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Iran shoots down another Turkish/Azarbaijani drone

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Your cult regime will do anything to spread twelver cultism and at same time they invite and beg Russians to come bomb and murder Syrians in Syria. Or beg Americans to bomb Iraqis in Fallujah and Mosul. And recently sending their proxies to murder journalists and activists in Iraq. No one cares about your so called humanitarian , pan-Muslim regime besides unprincipled garbage like you going around sleeping with women and wearing tattoos.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is no "cult regime" and does not spread "cultism".

Russia was not "begged", it was given a proposal for cooperation. The goal wasn't to "murder Syrians", but to preserve an allied government which had stood by Iran as one of the only countries to do so during Tehran's defensive war against Saddam, and to secure the land bridge connecting Iran to its Lebanese and Palestinian allies.

Iran had nothing to do with US bombings in Fallujah and Mosul, other than firmly condemning them. Never did Iran "beg" the US in relation to this. Please don't make things up.

You may not care about humanitarian aid to Sunni Muslims in dire need of it (like Bosnians during the 1990's civil war), or about pan-Islamic causes, but I'm sure many others, Muslms in particular do.

Your libellous insults were reported.
Even then such an occurrence of him being outright rejected, especially in front of his face is an increasingly rare thing. Iranian families want their children to be successful and will often if not all the time, consent to any marriage that gives their child a bright and prosperous future.

If the man coming to ask for their daughters hand in marriage is well establish, well off, nice and family friendly, father type, etc... Then his background, race, ethnicity aren't as much of a factor.

You're delusional if you think that guy go into Iran with intentions of marriage and leave Iran with an Iranian wife .... America is something else though.

I just think it's pathetic a non-Iranian is shilling for Iranian regime that bad. Iranian regime can't do one thing bad according to him.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is no "cult regime" and does not spread any sort of "cultism".

Russia was not "begged", it was given a proposal for cooperation. The goal wasn't to "murder Syrians in Syria", but to preserve an allied government which had stood by Iran as one of the only countries to do so during its defensive war against Saddam, and to secure the land bridge connecting Iran to its Lebanese and Palestinian allies.

Iran had nothing to do with US bombings in Fallujah and Mosul, other than firmly condemning them. Never did Iran "beg" the US in relation to this. Please don't make things up.

You may not care about humanitarian aid to Sunni Muslims in dire need of it (like Bosnians during the 1990's civil war), or about pan-Islamic causes, but I'm sure many others, Muslms in particular do.

Your insults were reported.

Syria is not a land bridge to Gaza, moron.

You are also a moron if you think Iran had nothing to do with US campaigns in Fallujah and Mosul. Irans proxies in Iraq fought with air support of the coalition. Heavily Iranian influenced government of Iraq got approval from Iran for US intervention against ISIS. They had an understanding to support US deployments and ops in Iraq(Against Saddam and AQ) in exchange for rule of Iraq.

You're a pathetic liar to try to lie to our faces and pretend no such thing happened. You're a foreign idiot that would get mobbed by Iraqi Shia protesters if they heard the propaganda you peddle for Iranian regime.
You're delusional if you think that guy go into Iran with intentions of marriage and leave Iran with an Iranian wife .... America is something else though.

I just think it's pathetic a non-Iranian is shilling for Iranian regime that bad. Iranian regime can't do one thing bad according to him.

I'm not delusion since I'm speaking from experience. Iranians, even those in Iran, are more open to marrying outside of their Iranian circles. Seen it happen myself quite often actually, nice thing to see.

If the two individuals are happy and can make a nice life for themselves then so be it. I wish them well. Hell lol, I knew an Iranian women from Iran who got married and had 3 kids with a Palestinian man (very nice and well-rounded person I might add), and they've been living happily for over 10 years.
lol I've thrown hands quite a few times before Falcon, it wouldn't be my first rodeo. I'm used to things like this due to my upbringing, but thats a story for another time.

And yes, I would have ABSOLUTELY done something but I won't take this any further.

Lol ... I told you I ain't got a problem with you my guy. I actually like you. I was talking to the guy who is even disliked by Iranians. He needs to be more levelheaded with his views, that's all.
Lol ... I told you I ain't got a problem with you my guy. I actually like you. I was talking to the guy who is even disliked by Iranians. He needs to be more levelheaded with his views, that's all.

Sorry man I didn't mean to get personal lol. PDF tends to get the better of me, my apologies.

I'll delete that post.
I'm not delusion since I'm speaking from experience. Iranians, even those in Iran, are more open to marrying outside of their Iranian circles. Seen it happen myself quite often actually, nice thing to see.

If the two individuals are happy and can make a nice life for themselves then so be it. I wish them well. Hell lol, I knew an Iranian women from Iran who got married and had 3 kids with a Palestinian man (very nice and well-rounded person I might add), and they've been living happily for over 10 years.

