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Iran shoots down another Turkish/Azarbaijani drone

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1) A drone enters Iranian air-space illegally
2) Iran shoots down drone
This guy: "A very immature move by Iran".

Go back to sleep.
If these drones are indeed coming from Azarbaijan then I wonder if these are drones commanded by the Israeli personnel stationed in Azarbaijan and they are using the occasion to penetrate into Iranian airspace . They are using the chaos of the war as an excuse to try to probe iranian defences..
If these drones are indeed coming from Azarbaijan then I wonder if these are drones commanded by the Israeli personnel stationed in Azarbaijan and they are using the occasion to penetrate into Iranian airspace . They are using the chaos of the war as an excuse to try to probe iranian defences..
just bomb Azarbijan...

Contrary to popular belief, Iran did not militarily nor politically support Armenia during the Nagorno-Karabakh War (1988–1994) and instead supported Azerbaijan.

In 1991 and 1992 the Iranian Revolutionary Guard trained, equipped, and heavily supplied the Azerbaijani Army and provided passage to Islamic jihadists from Afghanistan to fight as mercenaries for the Azerbaijani Army against the Armenian Armed Forces in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh).

The well equipped, numerically superior, and supposedly well-trained Azerbaijani Army that had numerous Turkish, Iranian, Russian, Israeli, Pakistani, Chechen and Afghan support was constantly being defeated by the Armenian Armed Forces who’s sole weapons supplier was Russia and had absolutely no foreign support aside from a few hundred Yazidis and Ossetians.


(An Afghan mercenary in the Azerbaijani Army, ~1993)

Once Iran saw it was wasting resources in the Nagorno-Karabakh War, it pulled out its support for Azerbaijan in the second half of 1993 and embraced neutrality. Relations between Iran and Azerbaijan further exacerbated because Azerbaijan elected an ultranationalist Pan-Turkic president who’s sole purpose was to unite Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Here is a quote from Mohsen Rezaee who was the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard at the time:

“I personally issued an order … for the Republic of Azerbaijan army to be equipped appropriately and for it to receive the necessary training,” he said. “Many Iranians died in the Karabakh War. In addition to the wounded, who were transported to [Iran], many of the Iranian martyrs of the Karabakh War are buried in Baku.”
-Mohsen Rezaee, former commander of IRGC
Today Iran tries to hide this information, because Armenian-Iranian relations are warm and Iran’s relations with Azerbaijan have stagnated.

Contrary to popular belief, Iran did not militarily nor politically support Armenia during the Nagorno-Karabakh War (1988–1994) and instead supported Azerbaijan.

In 1991 and 1992 the Iranian Revolutionary Guard trained, equipped, and heavily supplied the Azerbaijani Army and provided passage to Islamic jihadists from Afghanistan to fight as mercenaries for the Azerbaijani Army against the Armenian Armed Forces in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh).

The well equipped, numerically superior, and supposedly well-trained Azerbaijani Army that had numerous Turkish, Iranian, Russian, Israeli, Pakistani, Chechen and Afghan support was constantly being defeated by the Armenian Armed Forces who’s sole weapons supplier was Russia and had absolutely no foreign support aside from a few hundred Yazidis and Ossetians.


(An Afghan mercenary in the Azerbaijani Army, ~1993)

Once Iran saw it was wasting resources in the Nagorno-Karabakh War, it pulled out its support for Azerbaijan in the second half of 1993 and embraced neutrality. Relations between Iran and Azerbaijan further exacerbated because Azerbaijan elected an ultranationalist Pan-Turkic president who’s sole purpose was to unite Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Here is a quote from Mohsen Rezaee who was the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard at the time:

Today Iran tries to hide this information, because Armenian-Iranian relations are warm and Iran’s relations with Azerbaijan have stagnated.
Zionist/Wahhabis lies.

Iran voluntarily helped Azerbaijan mostly advisory to train their troops, exactly what Iran has done for Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine, Bosnia.

US fooled secular Azeri government to get ride of Iranian forces and in return receive their help.

Azerbaijan dismissed Iranian forces.

US help turn out to be fake.

Azerbaijan lost 20% of it's soil.

Now both Armenia and Azerbaijan are puppet states and compete with each other to have relations with Israel, so Iran doesn't care about neither.
If a Aliyov helicopter really fell in Iranian territory, even 1 metre from the border, we should be issuing a last severe warning. If it happens again, supply heavy weapons to Armenia. If it still continues, rain down cruise missiles and Ballistic missiles on the fake soviet republic and kill that Zionist jew aliyov.
If these drones are indeed coming from Azarbaijan then I wonder if these are drones commanded by the Israeli personnel stationed in Azarbaijan and they are using the occasion to penetrate into Iranian airspace . They are using the chaos of the war as an excuse to try to probe iranian defences..
They already have flown F 35 over Iranian airspace so no need to use drones.
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