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Deteriorating situation in Nagorno-Karabakh

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Geneticist use the term ANI(ancestral North Indians) for Eurasian ancestry of Indians, recent genetic tests prove every community in India, even isolated tribal nomadic communities have them while ASI(Ancestral South Indians) is referred to the races entirely native to India. All people in North and South have mix of ANI and ASI.

Most importantly mate then your Y-Chromosone haplogroup DNA is only a small part of your OVERALL DNA. That is why Middle Eastern people cluster with each other much more regardless of language, culture, religion than they do with South Asians, South East Asians or Northern Asians/Far East Asians. That's a genetically established and undisputed fact. In terms of history and human migrations that also makes sense perfectly.

In fact Middle Eastern people overall cluster more with nearby Europeans, in particular Europeans around the Mediterranean Sea (Southern Europeans and people on Balkan) more than they do with South Asians. Much more. That is not strange since most of those Europeans genes are from the Middle East.

So that was what I tried to say in the beginning to your countryman.

Afghans, Pakistanis and parts of Northern Indians are those who cluster the most with Middle Eastern populations in South Asia simply because they are geographically closer. Anyway let us not go off-topic anymore.
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Azerbaijani, Turkish volunteers express readiness to fight against Armenia in the event of war - Trend.Az

Foreign Ministry: Turkey, Russia discuss situation in South Caucasus - Trend.Az

Turkish leader urges envoys to counter Armenian “campaign” ahead of 2015 - Genocide | ArmeniaNow.com

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday said Turkey should be “ready and well-equipped” to counter Armenian efforts “to turn the events of 1915 into a political campaign”, writes the Hurriyet Daily News.

Speaking to a conference of Turkish envoys, Erdogan mentioned that 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of the “1915 event.”
Yes, that's what I thought. Armenia is moreover landlocked and a small country with no real industry, a declining population and most importantly they don't have many resources contrariety to Azerbaijan which has oil and gas. You are also right about the population.

Yes, I know about the closeness of Azeris and Turks. I learnt that when the only Azeris that I have ever met in my life turned out to be a huge Galatasaray fan, LOL.
But the Armenians, did they not have a long, long presence in areas of what is now Southern Caucaus and Northern Middle East. From history classes and from reading about history I know that the Armenians had kingdoms/"empires" that bordered the Assyrian ones and others in the region.
Actually, those presence have been more in the east turkey and northern Iraq/Syria than Caucasus. I do not deny that they had some presence in the south caucasus as well, but the fact is that they were absolute minority, even in the current day Armenia. I know these facts very well, since part of my family/tribe were lived originally in the karabakh and the current day Armenia, and we, turks were the majority there, since very old times. after betraying of armenians to Iran, Iran lost the south caucasus, and Russians settled them there as a barrier between us.
Even when looking at a map Karabakh should belong to Azerbaijan when you think about it. Very unnatural location. Don't know how they managed to control this. Problem due to Russian help.

very good point. Actually, the first time that I showed the map and said to one of my american friends that we, Azerbaijan Republic, Turkey, and South Azerbaijan(Iranian Azerbaijan) are all turks, he said the exactly the same thing about Armenia as what you said about Karabakh. Any sane, and intellect person can understand with the first look that this armenian fairytales cannot make any sense.
Having an independent mind to think for yourself is better than depending on others to think for you.

Leave him man . He is a nice guy and is trying to diffuse tensions in this thread .
Recent archaeological finding shows Vedic culture(earliest Hinduism) originated from Cemetery H culture around 1800BC. Cemetery H culture was the last phase of Indus Valley civilization. Most of the late Indus valley sites are found close to a dried river bed of Ghaggar-Hakra river which many historians believe was the lost Saraswati river mentioned in ancient Hindu mythology, the existence of ancient river is even proved by satellite mapping. After the climate change and river dried people started migrating into more fertile Gangetic plains abandoning the cities of Indus valley but population mixing too place in mid of Indus valley civilization as people had been arriving in India throughout history. The Aryan invasion theory has a lots of fake stuffs.

There is another theory about the Indus Valley Civilization and that it that they came from what is now Southern Iraq. That would actually make sense since the Indus Valley Civilization had many similarities with the older civilization of the Sumerians and there was also connections in terms of trade. Likewise wit the Semitic Dilmun civilization that was located in what is now Bahrain and the Eastern Province of KSA and partially in Kuwait. The Dilmun was a trading partner of both civilization and lied between both although much closer to the Sumerians though. It's quite interesting.

There have with no doubt been population movements from the outside into all 3 areas (only normal) but I am talking about the earliest funders of the IVC. I doubt that they had any connection to the few thousands of Central Asian nomads - the "original" Aryans.

For instance human migrations into what is now India and Pakistan, aside from the first and very ancient ones (the ones you see on the Andaman Islands and the Nicobar Islands who came straight from Africa without crossing or staying long in the ME) came from the Middle East. From the Middle East they migrated to Central Asia and from there on further eastwards and ultimately to the two Americas while some left for Eastern Europe/steppes there although Europe was already inhabited for a long time by then by people who came from the Middle East (Neolithic).

Also I have noticed somewhat of a facial similarity between art done in Sumeria and IDV and that of Dilmun. Likewise today I can sometimes see similarities between people of Southern Iraq and some Indians. Might be a coincidence and mutual influence which at least there is factual proof of in terms of archeology. The bull for instance was a important symbol in all 3 civilizations.
We should be glad that the atheist panturks lost, otherwise it would have resulted in another Armenian holocaust. Thousands of children and women would be raped, and sold as slaves. All men executed. Iran is, once again, on the right side of history!
I met few Azeri Turks from Iran and I heard through what kind of hardship they have been. Karabakh is only something that happened once. Any aggresive move from Iran will start an internal chain of reactions for Iran which will end up bad for Iran.

Azerbaijan is only in its beginning of her military rise. Probably in 5-10 years Azeri and Turkish armies will be fully integrated. The great Turan will be fact sooner or later. Key institutions like Turkic counsel are already meeting. With the permission of tengri I will see the army of Atilla muster their forces to pick the red apple.

Turkic Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hopefully Azeri in Iran and Uighur in east-Turkistan will join this counsel.
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