That's good for them, hope it continues to be a happy marriage. I don't got nothing against Iranians, they are part of our region, all I got a problem with is people pushing 'projects' on the region when that is the last thing the people there need at these sensitive and chaotic times. They need better leadership and I'm sure most of the younger people in that region of all backgrounds want to get along.
Sorry man I didn't mean to get personal lol. PDF tends to get the better of me, my apologies.

I'll delete that post.

It's my bad, I'm on mobile and swiped down fast didn't see your name confused you for someone else, lol.

Sorry for sounding rushed, I'm trying to play this multiplayer game quickly before I head to sleep. I've been too busy lately and haven't had time but I'll catch yall tomorrow if I'm not banned by then. :lol:
Syria is not a land bridge to Gaza, moron.

You are also a moron if you think Iran had nothing to do with US campaigns in Fallujah and Mosul. Irans proxies in Iraq fought with air support of the coalition. Heavily Iranian influenced government of Iraq got approval from Iran for US intervention against ISIS. They had an understanding to support US deployments and ops in Iraq(Against Saddam and AQ) in exchange for rule of Iraq.

You're a pathetic liar to try to lie to our faces and pretend no such thing happened. You're a foreign idiot that would get mobbed by Iraqi Shia protesters if they heard the propaganda you peddle for Iranian regime.

The Palestinian Resistance used to be partly headquartered in Damascus.

Iran had nothing to do with US operations in Iraq. In fact, during one of these (Tikrit it was I believe), pro-Iranian groups at one point pulled back in order not to be side by side with the US air force, after they let the Yanks know they did not want them there. The regular Iraqi army is not that closely linked to Iran and took its own decisions in this regard. Besides, the US only stepped in to prevent pro-Iranian forces from filling the entire vacuum left by Washington's own defeated creation (i. e. ISIS).

There was no general understanding whatsoever between Iran and the US concerning Iraq. As a matter of fact, at each election in Iraq, Iran and the US have been supportive of opposing parties and candidates. As a matter of fact, pro-Iranian groups offered armed resistance to US occupation troops, killing more than 600 according to official American data, while Washington has struck pro-Iranian groups including most recently. As a matter of fact, the IRGC's Quds Force conducted a special operation in which US troops were captured from inside an American base. As a matter of fact, US occupation forces raided an Iranian consulate in northern Iraq, abducting and torturing Iranian diplomats! Governments bound by a mutual "understanding" do not engage in any of the above.

It's you who made an unsubstantiated claim about a purported Iranian-US grand bargain on Iraq for which there's no proof.

Sure, Iran has adversaries in Iraq but it also has numerous friends. See the warm welcome hundreds of thousands of Iranian pilgrims receive each year at Karbala and Najaf.
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Come and say that to my face tough guy lol. You are the one who talks out of his *** 24/7 about things you absolutely don't understand and just expect others to go along with it. I also live in the United States and I'm most definitely not some stooge for the Iranian government but go ahead and insinuate whatever it is you need to.

You're deluded beyond measure and a rabid anti-Iranian radical who seeks to shit on every thread in the Iranian section because your hatred for Iranians knows no bounds whatsoever. If you were even one bit of a man as you falsely think you are, you wouldn't be telling people blatant false hoods about entire groups of people.

Stop acting like a petulant child.

Aim your outrage elsewhere, he is talking about Persian racial nationalists. yes, they do hate Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turks with a passion.
@Surenas If you believe strong enough in your historical revisionism, bring it here and stop derailing the thread.

You will get the needed response from all the Pakistanis of this forum. Let's see if you have as much courage to do that. I will be waiting...

@SalarHaqq You have not once answered anyone on this thread who is demeaning Pakistan, but are going out of your way to defend Iran. You keep spouting iranian narrative with every post.

I am not interested in Iranian propaganda, I know what they say. I am interested in facts.

The entire Muslim world sees Iranian backing of Armenia is backstabbing of the Muslim cause, but then again, this is a recurrent theme with Iran.
Lol azerbaijan. Iran can annex whole of azerbaijan in one night. Just wtf they thinking.
You have not once answered anyone on this thread who is demeaning Pakistan,

To begin with, I didn't fully read those posts, brother. Then, to be honest you and your friend "Falcon29" didn't allow me to, by forcing me to address your comments (which, in "Falcon29's" case, included some offensive and insulting content too, which moderators needed to delete), and that is time-consuming enough.

Plus, in case you didn't notice, in another recent thread I let Surenas know that I fully agreed with his assessment of Iranian policy, but that this does not extend to his comments on Pakistan.

You keep spouting iranian narrative with every post.

That, my dear brother, is untrue. I keep making properly researched, well documented posts complete with hard proof which you seem unable to refute and simply choose to ignore. None of what I wrote is lifted from Iranian official statements.

I am not interested in Iranian propaganda, I know what they say. I am interested in facts.

