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Iran supports Armenia over Karabakh

Lets just remember Armenia Situation.


Azerbaijan–Turkey relations have always been strong with the two often being described as "one nation with two states"

Kars–Tbilisi–Baku railway


According to Samuel Lussac BTK "will contribute to further regional cooperation between Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey" but it will also "constitute a new stage in the further marginalization of Armenia within the South Caucasus"

The president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev in 2005 reportedly declared "If we succeed with this project, the Armenians will end in complete isolation, which would create an additional problem for their already bleak future."

Not Baku-tbilisi-Ceyhan , totally different.

South Caucasus Pipeline

South Caucasus Pipeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On June 2010, Azerbaijan and Turkey have signed key agreement on a package of Shah Deniz gas issues in Istanbul.The agreement also will open the way for securing supplies to the EU's flagship Nabucco gas pipeline project.On 16 September 2010, countries signed a treaty to establish Strategic Cooperation Council in Istanbul. In December 2010, National Assembly of Azerbaijan ratified on strategic partnership and mutual assistance between Azerbaijan and Turkey. The agreement consists of 23 articles and five chapters: Military-political and security issues, military and military-technical cooperation, humanitarian issues, economic cooperation, and common and final provisions.


Armenia in a very bad situation and all coming to turkey for a better life as illegal immigrants .

Lets just see the situation at the moment.

Armenia - According to Forbes magazine Armenia had the second worst economy in the world in 2011.

Azerbaijan is growing very fast to become a very rich country and is enjoying prosperity.

List of strategic deals between Azerbaycan and Turkiye. ( these also reduce hurts iran alot , aswell as russia )

Trans anatolian gas pipeline
Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nabucoo pipeline
Nabucco pipeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline

These are all strategic deals , if you read abit more about it you can see very clearly how important they are and also backed by US and Europeon Countries.

Pakistan doesnt recognize armenia , Most Muslim countries have no relations with armenia.



The president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev in 2005 reportedly declared "If we succeed with this project, the Armenians will end in complete isolation, which would create an additional problem for their already bleak future."



We will always support Armenia.
as long as you exist.. which only god can say seeing recent developments.

Iran knows they can't take it too far with supporting Armenia against Turkey. 30 million Azeri Turks are breathing in your neck in Iran.
as long as you exist.. which only god can say seeing recent developments.

Iran knows they can't take it too far with supporting Armenia against Turkey. 30 million Azeri Turks are breathing in your neck in Iran.

I never feel any tensions or hatred when I'm walking trough Tabriz and other Azeri cities. Funny that a 3rd generation Turkish guestworker who left rural Turkey to work in Holland for some pennies want to tell me how the situation in Iran is. You have never set one step in Iran and nobody takes you serious here. We support Armenia, like many Iranian-Azeri's do, and nobody can't stop that.

You should worry about the situation of your fellow countrymen here in Holland, rather than stick your nose in things you know nothing about.
Its funny how Iranians are running to europe in mass while Turks are returning in mass even the ones '' who left from the villages''. Suprising isnt it.
Its funny how Iranians are running to europe in mass while Turks are returning in mass even the ones '' who left from the villages''. Suprising isnt it.

Hi, Ottoman Turk. How are you doing? Couldn't enjoy the vacation the mods gave you?

Well, I and many other Europeans don't oppose if mass Turks are returning to their country. Honestly, we even cheer such event. It's not like you guys are really loved here.

how did we exactly supported armenia in war?
its like a Pakistani comes here and say we supported india or an india says we supported pakistan.
we just didn't let Azerbaijan use our land to attack Armenia.its not weird no one let you to use his land to attack another country.
out hostility against Azerbaijan is not her people its just about bunch of loser who rule against the shia majority will with Israel support and got enough power by oil money and Israeli and US gun
Hi, Ottoman Turk. How are you doing? Couldn't enjoy the vacation the mods gave you?

Well, I and many other Europeans don't oppose if mass Turks are returning to their country. Honestly, we even cheer such event. It's not like you guys are really loved here.


No , you are Iranian as you said we will support armenia and now you say I and other Europeons. Are you Iranian or europoen?.
Lots of confusion in this thread. I hope this short explanation may set the tone for further discussion:

The region known as Nagorno-Karabakh was never part of an independent Azerbaijan. In other words, when the first Azeri republic was formed in 1918, Armenia still had control of this region. The region was always Armenian dominated, same as the region of Nakhchivan. Then, when Stalin comes to power, he gains leverage over Armenians by transferring these lands to Azerbaijan. From then on till ~1989, Azeris are in the process of depopulating those areas of Armenians. In Nakhchivan, unfortunately, they are successful (yet you can still tell that this is Armenian land by the fact that our cemeteries in Dzugha and churches are very old, while Azeri monuments are modern). In NK, they can only raise Azeris to 21% of whole population.

Then, when USSR breakup is imminent, NK demands independence just like the other 15 republics. Azeris begin shelling cities, and Armenia must intervene to save them. This is something that the Azeris contest, but think about it: if Armenian population in NK was safe, Armenia would have left that land to Azerbaijan just like they left Armenian dominated Javahk to Georgia.

Now, Armenia is in control, and NKR is slowly getting recognized for the following reasons 1. Elections are internationally proven to be democratic 2. Westerns realize that by saying NK is Azerbaijani, they are defending the borders created by a Soviet dictator more than 70 years ago.

As you can see, the situation is ridiculous. How can Armenia be "occupying" its own land?

Oh, and for all the tards crying about Xocali: http://xocali.net/
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