ok let me ask you if Hitler killed the supposedly 6 million figure in the middle of Europe against European people, why Palestinians who are not Europeans, who are not Nazis, pay the price for a crime they have no part of? And tragically the genocide against Palestinians in an on-going one, sanctioned and maintained by Israel, USA, Canada, Australia, EU, and too many other traitorous countries.

If Hitler killed 6 million European Jews, why European, American, and Israeli Jews persistently supported wars after wars and economic sanctions against Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, and Pakistan?

Give it up, you're really not making sense at all.

Sorry... i cannot explain you what you already believe.
I wasn't here on PDF during the whole Charlie Hebdo incident, but I'm willing to bet the same Pakistanis calling for the Europeans to be more tolerant are right now jumping up and down in the name of freedom of expression. If you want to be treated right, treat others right.

Sure - It applies both ways, i am not supportive of this action nor what Charlie did/doing, I said to my fallows at that time that "If a dog barks on you, you don't bark on dog" and i still stand by my pov. But its interesting to see the same people who were chanting freedom of expression (or freedom to offend) on Charlie episode now suddenly became devtas of humanity. Interesting world we live in.
People like you have no morals and manhood, but clapp their butt-cheeks for whomever they think have the upper hand for the moment, and no wonder you're doing it for the most brutal and evil regime on earth: The apartheid state of Israel.

Hate to break it to you, but no matter how "cruel or terrible" Israel is, there are many regimes (some predominantly Muslim), which are 100 times worse.

Dummy, having an opinion or expressing it is not a crime.

That might be right, but when it comes to unstable Jihadis with victim complexes, thoughts can easily turn to actions.

But its interesting to see the same people who were chanting freedom of expression (or freedom to offend) on Charlie episode now suddenly became devtas of humanity.

Because unlike us, they do not have the same sentimental value for Muhammad, and we do not know of how Europeans feel about the Nazi movement and Jews.
Because unlike us, they do not have the same sentimental value for Muhammad, and we do not know of how Europeans feel about the Nazi movement and Jews.

It doesn't matter what someone feel or not, Just like they don't value sentiments of others same way people who will be participating in this competition probably will not have same sentimental value for holocaust - so what's fuss if someone want to express his mind about it? One should either support freedom of expression or not at all. Dictating rules over freedom of expression is plain hypocrisy.
It doesn't matter what someone feel or not, Just like they don't value sentiments of others same way people who will be participating in this competition probably will not have same sentimental value for holocaust - so what's fuss if someone want to express his mind about it? One should either support freedom of expression or not at all. Dictating rules over freedom of expression is plain hypocrisy.

You're correct but I'm just pointing out the world never works in this way. Everyone has a point of no-return when it comes to these sort of issues and no one is ever fully neutral.
Because unlike us, they do not have the same sentimental value for Muhammad, and we do not know of how Europeans feel about the Nazi movement and Jews.

By the same logic, unlike Jews, Germans, French, Dutch, Danes, Brits and Russians, we also don't have the same sentimental value for whatever they did to each other in WW2.
An international cartoon competition has been launched in Iran around the theme of Holocaust denial, reportedly in response to the publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed by Charlie Hebdo magazine.

Twelve people were killed when terrorists executed a brutal attack on the Paris offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, four of whom were cartoonists.

Iran’s House of Cartoon and the Sarcheshmeh Cultural Complex have organised the competition and are offering a cash prize of $12,000 (£7,960) to the winner, $8,000 (£5,300) for the cartoonist that makes second place and £5,000 (£3,320) for third place, according to the Tehran Times.

The work will go on display at the Palestine Museum of Contemporary Art in Tehran and several other places across the city.

It is the second time the competition has been held; in 2006 the country’s biggest selling newspaper, Hamshahiri, decided to try and find the “cleverest” cartoons satirizing the genocide that saw six million Jews murdered at the hands of the Nazis, reportedly in an attempt to attack the West’s “double standards” over religious satire and free speech, according to the Guardian.

This first competition, which was condemned by Jewish organisations, was launched in response to the Muslim outrage at the publication of the Danish cartoons showing the Prophet Mohammed that year.

Now the second competition to be themed around Holocaust denial by the House of Cartoon has been organised in protest against the Charlie Hebdo cartoons, Masud Shojaei-Tabatabaii, said during a press conference.

Iran's House of Cartoon to hold a Holocaust cartoon competition in response to Charlie Hebdo - Middle East - World - The Independent

Yeah.... Sh**tting on the even most basic principles of scientific historical research and denying it is a great idea to promote!

No wonder why the scientific output from this particular region has been so abysmal.
It is in bad taste, but Iran has every right to hold such competition.

Freedom of expression.
Yeah.... Sh**tting on the even most basic principles of scientific historical research and denying it is a great idea to promote!

No wonder why the scientific output from this particular region has been so abysmal.
You mean not allowing to talk about or research on holocaust is very scientific. Good.
We believe that holocaust is being exaggerated by Israel in order to earn sympathy and attention from the world.they justify the Palestine occupation by using holocaust.but lets even assume that holocaust was indeed happened.why is that innocent Palestinians are the people who should be responsible for that?

Yes,we believe in our own sort of freedom of speech;)
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