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Iran supports Armenia over Karabakh

Iran has never supported Armenia over Karabagh conflict.

True, there was no official support and they remained nutural.....Iran even warned Armenia not to spell over the fighting across their territory. You must remember though, The Republic of Armenia at the time could only do so much, it was the ethnic Karabakhtsis (Armenians of Artsakh) and Armenian volunteer fighters from Armenia and diaspora (low in numbers) that won the war.

With that said Iran provided emergency food for the starving Armenian fighters and would allow Armenian unarmed Fedayees to enter Artsakh from Iran. Iran also is one country that does not allow distortion of history created by Turkey (or anyone) to change the truth.

Armenia should show more respect to international community.

Armenia and the Nagorno Karabakh Republic have been following the OSCE Minsk group requirements to achieve peacful resolution to the conflict, however Azerbaijan is the one pushing for war on daily bases with sniper war and dirty propaganda.

There are lots of International disapproval against military invasion of Karabagh.

True, so is Armenia and Artsakh.....however if we are invaded then we must defend ourselves to the last man, woman, and elderly since there is no option of retreat, we are surrounded....and if we are not successful then that would be the last page turned of the ancient Armenian history.
Of course,but it's not only Iran's bet,but all of us.If we remain friends,all of us benefit from it.
Iran doesn't want Turkey as it's enemy because of economic trades and also sanctions.
Turkey doesn't want Iran as it's enemy since Iran is the only neighbor that Tukrey is still having some good relations with.You sure don't want to turn all of your neighbors to enemies (Iraq,Greece,Syria,Armenia and Iran),not to forget importing of natural gas.
Azerbaijan doesn't want Iran as it's enemy because first it has already an enemy in the western borders and also Iran is a important and influential country in Caucasus.

Iran doesn't want Azerbaijan as its enemy because it will turn in to a operational back yard for Israel and U.S against Iran.
Friendship benefits all of us at best.

Really nice geopolitical summary of the region! :tup:
What about Khojaly massacre of Azeri people by Armenian forces, do you recognize it as genocide?

Khojaly was a strategic military target. Armenian towns were getting shelled on daily bases from there and it was cutting off the only route of supply. The population of Khojaly was warned officially of upcomming attack by Armenian forces way in advance and they provided a safe corridor for them to leave......what Azeri gov at the time did to their people was beyond even our imaginations who have seen it all from Turks.

February 24, 2012 | 20:50
YEREVAN. – Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has distorted the reality once again and put the whole legal-political responsibility of the Khojalu tragic events to Armenia’s and Nagorno-Karabakh’s authorities, Armenian Parliament Deputy Speaker Edward Sharmazanov said.

“As Aliyev at that time was in Istanbul to flourish his business and not in the war field, he hardly can be aware of the whole truth in the Khojalu tragic events. The reality is that the Armenian side had to liberate Khojalu to neutralize the military base for the local Armenian population. Armenian side has provided a humanitarian corridor for the city population to leave the city and informed about it beforehand to the then Azerbaijani authorities. Azerbaijani former President Ayaz Mutalibov, shortly after his resignation, said that the corridor was indeed secured by the Armenians for the Azerbaijani peaceful population to leave and ten years after his resignation confirmed his words adding the Khojalu population shootings were organized by [Azerbaijani] powers who want to shift the authority in Azerbaijan.

Besides, Azerbaijani lawyer Arif Yunusov said that “the city and its population served as deliberate victims for a political goal.” Whereas former head of Azerbaijani Supreme Council Tamerlan Karayev stressed “the tragedy was perpetrated by the Azerbaijani authorities.”

The aforesaid facts testify that it is Azerbaijani side to be blamed for the death of the Khijalu peaceful population. It has made a monstrous crime against own people due to political intrigues and struggle for authority,” Sharmazanov’s response reads.
Azerbaijani authorities distort reality regarding Khojalu events | Armenia News - NEWS.am
True, there was no official support and they remained nutural.....Iran even warned Armenia not to spell over the fighting across their territory. You must remember though, The Republic of Armenia at the time could only do so much, it was the ethnic Karabakhtsis (Armenians of Artsakh) and Armenian volunteer fighters from Armenia and diaspora (low in numbers) that won the war.

