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Iran supports Armenia over Karabakh

If 1918 is the date you are choosing, be certain that Iranian-Azarbaijan is 2,000 years older. You're not helping yourself by perpetuating the fraud.

Did Josef Stalin make Republic of Azerbaijan which was founded in 1918?

Anyway Since citizens of Azerbaijan call themselves Turk, you should be happy. They are not 2000 years old Azari -unlike you.
There are lots of International disapproval against military invasion of Karabagh. We have some problems with dictatorship of Azerbaijan not the nation of Azerbaijan. Some Iranian here have wanted to show their disagreement with government of Azerbaijan. But I think they hurt the filling of Azerbaijani nation instead. All in all This is not how to attract a nation.

Pattern of what happened in caucuses: Rep. of Azerbaijan conducted pogroms against Armenians; Then Armenians were forced out of BaKu; Then there was a war in Karabagh. The problem Iran has with the Republic of Azerbaijan is almost exactly the same problem Armenia has with them. The Armenians have the added history that they were ethnically cleansed in Turkey, and the Republic of Azerbaijan has been using the same "Young Turks" mentality: Not only towards Armenia but also towards Iran. I'm sorry for the loss of civilian life, but if the people in the Republic of Azerbaijan are not smart enough to change their mentality, that's the result. Look what they are doing today: Bringing Israel to Iran's doorstep. If it was me, I would have sent Baku to the bottom of the sea.
Pattern of what happened in caucuses: Rep. of Azerbaijan conducted pogroms against Armenians; Then Armenians were forced out of BaKu; Then there was a war in Karabagh. The problem Iran has with the Republic of Azerbaijan is almost exactly the same problem Armenia has with them. The Armenians have the added history that they were ethnically cleansed in Turkey, and the Republic of Azerbaijan has been using the same "Young Turks" mentality: Not only towards Armenia but also towards Iran. I'm sorry for the loss of civilian life, but if the people in the Republic of Azerbaijan are not smart enough to change their mentality, that's the result. Look what they are doing today: Bringing Israel to Iran's doorstep. If it was me, I would have sent Baku to the bottom of the sea.

Please, someone put this mentally challenged kid out of his misery.
Did Josef Stalin make Republic of Azerbaijan which was founded in 1918?

Anyway Since citizens of Azerbaijan call themselves Turk, you should be happy. They are not 2000 years old Azari -unlike you.

Who do you think Stalin worked for in the caucuses before he became the leader of the USSR? Here's a clue:

All these groups in the Republic of Azerbaijan call themselves "Turks"? :rofl:


"The Azerbaijani government has also implemented a policy of forceful integration of some minorities, including Talysh, Tat, Kurds and Lezgins."

Christina Bratt (EDT) Paulston, Donald Peckham, Linguistic Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe, Multilingual Matters. 1853594164, pg 106
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To all Pakistani brothers , you done the right decision by not recognising armenia .

They are in very bad situation and all coming to turkey for a better life as illegal immigrants .

Lets just see the situation at the moment.

Armenia - According to Forbes magazine Armenia had the second worst economy in the world in 2011.

Azerbaijan is growing very fast to become a very rich country and is enjoying prosperity.

List of strategic deals between Azerbaycan and Turkiye. ( these also reduce hurts iran alot , aswell as russia )

Trans anatolian gas pipeline
Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nabucoo pipeline
Nabucco pipeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline

These are all strategic deals , if you read abit more about it you can see very clearly how important they are and also backed by US and Europeon Countries.
Irans best bet would be to have good relations with Turkey which will benefit both and also azerbaycan which is a brother state of Turkey especially in current iran situation with sanctions and problems.

Azerbaijan–Turkey relations have always been strong with the two often being described as "one nation with two states"

Kars–Tbilisi–Baku railway


According to Samuel Lussac BTK "will contribute to further regional cooperation between Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey" but it will also "constitute a new stage in the further marginalization of Armenia within the South Caucasus"

The president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev in 2005 reportedly declared "If we succeed with this project, the Armenians will end in complete isolation, which would create an additional problem for their already bleak future."

Not Baku-tbilisi-Ceyhan , totally different.

South Caucasus Pipeline

South Caucasus Pipeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On June 2010, Azerbaijan and Turkey have signed key agreement on a package of Shah Deniz gas issues in Istanbul.The agreement also will open the way for securing supplies to the EU's flagship Nabucco gas pipeline project.On 16 September 2010, countries signed a treaty to establish Strategic Cooperation Council in Istanbul. In December 2010, National Assembly of Azerbaijan ratified on strategic partnership and mutual assistance between Azerbaijan and Turkey. The agreement consists of 23 articles and five chapters: Military-political and security issues, military and military-technical cooperation, humanitarian issues, economic cooperation, and common and final provisions.
Irans best bet would be to have good relations with Turkey which will benefit both and also azerbaycan which is a brother state of Turkey especially in current iran situation with sanctions and problems.
Of course,but it's not only Iran's bet,but all of us.If we remain friends,all of us benefit from it.
Iran doesn't want Turkey as it's enemy because of economic trades and also sanctions.
Turkey doesn't want Iran as it's enemy since Iran is the only neighbor that Tukrey is still having some good relations with.You sure don't want to turn all of your neighbors to enemies (Iraq,Greece,Syria,Armenia and Iran),not to forget importing of natural gas.
Azerbaijan doesn't want Iran as it's enemy because first it has already an enemy in the western borders and also Iran is a important and influential country in Caucasus.

Iran doesn't want Azerbaijan as its enemy because it will turn in to a operational back yard for Israel and U.S against Iran.
Friendship benefits all of us at best.
Of course,but it's not only Iran's bet,but all of us.If we remain friends,all of us benefit from it.
Iran doesn't want Turkey as it's enemy because of economic trades and also sanctions.
Turkey doesn't want Iran as it's enemy since Iran is the only neighbor that Tukrey is still having some good relations with.You sure don't want to turn all of your neighbors to enemies (Iraq,Greece,Syria,Armenia and Iran),not to forget importing of natural gas.
Azerbaijan doesn't want Iran as it's enemy because first it has already an enemy in the western borders and also Iran is a important and influential country in Caucasus.

Iran doesn't want Azerbaijan as its enemy because it will turn in to a operational back yard for Israel and U.S against Iran.
Friendship benefits all of us at best.

Potential enemies you are saying . Today i wouldnt say greece is an enemy , nor syria because of whats going on , we can decide after it concludes , greece is a potential hostile or enemy in the future , but most of there population on people-to-people relations are fine these days , greece i think lifted visa or made it easier because of their finiancial crisis and so turkish tourists visit greek islands very close and so can they. They only enemy here is armenia , but Azerbaycan can easily counter them with their growing economy and increasing military budget and importance. Also Turkmenistan and Azerbaycan both members of the Turkic council is helping alot of gas into the pipelines as mentioned above . Iraq is a hostile country because of our stupid government who looks at everything from Sunii , Shia and i dont like him anyway , i would rather support iraq then northern iraq .
I think Iran is probably Neutral on this issue as are most Muslim countries. Infact the only country after Turkey that I can think of that openly supports Azerbaijan on this is probably Pakistan ! Heck...we don't even recognize Armenia just for you guys...!

Thanks my friends. Friends show their nature in bad times.

Iran will pay the price and the price will be big. We won't hold back.
Did Josef Stalin make Republic of Azerbaijan which was founded in 1918?

Anyway Since citizens of Azerbaijan call themselves Turk, you should be happy. They are not 2000 years old Azari -unlike you.

some words of wisedom right there..
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