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Deteriorating situation in Nagorno-Karabakh

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You know @T-123456 - the 2-3 Azerbaijanis on this forum don't seem to be interested in discussing these things ! :(
I met few Azeri Turks from Iran and I heard through what kind of hardship they have been. Karabakh is only something that happened once. Any aggresive move from Iran will start an internal chain of reactions for Iran which will end up bad for Iran.

Azerbaijan is only in its beginning of her military rise. Probably in 5-10 years Azeri and Turkish armies will be fully integrated. The great Turan will be fact sooner or later. Key institutions like Turkic counsel are already meeting. With the permission of tengri I will see the army of Atilla muster their forces to pick the red apple.

Turkic Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hopefully Azeri in Iran and Uighur in east-Turkistan will join this counsel.
LOL, that "Council" is land locked. They are worthless.
Having an independent mind to think for yourself is better than depending on others to think for you.
And you think by all his posts untill now,he cant think for himself?
You should read some of his posts,especially in expensive english(i need a dictionary to understand sometimes).
LOL, that "Council" is land locked. They are worthless.
Say that to countless energy projects that are being planned between Turkey-Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan etc

With tengri's permission, the energy sector will fuel the rise of the armies of Atilla the Hun.
No, it is matter of returning the favor. Azerbaijan and Israel understands sooner or later they have the cut of the head of the snake for equilibrium and terror free ME.
Our top Mullah is Azeri, I think it's more likely that the atheist Azerbaijan state will be absorbed by us. We already finance radical Shia Mullahs there against the government.
I met few Azeri Turks from Iran and I heard through what kind of hardship they have been. Karabakh is only something that happened once. Any aggresive move from Iran will start an internal chain of reactions for Iran which will end up bad for Iran.

Azerbaijan is only in its beginning of her military rise. Probably in 5-10 years Azeri and Turkish armies will be fully integrated. The great Turan will be fact sooner or later. Key institutions like Turkic counsel are already meeting. With the permission of tengri I will see the army of Atilla muster their forces to pick the red apple.

Turkic Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hopefully Azeri in Iran and Uighur in east-Turkistan will join this counsel.

What is east Turkistan ?? Are you talking about Tajkistan or Xinjiang ??
Our top Mullah is Azeri, I think it's more likely that the atheist Azerbaijan state will be absorbed by us. We already finance radical Shia Mullahs there against the government.
So what? We are spreading pan-turkism to 25 million Azeri in Iran. Do you think they will stand behind muslim massacre supporting country like Iran? Even ethnic Persians hate Iran. They want free life. Azerbaijan and Israel can provide that.

I met ethnic Persian girl from Iran and she really had a deep seated hate for Iranian government. The funny thing is that she was picked up by my American friend later hahahaa.
We should be glad that the atheist panturks lost, otherwise it would have resulted in another Armenian holocaust. Thousands of children and women would be raped, and sold as slaves. All men executed. Iran is, once again, on the right side of history!
Grow up.


Thanks for that explanation.

Actually this might not be something you like since there is a dispute between you people but are Armenians and Azeris not culturally close? They seem to live in peace in Northern Iran or am I wrong with this assumption?

The Armenian food seems similar to Arab one, LOL.

The Armeniean community in the Arab world have actually done well but so has the Turkish one by large. Both people do not have conflicts with each other in the Arab world at least. I have never heard about it. So it seems that people can live together.

Can you visit Nagorno-Karabakh or is it too dangerous? I hear that it is one of the most militarized zones in the world.
But Azerbaijan is booming with its economy. Baku seems to be developing really quick and I hear about building the highest skyscraper in the world.

But something tells me that Russia is a negative influence as nearly always.

@atatwolf did your parents not learn you to respect women at least in public? Why involve women? That should never be done by any man out of respect. Avoid this. Makes you look bad.
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Say that to countless energy projects that are being planned between Turkey-Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan etc

With tengri's permission, the energy sector will fuel the rise of the armies of Atilla the Hun.

Isn't Tengrism Dead ?? Replaced by Mostly Islam and in come cases Buddhism ( Mongolia specially) .
Our top Mullah is Azeri, I think it's more likely that the atheist Azerbaijan state will be absorbed by us. We already finance radical Shia Mullahs there against the government.

He is not an Azeri. They were previously claiming that he is half-Azeri, half Persian, although I have not seen any proof for it either. anyway, even if you are right about him, you need to note that Azeri Turks are a 35 million nation and no wonder to have a few scums in such a big nation.
Turkey is a supporter for Pan Turkism. The Pan Turkism supporters also includes USA as it is a good weapon against China. Pakistan being a friend of China, has been inhibiting the Pan Turkist though she also has hurt China interest by her support of Taliban, which train the Uighur separatist.

The Saudi cleric activities in Xinjiang had also alarmed China for their flaming hatred sermon.

The central Asian Turkic republic has been helping China against Uighur separatist, not too sure how long will this last as blood is thicker than water.

China is expected to help Iran to counter any Pan Turkism.

Rebiya Kadeer | The Diplomat

Another important friend of the Uyghur cause has been Turkish Prime Minister Recip Erdogan, who took an outspoken stand in 2009. Has Turkish support for the Uyghur cause been maintained in recent years?

Following the July 5, 2009 unrest in Urumqi, the capital city of East Turkestan, Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayp Erdogan openly and strongly criticized the Chinese government’s crackdown on Uyghurs and called Chinese policy toward our people genocide. How else can you describe the situation? The incident began as a peaceful Uyghur protest and turned bloody because of the Chinese police force’s heavy-handed treatment of the peaceful protestors. As a result, hundreds of Uyghurs, as well as Han, were killed. Following the unrest, Chinese forces started a massive crackdown on Uyghurs. Thousands of Uyghurs were arrested and detained, and dozens were sentenced to death and executed. There have been hundreds of cases of disappearances documented by Human Rights Watch and other such organizations. The situation has since not improved. Uyghur farmers’ land is still being seized by force by the Chinese government to make way for the increasing number of Han settlers. Our Uyghur sons and daughters are still being forced, against their will, to move to China to be exploited as cheap labor. In other words, the Uyghur people and I appreciate Erdogan’s strong condemnation of the Chinese Government’s crackdown on the Uyghurs, but I feel that there is more to be done.

Thus, when Erdogan visited it was a historic moment for Uyghurs. They were glued to their televisions as if it was the Olympics. Sadly, a lot of Muslim countries, including the Central Asian republics, Pakistan, and Malaysia, still forcefully deport Uyghur activists to China, where they face likely execution. Hundreds of Uyghur political activists were granted political asylum in the U.S. and other Western countries. Turkey is the only Muslim country that has not deported any Uyghur political activist to China.
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