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Deteriorating situation in Nagorno-Karabakh

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There is another theory about the Indus Valley Civilization and that it that they came from what is now Southern Iraq. That would actually make sense since the Indus Valley Civilization had many similarities with the older civilization of the Sumerians and there was also connections in terms of trade. Likewise wit the Semitic Dilmun civilization that was located in what is now Bahrain and the Eastern Province of KSA and partially in Kuwait. The Dilmun was a trading partner of both civilization and lied between both although much closer to the Sumerians though. It's quite interesting.

There have with no doubt been population movements from the outside into all 3 areas (only normal) but I am talking about the earliest funders of the IVC. I doubt that they had any connection to the few thousands of Central Asian nomads - the "original" Aryans.

For instance human migrations into what is now India and Pakistan, aside from the first and very ancient ones (the ones you see on the Andaman Islands and the Nicobar Islands who came straight from Africa without crossing or staying long in the ME) came from the Middle East. From the Middle East they migrated to Central Asia and from there on further eastwards and ultimately to the two Americas while some left for Eastern Europe/steppes there although Europe was already inhabited for a long time by then by people who came from the Middle East (Neolithic).

Also I have noticed somewhat of a facial similarity between art done in Sumeria and IDV and that of Dilmun. Likewise today I can sometimes see similarities between people of Southern Iraq and some Indians. Might be a coincidence and mutual influence which at least there is factual proof of in terms of archeology. The bull for instance was a important symbol in all 3 civilizations.

Yes, I know about trade between Dilmun-Sumeria with port city of Lothal in Gujarat where 5000 years old dockyard had been found. Perhaps Sumerians called Indus Valley Civilization as Meluhha. This documentary covers the archaeological findings in Gulf countries.

@Lux de Veritas

What are you talking about. KSA and China have EXCELLENT and historical ties (Arab-Sino). China is our by far biggest trade partner. Hundred of thousands of Chinese live in the GCC and live there and do business there and vice versa.

There is no Saudi Arabian presence in Xinjiang. Please show evidence of this. The only reports I have read about say that those are mostly Afghans and Uzbeks. China has never arrested any Arab or Saudi Arabian in Xinjiang. Please use sources for such claims.

Besides Singapore is not China or are you a Chinese living in Singapore?
The people of the Indus Valley civilization were most probably people of a Dravidian/Local stock. They did not originate on the Central Asian Steppe or the Middle East. So there is no reason for you or any other Indians to be obsessive in that field which I have noticed when discussing with Pakistanis and others. But correct me if I am wrong since Hinduism has ties to Sanskrit then many people automatically want to connect with that? Or what is it?

Actually, at this point there are many views on who the Harappans were. One point of view is that they belonged to the J2 haplogroup, which is often associated with bull worship & sea faring. At this point, while we do understand their society & way of life from an archaeological & architectural perspective, our knowledge of their own ideas & world views is limited due to the inability of deciphering their script so far.

As far as the haplogroup R1a being discussed here, Eupedia has more than enough information to get people started on this subject.

Haplogroup R1a (Y-DNA) - Eupedia

R1a is linked with the proto-Indo-European people who migrated & spread to many parts of Asia & Europe so anyone with this paternal lineage undoubtedly descends from those ancient people. They are also the original speakers of the proto-Indo-European language which later subsequently evolved in to Sanskrit, Latin, Gaelic, etc. Of course not all speakers of Indo-European languages descend from the PIE tribes, & as always, cultural dominance, conquests, et cetera resulted in the spreading of many different languages including Indo-European & Semitic languages. The minimal presence of R1a & R1b in the Middle East is also present due to some minor migrations & general travels after PIE tribes & others settled in various different regions stretching from the Indus all the way to settlements in Anatolia, Eastern Europe, etc. The short lived Mitanni kingdom that is believed to have been dominated by Indo-Iranian elites over a primarily Hurrian populace is an interesting find as well.
Grow up.


Thanks for that explanation.

Actually this might not be something you like since there is a dispute between you people but are Armenians and Azeris not culturally close? They seem to live in peace in Northern Iran or am I wrong with this assumption?