I think you forget the Russian army share in that massacre of civilian.

With that said Iran provided emergency food for the starving Armenian fighters and would allow Armenian unarmed Fedayees to enter Artsakh from Iran. Iran also is one country that does not allow distortion of history created by Turkey (or anyone) to change the truth.

Humanity & Civilization has nothing to do with history. When you talk about so called history (I name them as the right of skeletons!) you are talking about a period when the total world population was around 100Million, Now it is around 7 Billion. This type of logic never could justify tens of thousand Azeri Refugees from karabagh. World never will forget the ugly deceive cruelty against these civilian people in Karabagh around 1990.

Armenia and the Nagorno Karabakh Republic have been following the OSCE Minsk group requirements to achieve peacful resolution to the conflict, however Azerbaijan is the one pushing for war on daily bases with sniper war and dirty propaganda.

No, they do not. They never accept that refugees turn back to their lands. And this is why world (for example USA, Europe even Iran) do not accept the result of current year so called election in Karabagh.

True, so is Armenia and Artsakh.....however if we are invaded then we must defend ourselves to the last man, woman, and elderly since there is no option of retreat, we are surrounded....and if we are not successful then that would be the last page turned of the ancient Armenian history.

Why war? there are systematic internationally accepted peace procedures. All militants should be un-armed at Karabagh. All requirements should be provided that all Armenian & Azeri Refugees come back to their lands. After which it is possible to find a democratic solution.

If not let me to tell the only possible truth to you, "For years and years the terror of war will continue and will poison the economies plus developments. Other countries like Russia, Turkey, Iran and ... will use this conflict as a diplomatic weapon against each other" and I do not think this will help the two nations any more. If really Russia was the ally of Armenia why she sales tens of billions of dollars of weapon to Azerbaijan! Ok, they will inter the conflict after Azerbaijan uses the weapons against Armenia. Is this help Armenia destroyed economy, or it will remain a dependent state for ever? I am sure all of your neighbors unfortunately do not want the end, be kind regards to your nations both and just look at the consequences of the game between Iran and Turkey in Syria!
Armenia is on Russian oxygen, in my humble opinion the so much dependence on Russia makes the future of this country vulnerable and can be used as a negotiated settlement between big regional powers.
I think you forget the Russian army share in that massacre of civilian.

The Azeri shelling did kill a very popular Russian officer in a mess hall.....his soldiers were not happy.

Humanity & Civilization has nothing to do with history. When you talk about so called history (I name them as the right of skeletons!) you are talking about a period when the total world population was around 100Million, Now it is around 7 Billion. This type of logic never could justify tens of thousand Azeri Refugees from karabagh. World never will forget the ugly deceive cruelty against these civilian people in Karabagh around 1990.

Understand this....it was the ethic Armenians of Karabakh that fought against the Azerbaijani military supported by Russia. They are not foreign to the land. Armenians of Artsakh are digging up ancient Armenian cities while Turks claim it as theirs.

It would be best for Turks to realize that Artsakh is lost forever and it was liberated because of the Armenian will.....and it was lost by Azeris because they realized it was never their lands and are not willing to die for it anymore.

No, they do not. They never accept that refugees turn back to their lands. And this is why world (for example USA, Europe even Iran) do not accept the result of current year so called election in Karabagh.

The refugee question goes both ways....is Azerbaijan ready to have Armenians in hundreds of thousands return to the homes in Baku and many other cities where they pulled out of their marked houses and killed by the mobs of racist Turks supported by government who gave them the locations?

If not let me to tell the only possible truth to you, "For years and years the terror of war will continue and will poison the economies plus developments. Other countries like Russia, Turkey, Iran and ... will use this conflict as a diplomatic weapon against each other" and I do not think this will help the two nations any more. If really Russia was the ally of Armenia why she sales tens of billions of dollars of weapon to Azerbaijan! Ok, they will inter the conflict after Azerbaijan uses the weapons against Armenia. Is this help Armenia destroyed economy, or it will remain a dependent state for ever? I am sure all of your neighbors unfortunately do not want the end, be kind regards to your nations both and just look at the consequences of the game between Iran and Turkey in Syria!