So are you really denying all the proof I presented you with concerning Iran's well documented, undeniable and massive support for our dearest Sunni Muslim brothers and sisters of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1990's civil war? Is this for real?

Let me remind you that following types of sources have documented this reality:

- Iranian sources, along with photographic and video proof.

- Bosno-Serbian and Bosno-Croatian sources critical towards Iran.

- American sources, including CIA agent Robert Baer and Congress hearings.

- UN records.

- Renowned academic scholars from various backgrounds.

- Recognized publications like Janes Defence Weekly.

When this is so amply documented and cross-verified by sources from opposing camps and sides, when you have numerous clear-cut photographs and video recordings documenting it beyond the shadow of a doubt, then it is the naked truth my brother, no more and no less.

I always wondered, where did you even get the bizarre notion from, that Iran sided with the Serbs of Bosnia? Frankly brother, that's a blatant lie and such a ludicrous one that I wouldn't repeat it in front of a minimally informed audience. You haven't provided a iota of evidence to substantiate the claim. Actually I never came accross anyone in my entire life making this strange accusation, other than you.

I will have to conclude that in the present case, you have sadly chosen to resist obvious truth and proven facts presented to you, my brother. This is verging on intellectually dishonesty. Therefore I will humbly urge you not to engage in accusations against your Muslim brothers that were proven wrong, for resorting to libellous accusations is not really a correct thing to do from the point of view of Islamic teachings.

The entire Muslim world sees Iranian backing of Armenia is backstabbing of the Muslim cause, but then again, this is a recurrent theme with Iran.

Surely this "entire Muslim world" you're referring to, must have seen ample hard proof for this, the kind of which I posted concerning Islamic Iran's historically established and undeniable backing of our beloved Sunni Muslims of Bosna and Herzegovina?

If so, what are you waiting for to show us readers precisely that proof, my friend? Simply levelling an accusation against someone will not make it true I'm afraid.

Actually, much of the Muslim world is pretty aware of the sacrifices Islamic Iran has consented in order to support multiple Islamic causes accross the world since the 1979 Revolution, including the most important one, that is the Palestinian cause, where Iran is the only state actor to muster enough courage to extend military assistance to the Palestine Resistance (again consisting essentially of Sunni Muslims) and to stand up in such a manner to international zionism i. e. to the most potent, influential and powerful entity/group on Earth.

Aim your outrage elsewhere, he is talking about Persian racial nationalists

If that were the case, brother, he would surely have made it clear in his comment, don't you think? Either that or his point is simply moot. When he claims a Pakistani man will not find a bride in Iran because Iranians refuse to let their daughters marry foreigners, then by definition he is referring to Iranians sui generis. If not, then you will surely agree with me that his assertion is quite meaningless, for what Pakistani man would insist on marrying the daughter of Iranian racial nationalists who "hate Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turks with a passion", instead of being content with some female hailing from a family that does not consist of racial nationalists? In that case, why claim he would "not find a bride"?
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I am not interested in Iranian propaganda, I know what they say. I am interested in facts.

I will kindly ask you to look at this picture, and to look at it carefully please:


You do realize what it is depicting, do you not, my brother? It is showing us the tombstone of an Iranian hero of the IRGC, shahid Majid Montazeri (nom de guerre: Resul), who fell as a martyr in the beatiful land of Bosnia and Herzegovina (as obvious from the surroundings, the Latin script and the left-hand flag ornating the tombstone), defending his Sunni Muslim brothers in their 1990's war against Bosno-Serbian and/or Bosno-Croatian armed formations.

Yes, this is the flag of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the left, and that of the Islamc Republic of Iran to the right. The portrait pictures at the foot of the twin-grave depict grand-ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (left), leader of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, and current Supreme Leader of Iran, seyyed Ali Khamenei (right).

The young shahid buried alongside Majid Montazeri of the IRGC, is a Bosnian fighter and probably a companion of shahid Montazeri.

Not that this would affect its obvious authenticity one bit, but my source for the photograph is not Iranian. I got it from the Twitter account of a PhD candidate at Oxford University and a Research Fellow at the OSCE Academy, Nicole Grajewski:

As you can see my brother, your oft reiterated claim about some particular Iranian affinity with Serbia is entirely baseless when it comes to the Bosnian civil war, and your knowledge of the topic is lacking. Had Iran sided with the forces of the Republika Srpska (the self-proclaimed Serbian Republic in Bosnia), do you not think our beloved Bosnian Muslim brothers and sisters would never tolerate the official burial of an Iranian IRGC member on their soil, would not allow their martyred son to be buried next to the latter, would vehemently refuse to adorn the graves with their national flag and that of Islamic Iran? Does this not seem rather logical to you?

This picture is one of many hard proofs I posted in this thread for your attention, in hopes that you will just once prevent prejudice against Iran to cloud your perception of basic, verifiable fact.

Wa salaamo aleykom wa rahmatollaahe wa barekaatoh.
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