The Armeniean community in the Arab world have actually done well but so has the Turkish one by large. Both people do not have conflicts with each other in the Arab world at least. I have never heard about it. So it seems that people can live together.
Can you visit Nagorno-Karabakh or is it too dangerous? I hear that it is one of the most militarized zones in the world.
But Azerbaijan is booming with its economy. Baku seems to be developing really quick and I hear about building the highest skyscraper in the world.
Dude, I don't know why, but your posted video says that it is not available in your country, USA.:what:
Actually, in the northern Iran, Armenians only live in the vilages close to the city of Maku.Maku, Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
they mostly live in Tehran and Isfahan.
Nope, you can't visit there at all. even those pics that I posted, from turning a mosque into a ..., was taken by newsmans escorted by Russian& Armenian troops.
But something tells me that Russia is a negative influence as nearly always.
There is nobody who is interested in peace in the Caucasus more than Russia.
unfortunately the Russian definition of peace will most probably be negative for Azerbaijan and Turkey. Azeri and Turkish definition of peace will be negative for Armenia and Russia. sad.
Isn't Tengrism Dead ?? Replaced by Mostly Islam and in come cases Buddhism ( Mongolia specially) .
The lord of the blue skies, protector of all Turkic peoples, the almighty Tengri is in the hearts of 200 million Turkic peoples on earth. Islam is also common denominator of Turkic peoples but Turkic history is older than Islamic history. Never forget that.
There is nobody who is interested in peace in the Caucasus more than Russia.

How is that. Explain so? I watched a report on Sochi. Your government made a mockery of themselves by treating "local" ethnic Russians like dirt and confiscating their land to built all those projects for those Winter Olympics despite many things not even being finalized.

The gross hotels for Sochi visitors | New York Post

I am sorry but Russia has had a destructive role in Caucasus and is a occupier. Nothing against ordinary Russians or Russia. Your leaders have just been one of the biggest scums in world history. From the German tsars (Romanov Holstein-Gottorp) that oppressed the Russians and nearly every single minorities, to the crazy Bolsheviks/Stalinists who killed millions of people and their own to the USSR leaders and now to the corrupt Putin. Pogroms, concentration camps, labour camps are words "made in Russia" so to speak.

Look how you treated your own Slavic/Orthodox brethren and look how most hate you today. Outside of Serbs who only like you due to your support for them in the Kosovo disputes and earlier in the war against Bosnia, Croatia and Albania.

Let us hope that Russia will get better leaders because the people deserve it. You do not need to become Western. Being a decent leader has nothing to do with backing down to the West or adopting homosexuality, decadence, lack of Christian values or what you always talk about when you speak about the West.
unfortunately the Russian definition of peace will most probably be negative for Azerbaijan and Turkey. Azeri and Turkish definition of peace will be negative for Armenia and Russia. sad.
Wrong is the one who starts the war. A bad peace is better than a good war.
How is that. Explain so? I watched a report on Sochi. Your government made a mockery of themselves by treating "local" ethnic Russians like dirt and confiscating their land to built all those projects for those Winter Olympics despite many things not even being finalized.

The gross hotels for Sochi visitors | New York Post

I am sorry but Russia has had a destructive role in Caucasus and is a occupier. Nothing against ordinary Russians or Russia. Your leaders have just been one of the biggest scums in world history. From the German tsars (Romanov Holstein-Gottorp) that oppressed the Russians and other minorities, to the crazy Communists who killed millions of people and their own to the USSR leaders and now to the corrupt Putin.

Let us hope that Russia will get better leaders because the people deserve it. You do not need to become Western. Being a decent leader has nothing to do with backing down to the West or adopting homosexuality, decadence, lack of Christian values or what you always talk about when you speak about the West.
I Will not comment set of American propaganda. Civilized people can not believe it seriously.
War in the Caucasus began after the collapse of the USSR.
The lord of the blue skies, protector of all Turkic peoples, the almighty Tengri is in the hearts of 200 million Turkic peoples on earth. Islam is also common denominator of Turkic peoples but Turkic history is older than Islamic history. Never forget that.

I have read

Genghis Khan: Life, Death, and Resurrection by John Man — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists

Kublai Khan by John Man — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists

And Islam is common denominator in most of turkic people except Mongolia ( Buddhist) . I asked because as far as i know Tengrisim is dead .
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