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Iran shoots down another Turkish/Azarbaijani drone

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Yes, please do it. Hiding behind fake diplomacy is cowardly. Openly support your Christian and Hindu allies.
porkeating and alcoholdrinking aliyov teaming up with Israel to counter muslim Iran.

Ilham Aliyev meets Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in private -  YouTube
Yes, please do it. Hiding behind fake diplomacy is cowardly. Openly support your Christian and Hindu allies.
As I have iterated it times and times again, I personally would befriend a Christian or a Hindu rather than a Muslim Taliban supporter and sympathizer like you in the blink of an eye. I'm sure a lot of people agree with me as well. I still remember your comments about how your ideal region is a region ruled by the likes of the Taliban LOL

And it's ironic by all means that you talk about cowardice when you have been trying to save face by denying your previous comments about supporting the likes of the Taliban and the ISIS in the past, which a lot of people on the forum still remember, while at the same time reporting me for calling you a Taliban sympathizer.
They already have flown F 35 over Iranian airspace so no need to use drones.
I did not realize you work for the Israeli forces. you must have deep knowledge of their operation and you are authorized to reveal that info in this forum..by the way why are you using a photo of marshal Rommel as your avatar...why not star of david!
No evidence for that. Just some internet rumours.
Yeah I was taking part in an Open Source Investigation so here it is loud and clear: No fighter jet ever breached the Iranian airspace, for the following reasons:
- If they were high their trails would have been visible, if they were low their sounds could be heard.
- If an A-G missile or a bomb was used for an airstrike then won’t they be visible on camera recordings in the area? Won’t there be parts left of the bomb or the missile?
- No aircraft is fully stealth, surely a chance of detection remains.
- If a Radar fails to detect then IR sensors would. - not sure if Iran deploys such systems tho.
Back to the topic; Iran is already on Armenia’s side - they have been sending supplies across the borders.
Some oppose and they:
I get it you don't like Azerbaijan due to their ties with Israel but you should stay neutral. They not a threat to you.
Most of the idiots supporting Azerbaijan does not have any clue of Azeri collusion with Zion. These people think Erdogan, the terror sympathizer is a GREAT MUSLIM LEADER. He's a terror sympathizer who destroyed the lives of syrians.

I will die of laughter of people even considering Azerbeijan A muslim STATE, whilst the super muslims from east of Khurasan have taken the great muslim butchering China as their Prime ally. The HYPOCRISY. LMFAO.
Yes, please do it. Hiding behind fake diplomacy is cowardly. Openly support your Christian and Hindu allies

I believe the term alliance wouldn't adequately reflect the type of relations Iran has with Armenia or India. They are more like average, regular relations.

Just a few days ago, Pakistan participated in a joint military exercice with Armenia and Russia (among others, but without Azarbaijan) in the Caspian region. Personally I don't really see that as a problem.

What you say about your cowpiss drinking, Muslim raping, moharram procession attacking BFF Modi in India?

These crimes (most of all those committed in Kashmir) are regularly denounced by Iranian authorities (including the Iranian leadership).

Iran's not much different from other countries who have diplomatic relations with India. The volume of trade and investment between India and Arab monarchies dwarfs Indian-Iranian economic relations.

Iran's 40% Azeri population is protesting and fighting against their government's support of Christian fascist Armenia.
I asked this question before but I will ask again: is it worth supporting a neo-crusader state against a Muslim neighbor, while almost half your population is Azeri Turk?

The proportion of Azaris in Iran is somewhere between 15% and 18% at most, and some 50% of them are of mixed linguistic backgrounds (i. e. they're partly Azari and partly of another linguistic community).

They've historically been very integrated into Iranian society. The society there isn't segregated along "ethnic" lines, as people freely mix and intermarriage is the norm. Have a look at a map of Iran and at provincial population figures: the 40% claim isn't a serious one by any means.

In the Karabakh conflict, the Iranian government has a neutral stance. In the 1990's, Tehran started out by supporting Azarbaijan, but unfortunately the Elchibey administration in Baku, with American backing and meddling, rejected Iranian aid and started to question Iran's territorial integrity through its advocacy of Azari separatism.

We have to keep in mind that the Republic of Azarbaijan is a strategic partner of the Isra"el" (Baku is purchasing arms from Tel Aviv and hosting Mossad elements), and it cracks down on religiously motivated Azaris. It has jailed Muslim scholars who protest the country's ultra-secularist laws including hijab bans, and the Azari president lays flowers at the foot of an obelisk (usually a masonic symbol).

So is there an absolute moral or legal duty for Muslim countries to support such a government in its conflict against a non-Muslim nation? In my opinion there isn't, particularly if that government is closely cooperating with one's arch-enemy, in this case Isra"el" vis a vis Iran.

If we were to make a comparison, Azarbaijan's relations with Isra"el" are deeper than Iran's ties to India (since Baku-Tel Aviv relations extend to the military level etc).

We have Azeris protesters being attacked by Iranian security forces and Azeris putting spikes on the Iranian resupply route to Armenia.