There nothing Armenia can do about the morality of other countries using Armenia as a tool against their allies or enemy.....our concerns are survival and growth. Prosperity for Armenia and peace. However if attacked by Azerbaijan again.....this time they will loose more than just land.
@Ir_Tab How is situation in Tabriz city, is their any impact of earth quake there?
Tabriz escaped this time, although there are families still choose to stay at tents in open areas.

There are huge damages at rural area. The management of services and supports from government are not acceptable which is a repeated story in all earthquakes in Iran. When do they learn "How to help" only God knows. Thanks to voluntary services provided by people in Tabriz. Water, Blanket, And Tent are the major requirements. Government rejects foreign helps but still there are no sufficient support from government. People are in danger of wolves at nights.
Tabriz escaped this time, although there are families still choose to stay at tents in open areas.

There are huge damages at rural area. The management of services and supports from government are not acceptable which is a repeated story in all earthquakes in Iran. When do they learn "How to help" only God knows. Thanks to voluntary services provided by people in Tabriz. Water, Blanket, And Tent are the major requirements. Government rejects foreign helps but still there are no sufficient support from government. People are in danger of wolves at nights.

Neighboring Turkey can be of great help in this situation as they have vast experience of dealing with earthquake disaster micromanagement .
Tabriz escaped this time, although there are families still choose to stay at tents in open areas.

There are huge damages at rural area. The management of services and supports from government are not acceptable which is a repeated story in all earthquakes in Iran. When do they learn "How to help" only God knows. Thanks to voluntary services provided by people in Tabriz. Water, Blanket, And Tent are the major requirements. Government rejects foreign helps but still there are no sufficient support from government. People are in danger of wolves at nights.

IrTab brother, do you know the names of any charities we can donate to for helping out the victims of this earthquake?
Iran sent back the only international rescue team from Turkey. You know we are self-sufficient in every thing!

IrTab brother, do you know the names of any charities we can donate to for helping out the victims of this earthquake?
شماره حساب 99999
البته الان تبريز آب معدني و پتو خيلي نايابه يعني تقريبا هيچچي موجود نيست
چادر هم گير نمي ياد
Iran sent back the only international rescue team from Turkey. You know we are self-sufficient in every thing!

شماره حساب 99999
البته الان تبريز آب معدني و پتو خيلي نايابه يعني تقريبا هيچچي موجود نيست
چادر هم گير نمي ياد

I think its the direct effect of Syrian conflict, Iran is in direct collision with Turkey and other countries of the region.

Iran sent back the only international rescue team from Turkey. You know we are self-sufficient in every thing!

شماره حساب 99999
البته الان تبريز آب معدني و پتو خيلي نايابه يعني تقريبا هيچچي موجود نيست
چادر هم گير نمي ياد

I think its the direct effect of Syrian conflict, Iran is in direct collision with Turkey and other countries of the region.
Armenia offers help to Iran after earthquake

August 13, 2012 | 18:40
YEREVAN.- Armenia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations offered the Iranian government its assistance in overcoming consequences of the devastating earthquake.

Nikolay Grigoryan, deputy head of Armenia’s rescue service, told Armenian News-NEWS.am that the Armenian side is ready to lend its assistance in holding rescue operations as well.

“The Iranian side thanked Armenia for the offer stating they do not need assistance at the moment,” Grigoryan added.

As Armenian News-NEWS.am reported earlier, four quakes measured 6.2 to 6.6 jolted Iran’s north-west near the Armenian border on Saturday

The quakes were also followed by aftershocks measured 4.1 to 4.8 on the Richter scale. The tremors were felt also in the cities of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. A 4.5 magnitude tremor was registered in Armenia’s south and 3-4 magnitude in capital Yerevan. The quake caused panic and made people leave their houses in southern Armenia. No casualties and destruction in the territory of Armenia was reported.

The quake killed 306 and injured over 3,000 people in East Azerbaijan province.
Armenia offers help to Iran after earthquake | Armenia News - NEWS.am
Armenia is on Russian oxygen, in my humble opinion the so much dependence on Russia makes the future of this country vulnerable and can be used as a negotiated settlement between big regional powers.
russia already flirting with the Turks. It is matter of time Karabagk will return to its owners and Armenians will be punished for the crimes against humanity.
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