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Iran to hold a Holocaust cartoon competition in response to Charlie Hebdo

I think any god, for any relegion, would say the best way to be pious is not by prayers, but serving other humans of all relegion, includuing jews.
If you are you suggesting that we make a mockery of the dead men, women and children , so ruthlessly snuffed out, i suggest you need introspection.
I am sorry, your English is beyond my understanding. Can you rephrase it so I could at-least understand and reply accordingly? Moreover, you may want to re-read post#46.
Brilliant idea, enough of this freedom of speech bull cr@p now. Lets retaliate by hitting right where it hurts the most. Only then they will understand the pain we feel after every disrespectful cartoon.

In fact, all muslim countries should follow this and conduct such competitions on holocaust cartoons.
Let me reword it for you

"Good, have patience and stay calm joooz, it’s no big thing. Just don't go around murdering Palestinian children after this competition."

See same thing but different perspective.
they're a civilized society as such and there is debate and dissent within Israel about the Palestine issue. I'll bet there will be no Israeli terrorists killing innocent people shopping for groceries in Iran.

By misspelling, right now it is you who is making fun of them.

Post reported for trolling!
yup, and it's good to make fun of stuff

laughter and fun > murderous jihad :agree:
I'll bet there will be no Israeli terrorists killing innocent people shopping for groceries in Iran.

Whatever but their terrorists wearing uniforms do kill children on beaches. I think either you condemn both or straight forward declare your unconditional support and sympathy for a terrorist state. Until then if you present one argument in their favor I will give 100 against them, so there is no point to carry on with this discussion.
This is idiotic, Iran making fun of jews, will not affect french satirist in the slightest...hell they even might pitch in, afterall they do it themselves...but that would not stop them from making fun of your prophet either.
Hypocrite Indians and their defense of their Islamophobe and zionist masters.

Fairly recently, a novel came from Perumal Murugan. The name of the novel is "Madhorubhagan (One Part Woman)". The world's largest democracy, and the champion of the free speech has banned this novel in India. Why? Of-course it must have said something wrong about intolerant Muslims... no, not really, but something that did not quite get down the Hindu's throats. Yes Sir, according to the Hindus, the novelist had portrayed the Kailasanathar temple in Tiruchengode and its women devotees in bad light. Is this the only book that is banned in India? Not really, 'Dhundi' authored by Yogesh Master was also banned on the grounds of "contains objectionable material against the god Ganesha". The author was also charged under Section 295 A and 298 of the Indian Penal Code. And there are many such books that were banned in India based on religious grounds. Now, that all is fair but when it comes to the mocking of Muslim's Prophet (PBUH), Muslims are given lectures on tolerance, and stupid videos such the the one in post#66 are posted to educate Muslims. Truly pathetic.
Long live freedom of speech.
Weldone Iran
We should organise this kind competition in all Muslim countries.
Hindu and jews can make sketches of Prophet(pbuh).
But it will never change our love,loyalty and respect for him(pbuh).
I agree with you...respecting others' religion is moral and ethical obligation of each every person...but this cannot be equated to a crime least of all to the holocaust.
Now you got a point. Freedom of speech should have its limits. Cartoons about holocausts shouldn't come under the protective umbrella of freedom of speech and so as abusing and humiliating muslims by drawing stupid cartoons of the person who we are so emotionaly attached to.
Won't the French satirists just be happy about this?

They seem to attack Jews a lot as well, if you check the Charlie Hedbo covers posted in this thread.
hmm... what about Japanese massacres against China? US nuking Japan? my friend this world is evil, everybody killed ... the bloodshed that occurred on this earth is just disgusting ... the point here is to show the double standard... Iran does something and everyone goes crazy... but the west insults Muslims and others is it alright... what happened to free speech?

I am definitely supporting the Chinese in their quest for justice and you will see my middle finger to the Japs if they deny this legitimate apology. I do not support the US Nuking japan either. Where is the 'double standard' here? This isn't about Iran, if Pak does it I'll criticize them too. It is ABOMINABLE.
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3-6 million(what ever the figure) people died from the holocaust.....how many people did the cartoons kill??false equivalency!
but its freedom of speech and perfectly okay to insult the sentiments of 1.6 billion Muslims right?

quite the cherry picker I see

p.s. this event will also be offensive, like the Charlie Hebdo thing....but double standards should never be applied

Oh really???? What's the difference between the barbaric genocide of jews and the barbaric genocide and denial of statehood to Palestinians?

this better be good

Oh I'm sorry didn't you read my post? I said I will definitely call you backward and shitty; I will definitely NOT kill you or blow up a building for it. Therefore I'm living by the same principles I preach. And yes, there is a difference- places that have spawned civilizations belong to the people of the civilization. Those lands belong to the jews. I do not have any personal issues with the Palestinians or their thoughts about statehood. I'm saying from historic sense- the muslims will fail in Palestinians the same way the jews will fail if they tried to take over Media or Mecca. It has never worked any way around.
Oh I'm sorry didn't you read my post? I said I will definitely call you backward and shitty; I will definitely NOT kill you or blow up a building for it. Therefore I'm living by the same principles I preach. And yes, there is a difference- places that have spawned civilizations belong to the people of the civilization. Those lands belong to the jews. I do not have any personal issues with the Palestinians or their thoughts about statehood. I'm saying from historic sense- the muslims will fail in Palestinians the same way the jews will fail if they tried to take over Media or Mecca. It has never worked any way around.

The lands belong to Palestinians and the Ashkenazi Jews who both are indigenous to those lands....
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