Doubt this to be true.

Not surprisingly, they also cooperated with the US in Iraq, and later dictated to the Iraqi government. It is causing some Shia Iraqis from Najaf to adopt a harsh line against Iran.

Iran didn't cooperate with the US in their invasion of Iraq. In fact Iran was the only country in the region that vocally opposed and condemned Bush jr.'s illegal war, while other neighbours of Iraq allowed the US to use their territory and bases to stage the actual invasion.

Iran does have critics in Iraq, no doubt, but it seems you're mistaken about the motivations of those Shias who protested against Iran: the protesters were actually the ones who enjoyed support from the US administration, western NGOs and western-based mainstream media; they weren't accusing Iran of colluding with America, on the contrary they were saying Iran should refrain from confronting the US on Iraqi soil.

Simple: Iran has no friendly neighboring country left. No Muslim country which is an ally and friend is left, besides dictator Assad (with whom.new problems also have begun.)

Well, Iran has regular relations with the countries it shares land borders with (all of these with the exception of Armenia are Muslim-majority ones).

Regarding Syria, their relations with Iran are pretty impeccable. A series of economic and military cooperation agreements were signed just recently between the two.
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I believe the term alliance wouldn't adequately reflect the type of relations Iran has with Armenia or India. They are more like average, regular relations.

Just a few days ago, Pakistan participated in a joint military exercice with Armenia and Russia (among others, but without Azarbaijan) in the Caspian region. Personally I don't really see that as a problem.

These crimes (most of all those committed in Kashmir) are regularly denounced by Iranian authorities (including the Iranian leadership).

Iran's not much different from other countries who have diplomatic relations with India (the list nowadays includes most Muslim nations). The volume of trade and investment between India and Arab monarchies dwarfs Indian-Iranian economic relations.

The proportion of Azaris in Iran is somewhere between 15% and 18% at most, and some 50% of them are of mixed linguistic backgrounds (i. e. they're partly Azari and partly of another linguistic community).

They've historically been extremely well integrated into Iranian society. The society there isn't segregated along "ethnic" lines, as people freely mix and intermarriage is the norm. Have a look at a map of Iran and at provincial population figures: the 40% claim isn't a serious one by any means.

In the Karabakh conflict, the Iranian government has a neutral stance. In the 1990's, Tehran started out by supporting Azarbaijan, but unfortunately the Elchibey administration in Baku, with American backing and meddling, rejected Iranian aid and started to question Iran's territorial integrity through its advocacy of Azari separatism.

Finally, we have to keep in mind that the Republic of Azarbaijan is a strategic partner of the zionist regime (Baku is purchasing arms from Isra"el" and hosting Mossad elements), in addition to cracking down on religiously motivated Azaris. It is a government that jails Muslim scholars who protest the country's ultra-secularist laws including hijab bans, and whose president lays flowers at the foot of an obelisk (usually a masonic symbol).

Is there an absolute moral or legal duty for Muslim countries to support such a government in its conflict against a non-Muslim nation? In my opinion there isn't, particularly if that government is closely cooperating with one's arch-enemy, in this case Isra"el" vis a vis Iran.

If we were to make a comparison, Azarbaijan's relations with Isra"el" are deeper than Iran's ties to India (since Baku-Tel Aviv relations extend to the military level etc).

Doubt this to be true.

Iran didn't cooperate with the US in their invasion of Iraq. In fact Iran was the only country in the region that vocally opposed and condemned Bush jr.'s illegal war, while other neighbours of Iraq allowed the US to use their territory and bases to stage the actual invasion.

Iran does have critics in Iraq, but it seems you're mistaken about the motivations of those Shias (a minority) who protested against Iran: the protesters were actually the ones who enjoyed support from the US administration, western NGOs and western-based mainstream media; they weren't accusing Iran of colluding with America, on the contrary they were saying Iran should refrain from confronting the US on Iraqi soil.

Well, Iran has regular, normal relations with the countries it shares land borders with (all of these with the exception of Armenia are Muslim-majority ones).

Regarding Syria, their relations with Iran are pretty impeccable. A series of economic and military cooperation agreements were signed just recently between the two.

You are just repeating Iranian propaganda word for word.

As I said elsewhere, you will have to choose between Iran and Pakistan, because the antagonism is only going to get worse from there.

I wish you would help correct negative views of Iranians here on PDF, when they say racism things against Pakistan or make wild claims.

As far as I am concerned, Iran has no moral ground, they allowed Indian spy operatioms in Chabahar, knowing full well Indian intentions. How can they complain about some weapons purchases Azerbaycan has done with Israel?

Iran is openly supporting and supplying Armenia, to the shock of the world's Muslims.

And this is an Islamic state. /facepalm
Known for many years. Iran colludes with Russia. Putin is far worse than Netanyahu.

Bro, I know we have our differences, but I am really curious, what has changed your persepective on Russia?

I know there is some friction between Iran and Russia in Syria, but has it gone that far?
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