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Iran seeks suicide bombings against Saudi Arabia

Exposes the true character of Iran..It has always covertly funded and supported acts of terrorism in Sunni dominant countries, backed Hezbollah and Mahdi army to bruttaly massacare sunnis in Iraq and Lebanon under disguise of Israeli and allied invasion. I say Jew is better than these fasiq safvids. Now it is commiting the same overtly!

Northen Alliance under pressure of their masters in Qom paved way for allied invasion of Afghanistan and false tip off's to CIA resulting is masscare of Sunnis eventually reducing their numbers by millions to neutralize their power.

While I have many Iranian friends who are absolute gentlemen, unfortunatley their government run by Murmalaks does not represent the kind and friendly Iranians. It is a party of thugs who have hijacked the country much like Saddam Hussien and Ghaddafi did. :cry:

These murmalak thugs are the pioneer of sucide bombing who incited the persian youth into such dishumane acts by converting history into mythology. And their role in supporting sucide bombing is very much suspecting by kidnapping innocent young children and brainwashing them.
:) yeh and i asked brother hussian that who had elected Nejad none other Iranians so what does it imply ??

This does not require great intelligence . . i think . .The so-called Iranian democracy is just Words of baseless snd who governs Iran is a dictatorship no different than any dictatorial regime in arab world or the whole world
i became your brother? ;)

yes he is a member of this sect. Khamenei having the power on army, not Ahmadinejad.
But as i explained Khamenei gave too much power to Mesbah Yazdi
And i give another info:
one of the son of Khamenei, the one he tried to give the Grand Ayatollah position by force (the way to become leader) is an important member of this sect. his name Mojtabah Khamenei. He is the one who is leading the pressure group, the most active basij group against opposition.

if you are a muslim . . YES YOU ARE MY BROTHER . . Thank you for the complete picture . . I think this demonstrates that the regime in Iran is nothing less than the dictatorship of the other countrys
I think that is a weak reason to stop someone from getting advancement in defence field, military equipment.

Iran is more close to India but India is against a nuclear Iran. why?

Well,if iran is close to india in Economy and technology as u say,then Iran must be more advance than pakistan right???

Atleast tell me,Do they have a military tech to build a the thing pakistan tested yesterday??
And this all proves the point that Mesbah can be quiet a big influential one viz a viz molding public view
almost nobody is following him
but some ultra conservatives in parliament, some basiji, some pasdarans chiefs
but this is quite a danger. from now the danger is for the Iranians.

i can remember in newspapers i could read that they wanted to go Iraq fight US army
at the time the Iran government suggested to help US
there is a network around Khamenei which is not public they are people who spend money and never say how they spend it
the question is: is it possible Iran sending troops in KSA?
I don't think so but they 'll use proxies ... if they can
I heard from military side in Iran that even for Hezbollah, Hezbollah leadership changed a lot his "relation" with Iran: it was a dependant relation and now they become more and more Lebanon independant. the only remained force of Iran is that they send billions to them so Hezbollah is making propaganda for Iran
and Hezbollah sent a few members for helping fight against the green movment/ the uprising
Well,if iran is close to india in Economy and technology as u say,then Iran must be more advance than pakistan right???

Atleast tell me,Do they have a military tech to build a the thing pakistan tested yesterday??

i cant say about their level of Tech :).

and in what terms you are talking about Iran being more advance than us?
if you are a muslim . . YES YOU ARE MY BROTHER . . Thank you for the complete picture . . I think this demonstrates that the regime in Iran is nothing less than the dictatorship of the other countrys
i am happy you consider me as brother, sincerely
and i am sorry if i was painful sometimes here ;)
i am happy you consider me as brother, sincerely
and i am sorry if i was painful sometimes here ;)

I am sorry too . . I wish the Iranian people and the Arab peoples and all Islamic peoples all the good and happiness . . No true Muslim wishes evil against his brother Muslims . . But the leaders are doing evil and the Muslim peoples are paying the price :wave:
i cant say about their level of Tech :).

and in what terms you are talking about Iran being more advance than us?
I think that is a weak reason to stop someone from getting advancement in defence field, military equipment.

Iran is more close to India but India is against a nuclear Iran. why?
(the bolded part above in ur post) I thought u were speaking in the context of technology and economy

And even if Iran is closer to India,India supports peaceful use of nuclear energy by Iran..like nuclear powerplant..
India doesn't support Iran in making nuclear bomb and opposes it
Iran has no moral authority to support protesters in Bahrain .. Look at the Iranian records first what they did do peaceful protests .
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